Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 461 - [Scripted Event] [Moonfang Kingdom Conquest] 21/35: Poisonous Thunder Against b.l.o.o.d.y Thunder! Catrina, The Venomous Lioness Princess VS Alice & Zehe 1/2

Chapter 461 - [Scripted Event] [Moonfang Kingdom Conquest] 21/35: Poisonous Thunder Against b.l.o.o.d.y Thunder! Catrina, The Venomous Lioness Princess VS Alice & Zehe 1/2


Catrina was a young princess of Moonfang, she was recognized for her malicious and wicked mind from very early on in her life.

She was the daughter of the Lion Beast King Lionel and her mother, who used to be a prost.i.tute.

Her mother was brought as a concubine for Lionel when she had begun to become famous through the night streets of Moonfang, due to her exotic beauty. As she was a half-breed between a Snake Demon and a Black Cat Beastmen.

Her skin was pale purple, and her fur was dark purple, with intense brilliance. Alongside her purple paws and feet, she had a long and scaled tail, typical of Snake Demons over the top of her b.u.t.t, and a few more purple scales on her shoulders and around her neck.

One of her most interesting features was her exceedingly long tongue, which was best used in intercourse with her clients, even though it was used as a lethal weapon by Snake Demons, she had put in different uses with it.

Lionel, who always looked for strong and exotic concubines to generate powerful children with unique abilities was delighted by her, even if she was a prost.i.tute.

The Lion Beast King had several nights of intense intercourse with his new concubine, until she was finally pregnant, giving birth to Catrina after five months.

Catrina inherited the lineage of lions of her father, but she also inherited the unique colors and abilities of her mother, a half breed. She had strong and hard purple fur, scales protecting some areas of her body, a long and scaled tail with the tip with a bit of purple fur, and a long tongue, with sharp, snake-like fangs which secreted a deadly poison. This was an ability that her mother did not possess because she had her poison glands extracted from her when she was younger.

Catrina seemed promising… but Lionel slowly lost any interest in her, mostly because of her abilities that did not use brute force or outstanding physical fighting techniques.

Catrina was forgotten, and so was her mother.

However, her mother was not as happy about this, after going through so much, she finally was achieving greatness by being a close concubine of the King himself, but was forgotten because her daughter was "talentless" or "disappointing" for Lionel.

Catrina received the rage of her mother, her hate, her selfishness, she was broken. All the love she thought her mother had for her was false. She was beaten to almost death by her slaps several times, left to starve, and even left with strange men that did things to her that she did not like.

Catrina harbored all the inhumanity of her mother, everything. And because of this, she also grew inhumane, wicked, and insane.

One day, when she was being reprimanded by her mother for trying to escape her room to go look for some food, Catrina was slapped by her weak mother once again. Because it was her mother and a sign of authority, she never dared fight back against her, even when her mother was particularly weaker than her, who had the bloodline of lions.

As she fell to the ground, her nose bleeding, and her eyes red, she felt as if her heart was slowly decreasing its beating… she was slowly dying.

Was she giving up on life?

However, in that time, something called upon the poor princess… something malicious, even more frightening, and voracious than her insane mother.

And because Catrina had long fallen into insanity herself, she accepted this malicious ent.i.ty, with open arms.

"Could you be… my prince charming? Have you come to save me from this h.e.l.l?" she asked.

"Lowly mortal, I am Geggoron, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Hateful Distrust. I can give you strength, and a "push" to finally a.s.sert your revenge. However, are you willing to sell your entire being to me?" asked the ent.i.ty.

"Yes… everything, take it all, my love. You"re the most beautiful thing I have ever seen before," she said, smiling.

"You… you"re different than others, no one has ever accepted me truly and fully like this before. Interestingly, you seem more promising than I imagined!" Geggoron laughed, granting Catrina one of his Split Souls, which possessed her body and gave her the courage to embrace her insanity and a.s.sert revenge on her mother.

She bared her fangs against her mother, at last, used her long tongue like a sharp knife and stabbed her entire body hundreds of times, while seeping her deadly venom from within her fangs into her flesh.

Her mother struggled and shrieked in agony, the cries for help and pain were like the most delightful of meals that Catrina had ever consumed. She loved the agony of her victims, the struggles, and their ultimate deaths.

"Aaah~ So this is life, I"ve finally understood it, my love! I have finally understood it! Finally! Life is so beautiful! So wonderful! Hahahahaha!" laughed Catrina, as she danced around, covering herself in the blood of her mother and then eating her flesh. Her mother had starved her for so long, that she felt her flesh delicious and sweet, and the blood was refres.h.i.+ng and satiated her thirst. She ate it all, not even a piece of fur was left.

"So delicious! So delightful! Poisoning, killing, and eating! So this is how life is after all!"

After these events, Catrina was discovered by several other servants who tried to stop her but she went berserk through the whole castle, going on a killing spree until she was stopped by her father itself, who gave her a good beating but decided not to kill her.

Lionel, in the wickedness and maliciousness of her daughter, finally saw potential.

He recognized her and gave her a higher position in the family, she was an insane woman, and perhaps one of the first to have accepted Geggoron in Moonfang.

Thanks to her schemes, most of her siblings fell upon Geggoron"s split souls.

Unlike others who were forced to accept Geggoron or were parasitized by him, Catrina finally felt alive when he came to her, before that, she was nothing but a ragdoll for her mother to vent her frustrations and malice.

Unlike her siblings, she felt complemented with Geggoron, and instead of having her mind devoured, she willingly merged with him into one, a perfect harmony.

Although she was not the ideal vessel, as Geggoron could not learn new skills with her, and if he were to use too much Divine Energy, she would end up mutating at the end into a monstrosity. They could not become truly one single ent.i.ty like Zudig and David, but they were able to coexist in harmony.

Catrina was perhaps one of those that moved the strings behind the scenes, seeping her poisonous tongue into her own family and converting them all into Geggoron"s vessels.

However, she was surprised by Kireina"s plans and her strange powers. Her allies were ambushed, and she had to separate from them.

Then, she was caught by a six-armed, blue-skinned Baphomet Witch and a mischievous silver-haired Vampire.

"You must be that wench, Kireina"s allies, right?" asked Catrina, with a disgusted expression, her scarlet eyes were gleaming in an eerie light.

Zehe and Alice glanced at her with calm smiles.

"That"s right, we are her wives," said Zehe.

"Just like you serve Geggoron, I serve Kireina-sama. Simple as that," said Alice.

"What?! Do you dare compare Geggoron-sama, my love, to that wench?! To that old woman that looks like a prost.i.tute straight out of the night streets?! Hahaha! Please, do not make me laugh! You two look just as terrible anyway! An ugly six-armed demon with blue skin and a discount vampire… I suppose trash always serves tras.h.!.+" said Catrina, with a smile, while glancing at the two girls from above a building.

"She is really a little kid, isn"t she? Sigh, I was thinking about my sweet Yiksukesh when I found out that she had a scaled tail and some scales in her shoulders and neck… but now I can see that this little woman doesn"t compare," said Zehe.

"Indeed… she got quite the badmouthing abilities for such a young girl," said Alice.

Catrina was enraged as her provocation did not seem to affect the two as much as she thought.

"Tch! Well, no point in talking with you two if you wanted to desperately to fight me in an enclosed s.p.a.ce like this… why don"t we start right AWAY?!" shouted Catrina, as she enhanced her physical body with her purplish Aura and Geggoron"s split soul Nightmarish Divinity, her small body was still thin and delicate, but a surging strength was exuded from within.

Her tongue extended out of her mouth through several meters long, and it was covered in deadly toxins, which were made into a sharp and hard coat.


Jumping from the building, she flew towards Zehe and Alice like a purple and venomous bullet.

Her speed had grown exponentially, and her paws had grown long claws as well. Seeking to kill Zehe and Alice in one blow through a combination of her claws and tongue attacks.

Alice was the first one to intercept her with her own fingernails, which had grown like claws, moving within the sp.a.w.n of a split second, she evaded most of Catrina"s attacks and sent back her own, enhancing her nails with her scarlet thunder Aura.

Clas.h.!.+ Clas.h.!.+ Clas.h.!.+

Both women"s claws slashed against each other, while Catrina used her tongue and tail as two more limbs to fight, releasing powerful Whip Techniques with them. Like explosions of purple and yellow light, both of the women"s attacks created a small spectacle.

"Ah, you"re not half bad!" shouted Catrina, enhancing her tongue and shaping it as if it were a sharp lance, trying to stab Alice"s heart.


However, what she ended stabbing was pure scarlet thunder! Alice had transformed her physical body into an ethereal form!

The thunder entered through her tongue towards the rest of her body, electrocuting her insides!


Catrina shrieked in agony as her insides began to release white smoke, alongside the smell of burnt flesh.

Alice kept infusing her Mana into her attack, without letting Catrina catch a break.

However, Catrina suddenly smiled!

"Gaaaah… Haha… Hahaha… Hahahahahaha!"

Alice and Zehe, who have not acted yet were surprised. Catrina moved her claws into the thunder that was entering her body, suddenly, purple sparks appeared from within her fingers.

Clas.h.!.+ Zap! Zap!


"Hahaha! Yes, give me your lightning!" shouted Catrina, beginning to absorb Alice"s lightning!

The wounds inside of her body were quickly recovered and her entire body started to release sparks of lightning and electricity.

Her mother was a half-Black Cat, and Black Cats were known for having the ability to manipulate lightning.

Although Catrina inherited this ability, it was at first very underdeveloped… but she trained it diligently by just making herself be completely burned by lightning, conjured by the spells of one of her servants, until she managed to control it and absorb it.

Only those as wicked as her would even practice such a thing, as the damage would often be lethal and bring excruciating pain.

Alice felt a sudden urge to let go of her, but Catrina had her claws deeply encrusted within her!

"Well, let me give you a hand," said Zehe, finally stepping in, shadows emerged from each of her steps, shaping themselves as an endless sea of black and oily tentacles.

"Don"t interfere, worm!"

The tentacles flew towards Catrina; however, she released a zap of lightning that resembled a judgment from a Thunder G.o.d, slas.h.i.+ng away the shadows with its light and directly flying towards Zehe.

"Who are you calling worm?"

Zehe smiled as she moved her stave rhythmically, creating a strange and dark barrier that absorbed the lightning and then sent it back to Catrina.



The lightning fell over Catrina and sent her flying through the air, although she seemed incapable of absorbing it completely this time… why was it?!

"Ugh…! My lightning! Why can"t I absorb it properly?!" She cried, slowly getting up from the ground.

"I just gave it a bit of my mana… what"s wrong? Is it not appetizing anymore?" laughed Zehe, as she conjured several magic circles around herself that released spheres of darkness towards Catrina.

Catrina moved using her charged lightning, evading the spheres, or hitting them away. However, each time she touched them; she would feel her whole head a bit dizzy…!

"M-My head…!"

"A bit dizzy? Although I can"t cast Chaos Attribute Magic, I tried to do something similar to the Chaotic Spheres of Honey, they are not as impactful… but when you touch too many, you"re bound to get all your senses twisted around chaotically!" laughed Zehe.

"What? Chaos Attribute Magic…? But I am sure that it was Shadow Attribute! T-This…" muttered Catrina, stopping her words as she felt someone else"s presence approaching her.

"Did you forget about me?" said Alice, coming from behind Catrina, this time, she wielded her grotesque fleshy lance, Kriemhild.

The Demonic lance harbored diabolic energies resembling crimson substances, charging in great strength against Catrina!


"Ggaah…! Ggaaggg…"

Catrina began to vomit blood as she was stabbed from her back, piercing her intestines, and ending on her chest. Her innards began to fall over the ground as she shrieked in agony.

Alice glanced at her with a mischievous smile, drinking a bit of her blood as she moved the lance so it could penetrate Catrina deeply.

"Gaah… Haha… Hahaha… Yes… all the pain!" shouted Catrina.


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