Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 1024 - [The Fated Holy War] 12/?: Incredible Battle! Kireina VS Ova 5

Chapter 1024 - [The Fated Holy War] 12/?: Incredible Battle! Kireina VS Ova 5


Ova charged an immensely strong beam using the acc.u.mulated attribute particles of the fusion, releasing it into a thundering explosion!


The immense beam crushed through the many formations around the entire formation, breaking them all as Ova felt the energy being drained from her, but she was able to break through the entire formation with immense sheer power alone! As long as she could escape, then there was hope to win.

"T-This… Amazing…" Kireina couldn"t help but praise Ova"s incredible power.

This wasn"t just because of this blast, but due to the incredibly complex technique, she was able to do. She remembered how every divine beast had 70% of her attribute particles each one, transformed into their own attributes, well, by fusing with these beasts, she gains these on top of her original ones, meaning that with just two beasts… she has over 300k attribute particles!


Ova flew outside of the formation, reaching to confront Kireina!

As she flew outside, the enormous Grand Formation where she was trapped began to fall apart and be destroyed!

Kireina who was hiding beneath spatial layers glanced at this and decided to not waste this precious formation, touching it and quickly encapsulating it inside a pocket dimension!


The moment she did, the whole formation disappeared out of thin air, revealing her position to Ova! She wished she could use this power and encapsulate this woman inside a pocket dimension, but that would be completely useless, Ova"s sole presence would cancel out the technique and no dimension would be able to trap her might, which was capable of shattering s.p.a.ce itself.

This also applied to several of Kireina"s abilities, which she had tried out over Ova through the entire battle, black holes would be literally blown away by Ova"s fist, and even her powerful divine beasts were able to destroy them with enormous blasts of elements. After all, the blackholes Kireina was able to create were made up of spatial attribute particles, and so their power was also based on it! However, she wasn"t able to convert all of her attribute particles into spatial attribute particles because she was using her Chaos form, the strongest she had.

Even then, she was sure that Ova would be able to break through anything that wasn"t Chaos Attribute, her strongest attribute which was multiplied in power thanks to her high Law Comprehension, Ova"s Law Comprehension of her two main attributes was incredible, and their power alone could even overpower s.p.a.ce attribute if they had a lower comprehension… Kireina had a decent Life and Nature Law Comprehension and attribute particles, enough to defend her well enough… But not completely.

However, through Kireina"s trickery, she managed to trap her in this s.p.a.ce for some nice time, putting her in some danger as she slowly absorbed her energy and forced Ova to use even more power to break out…

Despite the immense power, Ova was emanating now, her energy was dimming, she was like a bright nova star, flas.h.i.+ng bright with immense quant.i.ties of power, but about to weaken even more, until her end!

Ova glanced at Kireina, whose body was back to normal, the remaining fragments had fused together once more, and she had taken the form of the fairy again, before Ova whose size had grown up to almost 500 meters, she was but an ant.


Ova"s lighting and shadows began to emerge from her t.i.tanic body, as she glanced at Kireina from afar.

"There you are… Time to end you at long last, Kireina!!!" she roared, flying towards Kireina like a flas.h.i.+ng thunderbolt!

Kireina smiled.

"Do you think you"re the only one that can shapes.h.i.+ft, Ova?!" roared Kireina, as she suddenly summoned a gigantic mech and got inside of it!

"Eh? A gigantic artifact…? That won"t do!" said Ova, readying an enormous punch as she charged lighting, shadows, life, and nature attribute particles all into it!



Her punch reached Kireina as an enormous explosion ensued, the shockwaves reached the entire battlefield and expanded across everything! The immense prowess of Ova"s mighty fists shattered s.p.a.ce around Kireina, however… Kireina didn"t even move from her position, as Ova felt as if her height had increased several times… in fact, it was comparable to hers!

She didn"t remember her Chaos Form to be this incredibly resilient nor solid!

As the smoke dissipated, what was revealed before Ova was an enormous mechanical t.i.tan, it had six arms, each one possessing an enormous and colorful weapon emanating immense quant.i.ties of the essence. Her metallic body was bright, s.h.i.+ny, and overflowing with a deadly aura that fused many divinities into one, a monstrous form that Ova had experienced before, but not so close!

Kireina"s appearance was like the craziest of mechs one could ever see in anime back on Earth, there were sharp spikes everywhere, and a monstrous and sharp maw in the middle of her chest, several decorations ahead as the heads of countless beasts decorated her entire body, as dozens of metallic tails with sharp tips danced behind her. There were two enormous wings behind her as well, which were flapping and slowly distorting s.p.a.ce itself with each flap. Her arms" claws were metallic and sharp, and her main head was not one, but five! Each one depicting a furious monster.

Kireina had decided to showcase the amazing upgrade of her original Abyssal Demon Form, which now included her upgraded mech into the mix as an important core. This entire transformation not only used Abilities from various Path Jewels, but also concentrated the power of the Fragment of the Dao of Transformation, Nothingness, and Emptiness! All in an enormous Divine Technique, Kireina"s own Divine Technique of transformation!

This was the first time that Ova had seen such an ent.i.ty, her gigantic form was left as nothing much before Kireina who had just reached the same size with ease!

"Do you like it? I am still working on this Divine Technique, but I could confidently call it the fruit of all my efforts," said Kireina.

"Tch! Ungh…!"

Ova quickly realized that her hand had touched Kireina"s metallic chest, her power had easily gone through into her, and Kireina was bound to take damage! Yet… she had not seemed to have taken any?! Or more importantly, there was a constant permeable cape of Essence of Demise all across Kireina, she had to quickly move away from her hand if she didn"t want to burn into ashes!

However, thanks to Ova"s resiliency, the speed at which her Essence of Demise expanded across her body and affected it slowed down a lot! The power of the divine beasts fused into her was making her incredibly strong, this even meant that the essence of demise didn"t seem to devour her as fast, perhaps due to the great density of power within her…



Kireina quickly moved forward, surprising Ova with her incredible speed as her several arms moved at flas.h.i.+ng speed, their raised their weapons and showered Ova with enormous precision and strength!


The attacks were sharp and deadly, although none of these weapons were as powerful as a true artifact, these weapons were created by Kireina"s Armory Ability! Even if some were shattered, new ones surged one after another, falling over Ova at the same time as Kireina"s punches which packed the acc.u.mulated strength of all her Attribute Particles!

Ova began to regret her rashness, she realized that such an enormous body was slow while being bathed in attacks, she couldn"t concentrate the lightning well across her body to move away, and Kireina was slowly gaining momentum!

"You won"t get away with it!"

Ova roared in anger as she channeled the power of her Divine Beasts, which roared loudly and emerged like phantoms before her, her fists suddenly were enhanced by them as her fists intercepted Kireina"s attacks and released several attacks over her!



Kireina quickly felt her entire body and soul-shattering! The power of Ova even at this stage was still immense! However, through the use of Uroboros, she barely managed to grasp some momentum by devouring her shattered soul and restructuring her body back to normal within a few seconds, however, the strain of battle and the damage dealt wasn"t gone, it slowly acc.u.mulated, giving her clear exhaustion, to such a being as Kireina! Ova was truly a formidable foe!

Kireina couldn"t help but find her inner battle junkie was she crossed blows with Ova, both were growing more and more tired, but their rage, power, and speed never faltered! Kireina and Ova hit each other multiple times, each of their punches cracking their entire bodies and weakening them!

Ova"s entire body already had several black dots, where cracks began to emerge, her entire flesh in such areas was fading into ashes, each of these marks was the areas where Kireina"s fists or weapons reached! However, due to her newfound resiliency by Divine Beast Fusion, she was resisting the deadly Essence of Demise! …But not for too long.

Meanwhile, Kireina"s soul was constantly shattering and reconstructing itself through self-devour. Her physical body was breaking and then reconstructing itself through several combined skills and abilities packed up in the powerful divine technique that maintained this whole transformation!

Kireina finally got to know what was fighting with everything she had felt like! Even though this was a second body, it had a large amount of her power, and her soul, after all, was here fighting too! Her other body within the depths of the lower realm was feeling all this fight and also experiencing difficulties, however, Kireina couldn"t help but smile!

Exchanging blows felt so… fun!

f.u.c.k! Kireina couldn"t even comprehend why she was having so much fun even though she had stated several times that she wants to end conflicts as quickly as possible and live peacefully, but Ova"s prowess and amazing might and talent were putting her into a position where she had to go all out, she had to use everything she had… and… it felt so fun to do!

She had ama.s.sed so much power and the last great war against Zeus Family and the Lower Realm G.o.ds felt so easy… but now… this really felt like a true challenge!


The two t.i.tans across the skies exchanged constant blows, as Ova"s entire body was bleeding and turning into ashes, while Kireina was barely standing by forcing herself into motion…!




The two concentrated all the power they had into a single punch, hitting each other"s chest!

The result?! Both were blown away, as their entire bodies began to explode into pieces!


Ova"s entire body began to fade away, as she quickly separated the beasts from her and let them die first, summoning an Azure Dragon hurriedly and transferring her incredibly weakened soul into it!

Meanwhile, Kireina"s entire soul and body were all shattering into pieces…


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