Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 619 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 81/?: Cla.s.s Change Session! 1

Chapter 619 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 81/?: Cla.s.s Change Session! 1




The active night ended extremely late, as I had finally satisfied my almost endless l.u.s.t and also that of my wives. I suspected that my Sin of l.u.s.t was evolving as I engaged into more love and intercourse with them, and they seemed to begin drawing power and strength through this…

I remember somewhere in web novels that I read on Earth about a technique named… Dual Cultivation. Could my Sin of l.u.s.t give me the ability to do something like this?

I pondered over how it had evolved and developed up to this point, and what was most likely happening to the Sin of l.u.s.t was a quality change. Probably because I have been eating G.o.ds" left and right, and it had reached a quant.i.tative and qualitative change that is slowly turning the Sin into something akin to a Divinity of sorts.

Each time I had intercourse, I felt as if the Sin of l.u.s.t would activate within my soul, nouris.h.i.+ng me and my physical body as long as I kept undergoing mating. Now that I was able to do it multiple times at the same time, it became even greater of an effect, which seemed to even affect my wives to an extent.

I cannot confidently say the more intercourse we have, the stronger we grow, it does not have such enormous effects, but I believe that it might someday turn to be like this…

Having already gathered and merged all of my true body clones, I rested over a large bed alongside my sleeping wives. I have been told to be rather intense, so they always end rather tired after a night, and even those such as Alice who is a Vampire ends up taking a nap despite supposedly being tireless.

Now that there was a nice and peaceful atmosphere, I set into the task of changing Cla.s.ses… Yes, I have acquired a ton of points, so I wanted to spend them right away and increase my power.

After all, my Cla.s.ses seemed to be the key to unlock my true potential, the one that even I have no idea of. And such potential and hidden talent keep getting higher as I devour G.o.ds, or well, eat a large piece of them, such as it happened with the amalgamation of Zudig, Begudhur, and Kheseerad, which I will give the nickname of Zubekh.

I could not wait much longer, so I immediately opened my Cla.s.s Tab, an enormous holographic window with many Cla.s.s Options greeted my sight, and yes, there were new options available.

[New Cla.s.s Options Available!]

[Available Main Cla.s.ses]

[Fallen Heroine of l.u.s.t], [Metis Library Scholar Arch Mage], [Grand Magical Arcanist Queen], [Abyssal Calamity Demon Queen], [Aberrant Chimera Matriarch], [Limit Breaker], [Chaos Witch Queen], [Mirage Demon Arch Wizard], [Labyrinth Master], [Voracious Sin Eater], [Grand Tamer of Abyssal Demons], [Luxuria], [Demiurge], [Venomous Divine Soul User], [Mystical Dryad Matriarch], [Chaotic Summoner of Devastation], [Nyarlathotep], [Uttu], [Samsara], [Huahet], [Phantasmal Yokai Conjurer Queen], [Chaotic Bestower], [Echidna], [Ragaraja], [Root of Life Magic Queen], [Aberrant Hermaphroditus], [Mutation, Change, and Evolution Matriarch Queen], [Nanna Suen], [One Thousands Weapon User], [Abyssal Necromancer Vampire Matriarch], [Supreme Druid of the Daughters of the Forest], [Aegis s.h.i.+eld User], [Lamashtu], [Phantasos], [Phobetor], [Legion], [Apophis], [Typhoeus], [Gungnir Spear User], [Divine Aura Fighter], [Inner Worlds Creator], [Shamash], [Isis], [Fulgora], [Lei Long], [Ja.n.u.s], [Zhulong], [Nuwa], [Aruna], [Ushas], [Sul-pa-e], [Ophion], [Divine Fire Soul Djinn], [Hephaestus Hammer User], [Shub-Niggurath], [Yog-Sothoth], [Labyrinthos], [Helios Successor], [Divine Ice Soul Fairy], [Kauket] (New!), [Primordial Beast of Self-Gluttony] (New!), [Amorphous Spatial Conqueror] (New!), [Eros] (New!), [G.o.d Annihilator] (New!)

Wait… five new Cla.s.ses?! Weren"t the System G.o.ds trying to not make this window too convoluted? Well… It seems that I will be changing Cla.s.ses forever if whenever I take a few, new ones will be generated later on anyways.

Not like I am complaining, I believe that these Cla.s.ses might even be good for me even when I raise to G.o.dhood due to having been generated and adjusted to my current power, which already rivals G.o.ds…

Wait, doesn"t that mean that I can change into Cla.s.ses that are already better than any G.o.ds?

Thinking about it, I remember that Agatheina and the rest of the G.o.ds said that they do get Cla.s.ses and that some can even grant them benefits and power, but because they need large amounts of Skill Points that they can only get through using Divine Energy (because they cannot level up and gain Skill Points naturally), they often have to choose between changing into a new Cla.s.s or save the Divine Energy for the use of divine techniques that they had already created.

Due to Divine Technique Scrolls needing large amounts of Divine Materials, it would seem as if Cla.s.ses are more convenient in the long run as they do not require special items for them to gain power from them… but the amount required is so high that it might leave G.o.ds without a speck of Divine Energy for years before finally being capable of fighting again…

Due to changing Cla.s.ses not being a convenient way of handling their most precious resource in Divine Energy, they often only Change Cla.s.ses when they raise into the Ranks, as each Rank up will grant them Skill Points similarly to leveling up. The thing is that ranking up takes way longer than simply leveling up.

However, due to my unique nature and soul, the essence of Divine Energy runs through my very soul, and because I can always regenerate my own soul through devouring it constantly with Uroboros, I can use my bare soul as fuel for Spells or Skills, they are not as strong as Divine Techniques, but strong enough for me to pack a punch alongside G.o.d Devour.

And because any Divine Energy that I consume or gain through faith ends up transforming into Skill Points, I can only spend them, right? It"s not like I have a choice, for now.

In my resume, changing Cla.s.ses had become something extremely important to unlock the hidden powers that I cannot easily grasp in the divinities I consume.

I glanced once again to my available Cla.s.s Options, and there were seemingly five new cla.s.ses of different names that were probably created through eating these G.o.ds.

There is a Cla.s.s named… [Kauket]? That"s… Isn"t that the Egyptian G.o.d of Primordial Darkness?

I remember it very well due to some internet events going on on Earth before I died there… Yeah, all about that meme frog that shacked overseas internet… The people ended up connecting this Egyptian G.o.d with the word "kek" which means something similar to "lol"… and it"s often used in conjunction with this funny frog.

And yeah, this G.o.d was often depicted as a frog. See the connection now?

It was all fun and games until… a lot of political fights happened due to this, and through their praise to this mythological ent.i.ty in the form of a frog that seemed to "connect" with this meme frog, a certain president was elected in America. Well, I lived far away from that, so I only spectated things through my laptop. I found everything quite funny.

Okay, now let us go back to the present, I got a Cla.s.s with the same name as this G.o.d… or well, this is the female counterpart named Kauket, which also represented the same things as Kek.

I am beginning to worry about how much the System G.o.ds have dig into my knowledge about Earth… it would be indeed very dangerous if they decided to leak everything inside of my head, many enemies would instantly buy that info for any price.

But I believe that they would not do that… they are nice enough to even give me new cla.s.ses.

Anyways, this Kauket Cla.s.s seems very advanced, and after inspecting it with Appraisal, it seemed to need over two thousand Skill Points to complete! That is a robbery right there!

Well, it might give me a strong boost due to being a newer Cla.s.s, seemingly well-adjusted to my current power, but wouldn"t it be better to first stack up all the first and weaker Cla.s.ses that only cost around 1k Skill Points? I can get a lot of boosts in stats like this until finally reaching these later Cla.s.ses.

There was also… the [Primordial Beast of Self-Gluttony] Cla.s.s, just what is this anyway? Does it represent my Uroboros Skill? Or was it… Wait, right. Begudhur awakened into some kind of new type of creature named Primordial Beast… well, he got almost eaten so he is not even as strong to wield the t.i.tle anymore! Do not worry, let me wield the crow for you, little worm, I can a.s.sure you that I will be a better Primordial Beast than you.

And then… the [Amorphous Spatial Conqueror] Cla.s.s. Yes, I believe that the System might be calling me an amorphous? What do you mean?! I am not ugly at all!

Anyways, this Cla.s.s should be related to Kheseerad"s Divinity and the power of manipulating the Spatial Layers of the world… But what is with "conqueror"? Will I become a giant alien that enjoys planet conquest now? Does not sound that bad, to be honest.

And there is the [Eros] Cla.s.s! I know this guy, he is some kind of G.o.d related with intercourse, love, and s.e.x from Greek mythology… does he not exist in Genesis if I got his Cla.s.s? Perhaps… Well, who knows?

Though I am rather confused, does this Cla.s.s represents the depiction of Eros as a primordial deity, the first to have been born after Chaos like in early tales, or does it represent the later Eros, son of Aphrodite and Ares? I also remember that this G.o.d had some connotations with Greek"s h.o.m.oerotic stories and beliefs… Maybe it"s both?

Checking on its description through Appraisal did not give me any hint, and it is a costly Cla.s.s too, just like the previous ones.

And last but not least, the most rad sounding of all Cla.s.ses, [G.o.d Annihilator]! Yes, just as it says, this seems to be a Cla.s.s that will powerup my G.o.d Devour even further beyond. There is anything else that it can be… right?

Anyways, it was a very tempting Cla.s.s, but I have already finished my G.o.d beating for this week or month, but I might pick it up later. I gain Skill Points every day, so it is easy for me to stack them up and change to this Cla.s.s eventually.

For now, I want to pick up on the earlier ones, some that seem interesting to me… such as this.


[Fallen Heroine of l.u.s.t]

A Cla.s.s unlocked by someone who had become a Hero that had fallen into the depravity of the Sin of l.u.s.t, embracing the power within the Sin that represents love, emotions, desires, and fervent pa.s.sion.

This Cla.s.s unlocks the capabilities of the user to unleash the true power of the Sin of l.u.s.t.

This Cla.s.s offers a slight increase in all stats (except Luck, Blood Strength, or Soul Stats) while also increasing the level of skills related to this Cla.s.s.

[Available Skills: [Sin of l.u.s.t Arts: Level 1] (400 SP) [l.u.s.tful Self-Nourishment: Level 1] (400 SP) (Required to Complete the Cla.s.s)

[Exchangeable Stat Bonuses: [+50 HP, MP, Strength, Defense, Magic, Resistance, Speed, and Charisma] (300 SP) (Required to Complete the Cla.s.s)

I remember grabbing many Skills in my previous Cla.s.s named Demon Overlord of the Sin of l.u.s.t… But this one only offers two skills and a small increase to all stats, it seems mediocre compared to that one Cla.s.s, but these Skills might be of higher quality, and the effect of the Cla.s.s itself must be stronger than it seems.

I decided to select this Cla.s.s, which I a.s.sumed treated me as a "Heroine" most likely because I ate heroes and acquired their unique Skills.

[Kireina] changed Cla.s.ses to [Fallen Heroine of l.u.s.t]!]

[Kireina] gained +500 Charisma!]

[The Levels of the [l.u.s.t"s Womb; Level 7], [Calamity Abyss Demon l.u.s.tful Brain and Lovely Heart; Embracing Emotions and Impurity; Level 6], and [Empress of l.u.s.t Indestructible Conviction; Level 9] Skills have increased!]


[Kireina] has exchanged 1100 SP for the [Sin of l.u.s.t Arts: Level 1] (400 SP), [l.u.s.tful Self-Nourishment: Level 1] (400 SP), and [+50 HP, MP, Strength, Defense, Magic, Resistance, Speed, and Charisma] (300 SP) Skills and Stat Bonuses!]

[Kireina] acquired the [Sin of l.u.s.t Arts: Level 1] and [l.u.s.tful Self-Nourishment: Level 1] Skills!]

[Kireina] gained [+50 HP, MP, Strength, Defense, Magic, Resistance, Speed, and Charisma!]


The moment I acquired this new Cla.s.s, a shock of energy flashed into my soul and body, the stats and the charisma gained showed themselves right away, and alongside it, one of the effects of such a new Skill did so as well.

[The [Alluring Martial Arts: Level 10] Skill has been integrated into the [Sin of l.u.s.t Arts: Level 1] Skill!]

Oh! That is good.



[Due to continuous intercourse with your lovers, you have gained +100 to all Soul Stats and +100 Skill Points and Subcla.s.s Skill Points!]

This is new…




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