Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 751 - [Scripted Event: War Against G.o.ds] 33/?: G.o.ds Invasion! Kireina"s Pantheon Of G.o.ds Versus Demon G.o.ds!

Chapter 751 - [Scripted Event: War Against G.o.ds] 33/?: G.o.ds Invasion! Kireina"s Pantheon Of G.o.ds Versus Demon G.o.ds!


Agatheina was a G.o.ddess that truly had a long life, she had lived and experienced many things up until this point, but she had never felt like this for someone else in all of her life.

Until Kireina came into her life.

At first, she was her enemy, but she was promptly defeated by her, she was even left with a scar on her body…

Being taught a lesson, she decided to serve Kireina instead of fighting her, a.s.suring the survivability of her children and well, of herself too.

But as she went by serving her, she got to know her better and much, much more.

And by a combination of many things such as admiration of her strength, intelligence, and personality, alongside the charming effect of Kireina"s t.i.tles and skills, made her quickly fall in love with her.

After months of fighting together with her, of teaching her, and helping her, Kireina finally and happily answered her feelings with a very pa.s.sionate night…

Although Agatheina had already sworn it before, since that night that she had finally and completely accepted her devotion to Kireina, her family, her children, and her Empire.

Alongside the other G.o.ds that thought similarly to her to an extent, she led the Pantheon of the Dark Moon Empire!

However, things were not going as easily, as more and more threats kept coming for Kireina, and she and her family and pantheon had to always be prepared, usually with many steps ahead.

But even with all of that preparation, what happened now was still rather surprising…

The children of Hephaestus, by using artifacts and special divine techniques that not even these G.o.ds could discern, which were made through the use of very high-quality materials and ridiculous amounts of Divine Energy, an enormous barrier was erected over the Empire.

Since that moment that the G.o.ds had intended to fully descend and aid Kireina and her family and allies to defeat these G.o.ds, while the other body of Kireina went to take care of what was happening in the Dark Steppes.

However, against their expectations, the Realm where they had gathered, that of Agatheina, suddenly broke into chaos.

As Kaggoth, who was rather late to the meeting finally arrived, she came with some company, and a lot of special artifacts that automatically activated, generating a hostile Divine Formation within the Divine Realm of Agatheina, trapping the G.o.ds inside!

Agatheina who had never expected such treason was surprised!

"Kaggoth… Kireina-sama gave you so much, yet you dare to betray her?! You filthy Demon G.o.d! We should have never trusted you!" roared Agatheina in anger, she was about to tear down Kaggoth into pieces as her crimson eyes gleamed devilishly and her fangs grew longer and sharper!

"…This is what I had to do," said Kaggoth, as she walked away from the battlefield quickly after saying those words, disappearing through a portal towards Thanatos Divine Realm!

"Come back!!!" roared Agatheina, flying towards Kaggoth as she shrouded herself in her Divine Aura of Blood, shapes.h.i.+fting into a gigantic and monstrous anthropomorphic bat-like beast!

Agatheina began to charge her Divine Energy, as she released an enormous barrage of blood blades towards Kaggoth"s direction!

Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+ Flas.h.!.+

However, Kaggoth had already gone through the portal, disappearing instantly as several Divine Barriers blocked Agatheina"s Divine Technique!

"So many presences… Just how many G.o.ds are getting in?!" thought Agatheina as she gnashed her teeth and forcefully stepped back.

And then, as the portal opened more, more Demon G.o.ds began to infiltrate the Divine Realm!

Grotesque and gigantic creatures of several sizes appeared one by one, there was one that resembled a gigantic walking black-colored fortress, another resembled an enormous living purple-colored flame, another resembled a gigantic sloth, and so on…

They glanced at the G.o.ds of Kireina"s Pantheon, who quickly gathered in a single place in the middle of this gigantic Divine Formation, some mocked them immediately, while others glanced at them with scorn, and others seemed to be ready to slaughter.

"So these are the ones we have to defeat?" asked a gigantic, black-colored fortress, which was in fact a Demon G.o.d, Cathtac.u.mb, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Cursed Fortresses.

"Easy!" said a beautiful and angelic woman, with pale white skin, long blonde hair, and s.h.i.+ny aquamarine eyes alongside feathered wings, although this was nothing but one of her two faces, Gratelqueth, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Two-Faced Grotesqueness.

"What a bunch of losers, obeying a mortal…! They deserve to be finally exterminated!" said a large ma.s.s of purple flames with a gigantic blazing jaw and two crimson eyes, Alberno, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Purgatory Flames

"Gyahahahaha! I am going to slice them off with my feathers!" said a t.i.tanic bird covered in s.h.i.+ny feathers and a monstrous beak filled with razor-sharp teeth, Lacrupete, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Feathered Beasts.

"I shall enslave them and make them do whatever I please, fuahahahah!" said a small demon with enormous horns covered in countless chains and scars, Lavuronious, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Forced Enslavement.

"Yawn…" said a giant sloth covered in purple fur and possessing enormous claws, Oklathzo, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Slothful Desires

"I will show them what LOVE truly is~!" said a grotesque ma.s.s of twisting and palpitating flesh covered in tight black latex, Delicazius, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Painful l.u.s.t.

"What a bunch of freaks!" groaned Merveim, the Wyvern G.o.d of Strength, as he prepared himself to beat these freaks to death.

"There is an abnormally high amount of them… Is Thanatos going all out? And their strength… Despite their appearances, they are strong and seem to come packed with Divine Energy, be careful!" said Hodhyl, the Wyvern G.o.ddess of Nature, beginning to cover her entire body with her Divine Aura.

"Do we really have to fight?! I do not think I am ready… Why did Kaggoth have to betray us?!" cried Levana, the Beast DemiG.o.ddess of Bats.

"Levana, get yourself together, stay with us and we"ll protect you!" roared Marnet, the Beast DemiG.o.d of Canines.

"I won"t let them do as they please!" said Maeralya, the Beast DemiG.o.ddess of Felines, baring her fangs and claws.

"This is it! I have to… fight… at last! I will do… whatever I can!" cried Nezhit, he was trembling in fear, but he was still decided to fight!

"And we are here too!" said Hydros, the G.o.ddess of Water Fluctuations.

"Indeed… I never expected Kaggoth from all of us to ever betray us like this… She really seemed like a good girl… What a pity," said Gaia, the reincarnated Great t.i.tan G.o.ddess of Earth.

"Let"s all combine our strengths to protect this Empire!" said Bovdohr, the DemiG.o.d of Eclipses.

"For Kireina-sama and her family!" said Nomera, the DemiG.o.ddess of Dawns.

"Everyone…! Very well then, we"ll get through this together!" said Agatheina in her monstrous bat beast form.

All of the G.o.ds were beginning to activate their Divine Auras while grabbing several certain accessories within their hands or claws!

"Well, well, isn"t that Agatheina? You have changed a lot since you decided to become the slave of a mortal, Vampire," said a gigantic bull with one hundred legs and horns, Jozrath, the Demon G.o.d of Brutish Savagery.

"What a pleasant surprise, although I had already expected to see her, isn"t this quite nice?" said an enormous ma.s.s of countless eyes stuck together, Oculus, the Demon G.o.d of One Hundred Cursed Eyes.

Jozrath and Oculus seemed to be leading this raiding team, and their tones of voices implied that they were certain of their victory…

"You know them, Agatheina?" asked Hodhyl.

"Of course I do, I used to be part of Thanatos" G.o.ds Pantheon… Those two are bad news, they are the strongest amongst the G.o.ds of that Pantheon, right below Thanatos, in fact. Lucky for us that Kinesis is not here… He also possesses ridiculous powers… The bull is Jozrath, and the eyes are Oculus… Jozrath specializes in physical combat and charging like a wild beast, and Oculus can use his eyes to conjure a wide arrange of curses instantaneously, he doesn"t exceed in magic nor physical offense, but his powers are ridiculous…" said Agatheina.

"Oh my, it makes me happy that you remember me, Agatheina-san. Although telling them what we are good at or capable of will not change your destiny," said Oculus.

"Yeah! You are becoming food for Thanatos! Gahahahahaha!" laughed Jozrath.

"Food?! You mean!" muttered Agatheina, realizing something crucial that made the other G.o.ds at her side glance at her with curiosity.

"Indeed! He is planning to do it! He will become a Great G.o.d! And when that happens… there will not be anywhere for any of you to escape from! Well, not like we will not capture and seal you away into tiny pieces before that! Gahahaha!" laughed Jozrath.

"He also has perfected a way to eat Divinities that do not match with his main one, and he will soon share it with us… There is no way out for you, your destiny has already been decided," said Oculus.

"Destiny?! Who is this c.o.c.ky ma.s.s of eyeb.a.l.l.s?!" roared Merveim.

"We are the ones that decide our destiny!" roared Hodhyl.

"We shall not falter against your strength! We fight unified, as one!" roared Marnet.

"We are never alone!" said Maeralya.

"Ehh… Yeah!" said Levana.

"Fight together? You are clearly surrendered! Everyone, attack from all directions! Turn them into tiny soul pieces! Gahahahaha!" laughed Jozrath, as he charged a long-ranged attack alongside Oculus and the other Demon DemiG.o.ds!

"DIE!" they roared, as an enormous wave of Divine Attacks ranging from enormous black boulders, spheres of darkness, purple flames, tornadoes, cannons of purple light, materialized Divine Aura, and more rain over the Dark Moon G.o.ds!

"Don"t underestimate the mortal that we serve, you idiots!" laughed Merveim.

"Now, everyone!" roared Agatheina.

"Transformation!" roared all the G.o.ds in unison, as bright lights covered their entire bodies, and the accessories they had spread around their bodies began to transform multiple times, expanding and covering their bodies, making them grow taller and more menacing!

"No matter what tricks you use, you"re dead meat!" laughed Jozrath, as all of the Demon G.o.ds attacks finally reached the Dark Moon G.o.ds, detonating into enormously loud explosions that began to break through the entire Divine Realm of Agatheina, destroying several kilometers around!


"They"re done for… Now let"s gather their Soul Piece and seal them- Eh?"

Oculus was left startled, as he was the first one to see through all of his powerful vision… all of the Dark Moon G.o.ds had suddenly…


"What"s the deal? I can"t see with all of this Divine Smoke…" said Jozrath.

"They"re not here… How?" asked Oculus.

"What?! That"s true! Where did they go?! You b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, move your a.s.sess and look for them!" roared Jozrath, telling the other Demon G.o.ds to move and look for the Dark Moon G.o.ds!

However, they had not simply gone out of nowhere!

Within the depths of the Spatial Layers that made up everything in existence, even Divine Realms, there was a large pocket s.p.a.ce!

The Dark Moon G.o.ds had planned to evade the attacks or erect barriers to protect themselves, but the ent.i.ty that appeared to save them knew very well that such a thing would not work!

And such ent.i.ty was sent here for the sole purpose of helping them and give them an advantage over the Demon G.o.ds, despite not being as strong as one!

"You"re… Kireina-sama?!" asked Agatheina with a crazed voice, although she seemed very happy.

"Kireina-sama!" said Merveim.

"Kireina!" said Hodhyl.

"Ah, not exactly. My name is Kiroid! And I am… well, technically I am Kireina, I was made up from her soul and my body is like your bodysuits!" said Kiroid, as she manipulated the s.p.a.ce around all the G.o.ds and made them disappear from the area, saving them inside a large pocket dimension!

"Kiroid… I remember Kireina-sama talking about you… But what are you doing here?" asked Merveim.

"Isn"t it obvious? To help you guys out! The Main Body updated me before going out, and now I got Spatial Magic to aid you guys, so count on me for mobility!" said Kiroid.

"Spatial Magic? Is that the one from Kheseerad?" asked Agatheina in surprise.

"Bingo! Now, let"s get moving, Oculus is already trying to see through us with his powerful Divinity of Eyes… I have a setting like a hundred illusion barriers and he is breaking them all! Now move, I will tell you the plans through your Mech Bodysuits!" said Kiroid, as she opened several portals, indicating every G.o.d or group of G.o.ds to go through!


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