Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1170: Creating A Drain Shrine

Chapter 1170: Creating A Drain Shrine





The Drain Shrine was formed in an instant, as a beautiful j.a.panese-like shrine emerged out of the ground as many nodes and formations around it enhanced its power, it quickly began to absorb the red-colored demonic essence of the environment in large quant.i.ties, it was a very efficient way to drain power from this vast land, if I say so myself.

Now, I activated the thing and began to quickly drain this power, which emerged as a red-black essence, coming from literally everywhere.

I think I exceeded myself because a ma.s.sive vortex happened around the entire formation, it was so much power it left me surprised. The Gates of h.e.l.l are overflowing with power, aren"t they?

Now, the thing is, how much energy I get? Certainly, not as much as my natural draining from Genesis nets me, but it still a pretty good amount. Using the path jewel of drain and then the power of the archdemon path jewel as the catalyst, I began to drain more energy and then converted it into my own power and divine energy.

It was a complicated affair, but things were working accordingly, and the power of demonic energy quickly began to overflow across my bodies and the divine realm. I had a single demonic core which was for all bodies, and that one was in here in this very body, so I was able to see the changes right away.

My demonic core began to absorb all the demonic energy gluttonously, it was desperate for some of this juicy energy to the point of desperation, so it began absorbing it all so incredibly quickly it startled me.

It quickly began to cultivate itself using this energy, but it looked to be a slow process and not immediate… theless, I was breaking through Stages in seconds, so it was working.

I also decided to share this energy with my family members present in here, as they all gained the power of constant source of demonic energy to an extent, so their demonic cores began to become nourished and cultivated themselves on this energy.

It will take a while but we"ll progressively get stronger and we might awaken new demonic powers in the way to do that. My family have yet to get powers to open portals to h.e.l.l, so maybe with this they"ll be able to develop them.


Suddenly, a tiny blue horn grew atop Rimuru"s head. She had become a bit stronger as an archdemons and got a horn!

"Oh! T-This is the first time I get a horn, guuu!" she said.

"It looks very cute on you." I said.

"Hehe… Is that so? Maybe I can make more…" she said, wondering if she can generate more horns around her body.

"N-No, leave it like that, we wouldn"t want you to get… h.o.r.n.y." I giggled.

Everyone looked at me with poker faces.

Okay that wasn"t funny.

Anyways, after setting up the shrine, I could perfectly make another, but I won"t!

And why that is? Well, an obvious answer, my fellow mind which I talk to. The thing is, if drain shrines are too close to one another, the net gain will be almost nothing, a single shrine is more than enough to drain the demonic energy of an area. To make another that will get a large amount and will add to the gain, I should make it very far away from this one.

Perhaps several kilometers, many, a lot of kilometers! Each shrine has to be separated from one another in a big scale so they can all work properly and give a lot of demonic energy without there being any problem or issue regarding it.

So they need to be separate from one another for the best efficiency possible… now, let"s go back to the topic at hand regarding the other topic, which was the topic we were talking about yesterday, this topic- ugh, I"ve said topic for way too long.

Anyways, now that we are pretty much done here, we decided to march forward in our bizarre adventure though literally h.e.l.l itself. I feel like I should be renamed as Dante now, having a trip around h.e.l.l and all… but for now, I should simply remain as Kireina even though this detestable name was given to me by the beloved System Master, whom I want to bite his head off.

Talking about the System, I"ve bene considering rescuing the System G.o.ds more than before, as a supreme G.o.ddess there should be ways to do it, but I first need to find the s.p.a.ce where they are located, and this might take its time… if even.

Andromeda and Quin could help me track them down, but now that we are in h.e.l.l, that"s another business I will deal with later, for now, we travel.

I quickly recalled what I spoke with the Imps yesterday…

I had asked them about a route…

A memory emerged in my mind.

"Well, there"s one, right here, if you move to the southwest, you"ll find a large lake of venomous green oozy water. Which is in fact a ma.s.sive demonic beast known as the Big Green… By following the river, you"ll reach a forest area filled with living black demon trees, which eat souls and are quite deadly… But I doubt they can be a problem for my lady!"

"If you get through that forest and follow the path made by the ancient ruins inside, you"ll get to the Lands of Emptiness!"

That"s it! G.o.d bless photographic memory! Hehe, I really didn"t had it, some kind of skill gave it to me when I was a mortal, I think. Wait, I shouldn"t name G.o.d in here, not even in my mind!

Anyways, now that I got what I wanted, it was time to get going, we said our goodbyes to the Imps, as I left some slime clones with them protecting their tribe, if there is any pesky angel or something that shows up, I"ll make sure to make them catch it so I can eat an angel. I had already eaten an archdemon, but I have yet to eat a delicious angel…




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