Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 267 - [Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest] 59/69; Grand Kasha Overlord

Chapter 267 - [Forsaken Labyrinth Conquest] 59/69; Grand Kasha Overlord




"We have reached it, finally! The Ninth Boss, were my remains are contained bellow the floor… The Ninth Boss of this Dungeon is named… Grand Kasha Overlord; Karna, a gigantic Kasha that has grown to an immense size, its body is ma.s.sive, being over fifty meters tall, its limbs are incredibly st.u.r.dy and its fur seems to be made of adamantine… Its entire body is covered in Tattoos that increase the potency of its Fire attacks, and it can also summon Fire Spirits to fight at its side, most of them being highly evolved Blazing Wheels (Wa Nyudo). It has a powerful physical strength, and it was also able to meet other souls with its fire… I was killed by it due to one of its devastating Claw Skills… Please, be careful. And please, retrieve my remains…" Said the Rank 4 Winter Ghost Geraldine, as her sapphire eyes gleamed in a saddened light.

Amiphossia was at her side and patted her shoulder.

"Don"t worry, Geraldine! Mommy will make sure to beat that Boss first, so we can safely retrieve your remains! We are with you!"

I nodded with a confident smile.

"You are my daughter"s servant, so of course I am going to help you out if she asks me. Very well then, does it have any weakness?"

"Weakness…? Ah! It doesn"t have a weakness, Sol sama was only able to pierce through its throat with a powerful non-elemental attack… The usual weakness to Light and Holy is not present in this Boss, and it even resists those attributes… Uuh… What was I talking about? Hm? Lady Amiphossia, where are we?"

And there she goes, she forgot everything she talked about just now. That"s is what happens when ghosts remain in this world for so long, their memories begin to fade away, similar to dementia in humans.

Amphossia gave Geraldine an understanding look as she called her back inside of her soul.

"Ah, don"t worry, come, rest for a little bit inside of my soul, Geraldine"

"Ohh…! Lady Amiphossia soul is very comfy! Time to take a nap…"

Geraldine soul then entered Amiphossia"s soul and went into a resting state.

"Hopefully, if we can destroy her remains, or feed them to her somehow, she may be able to retain her memories better… Or perhaps just ranking up into stronger ghosts could help her out…"

"Amiphossia, she is already a Rank 4 ghost and still has troubles with her memory… But still, being pessimistic is not my thing. Alright, I already sent my Scarlet Phantom Fox Clones to appraise the slumbering Boss"

Suddenly, a burst of information rushed inside of my head.

[NAME: Karna

[CLa.s.s: ---

[RACE: Grand Kasha Overlord

[LEVEL: ---/--- EXP: ---/---

[STATUS: Excellent.

[HP: 12000/12000

[MP: 3800/3800

[STAMINA: 2200/2200


[DEFENCE: 2900

[MAGIC: 4350


[SPEED: 3900


[LUCK: 0


[Grand Kasha Physique and Psyche; Level 10]

[Illogical Enhanced Five Senses; Level 7]

[Protection of the Dungeon]

[Status Effect Resistance; Level 7]

[Fire Absorption]

[All Element Resistance; Level 7]

[Blazing h.e.l.l Claws; Level 8]

[Berserk Fiery Fangs; Level 9]

[Fire Attribute Magic; Level 9]

[Phantom Attribute Magic; Level 5]

[Non-Attribute Magic; Level 6]

[Drain Attack; Level 7]

[Unparalleled Self Regeneration; Level 6]

[Heavenly Flames Aura Domain; Level 8]

[Familiar Summoning Magic; Giant Wa Nyudo Guards]

[Strengthen Servants; Level 8]

[Fiery Phantom Form; Level 5]

Those are some crazy stats. Couldn"t expect less from the ninth boss of such a big dungeon. My resistance cannot take on such high Magic attack, without my countless s.h.i.+elds and armor, I would be probably vaporized by any of its attacks. However, because I have Fire immunity, I should be fine. As its main ways of attacking is by using its never-ending flames.

It possesses high regeneration and three types of magic, Non-Attribute magic is magic without any element, and it usually includes Healing Spells and Barrier Spells. There is also its Fire Magic being as high as level 9, possessing over twenty different spells, there are a lot of healing spells, offensive spells, and defensive spells. He also got Phantom Magic… But I also have Phantom Resistance, which has leveled up recently by having to sustain the damage from so many Ghosts. However, its physical skills are rather strong, probably coupled with its strength, it would easily pierce through my armor if I don"t combine it with something st.u.r.dy.

I released three of my Armors at the same time, the [Oceanic Deeps Hydra Leviathan Armor], [Ancient Sand Wyvern Armor] and the [Azure Sapphire Dragon Armor] coupled with the Attribute of Thunder, Water, and Wind. Because this monster has a resistance to all elements, I should choose the most optimal for battle, selecting both Thunder and Wind to make my speed incredibly fast and Water to combine it with the previous elements, generating Storm attacks that can deal great damage.

The three armors merged together as the Attributes inside of my Aura resonated with them, suddenly powerful energy was generated, covering my body and quickly transforming me into a ten meters tall giant. The entirety of the armor was both st.u.r.dy, bulky, and spiky. Is back had a long shark fin, while the helmet and shoulders represented an eight eyed Storm Shark beast.

On my chest and belly, there was an opened Shark jaws, which had inside a s.h.i.+ny blue gem. My six arms became st.u.r.dy yet flexible, and my wings were incredibly fast as well, leaving traces of Wind, Thunder, and Water. My Aura expanded itself greatly while generating raging winds and sparks of lightning.

Arming myself with my Six [Legendary Weapons], who changed appearances by merging with my Aura and Armor, and by releasing my countless magic s.h.i.+elds, Azure Gemstone s.h.i.+elds and Heavenly Sand s.h.i.+elds, I entered the Dungeon Boss Room without any more delays.

Sensing my imposing presence, the beast immediately woke up for its slumber, and in a quarter of second, with a speed that shouldn"t belong to such a colossal body, it launched itself towards me leaving a trail of fire on its tail that helped it on its propulsion speed.

Opening its mouth, the Kasha howled, generating powerful flames and throwing hundreds of ma.s.sive twenty meters wide fireb.a.l.l.s.


I didn"t evade either intercepted the fireb.a.l.l.s with my weapons but received them all head-on with my body. The moment the ma.s.sive ma.s.ses of flames touched my armor, they were instantly absorbed and a.s.similated into my body. A refres.h.i.+ng feeling rushed through my entire body as the flames only gave me more energy.

The Kasha was dazed by such a thing, as it seems that it had never fought someone with immunity to its element, to the point that it was able to just receive them head-on and even regain energy by doing so.

By using [Illogical Propulsion Speed] and a consecutive usage of Sword and Spear techniques, a released a powerful attack over the Kasha"s head, making it howl in pain. It then retreated and kept using its Fire to distract me, while it mult.i.tasked and generate its Aura.

As I didn"t need to evade any fireb.a.l.l.s or fire whips, I rushed towards the beast without a care, and by releasing my own Magic attacks generated by my Aura, powerful tornadoes of Water, Wind, and Thunder fell over the beast, making its Aura fail to be released.

However, my magic attacks could only do so much, my Magic Stat wouldn"t compete with its Resistance Stat, and it also possessed high Elemental Resistance. If I wanted to beat him quickly, I had to get physical.

Enhancing my body with different stat-boosting spells and with the combination of [Illogical Propulsion Speed], I put my six weapons at the front of my head, coupled with superhuman strength, I span through the air like a drill, clas.h.i.+ng with the Kasha"s back.



The Kasha tried to use its Biting skill on me but I managed to evade in time with my overwhelming speed, as I flew towards its back and inspected its wound. A deep, b.l.o.o.d.y hole was left on its body, some bones were even visible. I managed to bypa.s.s its adamantine-like fur and skin with this special attack.

As the Kasha tried to bite me, it mult.i.tasked, generating twenty Magic Circles of Gray and Red Colors, suddenly magic energies showed up, healing the b.l.o.o.d.y hole. But before it could close the wound completely, I released a ma.s.sive semi-transparent sphere of Anti-Magic, that clashed over the open wound, strong energy clashed against the magic, negating it and rendering it useless completely.


The monster noticed my capacities and started to get physical, using its ma.s.sive, t.i.tanic claws and jaws to slice and munch me as much as he could. With the support of my s.h.i.+elds and armor, I was able to tank most hits, but even so, some of its attacks possessed penetrating effects, dealing direct damage to my HP. I was a little bit surprised, but my natural regeneration easily healed any HP that I could even lose.

Against such a fierce opponent, we exchanged blows and techniques, however, I held the upper hand as I kept cursing the beast, by using [Mystic Eyes; Eye of Malice; Stat Debuff Curse] and [Eye of Demise; Anti-Heal Curse], I lowered its stats by about -200, while also stopping its natural regeneration.

Suddenly, the beast retreated once again as it looked over its surroundings, and in less than a second, a powerful blast made out of its entire Aura flashed towards me. It wasn"t made from Fire either Phantom, but from its pure Aura essence, without any Attributes. The concentration of Aura used both its Strength and Magic stats as an offense, and I could only evade before all of my s.h.i.+elds broke and my armor melted.

By using my enhanced Speed from my stat-boosting spells coupled with [Illogical Propulsion Speed], I evaded… partially. As the blast of energy flew at such intensity and speed that it managed to catch half of my body. Vaporizing six of my armors, a leg, and a piece of my head.

However, the moment they disappeared, they reappeared. My hand, legs, and armor immediately appeared as if they were never gone, leaving the Kasha dazed in confusion. It was an intelligent enough monster to understand how terrifying my capabilities were, it seems.

Indeed, coupling all of my regeneration abilities, alongside my Flesh and Slime Manipulation, I was able to regenerate everything I lost as if nothing. I didn"t even lose a drop of blood. Nonetheless, I was being partially careless.

I summoned twenty gigantic eyes made of magic energy that began to attack the Kasha, while also summoning twenty Arms of Demise that went immediately towards it and exploded, and also another twenty Venomous Gemstones Hammers. The gigantic, floating servants attacked the beast mercilessly. However, the Kasha held an upper hand over such low-level beings, destroying them away with its Aura breath and Claw and Fang Skills.

Meanwhile, in the small seconds that my summons was gaining for me, I gathered my Magic and Life Energy into my Aura as I concentrated it into my weapons, by combining the countless of techniques at my disposal, coupled with the magic and my Aura. A ma.s.sive blast of force flew towards the Kasha"s back.

The monster, by using its speed, managed to evade in time, however, the attack made an immense hole in the dungeon floor as the entire dungeon trembled intensively, as if it were about to fall to the ground. The shockwave energy hit the boss, who"s magic was sealed, without a way to create barriers, it could only use its Aura to protect itself, but that wasn"t nearly as enough. The shockwaves went through its entire body, slightly shattering its bones and slicing its muscles.


In that small moment, while the beast tried to get itself together, I appeared on its back, and with a concentrated attack from my weapons, Aura and Magic, a slash of pure energy flashed through its neck, slicing its head off.

Its eyes were still open wide in surprise, as it saw my terrifying appearance, a t.i.tan made of steel.


The Kasha"s head rolled through the ground, motionless, not long after, the main body fell to the ground as well.

Although there is a System that shows the HP of any living being, slicing their heads off, or smas.h.i.+ng their brains into pulp will usually instantly kill them, that is if they aren"t a special being that does not need its head to survive. Without caring about their HP bar, if one slices the head of a one hundred HP wolf, it will instantly lose all of the one hundred HP, the same happened with this monster.

Although I could diminish its HP slowly with my attacks, I managed to distract it enough to slice its head off… I can"t say that it was a mistake when half of my body was vaporized, as I can regenerate everything instantly by using my Flesh manipulation and the Slime properties of my physique. Perhaps it was a small wound.


[Kireina] gained 950.000.000 EXP]

[LEVEL 049/250 EXP 2.971.177.415/3.650.000.000 EXP]

[Kireina] defeated the boss [Grand Kasha Overlord; Karna]

[Kireina] completed several conditions]

[Half an Hour Slaughter], [Solo Kill], [Overkill], [Overwhelm], [Inhibit Regeneration], [Inhibit Mana], [Despairing Enemy], [No Item Used]

[Therefore, [Kireina] have been granted with corresponding prizes]

[Kireina] obtained the item(s) [Ancient Reward Loot Box (SS)] x4

[Kireina] obtained the item(s) [Legendary Rank Equipment Random Loot Box (S)] x1

[Kireina] obtained the item [h.e.l.lish Cat of Blazing Claws Grand Treasure Chest] x1

[Kireina] learned the Skill [Blessing of the h.e.l.lish Cat Grand Kasha Overlord; Karna]




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