The two childhood friends played around for two hours, with a certain someone taking advantage on eating a certain young woman"s tofu. They only stopped when a certain lively maid came over to put an end to their quality time together.

The two brothers sigh in relief upon seeing the figure of an annoying bug exiting their princess" room and entering the adjacent room.

Xiao Yue exits soon after, she looks at the two older brothers and gave them a thumbs up.

"I did the task as expected Young Masters!" Her lively expression seems to have said.

The two brothers nod their heads in approval and gave her a thumbs up.

Xiao Yue nods her head happily. Hm, the raise she will receive by the end of the month will surely be generous ah!


〘Host, staying up late just to play games is very unhealthy!〙Little 086 hovers around Wu Fei anxiously as it helplessly watches its Host opening her laptop.

Wu Fei ignores the system. "Just an hour. Besides, I won"t be playing for now."

Watching its Host typing down the link of the website that she wishes to visit, Little 086 double takes at the link.

...Is that an online trading website?!

Seeing its Host licking away and trading, selling and exchanging stocks online without even blinking an eye, 086 suddenly felt the urge to worship its Host"s astute ability on handling her stocks.


Wu Fei glances at the depressed little system. Her eyes flashed in amus.e.m.e.nt at the sight of the little thing. "Come over here. Let me explain ah."

086 perks up, and hovering closer to its Host, it didn"t protest when its Host hugged it.

"It"s like this," She began speaking. And, gone was that childish air around her. Instead, it greatly resembles the demeanor of her older brother when he was out working and dealing with company affairs.

"Online trading was shown to me by my Third Brother. It was interesting to know that exchanging, buying and selling of stocks and occasionally shares, could actually happen online. I was so interested that I decided to..." Making a face, Wu Fei struggles to find the right word for it. Unable to think of one, she shrugs.

Oh well, it sounds so painful to hear but it"s what she thought ah.

" around with it. That, and I also need to find a way to make money for the family like my big brothers do."

086 was rendered speechless from its Host"s words. Host, this system isn"t blind! I can see in the leaderboards that your username is second only to someone named "Bai"!

If those people knew that you, the second most profiteer in this website, joined because you want to play around... wouldn"t they be coughing up blood for that?


With that amount of money you have, why are you even selling meng to your family?!

What a shameless Host!

086 inwardly starts to critique its Host, its black beady eyes looking at Wu Fei with disdain.

Wu Fei, feeling the hostile and judgemental gaze from the little thing is rendered speechless. What"s with this little guy now ah?

"Be good. I"ll transfer some money for you to use later on. That way you don"t need to bother anyone with your purchases."

Wu Fei adds, remembering the amount of expensive designer cushions this little guy ordered under her name.

Now, everyone thinks that she"s starting to like cushions so much ah. __(: з) ∠)_

086"s eyes brightens.

〘Host is the most generous and pretty~〙

Hehehe, it"ll make sure to repay and help you out when you"re in trouble~ Thank you so much, Host~


The next day, since it was a rare day when she didn"t have any acting to attend, Wu Fei slept in.

While the princess was asleep, the rest of the people within Wu Manor are already up and about.

"I am so sorry Mingyue," Mother Xi apologizes to her bestfriend. "However that old fox at home insists that I return."

Mother Wu laughs softly, the smile not leaving her face. Behind her, the people inconsipiously looks away.

Hahaha …(¯▽¯٥) Mother seems to be quite angry ah.

"I see, it seems that he still felt threatened ah." Ouyang Mingyue smiles brightly causing her husband to both feel threatened and afraid.

Wuwuwu even though he didn"t regret falling in love and marrying this woman... Why is his wife so scary ah?

"I"ll come and visit you when I have the time. You"re free to come over at home as well!" Mother Xi adds.

Xi Baixue, who was also forcefully woken up by his mother and also forced to accompany his mother home, made a face.

Ha ha ha, if Aunt Wu shows up in their doorsteps...

Even if Father and Aunty were childhood friends, Father will surely be angered to death ah.

That man had always been eating vinegar when it comes to Aunty Wu after all.

The Wu siblings who were ready to leave the house and work made a face as well. Ha ha ha, Uncle Xi will probably die from anger should Mother show up.


Mother Wu Smiles brightly upon hearing her friends invitation. "I"ll come and visit once everything settles down here."

Left unsaid was that she"ll only visit once her worries about her youngest child eases and are put to rest.

"Alright~" Bidding each other goodbye, the Xi mother and son pair left.

The two brothers then left the house soon after.


Upon arriving to the company, Wu Ling Xun enters his office to see his cousin sitting on the sofa waiting for him while shifting through two contracts.

"Cousin," He greets.

He Zhicheng looks up, tearing his gaze away from the doc.u.ments within his hands. "Ling Xun! Finally you"re here."

He was woken up so early by his text message, however this siscon actually arrived later than he did.

His place in his cousin"s heart is really the lowest!

__(: з) ∠)_

"So, which broker are you going to have Wu Fei sign the contact with?" He decided to tactfully speak on a topic that had been bothering him.

Wu Ling Xun pauses from shifting through the doc.u.ments in front of him and stares at his cousin in thought.

"Giving her one of the best managers is not allowed." He slowly spoke those painful words.

He Zhicheng, being in the know couldn"t help but sigh at this man"s pained look, this guy really. He really should have refused his little sister if he really wants to help her!

"She"s just reject whoever we suggest her after all." Wu Ling Xun continues.

"Then..." Hesitant over this, He Zhicheng handed a CV to his cousin. "How about this guy? The both of them are new comers, however, his networking skills are really something."

Curiousity won over the man, and reading through the CV he raises an eyebrow in thought.

Looking at the picture of the man, Wu Ling Xun swallowed back the instinctual rejection. If he sends this guy to accompany his little sister"s side..

He"s really scared that she might get seduced by this evildoer!

"Alright." Reluctantly, he finally agreed.

...This candidate might be a newcomer here in this country. However... He"s very much qualified to look after his little sister.

"Alright then. I"ll have someone call him and inform him of this. I"ll have them send Wu Fei"s information to him as well."

The cousins then start to talk about business.


A handsome young man walking down the street as he speaks to his phone with a low voice.

Ending the call, the man"s lips quirk up. He browses through his emails and, finding the new email, he opens the files within it.

He couldn"t help but snicker at the information written in it.

"Hm, isn"t she quite interesting?" He murmurs softly to himself. Dark blue eyes staring at the picture of a smiling Wu Fei in thought.


『Little Theater Box』

Xi Baixue: Somehow, I feel like there"s a new rival that"s going to pop up.

Manager: Hahaha.

Wu Lin Xun: ...I am now regretting agreeing with my cousin.

Wu Fei: Hey 086, somehow this new guy gives me the creeps.


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