Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 137 - Steady Increase Of Population

Chapter 137 - Steady Increase Of Population

[Day 125]

Today there was some more news about the state of the Athetosea Kingdom brought to me by my Flesh and Slime Minions and Alice.

The Champion of Psychic Eyes is being pressured against a wall, as the n.o.bles haven"t stopped asking for a response from her. She has remained mostly silent while gathering information with her organization and secretly talking with the Royal Family.

Although the King and the Royal Family are supposed to be the highest authority in the Kingdom, that is quite far from the truth. Several n.o.ble Families that are working together possess wealth and the authority of the various ma.s.ses of land.

Both sides of the n.o.bles are as influential or can even surpa.s.s King"s influence and authority. This is why the King has not been able to stop the internal conflicts.

Yes, several n.o.ble Houses are extremely loyal to the Royal Family, but these just don"t compare to the giant merchant families that have ma.s.sive monopolies.

Although the Royal Family knows about my existence, most of the n.o.bles are kept in the dark and don"t truly know the reason for the disappearance of all those soldiers and the death of the three Elemental Knights.

The Royal Family is most likely not sharing the information about my existence to not create panic inside the Kingdom.

I haven"t acted at all and I"m not planning to, I feel safer if they come to my territory than me moving my troops to theirs. Conquering the Athetosea Kingdom is a long time plan, and I"m fine with waiting for the right opportunity to take over that Kingdom, and to do that, I first need to have all those Champions and Elemental Knights out of the way, and also the Hero of Raging Winds, who"s residence and whereabouts are a mystery.

Isn"t he the strongest in that Kingdom? Where is he?

My a.s.sumptions tell me that he doesn"t work for the Athetosea Kingdom exclusively and their internal disputes don"t have anything to do with him. From the little information that I"ve gathered, he"s outside of the Kingdom, doing his own business.

I"m sure that when war finally breaks out, whichever side contracts him will be the winner.

Hmm, a war between two sides will most likely cause them to contract and hire adventurers as soldiers. I could use this opportunity to sneak in with my people… Certainly, in such a messy war, I would be able to slowly kill each Elemental Knight, Champion, and even Hero. Well, I may leave the half-dying Hero to the Harpy Girl as a present.

Killing them would be the fastest and most secure way to get them out of my way. Enslaving an already awakened Epic user against their will may become too hard, so I will just go for the safest way without risking failing and revealing my ident.i.ty.

I ordered Alice to do as I planned. She will keep hypnotizing n.o.bles and making them her slaves. As she does this, her influence will skyrocket and will declare war against her opposing side, creating the perfect environment for me to do as I please. Now that I know that the King and the Royal Family don"t have as much influence, it won"t be as hard as I thought.

Aaah… I can"t wait to kill all those [Epic] users and obtain their [Legendary Relics], it will strengthen the power of all my family and servants greatly. I could even gift Legendary weapons to my kids.

Oh, and their high-quality meat, blood, and souls will be appreciated too. It is such a pity that all of them will have to die, there were a lot of beauties. Well, it"s a good sacrifice for the safety of my family.

Possessing the Athetosea Kingdom… Just the thought of having such a wealthy and developed Kingdom on my hands makes me tremble on excitement.

Today was mostly peaceful, I trained my children and my servants. We have been steadily filling the big gap that the soldiers lost in the war left, thanks to our Breeding Team and the big influx of human women, who can give birth to multiple Goblin and Troll children.

With our Nursing Team, not even a Troll child will risk the life of a human mother. I have also produced several products using my slime secretion, which can be used as a lubricant, aphrodisiac, and also comes with a healing factor.

There are already over one hundred young Trolls and Goblins being raised by my servants. Because of their quick growth, they don"t even need to be raised as babies, in five days they reach a teenage body that is ready to train and sharp their battle capabilities.

Some Goblins and Trolls are naturally born with other talents, like having a special Cla.s.s inherited from their mother or even access to magic from a very young age. Out of more than one hundred, two Mixblood children were born.

These were two Half-Goblin. Half-Goblin remains their green skin but has more refined faces, and overall look more handsome too. They aren"t bald and have long hair, they resemble Hobgoblins now that I think about it…

Mixbloods have a small green gem on their forehead, which they can use to powerup their strength and senses. If they evolve further, they can become Half Mixblood Lords and Mixblood Lords or something else entirely…

Probably being born as Mixblood between Goblin and Human instead of an already advanced race can give them higher stats on the future. I"m looking forward to their future. They may become famous generals in my army.

Battle-capable humans are also training steadily. Now that Evan, Charlotte, Lilith, Armand, and Makesia are strong enough, they can teach the humans their advanced Arts and techniques, pa.s.sing down what they learned from my servants and the demi-humans like Palami, Kizuato, Yukan, etc.

Oh, and talking about the former slave demi-humans, most of them partic.i.p.ated in the war and there were no losses on their side. Each one of them was equivalent to an army of one hundred, and their strength helped all of us greatly.

Although none of them have evolved yet, they gained tons of levels. I"ve been training with them steadily, and I"ve made some of them train my children and wives and vice versa.

Palami has been currently training with Amiphossia, Gaby, and Adelle. Although her apprentices surpa.s.s her in strength, they still lack experience, on which Palami always wins against them.

While Brontes is training Raito in the usage of Thunder Magic alongside several other soldiers who are talented with this element, she is quite a ruthless teacher… Most of the time, Raito ends with more than a few broken bones.

Lilith has been the "Earth" teacher to the substantial group of Earth Ogres and Trolls that we have, alongside Asure, the only Half Quake Lord.

Truhan alongside Jorogumo trains those who are talented with fire and berserk-like fighting styles, which are quite a lot, like the Amazon woman Makesia and the h.e.l.lhound Erathe. Their training is ruthless and sometimes doesn"t even feel like training but a life and death battle. Thanks to our big group of medics and healers, they don"t have to hold back at all on their training.

The Harpy Girl Nephiana alongside her father, Kenik, has been training the Gale Bird Valkyries and other intelligent birds alongside those who are talented with Wind like the Wind Wyvern demi-human woman Roneth. Despite her youth, Nephiana is a very talented fighter, probably on my top ten strongest servants outside of my wives.

She flies with extreme speed and attacks with a devastating gust of cutting wind, sometimes she attacks with her bird talons, who are equipped with special claws armament made with strong and st.u.r.dy materials.

The Wind Harpy Tribe and the Wind Wyvern Tribe actually lived on the same mountains, although they don"t know each other, they have a natural affinity with each other and work together quite well. To be honest, Roneth is also a tremendous beauty, but her personality is too closed and I don"t have the time to bother on knowing her more for now.

The Centaur Twin Sisters didn"t partic.i.p.ate in the war because I wouldn"t want to risk their lives in such a dangerous place. They may be strong but not enough to partic.i.p.ate in a battle of that scale. Perhaps when they finally manage to evolve, I will have more confidence in them. For now, I train with them and get to know the two. Both of them are very beautiful and have interesting and somewhat cute personalities. I usually enjoy being with them.

The Undead team has been steadily building new members after some Goblins evolved after the war. Undead in my Kingdom is separated into two categories. Those who are intelligent and strong enough and can grow even higher, and those who are summoned or have low intelligence, perhaps being the result of raising some enemy corpse. The later is usually used as cannon fodder, but some that manage to survive to gain enough experience to evolve and become stronger, to the point that they gain enough intelligence to be categorized in the first category.

This team usually influences how those around them evolve, there was a previous group of around six Hobgoblins that evolved on their trip to the Shrine Dungeons. Now that they partic.i.p.ated in the war and survived, alongside their relations.h.i.+ps with this group, they evolved into another group of Undead… Well, it"s not like I am complaining, Undead are naturally strong and tireless, so they"re excellent for prolonged wars.

Another one became a Dullahan and was named Duruso, he didn"t have any blessing so he looked different than Duruno, having a silver armor and a pale white skin, its power was lower but he was still quite strong.

Two other Hobgoblin warriors became a Wight and a Ghoul. The Wight young men were named Wirudo, and he gained a very handsome appearance. He became quite tall, and had an almost translucent white pale skin, alongside this, he had blue eyes and blonde hair. Wight is both a physical Undead and a Ghost, so he could change his form to ethereal. Wirudo also obtained the ability to summon lesser Ghosts and Zombies, that he can control from afar.

The Hobgoblin warrior that became a Ghoul was renamed as Gofuno, he gained a more beautiful and feminine appearance, with pale white skin, scarlet red eyes, and brown hair. Unlike Gufumin, he was experienced on swords and lances and gained the ability to sue them alongside his Corrosive abilities, becoming a deadly and flashy threat.

The two mage girls became a Jiangs.h.i.+ and a Lich, while the Hobgoblin Rider became a Dullahan Rider.

The Hobgoblin Mage girl that evolved into a Jiangs.h.i.+ was renamed to Jiaru. She gained a more mature and beautiful body, with wide hips and voluptuous b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her skin turned azure-blue and her eyes scarlet red while her hair was now green. She was wearing a Chinese-like red dress with a comical hat, which was part of her [Organic Armor]. Jiaru also had a strange yellow-colored seal made of paper that covered her face, if this seal was taken out, she would obtain an immense strength but lose her reasoning, becoming crazed berserk. Her abilities were mostly Dark and Shadow Manipulation alongside Soul Magic, she also had an abnormal strength. She was rather cheerful.

Meanwhile, the Hobgoblin Mage girl that evolved into a Lich, was renamed to Lira, and obtained a child-like appearance, resembling a small girl. It seems that this race of Lich is different than the Skeleton Lich, has it had flesh. She had pale blue skin and red eyes, alongside this, she had silver hair and a strange black robe with a hoodie as [Organic Armor]. She also obtained an [Organic Weapon] that was a giant scythe made out of bones. With this weapon, she was able to easily slay any type of ghost type monster and also store souls inside. She had a calm and silent personality.

Lastly, the Hobgoblin Raider, who was probably the first one to evolve into this variant became a Dullahan Rider, a variant species from the normal Dullahan that possess an undead horse of their own that they can summon at any time. Compared to a normal Dullahan he has a smaller complexion and less individual strength; however, his skeleton horse compensates this with its raw power and speed alongside the ability to fly. He can also throw blue-colored fireb.a.l.l.s. This guy was renamed to Duruto.

I wanted to go into detail about these guys because of their uniqueness. These evolutions have never seen before and I found them very interesting. Goblins certainly have a superb and incredibly varied evolution tree…

Today I also dedicated myself to spar with my children to test their current strength.

Amiphossia has the older sister is still the strongest. Her Heavenly Medicine magic has been greatly developed in her studies of Medicine Magic that she has been taking on the Nursing Team. Alongside this, she has been diligently training her Corrosive Poison Magic against the different beasts that she hunts with her siblings.

Her Phantasmal Magic that is a derivation from Spiritual Shamanism Magic is the strongest, and her main way of offense. Although she can cast other elements, she fused all those spells with her Phantasmal Magic and made incredibly complex and devastating spells, similar to mine. Hmm, if I take too many breaks, I fear that she will easily surpa.s.s me…

Ryo has been training with Truhan and Jorogumo recently and has gained several new [Berserk] techniques. He seems to have taken a liking with Truhan and seems to look at him as an example, he even began calling him "uncle", which Truhan doesn"t mind at all and even likes to be called like that. I wonder if he will ever have a child with Celica, what"s taking them so long?

Ryo has recently been fusing his different techniques and obtaining devastating catastrophic skills similar to mine. Just like Amiphossia, this boy may surpa.s.s me if I slack for too long.

Aside from this, he has also developed his Shadow Magic steadily thanks to Zehe"s diligent teachings. He has recently unlocked a new series of spells and already can create small black holes on the ground.

He"s also secretly learning how to sew new types of clothes with the Arachne Maids group. He"s becoming very talented with a needle, and because of his four arms, he works twice as fast!

Valentia has been growing her strength without stopping. Her punches are incredibly strong, combined with her dominating aura, each of her attacks feels like a whole mountain pressuring over your body.

Her Earth magic proficiency has been growing by the day, she can now summon boulders from the ground or mold nearby rocks. Valentia can also cover her body into a powerful rock armor that increases her defenses and attack power greatly.

Aside from fighting, I"ve been trying to introduce her to other activities, but its been quite hard, she only likes to spend time hunting, fighting or eating, and well, sleeping. I guess I shouldn"t pressure her anymore and let her as she is. Valentia is a very talented fighter anyways.

Last but not least, my adorable boy Aarae has been studying all types of ancient magic with the teaching of multiple mages. Due to his diligence, I settled some cla.s.ses for him with Redgaria, who barely gets out of his workshop but still has to obey me. He has developed new ways to use Water and Ice Magic and can now create a small army of Water or Ice beasts.

Alongside this, his Hammerhead Shark Familiar has grown stronger too, becoming twice as large and looking more ferocious, it also gained several decorations that seem to be made out of Aquamarine Gemstones and Water Spirit Stones.

My boy is also learning how to use short swords from his mother and is planning on using them alongside his strange and unique Blade Energy Magic.

I don"t like favoritism but I enjoy sleeping at Aarae"s side the most, his adorable and little face is just the best… I wonder where is he now.

Due to my Flesh and Slime Clone Rydia, who constantly summons Undead without stopping at any time, we have already acc.u.mulated over twenty thousand. Even when she commands my Lesser Flesh and Slime Minions to fuse them, they have been acc.u.mulating a lot, so we killed some with my servants to gain some extra EXP.

Due to these Undead being fusions, they were pretty strong and granted plenty of EXP. Without a doubt, this method is more efficient than personally summoning skeletons, even the strongest that I could summon took too much time and didn"t give as many EXP.

I decided to leave around fifteen thousand aside from any emergencies. Rydia is still summoning without stopping… She doesn"t even need to eat and barely has intelligence and resembles an endless factory of Undead Skeletons.

[You gained 3526710 EXP] [The rest of your servants gained tons of EXP]

[LEVEL 027/250 EXP 16.871.055/52.000.000]

[The rest of your servants gained tons of levels!]

After having a hearty dinner with my family, I decided to go to bed early without any overnight work.




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