Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 812 - Revelations 4

Chapter 812 - Revelations 4




Not possible yet?

Well, that is Good!

No way in h.e.l.l I would be happy over my mother dying due to giving me some powers.

I am someone that treasures family like nothing else.

It is the only thing that keeps me going through this complete insanity.

So no way I am letting her die.

Yeah, you heard me right.

Did you think I was going to take her powers all happily?

No, f.u.c.k that.

And well, now that she said I still cannot, it still even better.

"What you need to receive my powers is to become at least a being that has transcended the Rank known as Supreme G.o.d within Genesis. After that, you will acquire the power to refine the Attribute Particles of the entire universe. Through this power, you can slowly a.s.similate my power, however, you will need to keep growing on your own until you finally achieve my level…" said mother.


So that"s it…

Well, I am not taking them anyways!

Mother, no way in h.e.l.l I am going to take your powers if you die!

"But my child, if you don"t… all that power will end up becoming that of the Overseers…" she said.


This is why she wanted to do it before she died…

So her powers could not be completely eaten away by those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

"It is better for you to receive them than them… Even if I must die in the process…" said my mother.

No… there must be another way!

I know that… there should be another way.

Even if you might end weakened… I want to save you!

Do you think I would let one of my children die for me to get some power up?

Of course not!

So why would I do the same for my mother?!

"My child… It makes me so happy that… you think that… but… I am a Primordial Deity, I know things you have yet to know… And if I know that there is no chance… there is really no chance-"

Like h.e.l.l, I care about that!


You hear me!


No buts!

Mother, I am going to somehow save you!

And what if you know about everything and are sure to die 100%?!

I am also your daughter, right?

I am the daughter of a Primordial Deity!

So, I should also be able to accomplish the things you do, or even greater!

And I should be able to find a way out!

A way… out of this predicament!

You have to trust me!

I have already done insane s.h.i.+t that I never thought possible!

I have to keep growing stronger, to keep grinding strength and new possibilities!

I know I am spitting complete nonsense…

But I am the child of Chaos, right?

I can do anything, as long as I put my mind to the task!

I have already had my fair share of complete insanity, you know…

I just have to gather strength separately, and quickly.

"But that… You… My child… I love you so much but… I don"t…"


Do not dare say it"s "Impossible"!


I am very serious here, mother!

…Sorry if I startled you, are you okay?

"Ah… Yes… I am fine… It is just that for a moment… I saw something within you… My child… You… Perhaps… I do have to trust… I have to trust in what you believe you can do… How can I call myself mother if I cannot trust my own child?" wondered my mother.

Thanks for believing in me…

I know I am just spitting complete nonsense now.

But isn"t nonsense something inherent from Chaos as well?

Unpredictable, chaotic, insane, nonsensical.

If I am truly your daughter, then I am the embodiment of all of this.

Through my path for survival in genesis, I went through an immense amount of insanity and chances that I never thought possible.

For instance, I had never imagined I would ever eat an Origin Core Fragment!

"Oh well, that shouldn"t have been possible for anyone except Supreme G.o.ds, perhaps. But because of your innate powers awakening and your ability to defy the fate of the world, you ate a small fragment of this world"s core itself… You are right, putting into perspective what you were at that time, something like that truly seemed completely impossible! I… I have been too blinded by my own solitude to realize that there are always chances for everything to occur, this world is vast and filled with things that not even I completely understand… Just thinking that my death is something completely guaranteed is really… stupid… To think that someone like a Primordial Deity such as me would admit that I was… being stupid…" sighed my mother, as she seemed a bit more uplifted.

That is the mother I like!

I do not like when she is feeling all down and depressed!

You gotta look up into the sky and hope for new things, to dream!

Even if there is a small chance, there is a chance!

…And even if there is no chance at all… well, I will make one through my blood and sweat!

I will tear apart the chances, possibilities, and fate itself, and make a path for us to walk through, even if I have to tear apart countless beings that try to stop me!

Oh wow, that sounded so cliché…

I am really some kind of moron, aren"t I?

Suddenly, my mother begins to chuckle.

"Hehe… You are so charismatic… I am so proud of having such a child… Very well then… I believe in you, Kireina… I want to… believe that there is a chance! I want to… dream too… I want to live… at your side… at the side of my grandchildren, of your wives… your friends… your Empire… There is so much I want to see and experience as well… Through my almost eternal life, I had never gone through such emotions… I still remember all the time before I gave birth to you… How everything was so dull, silent, and eternally empty… But you brought a purpose to me… and emotions surged within me…"

"I began to think more, to take more care of you, to be concerned about you… It was… hard to be a mother… But I did… Whatever I could… And every time I saw your little round face smile as you looked at me with the large and beady crimson eye you had… I felt so much happiness… Something so essential within me awakening… And this happiness… is coming back… All this time speaking with you… I have been so happy…" she said.

Oh d.a.m.n, that really hit me right into the feels!

Oh man, you really want me to cry for a third time now?!

When did I become such a crybaby?!


I guess I am very weak to my mother…

But I always wonder… how did I come to exist? Did you separate a part of you to form me?

"It is like any other in countless worlds does. It came a time when I felt that there was not much purpose to my life, and after inspecting so many worlds with life, I became captivated with the act of reproduction, of making descendants for the next generations… To ensure the survival of the species. However, that seemed rather pointless for an eternal being such as myself… However, I still… tried to do it. And although you were made by a great part of my own soul, you were fabricated by millions of stars as well, which I all compressed into a single bead… That bead rested within my body for billions after billions of years… until you finally opened your eye, and gained consciousness of your own…" said my mother.

Oh, so that is how it is!

Wait for a second, I was made of millions of stars?!

That is insane!

"Of course, if I were going to have a child, I could not settle with a low quant.i.ty of energy, so I gathered the energy worth of thousands of galaxies! I think many living beings died when I gathered so many stars, but I really did not care…" said my mother.

Oh wow, so my birth came with the death of billions!

My mother is really quite the villain, huh?

Good thing she is my mother…

It is very interesting to know that…

Wait, does that mean that I have the power compared to billions of stars?!

"…W-Well, when I pushed you into a wormhole to escape from the Overseers, your ma.s.s and your soul… slowly fragmented into the galaxies and worlds you crossed, so most of that power you originally held was… loss, and went back to the universe. I am sorry for having been so rough back then, I really… did not have any other option… If I did not do that you might have… been used as some kind of pet by these monsters, and I don"t know what kind of creature they would have turned you into…" she sighed.

No, no, mother, it is fine…

I know that you did it to save my life.

I would have preferred to fall through all of that again than to become the pet of those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds.

Man, I cannot wait to begin eating them.

One day… One day…

But for now, we cannot.

Now I should really go back…

After all, I gotta do a bunch of stuff, such as evolving and more…

However, I am still curious about something…

Mother, if I crossed through so many worlds when I fell… does that mean I have an Origin that can go to other worlds?

What happened with that?

"That"s… As you were still premature when I sent yd through the Wormhole, you didn"t have a proper Origin, and your Origin ended up making all these galaxies and worlds you crossed through to suppress your soul, which is one of the factors on why your soul began to fragment away… I am sorry again…" sighed my mother.

I see, and you do not be to be sorry!

I already told you it was fine.

"Do you desire to acquire an Origin to cross through the universe? Although I cannot give you an infinite Origin. I believe I could be able to unlock more of your power to the point where you can evolve an Origin similar to me, a Chaotic Origin. With such an Origin, as long as there is Chaos inside a world, you will be able to slowly cultivate the Origin of such worlds, and as more Chaos you bring, your Origin of that world grows bigger, and you can exert more of your original power without having your soul suppressed by those world"s laws… However, for now, I cannot give it to you. At the very least, you must reach Supreme G.o.d Rank," said my mother.

So that"s how it is.

Wait, I wonder if you can unlock more of my power like that?

Without the need of actually just giving me all your power before dying…

"Yes, I can… However, your current strength is not enough to take it. Make sure to devour many other G.o.ds, and I am sure that you will be able to reach Supreme G.o.ddess Rank in no time. I am cheering for you, my child," said mother rather tenderly.

Well if you are so confident in me I do not have any chance that to make sure to not disappoint you.

Lucky for me there is a big buffet preparing itself to come right into my door, so I might even be able to break through more Ranks soon!

"I see, that makes me very happy… For now, I believe I still can leave a tiny gift for you, make sure to use it well…" said my mother, as she suddenly separated a large sphere of darkness from her body and sent it towards me.

"W-What is this?" I asked.

"You will find out whenever you wake up there… For now, make sure to protect those you love, your family is also my family now, alright?" asked my mother, as I began to fade away…

Suddenly, my eyes open, as I find myself inside my castle room.

I am back…

How long did I sleep?

Suddenly, I find Rimuru who jumps into me!

"Mastaaa! You slept for two whole weeks, guuu!" she cried.


Two weeks?!




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