Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1190 - The Conditions Of h.e.l.l

Chapter 1190 - The Conditions Of h.e.l.l




Out of nowhere, Plutus told me something rather interesting, apparently the guy named Mammon wanted to meet me. Well of course he wants to meet me, so he can kill me or something!

But this would be the perfect opportunity to also try to kill him or eat him at least… I could try everything I got before simply escaping, I guess.

But it seems that Mammon had other intentions with me. I didn"t knew what was exactly going on in here, but it seems he was trying to talk to me peacefully… is he planning something bad?

I can"t tell, he is a mysterious and powerful demon from h.e.l.l, what he can do or not is beyond my own scope, he could quite literally come directly at me if he wanted, but instead he desires me to go meet him in his own place.

"He desires you to go greet him in his Palace of Gold within the Pandemonium of Greed right there. He said I could become your guide to the entire Pandemonium. There are many things for you see and buy if you want, you could become a customer." Said Plutus while smiling greedily.

"I get it, you want me to buy stuff? But what"s the money in h.e.l.l? And is there something that can even be of use for a Supreme like me?" I asked. I could pretty much do everything I wanted at this point other than certain things, or beating stronger guys than me.

So naturally the only things that I couldn"t be able to make by myself would be powerful artifacts and other things beyond my own Realm or that are in my own Realm but hard to make or find.

Anything below it is just trash I can make by myself with just a thought and some divine energy and power, due to this, its pretty hopeless to think that you can even offer something to me-

"Yes, there is. The currency of this Pandemonium are the most precious things you hold dear." Said Plutus.

"Like my family?" I asked.

"Yes, you could exchange that cute little slime girl right there for a variety of amazing products that could even help you grow stronger as a Supreme." He said.

"That"s insane, but I would never trade Ailine for anything ever." I said.

"I see, your attachment to her is very strong, but everything has a price…" he said.

"No, definitely no. I would die for her." I said.

"…Well, I guess that"s a no." Plutus said. He cut it off very quickly realizing I wasn"t here to bargain for stupid little demonic artifacts that would become useless in like half a month from getting them. My growth was very fast after all.

"Well there are still lowly things you can buy here that can be enjoyed. You"re a gluttonous woman, aren"t you? The cuisine of this Pandemonium is one if not the best in all of h.e.l.l, this is because my lord loves good food that can be enjoyed and indulged into. Even the Layer of Gluttony led by Beelzebub is as great as this one… In fact in the h.e.l.l Layer Ranking, this Layer is the first in Gastronomy." Said Plutus, feeling prideful.

"Ranking? What are you talking about?" I asked.

"Didn"t you know? h.e.l.l"s Layers are divided into Layers led by Princes and their Gate Keepers, but the Archdemons constantly fight for who is the best and most superior, and there is a constant compet.i.tion between the natives of each Layer, with compet.i.tion including not only battles such as enormous wars, but also compet.i.tions of athletics, cooking, crafting, gaming, and more. We hold the compet.i.tions every year," he said.

"You do what?!" I asked in surprise. h.e.l.l seemed more civilized than Genesis now.

"You don"t get it yet? Although the Layers also constantly battle and try to kill each other, with many of our own Archdemons living within our Layers competing for supremacy while acc.u.mulating h.e.l.l Points through contributing the ranking of each Layer, we hold other types of compet.i.tions that don"t revolve around killing each other." Said Plutus.


It seems that I was completely wrong about this place, this h.e.l.l thing seems pretty awesome! So all demons in each layer compete with each other layer for supremacy of the h.e.l.l Rankings! And they acc.u.mulate h.e.l.l Points as if they were the contribution points of my own Pantheon, they probably have to swear allegiance to a certain Prince to gain their favor and acquire the power to enter the Archdemon Rankins and gain h.e.l.l Points.

Plutus explained to me exactly that, additionally, it seems that h.e.l.l Points are not the only thing acc.u.mulated but also, they can use these h.e.l.l Points, so they"re not just c.u.mulative stuff. They"re a currency where they can use it to buy all sorts of items within the h.e.l.l Shop, a special function within the h.e.l.l Records, where everyone that gains the favor of a Prince of h.e.l.l gets registered.

He also explained that there are h.e.l.l Towers which show up randomly sometimes generated automatically by h.e.l.l itself, or its will, named Tartarus. This Will of h.e.l.l makes these giant Dungeon-like towers with many floors which the Archdemons must complete and conquer to gain rewards and raise in the rankings, but if they don"t complete them in time, they instead get a "Demonic Beast Apocalypse" every 10 days without any floor being cleared, where a ma.s.sive tide of tremendously strong Demonic Beasts tries to clean the entire Layer.

Wow, this is a bit too much for me, is all of this really going on? This now feels like a weird mashup of Korean Novels and more… but its honestly awesome. I felt the sudden urge to join this Demonic Records and grow stronger easily through the acc.u.mulation of h.e.l.l Points. Maybe I could take the Rankings upside down… Who knows? Heh…

"As a fellow greedy person, you seem to be interested in this, aren"t you? Very well! You"re very welcomed to join us! Come, I will bring you to Mammon-sama so he can talk to you and show you what he is like, who he is, and what are his intentions… Alongside showing you what he has become." He said.

"What… he has become?" I asked curiously. What did he meant by this?




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