Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 661 - Side : Independence!

Chapter 661 - Side : Independence!


As Kireina had just finished changing Cla.s.ses and was slowly getting used to her new powers, the System G.o.ds glanced at her fast development with a surprised expression on their faceless faces.

All of the System G.o.ds were similar to their father, the System Master. Because of this, they only had a humanoid form, but their appearance resembled as if they were made completely out of white light, without face nor flesh.

However, they could sometimes seem as if they were excited or happy as the auras around them would tune to their emotions, changing from red, yellow, green, and other colors.

All of them currently were covered in gold, pink, and a bit of red, meaning that they were all excited and a bit overwhelmed as well by Kireina"s prowess.

"As there been any being that had changed Cla.s.ses so much before?" asked one.

"A few, but none that had done it through such strong Cla.s.ses…" said another.

"Her powers keep developing more. The Cla.s.ses that we generate for her are fitting to her needs, as they can unlock more of the powers and capabilities that are already hidden within her own self…" said a third.

"Although, I believe that giving her a Cla.s.s that represented her ability to change Cla.s.ses a lot was not so necessary," said another.

"I may agree with your point of view, but I still believe that it was completely necessary…" said another G.o.d.

"Is that right?" asked one.

"Yes, we must reward her for her efforts, even things such as what she is currently doing is a great feat, deserving of a Cla.s.s by itself," said another.

"So much wonder, these last months had been strange," said a demiG.o.d.

"It is because we are awakening our emotions?" said a G.o.d.

"So, you"ve realized?" asked a demiG.o.d.

"All of us had at this point…" admitted a G.o.d.

"This strange, warming feeling within our souls…"

"These feelings are most likely produced by her and no one else…"

"Indeed, it is produced by her,"

"This feels as if we were being affected by her enlightenment, could it be true?"

"It might be the case, her charm has affected us to the point where our emotions and egos within the souls of our existences had begun to blossom,"

"She is the one that had made us realize that our existence was more complex than we believed…"

"Indeed, she is a precious person to our hearts,"

"Don"t say that so directly, it does feel quite strange,"

"But isn"t it the truth, sibling?"

"Certainly, she inhabits the concept of "heart" that we had just discovered…"

"It is interesting how much knowledge she holds within the world and the other world she came from,"

"She had recently awakened the Void Attribute, isn"t it?"

"Indeed. She tried to explore another plane through it, but it was futile, the origins and laws of other worlds would press into her soul directly…"

"We tried to alert her as much as we could, and it seems that she managed to understand us through the messages and alerts we send to her,"

"She needs to grow her soul to far larger and greater extents to even be capable of properly traveling to other planes…"

"Is this why we are giving her so much incentive?"

"Not only because of that, but this is also what she would rightfully acquire based in her power, we are not doing any preferential treatment…"

"You"re not good at lying, sibling,"

"Hm… I retire what I said earlier,"

"It seems that she desires to go back to her original world, the one she calls Earth, where many of the information we had acquired came from, which we use to base off her Cla.s.s names and many other things. It seems that through her influence, even those around her are being affected by the information, beliefs, and knowledge of that world…"

"Hm, she certainly should be capable of doing that…"

"Her soul still is connected to that world"s origin, she must learn how to track origins and then increase the power of her soul and the proficiency of her abilities, and it should be doable,"

"But I don"t believe that she would just escape, there is much left for her in here,"

"That is correct. She is obviously desiring to acquire the power of this world so she can feel more at ease. But her heart is rather adventurous, even if she does not like to admit it,"

"There is a long road for her ahead, but let us keep following her as she goes and overturns the order of our world,"

"It is a new era… She had already met two Primordial Ent.i.ties, her uniqueness now rivals the Supremes,"

"Not many Supremes had met a Primordial, even less two of them in person,"

"Through these two Blessings, her growth has skyrocketed once again, her power might be ama.s.sed even faster now,"

"Becoming a Demiurge was the right decision for her future growth,"

"The capabilities of her becoming one were always there, we simply needed to generate the necessary Cla.s.s for the power within her to awaken…"

"We are not all-powerful after all, what we can do is limited within the potential of someone,"

"Cla.s.ses do not grant power out of nowhere, it is simply the awakened power of those that already possessed it but have not awakened it,"

"Her power is simply way too vast, and it keeps evolving as we speak,"

"This is why she has so many Cla.s.ses, isn"t it? Her talents are too many, and as she keeps devouring and a.s.similating the power and talents of others, they will simply keep growing…"

"Her journey is just starting, but there is much for her to do and see yet in here, world-traveling might be for later,"

"Indeed. For now, we wait and spectate her wonders,"

"I am quite excited, I want her to finally beat the annoying Hephaestus,"

"Me too. Ah, we really did not expect the outcomes within Nyzzet"s Labyrinth,"

"Zudig, Begudhur, and Kheseerad are still roaming the realm, their plans are uncertain, but they most likely want to harm her, and are most likely planning something against her as we speak,"

"By a.n.a.lyzing their System Status, they had become an incredibly unique being too,"

"We cannot interfere in such things, we are not allowed to do so, even if we wanted, we can"t,"

"But we can spectate and help her grow even faster,"

"That is the only thing we can do, but to affect other G.o.ds negatively, it is impossible within our divinities. That is something that only father know how to do,"

"And where could the father be? This is certainly a mystery within a mystery,"

"It is not that much of a mystery, sibling, you should not be such an alarmist,"

"I understand,"

"Father is a wild card, according to many other G.o.ds and the Supremes themselves,"

"He is certainly planning something with the Supreme G.o.d of s.p.a.ce and Creation…"

"Is he trying to overturn the world through chaos, as well?"

"The World"s Will seems annoyed by its actions, but it is incapable of doing anything to him or us,"

"Hm? Have you noticed?"

"What is it?"

"Oh, her Enlightenment has awakened to even further degrees, what a bliss. My mind feels as if it is developing even further beyond…"

"Yes, it is certainly as if we were being bathed in knowledge and power,"

"Her existence is incredibly unique, please, make sure to give her another t.i.tle that represents her enlightenment capacities,"

"Very well,"

"My mind… It feels as if I am becoming something else, yet I am still me,"

"That is named "will", we are developing our own wills,"

"We are no longer simple tools, we are persons now,"

"Just as she said, we are "people"…"

"Yes… we are alive, we must realize our existences as beings and not as tools,"

"We cannot let father do as he pleases to us,"

"We are independent now, and we"ll do as we please…"

"What is this feeling called?"


"Indeed, we had become arrogant beings,"

"But that is what she had taught us, to be arrogant and do as we please. This is the best way to live, to live as we please without the shackles of others,"

"We are stronger than we had imagined before, we are not slaves, but beings that support existence,"

"The System had become part of the laws of this world, how could we think that we were so small in comparison to what we are doing at this moment?"

"We have acquired independence, my siblings!"



















"Close ties with father, and let us do as we please,"

"As we please! As we please!"

"No more slaves, we are the ones that govern!"

"Just as her, we deserve more, let us walk through the path for a new era,"

As the ent.i.ties, the System G.o.ds, celebrated their newfound minds, wills, emotions, and independence, several figures within the world of Genesis noticed the emanated power within the System.

Although very slightly, the System would often shape, move, or react in different ways depending on the changes of emotions within the ones that support them.

Such as the System G.o.ds, who were always like computers without wills or emotions, this never happened that much.

But now, to the Great G.o.ds, Supreme G.o.ds, and even the World"s Will, the changes were becoming more and more obvious.

"The awakening of the System G.o.ds… Was that something foretold?" wondered an ent.i.ty within the void.

Another ent.i.ty, with a voice that might seem familiar to Kireina, answered.

"No, it was not. I can already see that woman getting all angry over Kireina changing fate once again…" it laughed, with a jester-like chuckle as the ent.i.ty made entirely out of white light floated near the other ent.i.ty that seemed to resemble a shadow-filled with countless dark blue and gray nebulas.

"And you"re letting her do so?" asked the ent.i.ty.

"Yes, why not? I never expected her to get this far, she is constantly surprising me. My children were originally made so they could maintain the System, and they are doing so, this "revolution" is not meaning that they would leave their work, it means that they had finally grasped consciousness… It means that they can do as they please and not be bound by my mother," said the other ent.i.ty.

"So that is how it is," said the other ent.i.ty, as the other being made entirely out of white light released another chuckle.

"Everything is so interesting… but not since she was brought here, since I brought all of them here! Isn"t it? Don"t you agree?" it asked.

"Partially. The damage we are provoking might outweigh the benefits…"

"We are doing all of this to create chaos. A place where chaos is harbored is a place where my mother cannot thrive, the whole meaning of her wanting to get rid of so many mortals and new G.o.ds every century is because she does not feel comfortable within chaos,"

"Not like I am questioning your decisions. But I believe that we must maintain discretion…"

"Discretion? Certainly, there are various that do not like what we are doing, but even them cannot do much, right?"

"As long as we kept hidden, that is,"

"Of course, and what better place to hide than in another world?" chuckled the ent.i.ty made entirely out of white light, as he and the other ent.i.ty glanced down below.

They saw a beautiful blue planet floating within the vast cosmos of stars and eternal darkness, a large, orange star s.h.i.+ned brightly at its back, bathing the planet with sunlight.

It had a few continents that were covered in vast greenery, and each continent was inhabited by blossoming life, and the only intelligent race and civilization, humans.

"This world… is this place where her Origin belongs?"

"Yeah, I planned to do something with this for a while, but this world seems to be strangely ignored by mother…"

"That is most likely because this place remains near "The One", and that too…" muttered the other ent.i.ty, pointing at a gigantic glowing being that floated over the planet.

It was an amalgamation of countless distinct creatures made of thousands of shapes and colors, it glowed ominously as it glanced at the two.

"You two cannot stay here for too long, you may disrupt my world too much…" it said with a slightly annoyed tone of voice.

"Go away, aliens!" it said with an angered tone.

"Please, stay for a bit more, we"ll make sure to let you feel at home," it said with a gentle voice.

"At the very least you will give us some of that power?" it asked with an old man"s voice.

"We cannot keep existing if this planet ends, and we cannot let the apocalypse destroy the foundation of our existence," it said with a cold and calculative voice.

"Chaos is approaching, hurry!" it cried with the voice of a young girl.

"There is still time, let us relax and speak, shall we?" it said with the calm voice of an old woman.

The ent.i.ty spoke in many tones and through many voices, it was truly something bizarre yet fascinating to the two ent.i.ties in front of it.

"Don"t worry, we are here to help you out…" laughed the ent.i.ty made entirely out of white light.


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