Those words spoken by the young teen is absolutely grating on the ears of both Wu Fei and Xi Baixue for various reasons.

Xi Baixue looks at the little girl beside him

Seeing her still smiling that bland and polite smile, her composure not shaken at all...

His relentless heart finally calmed down.

Whatever this two had, it"s all in the past.

That guy might still have some influence to his little doll but considering how this little girl is acting... She"s not willing to let him in once again.

And that"s enough for now.

"I see," Xi Baixue finally spoke up after a time of silence. His dark eyes deep.

Hearing her childhood friend finally speak; the little girl, who is now feeling grievance from the accusation, turns to look at him.

Their eyes met.

And suddenly, this man"s cold face softens as he smiles at the little girl. Seeing the little girl"s wronged and aggrieved eyes looking at him, he couldn"t help but laugh. This little girl...

"Then, Xiao Fei should take not ah. It"s not good to see someone who is obvious adverse to having you around them."

The little girl"s eyes flashed and she suddenly laughs. "Alright, Xiao Xue."

He sighs relieved at her confirmation as well as a little bit guilty at probing her.

This girl, she doesn"t have the slightest intention to chase after this guy and what a relief it is ah.

"We apologize for taking up your time."

His words were polite and with enough familiarity that those eithin hearing distance would think that he"s quite close to the two.

However, his eyes were ice cold.

Little Wu Fei, hearing the unspoken signal, smiles as well.

"Yes, our mothers are waiting for us ah."

Then looking as though she remembers something, Wu Fei starts to look distressed.

"Xiao Xue, Susu should also be wondering what"s taking us so long."

Jun Qiang could only look on in surprise, not quite processing this situation before him properly.

Hearing the Film Emperor addressing and treating this previous lover- no, acquaintance so intimately and familiarly is quite a surprise.

Noticing that this man, who is well-known for treating the fairer s.e.x coldly and distantly, is holding hands with Wu Fei as well as letting her intrude on his personal s.p.a.ce is another surprise.

The other female, Wei Meiyan, glares at the woman in front of her. Jealousy clouding her mind.

"What is you relationship with G.o.d Xi?! How can a second generation young miss be able to axtually get in contact with the heir of the Xi Jia ah?!"

This young girl blurts out without a thought.

The "second generation young miss" Wu Fei and the "heir of the Xi Jia" Xi Baixue both look ay each other in surprise.

"Hm? Was it my misconception that Uncle had pa.s.s the t.i.tle over to you? How are you still the heir ah?"

Wu Fei couldn"t help but ask this guy. From the ramblings of her dear mother, she had heard that Xi Baixue is now in control of the Xi Jia"s business and family matters.

No wonder that that the Xi Conglomerate is now rising higher in the ranks in the business world and their reputation and standing within the upper cla.s.s.

"The same could be said for me ah." Xi Baixue couldn"t help but feel exasperated.

"How did you end up to be a second generation young miss?"

Wu Fei, this little girl, is a second generation young miss? Hearing such words, he doen"t know whether to applaud the humor of this unknown girl or to despise her intelligence for such a comment.

How can his little doll be called new blood and money when their family, the Wu Jia, has been in the business circle for so many generations already?

Most of all, with the talents of those three older brothers of hers, their family"s reputation and standing rose up.

This little girl, in the eyes of the uppercla.s.s, could already be considered n.o.bility.

If this little n.o.ble is called a second generation young miss, then, what of the others?

"I don"t know," Wu Fei shrugs, feeling a little bit helpless as well.

A certain little girl already forgot that when she met Jun Qiang, she had been using the surname Wu with the character for "do not" while also claiming to be a second young miss from a very far away place. Which should, upon investigation, be proven to be real due to three certain overprotective brothers who would never have agreed to let their darling sister study in a school without bodyguards or themselves following and watching over her.

"Feifei, what is taking the both of you so long ah?"


『Little Black Box』

He... He"s standing in front of me. This man who once promised me that we"ll be together. That his heart would only belong to me.

It really hurts ah.

Seeing this hateful man that I once loved with all my heart.

That girl called him brother-in-law, does that mean that he"s married with her?

She whom I saw as my sister in all but blood.

My dearest best friend.

The two of them betrayed me... and because of them I locked myself up inside that room.

So scared of becoming hurt again, so scared of trusting once again.


Don"t want revenge.

All I want... is to never see them again.

- Wu Fei

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