A few days after that very tense and awkward meeting involving her manager and childhood friend, Wu Fei decided to go out to play to remove that psychological shadow of that terrifying encounter.

It really wasn"t a wonder why that Fu Wenqian cowered in the corner of the elevator. If it were her, she would have also done it ah!

And so, with that thought in mind, Wu Fei woke up early in the morning and with a sleeping 086 on hand, Wu Fei sneaks out of the manor.

The young woman thoughtfully left a note in her room before she happily left the house.

Unfortunately, her simple note of "leaving home to play" didn"t help alleviate the worry and chaos that came with her disappearance.


"Oh~" Wu Fei lets out a pleased and relieved sigh as she sat down on the chair.

She tiredly ma.s.sages her legs. It was very exhausting and unnerving to sneak out of the house, not only does she need to avoid the security cameras, but she also needs to watch out for anyone who might see her and force her back to her own room.

Wu Fei only stopped when a waiter arrived to ask for her order. The foodie finally threw out the memory of her escape from home like a thief as she happily orders her food.
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The waiter taking down her order: "..." Miss, if you"re that hungry, you should just go to a restaurant than in a cafe!

086 who woke up to its Host speaking the names of the desserts as though it was a chant: 〘...〙Scared me out of my mind!

For a moment, the poor system thought that it went back to being the system of that very insane and terrifying witch! (╥﹏╥)︴

Just the thought of that woman evoked the memories of the times when 086 had been used as the tester to its Host"s odd and dangerous spells. 086 unknowingly shook in fear.

Wuwuwu, out of all Hosts it had, that woman was the most terrifying.

"... And that"s all!" Wu Fei elegantly closes the menu and hands it back to the waiter, her demeanor composed and polite but her twinkling bright eyes belied her happiness.

She really needs to eat as much as she can before w.a.n.g Jueshi, that manager of hers, limit her food intake and force her to go on a diet~ A certain glutton thought to herself.

The waiter politely nods his head and when his back faced this hungry ghost, his strained smile fell down. He couldn"t help but wonder how a thin young woman can eat a lot of food on her own. How can that small and lean body be able to take it?

Wu Fei looks at 086 and sees that her system is finally awake and... shaking from fear? (*´・д・)?

What"s wrong with it?

"Hey, System." She pokes the little thing gently, her eyes shining with curiosity. "Are you alright?"

〘Requesting the Host to call me 086.〙The little chick answers back immediately, already used to answering such when being referred to any of its Host by the moniker of "system."

〘I am fine.〙086 answers its Host"s question, feeling touched that its Host cared enough to ask if it is alright.

"Oh." Wu Fei straightens before she nods her head.

"Alright then."

Dropping the subject, the young woman decided to look through the news in her social media account. Hmm, there must be something interesting news now right? The entertainment circle never really lacks interesting news after all, Wu Fei thought to herself.

Wu Fei scrolled through her Beido"s news feed thoughtfully. While scrolling through it, a post caught her attention. To be specific, the headline of the article made her pause in thought.

"... International model Wei Yueyan planning to shift into acting?" She reads out loud, her voice mechanic and monotonous rather than surprised. Her attention remained in the name. Her eyes glint with an emotion that causes 086 to feel as though the Host sitting across it to be someone whom it doesn"t really know.

〘...Host?〙086 calls out cautiously.

Wu Fei blinks and then, she smiles brightly at 086. Causing the system to think that it was just a sign of exhaustion on its part, how can it see such scheming and malicious glint on its Host"s eyes ah? It really should just go and rest, that thing made 086 so exhausted after all~

"Hm?" She lets out a soft hum, sparing 086 a glance before she turns her gaze back to her phone. A strange smile appeared on her face.

〘Is... something wrong?〙086 asks its Host, somewhat worried by the young woman"s smile.

She… really looks like she just saw someone that she hates very much! Host, what"s with that murderous look ah?

"Nothing~" Wu Fei smilingly answers the little system before her as the dishes she ordered finally arrived.

086 didn"t continue to pursue the topic as its Host starts to eat with zeal.

As 086 went back to sleep, it happened to miss the amused but cold smile on its Host"s face.

Wei Yueyan, it has been a long time ah! Wu Fei thought to herself as memories of a delicate young girl came into mind. She silently devours all the food in front of her, mood sullen and sour.

While a certain young woman eats everything on her table with ferocity as her system falls into a light slumber once again, on the cubicle right next to Wu Fei, two men started to converse.

"Old friend, I am unable to help you with that ah." A man on his late fifties sighs with remorse.

The haggard looking old man sitting across him frowns at his friend"s words, eyes full of reluctance as he glances down on his cup.

"…Is it not really possible?" He speaks, voice grave and horse as his shoulders slump in exhaustion and regret.

The two men, if someone were to look at them closely, would find out that their ident.i.ties are very well-known. One was a famous director with a several well-known movies and t.i.tles under his name while the other was a professional photographer.

...And, as of now, this famed director slumps on his seat looking so haggard and twice as his age that everyone who knew him could barely recognize him.

"...Is this movie that important for you?" The photographer asks.

"Of course!" Zhou Rui pa.s.sionately speaks, his eyes crazed with pa.s.sion. It is very important to him ah! He would never retire unless this movie had been filmed. For many years had come by and new actors and actresses rose and fell down, but he had never found someone fits the image of his lead"s character.

"This movie and that role is the most important for me!"

The old man continues to speak grimly. Seeing that very determined glint on his stalwart and stubborn friend, the photographer sighs.

"...Let me ask around then. I am sure there will be a young girl that"ll fit your requirements."


Suddenly, while Wu Fei was eating her final cake, 086 opens its eyes.

〘Ding! Receiving new quest!〙

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