Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 704 - Summoned To Another World?!

Chapter 704 - Summoned To Another World?!




After the intense mating session with Agatheina, I had decided to take a nap, which now brought me here.

I was in a dream.

Yeah, yeah, I can like always be inside of them, even without sleeping.

But this was different.

This one dream was very strange.

Almost bizarre.

Yeah, bizarre? For someone like me?

I can find bizarre things too! Not everything is simply fine for me, you know.


Anyways, this Dream I was called in was weird.

I found myself in some strange, cosmic landscape, there were an endless cosmos of darkness, stars, clouds of gas, meteors, comets, and very far away planets.

Of course, my physical body was not here, nor the entirety of my soul.

It was the part of my soul that forms my "consciousness".

A person"s consciousness would usually barely have a body if even, being an ethereal part of a soul, it is really extraordinarily little for anything.

But my soul is obviously different than that, of course. I have a powerful soul, made up of many G.o.ds I have eaten, and many other mortal souls as well.

Due to my abnormal soul, even the manifestation of my consciousness is like an enormous and grotesque spectral ma.s.s of flesh and mixed body parts of all the G.o.ds I have ever eaten.

Yeah, I"ve discovered it.

I often change my soul around with my transformations, but I have recently discovered that "the true" appearance of my soul is incredibly bizarre, even more than I had ever imagined, and even more than my most grotesque of transformations.

It is simply a ma.s.s made up of every G.o.d I have eaten, their bodies and souls are triturated into pieces and mixed all with some strange dark, purple, and red goo. Of course, not only the G.o.ds but also any divinity fragment that I have consumed was present in this thing, so it was insanely vast and crazy-looking.

Even for me!

Anyways, my consciousness was so strong that it manifests similar to this, and I can even use a few of my powers, but I feel like they are being slightly suppressed, and some of my strongest perks cannot be used in this weird place.

I try to use Appraisal or any other Skill that I could use in this situation, so I could finally know where the heck I am.

But I get nothing, I can"t decipher where I am.

And I also discover that part of my powers within my Skills simply is not working.


Yeah, some Skills are simply not working, something that usually does not happen in Dreams, where I always feel like I am the one that can do whatever it pleases.

In here, I seem to be suppressed.

And part of my powers is not there.

I wonder if this is another plane separated from Genesis…

If this is the truth, then I cannot use several Skills that are only granted to me by the System and had not become part of my own soul? Like Appraisal and the like…

So are they like borrowed powers then?

Well, that is disheartening.

But I feel like I could conjure magic and other things if I put some thought and effort, although firing random magic around does not seem like a good idea, especially here, which seems to be the vacuum of s.p.a.ce itself.

This is clearly not my Dream World, as in there, I can use all of my powers simply fine.


Then where the heck am I?

Did I really just got sucked into outer s.p.a.ce with only my consciousness?

I mean, I am fairly sure that I can still use another consciousness in my main body, but what about me? I am supposed to be the main one here!

This is a bit vexing.

However, as I was about to release a million Chaos Cannons and other attacks to take out some frustration, I am stopped by the calling of something.

I glance at my front as I find a void within the vast cosmos.

What is this now?

I approach the void, and it is just that, a void, a hole in s.p.a.ce itself.

Inside of it, there is something like completely white s.p.a.ce.

Is this a peephole to another reality?

I glance at it with the millions of eyes that cover my grotesque body, finding nothing inside.

Hmm… Might as well try.

I expand my consciousness and materialize it into a ma.s.s of flesh, covering the void and trying to eat it.

I put all of my intent into it…

But it is impossible, it is as hard as trying to eat those Reward Loot Boxes, there is simply something in the composition of this that I cannot consume… yet.

I give up after trying pretty hard and sigh.

Well, now what?

Just as I began to think about entering there by force or something, I hear two voices talking within the inside of this void, in the completely white s.p.a.ce.

One sounds like a young adult woman in her early twenties and the other like a young boy, like the voice of a five to six years old.

Who are these? People from another world?

I quickly realize that they are speaking in a language that I understand… Even if they are in another world, they are speaking in something similar to English, Earth"s Englis.h.!.+


I keep listening to them, as I realize that their presence is nothing to scoff at, they feel like two Demon G.o.ds of at least G.o.d Rank, and if combined, even stronger.

Strangely enough, they feel like one being and two at the same time… What are they even?

The presence they leak out of the void is intriguing and its components are similar to my own, there is even a Charming effect, which is not affecting me in the slightest, but I can see it pretty easily.

They are talking about something of souls, it seems that one has something called "Abyssal Soul" and the other a "Soul Void"… I do not even know those terms, and it makes me curious about their soul flavor.

However, I cannot enter there and take a bite, so I remain in here listening, they might not be sensing me or something because they are chatting just as relaxedly.

And then, they notice me.

The voice of the boy speaks, he seems to have noticed my presence since way earlier…

"Anyways, when is your guest coming?" asked the woman"s voice.

"I believe it has been hearing us speak this whole time," said the boy"s voice.

Well, having thought that they never hear me out spooked me a bit, to be honest… But I brace myself and talk to them, this is my first conversation with an otherworldly being, so I gotta be polite and all of that.

"Well, h.e.l.lo there…" I say.

Trying to be casual would be the best, as I do not want them to see me as a threat, if possible.

"Are you a friend with the other ent.i.ties that had visited me?" asked the boy…

What other ent.i.ties is he speaking of? I do not get it…

Wait, is he… is he a summoner or something?

Did someone visit this boy in his dreams? Does he have a Dream Attribute Divinity?

Well, both of them feel as strong as G.o.ds, so there could be a possibility.

However, I do not remember anyone in my family, nor friends, nor anyone close to me to have ever dreamed with the voice of a young boy.

"Me? No, I do not think so. I don"t remember anyone within my friends or family telling me that they met such a bizarre soul through their dreams- Ah, sorry, did I sound too rude?" I ask, awaiting their response.

"Not at all, we are indeed quite bizarre…" said the boy.

So he admits he"s bizarre?

"I-Indeed, so miss, from where do you from?" asked the woman"s voice, a bit startled by my overwhelming presence.

So they"re already starting with the questions and everything, huh?

Well, telling them where I come from seems pointless, it won"t change anything and it is not like I am willing to reveal any info to some aliens I found while sleeping.

"Oh my, already starting with the questions, are we? If I were to tell you where I come from, nothing would change anyway, and it is so complicated to tell you, that it is better to simply leave it at that… Well, I can tell you something. I come from another world," I said. I don"t want to reveal anything else than what they had already guessed, such as my ident.i.ty coming from another world.

"We guessed as much…" said the boy.

I begin to wonder if these two are the culprits behind having called me into this strange and bizarre outer s.p.a.ce place… So, I kind of decide to directly ask them.

"So? Why have you called me? I had just recently finished doing some things and I wanted to take a nap, and then, here I am. Although my Dream Attribute Divinity has developed a lot, I never thought it would already connect me to another world… This is a bit baffling, to be honest. Ah, I tried several times to devour this place but it"s useless, it seems that I cannot exert my power in another world… Well, just as I had expected," I said, curious about their response.

"Dream… Attribute? Is there such an attribute? And Divinity? So you"re a G.o.ddess?" asked the young woman.

Quite sharp, are you?

Why yes, I am a G.o.ddess!

…Not really.

"Oh yeah, in my world, Dreams are an Attribute. And G.o.ddess? Not really, well, I have eaten a few G.o.ds already, but my body is that of a mortal, so I am still considered one," I said.

"Oh, like us then," said the boy.

The boy"s voice then reveals that these ent.i.ties devour G.o.ds just as easily as I. Are they saying the truth?

I wonder.

Well, their strength is quite outstanding, although not as much as mine.

However, because I am being suppressed, weakened, and not have as many liberties in here, it could be said that I might be equally strong to them, or a bit weaker.

Ah, it frustrates me to admit it, though.

This is why it is better to act friendly and see how things develop, if they end up trying to eat me, I might escape, or retaliate, depending on the circ.u.mstances and the possibilities.

"Kind of? Do you eat G.o.ds as well? Fufu, how interesting," I said, acting friendly with my new alien friends.

"We did a few weeks ago…" admits the young woman"s voice.

"Not the best flavor," said the boy"s voice.

Indeed, G.o.ds do not have the best flavors.

Sometimes one can taste like a delicious Greek salad with yogurt, and then another can taste like literal trash juice and spicy bitterness that dries out your tongue.

Although Cyrene and Asclepius were pretty delicious.

Anyways, I find some things that we share, which somehow forges out bonds a bit, I try to act friendly again so they can relax a bit more, they"re still a bit on guard.

"Fufu, how amusing, so you"re like me then? And I can see that you are quite the real deal and not pretenders that copy me like Zudig or Begudhur," I say, naming the names of some of the d.a.m.ned Demon G.o.ds that had tried to ruin me, to see if they recognize them. I had the theory that they might be just in Genesis anyways.

"Zudig?" asked the woman"s voice.

"Begudhur?" asked the boy"s voice.

So they don"t know them, ah, well, whatever.

"Ah! Never mind, those are some evil G.o.ds that are quite my enemies, I guess they are not from here, so forget their names. Well, not like you will get cursed or anything for saying them… Ah! Talking about names, would you tell me yours?" I ask. I want to know their names, as we are becoming friends, the first thing you ask someone you are interested in is their name, of course!

"Names? Is it safe?" asked the woman"s voice. She was rather a curious girl.

"Hm, I think we are fine. This ent.i.ty tried to enter here forcefully, but she seems friendly enough… And her bloodthirst had lowered since she began to speak with us," said the boy"s voice, he seemed to be the sharpest of the two, but the woman"s personality was simply bright, it didn"t mean that she was dumber. In fact, both of them were incredibly intelligent.

"Oh my, you can even sense that? You"re quite the sharp little brat…" I ask with a playful tone of voice as if I had only done a little mischievous thing, oopsies.

And then, both of them decide to say their names straight away.

That was easy!

"Well… I am Veronica," said the young woman"s voice.

"And I am Ervas… Could you tell us your name?" said the boy"s name.

So Veronica and Ervas huh?

One of them clearly sounds earthling, and the other is more otherworldly I guess.


Now I am even more intrigued by them.

I decide to say my new name and not reveal my previous one for obvious motives, I wanted them to react to my strange, j.a.panese-sounding name.

I also added the remark that I was a reincarnated soul, and even that I used to be a man before to surprise them even more.

"Ah, sure thing. I am Kireina. Well, this is my new name after reincarnating in this world I am… I used to be a man before! Hilarious, right?" I said.




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