Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 321 - The Little Girls Don"t Want To Leave Their Mama & Rising Conflict...

Chapter 321 - The Little Girls Don"t Want To Leave Their Mama & Rising Conflict...




"Buaaaah! Mommy, don"t leave meeeeeee!"

"Mooommyyyy…! Let me go with youuu…! Gueeeehh!"


The moment I said that I wasn"t going to go with my children, Ailine and Vudia exploded in years… My little girls, seeing them so sad is breaking my heart…

"M-My little princesses don"t cry! Mommy will be back in a couple of days!"

"B-But I don"t wanna! I wanna go with mommy!"

"Nooooo! Don"t leave meeeeee!"

Not only I would go, but their mothers, Rimuru and Brontes, would accompany me…

I grabbed the two of them with my arms as they tightly hugged me with their thin little arms, Ailine"s rainbow-colored eyes s.h.i.+ned even brighter when she cried, her tears moistening my entire dress. On the other side, Vudia"s golden-colored eye cried a long and thick river of tears, already leaving a small puddle on the floor.

"Gueeeeeh! Noo! Nooo"

"Mommy, don"t go, okay? Snif"

"Sigh… But my little girls, I have to go… Its mommy"s task given by a G.o.d, and the rewards are great, with the new people from Cilane and the new Dungeon, our Kingdom will flourish more"



Aaah… I can"t do this anymore, seeing them cry like this… Makes me want to cry as well.

"Snif… I"m sorry for being such a bad mother…! Buaaaahh!"

"Nooo, mommy is the best mother…! Gueeeehh!"

"Mommy, don"t cry… buaaaah"

And then, Rimuru and Brontes had to help me out…

"Ailine, you"re already a big girl, aren"t you? You won"t be alone… I will also miss you very much… but this task is very important, and it"s not like you will be left alone, will you?"

"Vudia, my little girl, I will miss you dearly as well, but we need to go. Your siblings who love you very much will be with you at all times, and there are also all of your other lovely aunts that will stay at home, they consider you one of their daughters and would happily attend your needs"

The other girls at the back nodded, as Vudia glanced at them with her teary eye.


Suddenly, Acelina approached us as she gave an honest and sincere smile while trying to calm Vudia and Ailine.

"Aah, do not worry, Aunt Acelina will be with you two~ You can call me mommy if you want, I do not mind~ Little Princesses"

However, the two girl"s response was harsher than I imagined… Ailine and Vudia glanced at the happy Acelina with angry stares.

"You"re not my mom," they said, at the same time.



I could hear Acelina"s heartbreak in half…

Amiphossia, Valentia, Aarae, and Ryo came to comfort the girls… thankfully, they seem to love their siblings enough to calm down.

Amiphossia embraced the two with her big arms as they calmed down while listening to her songs, Valentia was there was well, caressing their hair, and Ryo and Aarae gave them rea.s.suring words with their confident-sounding voices.

"Calm down, we are here with you two~ Your mother will be gone for just a few days, Ailine, Vudia" Said Amiphossia, her words sounding like a melody.

"There is nothing to be sad about, mother and aunt Rimuru and Brontes are crazy strong, they will be fine" Rea.s.sured Valentia, giving them an honest smile.

"Indeed, they are a monster of their own! I still can"t beat any of them" Nodded Ryo.

"Also, you two will never be alone, we will always be with you, we are all siblings, we share not only blood but bonds as a family and no matter where we are, we will always be family," Said Aarae, while gently caressing the girl"s silky hair.

"Snif… sniff…"


I approached the two girls with Brontes and Rimuru as I spoke to them.

"I know that my little princesses are very strong… I"m very proud of you two, of all of my beautiful children"

"That"s right, Vudia, Ailine~ You two are very strong little princesses, right?" Said Rimuru.

"After all, you two will one day lead the whole Kingdom, a strong will is needed… Vudia and Ailine, you two are very strong girls, and a strong will is needed to wield such powers with care and responsibility…" Said Brontes, sounding like a very wise grandma.

"Yes, mommy… I will be strong… Snif" (Vudia)

"Okay… I will wait patiently… B-But don"t forget to talk to me through the system…" (Ailine)

"We will make sure to do so~" (Rimuru)

"Rest a.s.sured my little girl" (Brontes)

"That"s a given, my Slime Clones are always accompanying you, right? You can freely speak to them and mommy will hear you and respond"

Vudia and Ailine glanced at the two, cherry-sized red slimes which appeared over their shoulders, they were resting in their hair.

"Ah~ Little Cherry" (Ailine)

"I called him Apple" (Vudia)

It seems that the two already gave them names…

After finally calming down my daughters, it was time to select the group, I wanted it to make it small and compact. I saw that Nesiphae and Nixephine wanted to come with me at all costs, probably because I carried their children inside of my womb.

Now that they"re able to shapes.h.i.+ft their bodies, they should be able to change their height into normal sizes for demi-humans instead of giants, so I decided to bring them along, Nixephine was excited to explore the outside of the Grand Forest.

Zehe and Alice joined in as well, making us a group of seven… I felt like it was enough, but I wanted to bring another girl so she could gain experience outside and learn new things… After remembering that the Vampires are usually weak to Light-Attribute Magic, and how she was such a shut-in, I chose Nefert.i.ti.

Alongside these six girls, the centaur twins will join as well.

It was quite a large group, even when I said that I wanted something to "not bring attention".

I left the Chimera led by Catterpillar in the Kingdom, training in the Dungeon and learning from the Chimera Guardians and Guubo, they are getting strong surprisingly fast.

Wall and Mao will accompany me, by equipping themselves inside of my body, perhaps I could also bring more of my wives this way, but I would need to forcibly convert them into Chimeras… And I don"t really want to change their body structures, they are beautiful and perfect as they are.

Talking about Chimeras, my wives wanted me to do the same to their mounts and forcibly evolve them… more than once, I haven"t tried this method before, but I left it for a later occasion.

The rest of my wives, Gaby, Mady, Adelle, Altani, Lilith, Charlotte, Ismene, Acelina, Kaguya, Nanako, Nephiana, and Oga remained in the home, taking care of everything while protecting the place of any outside forces. Mady, Adelle, and Nephiana will be taking care of their children, which were still inside of their eggs or their wombs.

Charlotte was accompanied by Izumi and they seemed to have become sisters, their obsession with technology and science was quite big.

As we had already packed everything in the floating carriage, we quickly moved in as we said our goodbyes to our family, Vudia and Ailine had teary eyes while being held by Amiphossia, but they were holding back their tears so I wouldn"t worry… Haah, my little girls, I love them so much…

We fled past Guubo and the Slime Wall, reaching new heights and moving towards the Icy Mountain Walls to the south, to an unexplored land… the speed of the giant led zeppelin-like carriage was amazing while also bring a very comfy ride inside.

The moment we would reach a close distance from the Kingdom, I would release my Slime Bat Minions, so they could scout the surroundings for any suspicious bloodsucker.

I"m rather excited about eating true Vampires… What kind of Skill will I get? Alice seemed rather excited as well, she was inside of my body, equipped like Mao and Wall. It was rather strange as she isn"t a Chimera, but there was something about our connection through a Vampire Bloodline and my Bloodline obtaining a Chimera name, so perhaps she received this t.i.tle even if she wasn"t one? I will have to investigate this in more detail with my children in the future.

Alice was quite comfy inside and slept peacefully, she was able to drink my blood directly like this, so she seemed to be in heaven.

Wall and Mao were outside while playing a board game with my wives… Nefert.i.ti seemed rather anxious, but I comforted her with some words and a warm tea.

As we approached the Icy Mountain Wall, a strong storm of ice surrounded us, the led-zeppelin-like floating golem was unaffected by the strong winds, but it was rather chilly inside, those without high Ice Resistance had to wear warmer clothes.

Sofelaia and Sofarpia were rather nostalgic, as they looked over the Icy Mountain Wall.

"We are back…"

"Father… Mother… Sister…"


In the darkness of the night, as the snow fell from the clouded sky, blocking the light of the moon, four figures ran through the roofs of a small village… A young centaur girl was running through the streets, while the four figures battled in the air, showing incredible performance and movements.

A Black Cat Demi-Human, with the body resembling a tall and slim human with dark hair, black eyes, and long cat ears over its head glanced at its opponent while grabbing the two poison-coated knives he had in his pockets.

With a flash of lightning, the two knives were shot at tremendous speeds, however, the figure that was confronting him evaded them as if nothing, pouncing towards him with the intent to kill. Baring its long fangs while its crimson eyes s.h.i.+ned brightly in an eerie and deadly light, the figure of a beautiful young woman appeared, her pale-white skin, scarlet eyes, long and sharp ears, and crimson hair made it clear what her race was, she was the deadly bloodsuckers, a Vampire.

His objective was not the young Black Cat in front of her, but the young Centaur Girl who was desperately running away, however, the protector of the girl stood in her way.

"You lowly feline, get off my way! Blood Spears!"

As the Vampire woman chanted the name of a Blood-Attribute Spell, blood spears appeared out of thin air, being thrown at the Black Cat with an even higher speed than the knives he previously threw towards his enemy.

"Not so fast!" said the handsome Black Cat man, as he grabbed more poison-coated knives while using his innate ability to control lightning partially, he threw them to intercept the Blood Spears, the two projectiles. .h.i.t each other in a magical explosion of various colors, as the Vampire used this opportunity to close in for the kill, the Black Cat detected her intentions and ducked in time, evading a deadly claw, which was formed when Vampires used their nails, elongating them like claws, with the strength to rip apart Iron armor with ease, like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter.

"Tsk! Blood Bullet!" shouted the woman, generating bullets made of blood that flew with tremendous force, hitting the Black Cat"s stomach and its left arm.

"Uagh…!" The Black Cat evaded most bullets, but two managed to hit his body, however, without taking attention over his injuries, he grabbed five knives with his right arm and enhanced his body with lighting, throwing the knives as if his hand was a railgun.

The Vampire woman evaded three knives, but one was deeply encrusted in her left thigh, while the other in the middle of her chest.

"Gyaaahh! Y-You…!" the strong poison-filled her bloodstreams as the lightning released from them paralyzed her for some small seconds, it was all the Black Cat needed to finish her off… but!

"Not so fast…!" Suddenly, another figure closed in from the Black Cat"s rear, a large and slim man with the face of a handsome royal heir, his crimson eyes overlooked the Black Cat as he protected the Vampire lady, on his right arm, there was the severed head of the Black Cat companion, with its eyes wide open and its tongue outside, lifeless.

"Jerald…! Y-You d.a.m.ned bloodsuckers!"

"Hmph, Ca.s.sandra, your performance was rather disappointing… You were about to be finished by this lowly beast? Sigh… We will talk about this later"

"Ugh… Caedmon… t-thanks…"

"Sigh… Now, Black Cat, you have two options… You either give up on the girl and flee with your life intact… or you become another headless corpse, like your companion over here…"

"Tsk! I will never let you bloodsuckers grab on the young lady…!"

The lady is still running towards the resistance, it will take her a few more minutes to reach the safe zone… I must buy time… however I can…! Thought the Black Cat man, gripping his teeth while grabbing two knives… his last knives.

He touched his chest and remembered the small heart bomb that was placed in his body when he was young, it was a safety measure that every spy and a.s.sa.s.sin would utilize, whenever they were caught, they would detonate this before dying with a switch in their teeth, self-sacrificing themselves for the greater good of their masters.

However, the Black Cat companion hasn"t died this way, due to the skillfulness of the Vampire in front of him, he was beheaded before it could detonate himself…

"If I can get into a close distance… Perhaps…! I must do it… There is no other way…!" Thought the Black Cat, enhancing his body with lightning, using the last drops of MP that he had saved…

"So, you chose to be beheaded… very well…"

The Vampire suddenly turned into a black shadow as he disappeared from the Black Cat"s sight.



Suddenly, shadow claws appeared behind him, surging from his surroundings…!

"Shadow Magic?!"

"Goodbye- Guh…!"

But before the Vampire could behead the Black Cat, his own shadows seemed to betray him, turning into black tentacles and tightly gripping his body…

"W-What…?! Gaaaha…! Aaaaagh!"

"Caedmon!" shouted the Vampire woman, trying to aid her companion… But she was also trapped in the endless shadows of the night, which took the form of thick and muscular tentacles.


The Black Cat glanced at the two womanly figures that appeared in front of him… A six-armed bluish lady wielding a long black staff, and a beautiful and dazzling fairy, with purple hair and crimson b.u.t.terfly wings.

"I got a lot of questions…" Said the fairy, while glancing at the wounded Black Cat and the struggling Vampires.


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