Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 393 - Six-Armed Phantom Wolf Beastmen Empress.

Chapter 393 - Six-Armed Phantom Wolf Beastmen Empress.


s.h.i.+rohibe"s underwent an Existence Evolution through the use of my Skills, coupled with a dozen of materials to compensate for the lack of power. The good thing about forced evolutions is that I was able to control what they could evolve in a certain way.

By adding certain parts, they could gain new Attributes of Magic, or the ability to breath fire… however, if I were to do this too much, the results could be detrimental. This is why it is necessary to add a lot of materials that already held a strong affinity with the "recipient", the subject that will undergo forced evolution.

s.h.i.+rohibe"s body absorbed all the materials synthesized into her body as an eerie and ominous presence coated her new body, her scales grew pale blue and her skin became even paler, almost transparent, her bones could be seen from time to time.

Her tail grew longer, and the tip of it had a long, and sharp needle. Her eyes remained crimson red, but she gained pale blue scales over her shoulders and her hands, which grew long white nails that produced deadly poison. Her long white hair grew as much as her snake tail, coiling over the air as if it were a snake. She gained a small semi-transparent horn in the middle of her forehead, which seemed to be made of the material of my Orbs.

She had a wilder look than before, and her body proportions became s.e.xier as well. Her b.r.e.a.s.t.s increased largely in size, resembling giant watermelons, her hips grew just as wide as her snake tail, she had an ominous and "dangerous" beauty.

The moment the evolution finished, her Aura was released, as if unlocking a latent power, it filled the room, and then began to rotate around Amiphossia, as if it were a ghost enchanted by her beauty.

Her new race t.i.tle was named Venomous Phantom Basilisk s.h.i.+rohibe Shaman, a new race of s.h.i.+rohibe with the mixed bloodline and abilities of Basilisks and Snakes descendants of Jormungandr. She also had Slime shapes.h.i.+fting abilities.

"Uwah! Amiphossia-sama! I"ve unlocked an Aura of my own! My body is overflowing with phantasmagoric essence! T-This is a wonderful thing! Seis.h.i.+n, Sesshomaru, bear the pain and the itch, it is worth it! Buhahahahaha!!!"

"I"m glad you"re happy, s.h.i.+rohibe-san," said Amiphossia, ignoring how s.h.i.+rohibe seemed to have fallen into insanity.

Seis.h.i.+n and Sesshomaru growled as if scared. And as the two slowly began to move towards the door, I ordered the Castle, which was Golem I created, cover the door with the walls.

"There is no way out~!" I said I would never let go of my subjects.

The Wolf and the Fox glanced at each other, if they could sweat, their entire bodies would be dripping with water.

"Seis.h.i.+n, Sesshomaru, what is going on? Don"t you want to be stronger… for me?" asked Amiphossia, her scarlet eyes gleaming in a similar light than me.

It seems that she had taken a liking on seeing me force evolutions in others… to be expected of my daughter. Maybe if I teach her how to force evolutions, she may get the Skill and do her own experiments.

I manipulated my Aura into a large hand and grabbed on Seis.h.i.+n, he was next.

He was perhaps one of the first companions of Amiphossia, without counting Evan, and had evolved once, increasing its power and abilities, but still, compared to everyone else, and the average Mortal Rank of my family, he was still rather weak, so a forced evolution was the best way to make him stronger.

Also, if it were possible for him to take on a demi-human form so he could communicate better with the rest, it would be for the best. Unlike the Crimson Wolves and Ice Wolves, the Phantom Wolves didn"t possess the ability to talk.

Several factors make such animals like Wolves, Squirrels, and Birds be able to talk, but it is more normal for them to not talk than to talk. Seis.h.i.+n is a more "normal" wolf monster than Wagyu and Kekensha, who were able to talk from a very young age.

According to Redgaria, the ability to talk for several of the species on the center of the Grand Forest is due to them being born in an area with a high concentration of Spirit, Life, and Magic Energy. Such energy is naturally leaked from the underground Dungeons, especially the one where some Spirits were sealed or killed, and their ethereal corpses were trapped inside the dungeon walls, slowly decaying through hundreds of years and filling the forest with such energies.

Obtaining the source of this energy was one of Redgaria"s main goals, and well, we already know how it went for him. He is now my slave.

Anyways, going back to the main topic, Seis.h.i.+n is intelligent enough to understand most words, but cannot talk, mostly because he was born in the outer layers of the Grand Forest, where such high concentrations of Magic, Spirit, and Life Energy are not as prominent to the point of inducing mutations in the brains of the creatures born within such areas.

Seis.h.i.+n seemed incredibly nervous, its giant body held a powerful strength… but Amiphossia and my Aura were stronger, and he could only barely struggle while growling in fear.

Amiphossia patted him and caressed his white fur while giving him her Phantasmal Essence to calm it down… Seis.h.i.+n was able to "cultivate" with Amiphossia, and both were able to share each other essences to refine them and make them purer and hence stronger.

He received her essence and stopped growling in fear, deciding to trust his master.

"You"re such a good boy, my Seis.h.i.+n," said Amiphossia.

Geraldine and s.h.i.+rohibe were glaring at Seis.h.i.+n with a little bit of jealously.

"Ah… W-Why Amiphossia-sama didn"t comfort me like that, nya?!"

"Such a lucky dog!"


Even Sesshomaru joined them.

Seis.h.i.+n did not seem to have any affinity other than Phantom Attribute Magic, which is an extension of Soul Attribute Magic. Just like Jewel or Mineral Magic is from Earth Attribute Magic. Aside from this, he presented strong physical abilities and decently leveled Claws and Fang Techniques.

Its racial distinction is that it had twelve limbs, so its strength and speed were higher, alongside its grand height, it was considered a behemoth for most wild monsters, if I had encountered him when I was a b.u.t.terfly… it would have been quite hard to defeat him. If it were when I was a Caterpillar, I would have gotten squished, his strength is way higher than the Crimson Wolf Emperor back then.

He needed a small "push" to get stronger. And because I wanted him to evolve into a Demi-Human if possible, I decided to add on human corpse parts.

Thousands of Human Corpses were stored in my Item Box, and due to its properties, they would never rot away as long as they"re inside. I grabbed a dozen or so corpses of healthy-looking humans, who seemed to have died without much pain or without their bodies suffering so much trauma.

"Oh, human materials so Seis.h.i.+n-san can become a Demi-Human? Mommy, you"re a genius!" said Amiphossia.

"Well, I"m just experimenting. We"ll also add the flesh of the Lower Realm Wolves, which were similar to Seis.h.i.+n in height, some also had several limbs, so they perhaps have a strong affinity"

"I think we should also add… these!" said Amiphossia, as she opened her Item Box and put out three corpses of large wolves who possessed an eye in their foreheads.

"Ah, the Mirage Wolves that began to appear in the Grand Forest? Yes, they are rather strong"

Seis.h.i.+n glanced at the mountains of materials with a troubled expression.

We decided to add other types of wolves that began to appear in the Grand Forest after becoming a "part" of the Dungeon, by being surrounded by it.

Because Seis.h.i.+n had no other affinities, it made it perfect for him to get new ones, he was like an almost empty recipient waiting to be filled.

We added the organs and flesh of Thunderstorm Wolves, the scales and blood of the Draconic Chimera Wolves, and also the blood of several strong Crimson Wolves, although not the strongest such as Wagyu or Kekensha, as they were not present.

We added Spirit Stones of each new material attribute, to increase the chances of him getting those attributes. Solidified Attribute Mana made into jewels and minerals produced by my Creation Skill were also introduced, and of course, a few hundred Phantom Slimes and Undead Slimes, with the addition of Ghosts, Specters and my Lesser Slime Clones and Phantom Slime Clones.

Because Seis.h.i.+n had such a large body, he did not resemble a twisting sphere of materials when everything was synthesized into him, but he seemed as if he was wearing an extravagant dress over its entire body, covering all of its fur and skin.

He seemed in a little bit of pain, but Amiphossia comforted him enough… and my Aura held him tightly over the ground, where the ritual magic circle that I made to increase the chances of a successful evolution was.

When everything was done and ready, Amiphossia moved away from Seis.h.i.+n as I activated the Chaos Attribute Spells, [Genetic Disorder], and [Chaotic Mutation], alongside the [Forced Evolution Induction] Skill.

A powerful flas.h.i.+ng light covered Seis.h.i.+n as it was engulfed in powerful energy. Its entire body began to twist around as it absorbed the materials into its body. Its twelve limbs suddenly became thinner and obtained humanoid limb shapes, her large wolf body also thinned out, creating a humanoid torso, lastly, its head became round-shaped. Because it was being covered in this phantasmagoric light, it was impossible to see many changes aside from its shapes.

"Awooo…! A-Ahh… Huh? I can talk!" said Seis.h.i.+n… with the voice of a young woman…

As Seis.h.i.+n"s evolution finished, it absorbed all of the light as its nude body was revealed, resting over the floor. Its height was rather big, due to it already being a giant wolf before, its new body was rather tall. Reaching around three meters, just a little bit smaller than Amiphossia.

Seis.h.i.+n had become a demi-human type race of Wolf Beastmen or Werewolf…

Its skin was pale white, with a rosy color, it had two aquamarine eyes and a third eye on its forehead, which was scarlet-colored. It had long white and pale blue hair, covering its nude body. Its limbs were merged when it evolved, and it now only had eight, two long, and beautiful legs, with plump thighs and six delicate and long arms, with long claw-like nails in each hand, which were covered in a little bit of fur.

On its chest, it had several blue and white tattoos and two large b.r.e.a.s.t.s, bouncing around at each of Seis.h.i.+n"s movements. Its tail remained, as it moved in happiness over the pain of forcibly evolving finished.

Over the top of its head, two large wolf ears twitched around. Seis.h.i.+n"s face was that of a beautiful mature woman, with rosy lips and a pointed nose, its features were almost perfect in several areas, beating Geraldine and s.h.i.+rohibe beauty by a small margin.

"Ah! Seis.h.i.+n-san… no, Seis.h.i.+n-chan, you"re so beautiful now! It"s as if you had evolved into a big sister!" said Amiphossia…

Seis.h.i.+n evolution also came with a strange change, it had become a "woman".

It seems that my theories were right, if I induce an evolution with my Slime Clones in high quant.i.ties, the s.e.x of the user may change into a woman… for some reason. Is it because of my psyche, my Sin of l.u.s.t blessing, or other factors? I cannot tell.

But I could tell that Seis.h.i.+n did not lose it either. It had both s.e.xes, as its male genitalia could be seen above its female one.

Could it be due to my Hermaphroditus Body? If it can be inherited like this… it"s rather dangerous.

Seis.h.i.+n"s body was that of a beautiful mature wolf Beastwoman with six arms, and an incredibly large chest, and it possessed both s.e.xes. Her new race t.i.tle was Six-Armed Phantom Wolf Beastmen Empress.

"My body feels… so strange… Wouldn"t demi-human men have muscular chest without b.r.e.a.s.t.s?" asked Seis.h.i.+n, already speaking incredibly without much beforehand practice.

"Well, it seems like you were blessed with a more beautiful body, Seis.h.i.+n-chan! It"s not like you lost anything either…" said Amiphossia, as she innocently pointed out at Seis.h.i.+n"s lower garments.

Seis.h.i.+n instinctively covered herself.

"Uwah… Now that I am finally a demi-human, I should find some clothes…" she said, her aura exuded a powerful phantasmagoric force, infused with the attributes of Illusion, Thunder, and Fire.

I took out a large kimono that had the [Body Adaptability] Trait, Seis.h.i.+n wore it immediately while thanking me.

"Thank you very much, Kireina-sama… and about my body… It"s not like I hate my new strength… b-but…"

"Well, have you seen Mao? She was also a male before… I suspect that fusing others with high quant.i.ties of Slime Clones and then forcing an evolution in them may induce these effects"

"Guan?! B-But I am a male!" said Seis.h.i.+n.

"Well, you still have, unlike Mao, she lost it completely. You seem to have both, this is probably due to my latest Skill evolutions"

"I-I see… Well, I can"t complain… guan…"

As Amiphossia caressed Seis.h.i.+n"s fluffy tail and ears, she asked about Evan.

"But what about my Evan…? He didn"t change into a girl, and he had merged with your Slime Clones…" she said.

"That… I don"t really have a concrete reason behind that. But it may be because only a part of Evan merged with my Slime Clones, which replaced his internal organs… before his evolution he wasn"t capable of completely turning into a Slime, the same should be for Celica and other soldiers that were saved in this way."

"It"s rather confusing…" muttered Amiphossia.

"Well, perhaps his evolution seemed as "natural", and didn"t forcibly change his s.e.x, or added another on top of the original one. Although I am sure that if he masters his Slime shapes.h.i.+fting, he should be able to take on a girl"s appearance, as Slimes are genderless because he was originally a male, he remains as a "male" Slime… well, I doubt he would want to suddenly change its appearance into a girl"

The moment I finished my words, Amiphossia"s scarlet eyes gleamed in a strange, perverted light.

"E-Evan-kun as a cute girl…? Uwah…"


"Ahem… I-Its nothing! Let"s continue with the evolutions, Sesshomaru should be next! Fufu… I don"t think that we can forcibly evolve Athos, he"s a sword after all"

"Alright…" I said as I glanced at the quivering Sesshomaru who was surprised after seeing Seis.h.i.+n turning into a beautiful woman… and that he may be next.

"Don"t worry Sesshomaru, the strength that comes with the change in appearance is worth it"


Sesshomaru didn"t seem to agree as much.




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