Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2020 Overwhelmed! However...

Chapter 2020 Overwhelmed! However...



The two converging seas started to move on their own, the powers of G.o.ds controlling their waves beginning to harness their powers, the Blood Sea started to bubble first, and then slowly start to rise into the sky as countless of rivers.

Meanwhile, the Sea of Atlantis started to tremble before surging like a gigantic, all-consuming wave of oceanic water, which was followed by many more!

The Miasmic Aberrations that kept descending from the skies were suddenly blocked as the two seas divided themselves into thousands of spears and sea snakes, clas.h.i.+ng against them and catching them midair!

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CLAs.h.!.+ CRAAAs.h.!.+

Within the two ma.s.ses of blood and oceanic water, a group of G.o.ds could be seen each. Aleksandra led her army of Vampires, combining their energies and abilities together to turn the Blood Sea into a giant made of blood!

And at the same time, Poseidon did the same with his Pantheon"s G.o.ds, while holding his trident and fusing with Sapphirine to gain enough power to wield the wild divine seas of his Realm, he generated countless trident-shaped projectiles firing them at the hundreds of incoming aberrations, falling like black meteors from the dark skies.

"[One Thousand Spirit Oceanic Tridents]!"

By channeling the Soul and Divinities of his subordinates, alongside his own powers, Poseidon"s Spiritual Divinity manifested, spreading across the seas as a hundred tridents, each one of around fifty meters of height flew into the skies, taking down the many black meteors emerging from within the dark clouds.


"Not bad for an old man."

Aleksandra smiled as her powers manifested themselves, constantly spreading across the Sea of Blood. With the powers of her Vampires together with her, their elemental affinities combined into one, as she manipulated them as the t.i.tan of Blood manifested itself!

"[Crimson Lightning Sword]! [Abyssal Shadow Blood Spear]! [Crimson Light Axe]! [Primordial Spirit Blood Spear]!"

Four enormous weapons materialized, Aleksandra and her Vampires preferring quality over quant.i.ty as their combined elemental affinities summoned a sword made of crimson lightning, a spear made of darkness, an axe made of light, and a spear made of spiritual energies and blood!

FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+ FLAs.h.!.+

All four weapons moved across the skies, each one as big as one hundred meters, clas.h.i.+ng against dozens of Miasmic Aberrations, who started to adapt to the situation, turning into flying forms to escape the attacks, and doing so very poorly.

CLAs.h.!.+ CLAAs.h.!.+ CLAAAs.h.!.+ CRAAAa.s.sSHH!!!

Their bodies splattered into pieces one after another as the weapons crushed their crystalized Chaos Cores. The two t.i.tans working in tandem as their bodies kept growing larger, clas.h.i.+ng against the Miasmic Aberrations that constantly swarmed them!

"Your struggle… It is amusing…"

A tenebrous voice echoed from above the skies, the Chaos Gate trembling as the moon-sized ent.i.ty coming from within laughed, mocking the efforts of the survivors as he suddenly waved their tentacles.

"[Miasmic Convergence]"


Dozens of Miasmic Aberrations that had yet to take shape suddenly stopped falling from the skies, and instead gathered in front of the Outer G.o.d, their ma.s.ses converging into gigantic Miasmic Aberration t.i.tans!




With aberrant and monstrous screams, the creatures descended from the skies, each one of the three slightly different than the other, their new Chaotic Cores made from fusing hundreds of them together!

"Admire the smallest of miracles I can cause, foolish mortals." Laughed the Outer G.o.d. "This is nothing but the beginning of your agonizing deaths!"

Each aberration of over three hundred meters descended, clas.h.i.+ng against the two t.i.tans who were rather close to one another. Their formless shapes quickly beginning to fall apart as the three Miasmic Aberration t.i.tans attacked them!



The first one, resembling a mix between a bird and a humanoid shape used their sharp talons, falling from the skies and kicking the Blood Sea t.i.tan with them, slas.h.i.+ng apart its body and making it crumble back into blood!



The second of them, with the appearance of a scorpion-like beast swung their long sharp, pointy tail, slas.h.i.+ng and piercing through the t.i.tan of Atlantis Seas, shattering its many intricate Divine Arrays that kept it together, making half its ma.s.s disappear!


And the third of them, resembling a two-headed draconic creature roared, its enormous wings spreading out as its sharp jaws opened, unleas.h.i.+ng a double beam of chaotic energies against both weakened t.i.tans!


"S-s.h.i.+t!" Aleksandra panicked, gathering her energies with her family as their strength unified, summoning a ma.s.sive s.h.i.+eld! "[Primordial Spirit Blood s.h.i.+eld: Aegis]!"

"Dammit!" Poseidon was just as shocked, fusing his powers with his G.o.ds and Sapphirine, as a huge s.h.i.+eld made of frost materialized in front of the Oceanic t.i.tan. "[Primordial Spirit Seas Frost s.h.i.+eld: Fimbulvetr]!

CRAAAAa.s.sSs.h.!.+ CRAAAAa.s.sSs.h.!.+

Both beams clashed at the same time against the two t.i.tans made of Blood Sea and Oceanic Seas. Their entire s.h.i.+elds beginning to quickly gain countless cracks before they could even do anything…!


Both t.i.tans exploded completely, the many divine arrays keeping them together crumbling and shattering into pieces as the G.o.ds in their centers were affected, covered in wounds, and falling back into the seas.

Their efforts seemed to have been completely for naught!

"I told you…" The Outer G.o.d laughed, speaking into the minds of the G.o.ds to instill fear into their very souls. "Your struggle is hopeless. You"re nothing but insects. And like insects, you shall be stomped…"

As he spoke such intimidating words, Poseidon and Aleksandra saw as the three Miasmic Aberration t.i.tans rushed towards them, their gigantic claws, tails, and jaws slowly rus.h.i.+ng down towards them, to crush them once and for all, and stop being a bother to their almighty master.

"Was it all… for nothing?!" Aleksandra vomited blood, gritting her teeth in frustration.

"My Kingdom… my people…" Poseidon cried, his entire body feeling colder. "Is this… it?!"


The two-headed Miasmic Aberration t.i.tan roared, beginning to charge its attacks once more as the claws of the other two were about to clash against Poseidon and Aleksandra"s groups.


However, interrupting that very moment, a gigantic figure landed over Atlantis" Seas, as Poseidon and his G.o.ds opened their eyes wide open in surprise.

"W-What is that?!"


"A Pirate s.h.i.+p?!"

Poseidon"s blue eyes could not believe his eyes, as a gigantic pirate s.h.i.+p started rus.h.i.+ng across Atlantis Waves, summoning tens of gigantic cannons and firing powerful cannonb.a.l.l.s, covering one of the Miasmic Aberration t.i.tans into explosions!


"Keep firing! Don"t let that thing give another d.a.m.n step!"

And leading that gigantic Pirate s.h.i.+p, which was overflowing with thousands of Ghost-like Pirates was a beautiful Mershark Lady, with sharp red eyes and bright blue eyes, holding a long, golden scimitar and rising it up into the skies.

Her very Divine Aura fusing with her Pirate s.h.i.+p, as a few other G.o.ds behind her made up an incredible Divine Treasure that Poseidon had never seen before!


The Scorpion-like Miasmic Aberration t.i.tan groaned in agony, each cannonball that pierced its body left a huge hole, which wasn"t regenerating either.

"Throw the ropes!" She roared, smiling as she showed her many sharp teeth. "Get up, old man! You"re lucky we"ve made it in time!"

"A s.h.i.+p…" Poseidon muttered, weakly using the rope to get over the enormous Pirate s.h.i.+p. "Who are you?"

"Name"s Gaby, I"m one of Kireina"s wives. You"re lucky we made it in time!" Laughed Gaby, her body was actually as tall as eight meters, towering above Poseidon himself… "Now, boys! We"re taking that thing down!"

"AYE CAPTAIN!" Thousands of Ghostly Pirates roared.


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