Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 905 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 26/?: The Clones Council

Chapter 905 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 26/?: The Clones Council


After the parasitizing of Artemis and Athena by the hands of Kireina, both G.o.ddesses became her Clones and easily sneaked into the family.

Athena was one of the first G.o.ds to have begun to suspect something going wrong with Apollo, who had become Kireina"s clone.

But now that she had her soul eaten and her body used as a husk for Kireina"s Split Soul, she had simply become another one of Kireina"s split beings, dangerously roaming within the Zeus Family.

Zeus, Apollo, Baltis, Athena, and Artemis, alongside all of Apollo"s family, were already Kireina, and they were planning to devour the rest soon enough.

However, Kireina also had plans for them.

She wanted them to guide the other G.o.ds into a different place, where she would be able to eat them all with her family and use all of that power ama.s.sed from these G.o.ds to reach the Great G.o.d Realm.

However, first of all, she had different plans, to take and steal the other places filled with valuable mortals, which she could make to wors.h.i.+p her, giving her even more power!

Within her Divine Realm, the elves that she had stolen were still confused about what was happening, but Kireina had already sent several people there to introduce them to their new world, where they had been "saved" from all the sufferings of the world.

They would begin winning the favor of the people merely through good actions, as Kireina began to realize that sincere wors.h.i.+p and faith from non-brainwashed people is way stronger, bringing a much better quality of divine energy and other points.

Due to that, they would begin helping the poor, giving shelter and food to people openly, and more.

Even though elves seemed peaceful, they were not devoid of poverty, many people were in need, and the royal family sucked off most of the profits made through the selling of items and crops…

Through this method of simply… making people happy, Kireina would slowly convince the prideful elves that her religion was in fact a good one.

Although it might take some days, she didn"t really mind, as the people would quickly come to realize that in this world there were no dangers like in the outside world.

As the elves were being convinced, a meeting between Kireina"s clones happened.

Zeus, Apollo, Athena, Artemis, and Baltis all reunited within Apollos" Divine Realm, in the large palace that he inhabited.

The former Hero of One Hundred Slices, Yos.h.i.+naga Hiros.h.i.+, an old and stoic man, although after becoming a G.o.d, he gained some youth and seemed rather honorable, the former Hero of Brilliant Poems, which once brought some inconveniences to Kireina, although he had now become fully parasitized as one of her clones from the small formerly mortal-type parasites, the former Heroine of Sakura Storms, Sakura Miwa, another of the heroes who had become one of Kireina"s clones, and lastly, the Empress of the Azuma Empire, Sugita Masami Azuma.

The meeting between Kireina"s clones finally started with these last four members joining in, their meeting didn"t seem weird for the other G.o.ds, as they knew that Zeus and Athena had been nouris.h.i.+ng the Azuma Heroes for some time already, and saw it as natural to make a meeting with them.

Of course, the Azuma Heroes rejoiced when they heard the news about Zeus and everyone else present becoming Kireina"s clones, as they didn"t know yet about such news because they were made from old parasites that didn"t develop such a strong connection to Kireina"s divine powers.

"Amazingly, the main body has managed to catch Zeus, we saw her clone fighting against him, but we didn"t know what has happened to him since then. It is certainly great news that such a pain in the a.s.s is finally out of the picture, and in a rather anti-climatic way, if I say so myself," laughed Sugita Masami.

"You mean a pain in the a.s.s because you were having s.e.x with him?" asked Apollo.

"…Don"t remind me of it," sighed Sugita.

"Well, these G.o.ds were quite perverted, but it is not like we see these bodies like ours, more like simply puppets we use," laughed Yos.h.i.+naga.

"It would be better to not speak about this topic, I would prefer to go into the important things at the moment…" sighed Athena.

"Very well then, did you said something about "upgrading" us while bringing our power to the main body, right?" asked Sakura Miwa.

"Yes, we are a new type of clone made from her divine flesh and divine soul, and we can connect to her directly through special abilities we come with, by upgrading you, we give away a piece of ours so you can become the newer type of parasite. Fear not, the main body doesn"t have any intention of taking away your minds or something, she respects you and will be happy either way, if you choose to stay in these bodies in the future or become new people," said Artemis.

"I see… Well, let"s begin then," said Mihara Hideaki.

Kireina had planned to absorb the new power the clones had ama.s.sed, similarly to how she was able to let Apollo devour Hephaestus, and then Hephaestus could bring the power he acquired to her through simply touching her soul.

Now that Kireina had evolved her capabilities to even greater and ridiculous levels, something like this seemed to be a fairly easy job to do.

By temporarily fusing a piece of these new parasites with the old Azuma Parasites, they would be upgraded and given the power to connect with Kireina once more, being able to pa.s.s on the power of their divinities, stats, and other things.

Zeus and the other clones touched each other hands as they made a circle, where the Azuma Clones stood up, also grabbing each other hands.

Suddenly, their flesh began to change, shapes.h.i.+fting into red flesh and slimy tentacles, touching each other and merging, entangling, and gibbering grotesquely.

All the flesh began a large capsule, which encompa.s.sed the other four clones and fused with their flesh.

Their large, cloned souls which were mere soul fragments from Kireina merged together with the souls of the Azuma Empire, as the new energies they had ama.s.sed began to be a.s.similated and sent to Kireina"s main body, while also giving them new powers. Through this method, they lost all these divinities and powers, which were now replaced by the natural powers of Kireina"s soul… which was in fact way better than being locked to those divinities.

After a few minutes, all the clones separated themselves, as the Azuma Empire Clones began to glow brightly with crimson light.

"Oh, we have been reborn! This is truly a splendorous feeling!" said Sakura Miwa.

"That"s right! This is truly the upgrade we needed… Man, it is nice to be with more of us, being with all those weirdos was tiring… Do you know how boring G.o.ds are? The only thing they talk about is how much they want to be stronger. Seriously, are they brainless?" sighed Mihara.

"More or less, they"re all a bunch of brainless guys. I mean, look at our army of clones, and they are not doing anything over it. They don"t even know about us!" laughed Yos.h.i.+naga.

"I think we are getting way too c.o.c.ky, calm down guys. Never get too overconfident or fate will try to f.u.c.k us over," said Sugita Masami.

"Wise words from one of our clones… Now, let"s get to the juicy part. The main body wants to talk with us directly, so here she is," said Zeus, as the G.o.ds quickly sat around a table and he conjured several spells, generating a large led window made of pink illusion magic, where the projection of Kireina"s main body in all of her splendor showed up while sitting in her throne.

"Yo, guys, how are things going?" she asked rather casually, although she looked very intimidating with those long heels and the red dress, and well, her giant horns too, and those glowing crimson eyes that killed people with their mere sight (quite literally).

"Is my idea or she has become way more casual than before?" asked Sugita, who remembered Kireina from before being way more serious.

"Eh? What? What"s with my personality?" asked Kireina.

"Nothing, go on, main body," said Zeus, hitting Sugita with his hand.



After hearing Sugita being reprimanded, Kireina continued her speech.

"Anyways, I wanted to tell you guys to prepare the G.o.ds at the moment, fill them with lies about me being somewhere else, and cut the connections with the G.o.ds guarding Azuma Empire and Vretrion"s Kingdom, so we can ambush those guys and eat them… After that, we"ll gather all of these guys and then you send them to a certain area where we will greet them… yet to be decided. And… that"s all! Thanks for the powerup, good luck," said Kireina while giving a peace sign and leaving… it was all quite the casual speech, although this was supposed to be a war, everything she did was carefree, the Clones began to suspect that she needed to aim was so far that what was going on was merely a little event.

Perhaps in the past, they might have given some more expectation to this fight, but now, Kireina was way too busy doing many other things, and desiring to reach many new levels of power far and beyond, she couldn"t get herself so overly serious, even more, when the big bad, Zeus, was already killed in the first fight… which was perhaps the most hilarious thing, seeing how she held him so high before…

The Clones supposed that Zeus and his family were not truly the last boss-level ent.i.ties they thought they used to be… or perhaps Kireina simply grew way too strong already and was sweeping the floor with them easily.

Nonetheless, there was still the G.o.d-risen Pride and Envy, who could be a bit of a challenge, and then the super-powered Dragon G.o.ds who were waiting to catch Kireina and try to slaughter her while asking where Zubekh could be.

The other members of the Zeus Family were still a bit strong… but in the meantime, Kireina would try to parasitize them as she goes.

Artemis and Athena didn"t have any weak offspring for them to parasitize easily unlike Apollo, but whenever they were to manage to parasitize the other members of the Zeus Family, they would surely try to eat their offspring if possible and make them clones too.

The plan didn"t end at this though, as Kireina even planned to still use the Zeus Family after this battle, pretending the some of them survived and then went to the Central Continent, successfully sneaking the family into that place.

Zeus was a G.o.d held in high authority within the many G.o.ds of the central continent, it was the perfect clone to use and learn information about the central continent, while constantly using him for infiltration purposes.

Although she knew that there were a lot of Great G.o.ds there, so she will probably not be as aggressive through parasitizing the G.o.ds, as she knew that the Great G.o.ds will probably realize what she is doing if her clones are way too aggressive, simply bringing her information would be valuable enough.

"Well, we already heard the boss here. For now, let"s prepare the teleportation formations to send all the G.o.ds to the destination she will want. Ah, Zeus, can you cut the connection with the G.o.ds guarding Azuma Empire and the Vretrion Kingdom?" asked Apollo.

"Yes, I already did so. Surprisingly enough, Zeus" children are not going there to protect these places, it says a lot about how they really don"t care about these valuable resources…" sighed Zeus.

"The main body holds in great value the mortals, the more the merrier for her. After all, the more wors.h.i.+p she gets, the faster she can advance, the other G.o.ds don"t simply understand this as well. Most likely because they"re too self-centered to even realize something so basic," laughed Baltis.

"Truly, they are way too conceited. But that"s a good thing, it simply makes them easier targets, fufu," laughed Athena.


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