"What," Wu Fei opens her mouth and throwing the young man a glance full of disdain, she continues. "Is so funny for Manager w.a.n.g to start laughing?"

Her lips curl up to form a sweet, innocent smile. Her furrowed brows though, belie her current expression, showing the man her discontentment towards him.

This man, he just feels so familiar. Not only because he reminds her of herself, but he"s familiar as though he was someone whom she had spent some time with.

But how can that be when it"s the first time that she had met him ah?

w.a.n.g Jueshi looks at the arrogant young woman in front of him and he smiles a little. She really reminds him of a little cat baring its claws to look threatening but failed, and instead the little cat looks adorable.

"I suggest that Miss Wu starts calling me by my name or Brother w.a.n.g. Calling me like that, I"m afraid people would think that we have some disagreements with each other."

Hearing those words, Wu Fei made a face. She nods her head in agreement with his words. No matter how much she wants to go to Wu Ling Xun and He Zhicheng to demand for another new manager, she held back.

…She really wants this ordeal done and over with after all.

"Brother w.a.n.g." Wu Fei bits out those words.

( - _ -)

w.a.n.g Jueshi really doesn"t know whether to laugh or cry at this woman"s reluctance and disdain towards him. Is it because she knows that his personality is too similar to her that she felt threatened by it? Managing such an artist, he"s starting to regret doing this.

w.a.n.g Jueshi opens his mouth and he calls her, "Xiao Fei." Seeing the young woman"s eyes flashed with barely hidden irritation, the man smiles in mischief.

"So you mind if I call you that?" He asks, even though he knows the answer to the question. This young girl, how will she survive being a public figure if she doesn"t know how to keep her emotions from showing on her face?

Wu Fei frowns in confusion. Why did she suddenly feel irritable upon hearing that nickname from her newly acquired manager? Deciding to reflect on that later on, she faintly answers back to w.a.n.g Jueshi.

"Just call me Feifei like everybody does."

Somehow, she felt really uncomfortable from hearing that nickname from anyone besides Xi Baixue. Why is it like that?

"Alright then." w.a.n.g Jueshi acquiesced, amused at the sight of his little artiste"s cheeks puffing up in anger and confusion. Hm, so there"s actually some development on that, huh? His eyes flashed with an indiscernible emotion.

It was in that moment that a certain cousin timely returns.

Walking in to the room and be greeted with the sight of his little ancestor"s cheeks puff up and red from anger and catching sight of w.a.n.g Jueshi"s amused and entertained gaze as he watches her…. Such scene causes He Zhicheng to break out in cold sweat as a strong sense of dread and danger dawn into him.

He"s starting to regret suggesting this man to be Wu Fei"s manager ah!!

How come he suddenly have a feeling that he"s one step closer to his grave? …(¯▽¯٥)

"You two," He starts off and without hesitation, he shooed these two time bombs outside of the room. "Please leave my office now. I still have work to do."

Hahaha. Looking at them, his poor heart and mind might not be able to take it anymore and erupt. He might die from overthinking things!! He might as well make them leave. As the saying goes, what the mind cannot see, the heart will not grieve over! Out of sight, out of mind!

"Ah?" Wu Fei blinks owlishly, a bit daze from the sudden appearance of her cousin before she nods her head slowly. A wide smile broke out from her angered expression. As though given amnesty and pardon from the judge, the young woman brightens up.

Hm, her Brother Cheng is really the most understanding~! Simply a gift from heavens, he really knows when to take me away from this annoying man.

"Okay, see you later Brother Zhicheng~" She chirps cheerfully and then she walks out of the room.

w.a.n.g Jueshi bids his boss goodbye before he follows after his artiste.

"Okay," She chirps cheerfully as she stood up. "See you later, Brother Cheng~" She bid the young man farewell and without sparing her manager a glance, she left the room.

w.a.n.g Jueshi sighs before he hurriedly bid his Boss goodbye before he follows after his artiste. After all, they still have so much to discuss.

"Feifei," He calls out to the young woman who was standing in front of the elevator, waiting for it to arrive. Walking up Wu Fei and seeing her ignore him, w.a.n.g Jueshi smiles lightly.

Really stubborn! He thought to himself. This stubborn personality is really what make her so different from that woman.

"Let"s talk about your future plans." He thickens his face and speaks to the young woman who"s now ignoring him, treating him like thin air. "Surely you have some projects you wish to partic.i.p.ate in?"

Wu Fei"s eyes flashed with frustration. Impatient to escape this manager who can"t take a hint that she doesn"t want to speak with him, she feels that the elevator is too slow and so, decided to take the stairs instead. She walks off, intent to leave behind this blabber mouth.

However, the man persistently didn"t let her go. Reacting quickly, w.a.n.g Jueshi reaches out and his right hand grab a hold of the young woman"s delicate wrist.

Wu Fei glances back at him. Her eyes twitching in anger.

It was at that moment that the elevator lets out a soft but loud ding as the doors open… revealing a certain Film Emperor and his manager as the pasengers.



『Little Theater Box』

[A continuation of last chapter"s little theater box]

Xu Mingyue: Greetings!

Zhong Cheng: ...h.e.l.lo.

Wu Ye: …(¯▽¯٥) [Author, come out! Why did you pair up these two blocks of ice?]

Wu Anyu: A pleasure to meet you.

Wu Ling Xun: Since our idiot third brother"s brain is getting offline, allow us to ask you two some questions that the author randomly thought out.

Wu Anyu: What do you think that t.i.tle and caption symbolizes?

Everyone: ... 囧 [Wouldn"t this reveal spoilers?]

Xu Mingyue: That... The t.i.tle quite important. It"s what the novel is supposed to express after all. Like waking up from a long and wonderful dream that you couldn"t remember, I Dream of You aims to tell a story that is filled with nostalgia and longing. Like a sweet dream you wish to dream again but you don"t know it"s content.

Wu Ye: (*´・д・)? I don"t get it.

Zhong Cheng: You"re not supposed to get it anyway. (¬_¬)

Wu Ling Xun: I see, then, let"s go on a more curious topic. What do will the readers should expect with this story?

Zhong Cheng: The readers should expect that the romance would be slow-building. There are some hints here and there but the romance itself isn"t the focus.

Xu Mingyun: As of the current written chapter, I"m still ten years old. I suggest that everyone expects my Master to look at me and see a little girl and feel no l.u.s.t nor want for me. He isn"t a beast aftert all.

Wu Brothers: ... ("▔□▔)

[At the side while the interview is being held:]

Xi Baixue: *holds up his knife with gleaming eyes* (๑•᎑•๑)و?

Fu Wenquian: ll(›ଳдଳ‹)ll!! I am hallucianting. I didn"t see anything at all. Help! Help! I think I am turning blind!!!

He Zhicheng: My life is over. After Baixue kills that manager off, he"ll come after me ah! I need to go and hide. Security! No, I need to go to the military to request for their protection!!

w.a.n.g Jueshi: Look, you"re misunderstanding something!

Wu Fei: Xiao Xue! (유ㅁ유) Wuwuwuw, he won"t leave me alone!

Xi Xiao Xue: Really? ( ✪ ︿ ✪ ) ✧

Wu Xiao Fei: Yes! (。◕ ᎑ ◕。)~♡

w.a.n.g Juejue: Σ( ° △ °)︴No!

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