Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1512: Aquamarines Beast Form

Chapter 1512: Aquamarines Beast Form





Aquamarine suddenly shapes.h.i.+fted and took a new shape! Black and White, which were currently in the shape of two rings tightly worn by two different spikes of my body looked in surprise. As they lacked such an ability, they were slightly jealous, I bet. But the most intriguing thing I"ve been wondering for a while was… which beast was Aquamarine going to turn into?! I swear just imagining the possibilities really made me have trouble, especially because the Skill simply didn"t had any specifications. However, I can tell that it is something with Claws, as he gained the [Claw Attack] Skill that can only be used by Aquamarine in his Beast Embodiment form.


Aquamarine seemed just as shocked as we were when we saw him. What emerged before our eyes was a gorgeous young white tiger- no, blue and white tiger, with some rainbow-like colors across its fur, which looked more like the light reflections of bubbles of water. He looked rather young though, so he wasn"t gigantic, but was still around three meters long and one meter and a half tall. He was quite mighty, with beautiful and sharp emerald eyes and sharp and large claws.

"Look! Look! I got a body now! It feels so weird!" Said Aquamarine, talking with his kitty mouth while looking around his own body in surprise and amus.e.m.e.nt over his own appearance. He was truly too cute! I quickly used a Phantom Hand to feel his soft and fluffy fur, and it was really worth it! It was really the fluffiest.

"I am some sort of cat?" Wondered Aquamarine.

"A tiger, you"re a young tiger." I said with a nod. "That"s pretty impressive. Let"s go inside. I"ll show you some food so we can see if you could eat it, alright?"

"Alright!" Aquamarine said, he seemed very cooperative regarding the consumption of food. He had been wanting this for a while. I just wished the other two Egos could get a similar Skill, but I guess Aquamarine, Black, and White have their respective differences and unique abilities.

"d.a.m.n, I wish I had Beast Embodiment though! I could become a cute beast and not look this hideous~" I sighed. "More than anything, I just want the ability to change size so I can fit in smaller places, but I don"t want to waste Skill Points in a Skill that will just let me change size."

"I also want whatever Aquamarine has!" Cried Black. "This is unfair, Master! Why does Aquamarine gets this cool stuff?! I also want to turn into an Armor!"

"Well you technically can turn into a ring, which is an accessory and gives bonus stats to defensive stuff." I said. "So you"re all pretty alright, aren"t you?"

"Gggrrr! It"s not the d.a.m.n same thing!" Black complained, as if his blood were boiling with fury.

"Hahaha, come on now, Black, calm down. Don"t treat our dear Master like this, she doesn"t deserve such treatment, especially because she"s not the one that decides the Skills, it is merely based in our potential, I a.s.sume. I think if we keep ourselves positive, we could expect something similar in the near… or far future! I think we used to be pretty amazing before turning into Ego Weapons. I wish I could even remember that, but I got the feeling… So there"s no way we don"t got the talent to one day change shape." Said White, as respectful as ever.

"Agh, you"re lecturing me again! Do you think you"re my mother or something to lecture me so much sometimes? Just calm down for a bit…" Black complained so much he seemed like he had no end to his ranting.

As we entered the manor from the front door, which was big enough to fit me, everyone was shocked by the appearance of our new member, and adorable blue colored tiger with rainbow-colored fur patterns, he was so adorable that Elfina, Fiere, and Floresse, all three of the elven girls opened their eyes wide, s.h.i.+ning brightly, instantly charmed by Aquamarine"s majestic and cute appearance.




pᴀɴᴅᴀ ɴOᴠᴇʟ Fiere was the one that doubted a bit, she had never seen such a thing and thought it was a monster, but Elfina and Floresse were quick to jump the shark, rus.h.i.+ng towards Aquamarine and petting him.

"So cute! You"re so cute! Oh my gos.h.!.+" Elfina cried as she petted the cute Aquamarine.

"I"ve never seen a cuter cat before! Is it lost? Where did it came from?!" Floresse asked desperately, attempting to tame Aquamarine, but quickly realizing it had no effect.

"Remember the two spears I can summon? They got voices but they can only speak to me currently. I also got this pendant sometimes I wear, or transform into water or magical ice attacks. It recently gained the ability to convert into a Beast." I said with a smile.

"Eeeeh?! You"re a pendant?" Asked Elfina at Aquamarine, as the adorable cat was incapable of talking with them, and only to me telepathically, so he made a cute "meow" sound.


"Uwaaaahh~! I don"t care if you"re a pendant or whatever! I bet you"re like a Water Spirit or something… Yeah, I"ll take that for now, I guess I feel more comfortable seeing you in such a manner…" Sighed Elfina.

"Interesting… Kireina truly has amazing powers. I am believing more and more that she"s from another world! Her Pendant is truly a thing of magic. Its essence alone is like a Water Spirit, but it has a uniqueness to it that makes it even stronger and more solid than a spirit… Truly fascinating!" Said Floresse, she was rather good at a.n.a.lyzing.

"Mama, I wanna eat! Can I eat now?" Wondered Aquamarine.

"Yes you can, let"s eat." I said.

And like that, we started our breakfast in this morning. The Human Army was getting closer apparently, but not quite close yet, we still might had an entire day before they get here, more than enough to prepare well and rest from yesterday"s adventure in the Dark Labyrinth.




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