"Let"s hurry."

After ending the call, a certain Film Emperor turns to look at his manager and spoke those words.

Fu Wenqian, speechless from that gentle look on his friend"s face as he talks to his childhood sweetheat, nods his head in agreement.

Little ancestor! Once we meet, please take this little one under your wing ah!

The man thought of that subdued and very much whipped look on Xi Baixue"s face and suddenly had an epiphany.

Anything to make this guy listen to him ah!

"Well?" Impatiently, standing just before the door, Xi Baixue glances at his stupefied manager.

Such an absentminded guy! Why did he even bother hiring this man ah?

Feeling that cold gaze locked on him, Fu Wenqian shivers from the pressure of this man"s gaze and obediently follows after the impatient man.

"Coming ah! Don"t leave me behind!"


As Wu Fei enters the room, the scene the appearances and expressions of these young adults renders little 086, who had just woke up from its brief nap, speechless.


Why do their expressions remind it of a bunch of concubines anxiously waiting for the emperor ah?!

086 had only closed his eyes a little and then, all of the sudden, a thing like this is already unfolding infront of it ah?!

"Feifei, what did that br- Xi Baixue said?" Wu Ling Xun couldn"t help but asks his little sister as soon as she steps foot inside the room.

Wu Fei, in response to her brother"s question, smiles brightly.

"He said that he"s coming here ah~" She cheerfully and jovially announces, mood bright and cheerful.

The two females surnamed Gu and He share a look and couldn"t help but think that this pair"s relationship is really suspicious ah.

President He and CEO Wu, however, all look away with grievance in their eyes as they stop themselves from making a comment about Xi Baixue.

How can that guy be the cause of this little girl"s bright smile?

086, upon hearing the name of the man it absolutely finds terrifying, shivers and tries to bury itself in the soft cushion. It didn"t hear anything ah! This is all a bad nightmare!

The only one who managed to compose himself and have a semblance of calm is Wu Anyu, who is currently enjoying his cup of tea with his eyes closed.

n.o.body, aside from He Zicheng who is sitting beside him, noticed the shaking and tense hands that is gripping the cup.

Brother Anyu ah, He Zicheng couldn"t help but feel admiration with this cousin, not even the mention of the name that would have made his two other cousins explode cause him to lose his composure!

As expected!

The poor oblivious He Zicheng doesn"t know that, among the four siblings, the most patient is certainly the second child. However, the one with the most terrifying and intimidating temper when angered is also the most patient among them.

Never the less, this temper hadn"t shown itself to He Zicheng until that event where a certain little girl encountered an accident occured.

"Well then, let"s order more food since with that guy around, his manager would also be there ah!"

He Shurong, the woman that has an endless pit for a stomach, took advantage of the situation and calls for a waiter to once again order a new batch for food.

Wu Ling Xun who could only watch as his cousin orders more food in the name of feeding that hateful brat and his friend, "..."

D*mn! He couldn"t help but mentally curse inside his head.

Not only is his wallet getting thinner! But his heart is also hurting from the mental image of that brat eating the food that he paid for!

Wu Fei, sensing the sudden strained atmosphere the group fell into, starts talking.

"When will big brother Ye come over ah? I haven"t heard any news from him at all!" She opens the topic of her third brother.

The two brothers, remembering their third brother, exchange glances with each other.

Old third... He"s probably stuck slaving away from that guy ah.

Really, that guy"s wife chasing abilities really lacked cla.s.s ah! The two brothers disapprovingly thought to themselves as they criticize their brother"s suitor.

"He"s probably busy with some new inventions," Wu Ling Xun resolutely spoke. Sounding so sure of himself that Wu Anyu would have believed him had it not been for the fact that he was also in the known.

"Hm." Wu Anyu also nods to support his brother.

How can they let this little girl know that her third brother is in the process of being suppressed and toyed with by said brother"s suitor ah?

This little girl would probably meddle and cause that guy to eat vinegar, which in turn, will cause more sufferings and blows to old Third"s pride!

He Shurong, noticing that the two brothers are unwilling to speak more of the subject, decides to help these brothers by changing the subject.

"Feifei~ what type of contract do you want ah? Brother! Come and speak business with us ah. We can"t have our darling little cousin worrying about what type of contract she will sign ah."

Seriously, the things she does for these males are really too much ah!

Hearing those words, CEO Wu and President He didn"t hesitate to answer.

"The highest grade!"

Hearing those words, the humans and system all displayed varied reactions.

He Shurong"s bright smile stiffens.

Gu Susu choked on her drink.

Wu Anyu pauses and then nods his head in approval.

Wu Fei sputters as she tries to calm herself so that she can reason with these overbearing males.

And poor little 086, upon hearing those words, woke up from its sleep and in fright, stumbles down and fell into the lap of its Host"s second brother.

Wu Anyu gently pick up the little ball and place it back to its cushion without batting an eye. This little thing is, after all, something his little sister treasures.



Both Host and system, for the first time, are in the same thought as they ruthlessly shot down the statement of the overbearing CEO and President.

"For one, people would think that I partic.i.p.ated in the unspoken rules if you did that!"

〘The media will have a field day for the article of a newbie signing the highest degree of contract the company has!〙

"I"ll end up making enemies before I even officially come out of the screen!"

〘Host will be covered in black powder so much that even jumping in the Yangzhe River will not wash her clean!〙

Everyone speechlessly watch on in fascination as the two meng-sellers teamed up together.

"Hm? What"s this all about?"

A certain film emperor, who had just entered the room, asks as he watches his darling girl anxiously speaks things.

Wu Fei turns to look at Xi Baixue, her eyes instantly brightens up and without hesitation, launched herself into his embrace.

"Xiao Xue~"

The scene of these two instantly blinds everyone from many reasons.

Gah! Just seeing this brat embracing that little girl is too much for their hearts! Three men thought bitterly to themselves.

Please have pity for single dogs like us ah! The trio of single dogs thought to themselves, eyes shifting away to avoid looking at this scene.

"Xiao Fei." The man"s cold face instantly warm up. A small smile on his lips.

"What were you talking about ah?"

"My contract!" She brightly answers.

"What of it? Isn"t the highest degree the most suited for you?" Xi Baixue raises an eyebrow before he dubiously eyes the little girl"s cousin and oldest brother. Don"t tell me the two wish to impede this girl"s path towards acting ah?

"We also thought that," He Zicheng immediately interjects upon noticing his friend"s look.

He is really torn between hating this guy to death and supporting him ah!

On one side, this guy is his friend. However, this friend of his is! Smitten! With! His! Darling! Cousin!

Out of all females to like, why is it that he chooses to like the cousin that He Zicheng sees as his little sister ah?

"Not you too!"

She exclaims, aghast and aggrieved.


『Little Theater Box』

Wu Fei: Where"s big brother Ye?

Wu Ling Xun & Wu Anyu: ...Busy with work!

Wu Fei: Let"s visit him ah!

Wu Ling Xun: Feifei, third brother is very busy.

Wu Anyu: Let"s just wait!

Wu Fei: But...

Wu Anyu & Wu Ling Xun: Let"s wait!

Wu Ye: ... !! Big brothers come and save me from this devil ah! I don"t want to work here anymore!Big brothers~ Little Fefei~ Please save me from being eaten by this devil!

Wu siblings: *sees the devil behind Wu Ye* *looks away*

Wu Fei: ...I see. Then I guess we"ll just wait for him ah.

Wu Anyu: ... Hm, hm.

Wu Ling Xun: Let"s go home.

Wu Ye: You traitors! What happened to the oath of sticking together through thick and thin! Where"s the camaraderie between comrades? Where"s the familial love between siblings?!

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