Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2063 {Thunderstorm Mershark Pirate Queen’s Armor}

Chapter 2063 {Thunderstorm Mershark Pirate Queen’s Armor}


A giant pirate ghost s.h.i.+p enchanted with lightning clashed against Ocea.n.u.s, making half his body collapse instantly. Although he could regenerate right away because he was the seas and even this realm itself, the damage he took reached his soul, even if for a bit, making him feel slightly paralyzed in pain, and filled with anger.


This time he wasn"t even able to protect himself with the seas he trusted so much because Aarae was controlling and exerting her own authority into the oceans as well!

"URGH…! My soul! It hurts?!" Ocea.n.u.s thought. "And someone else has an Ocean Tear Fragment too?!"

He quickly and forcefully regenerated his body, this time simply forming a t.i.tanic arm made of stone, corals, rocks, and seas, which quickly reached the foe in front of him, Gaby!

However, the brave Mershark Queen didn"t felt any fear with a t.i.tanic arm reaching her, as big as three kilometers of height.

"[Divine Savage Shark Queen Double Blade Arts]: [Primordial Megalodon"s Bite]!"

Her two swords ascended into the skies, intercepting the t.i.tanic attack, piercing through the entire arm"s structure as her aura and her strike"s powers combined into the illusion of an even more t.i.tanic shark, biting and tearing apart Ocea.n.u.s" attempt of an attack.


"W-What…?!" Ocea.n.u.s was taken back, his body crumbling yet once more.

As this happened, Valentia and Scarlet reunited with Gaby and Aarae and Ervin, all the family was finally together once more.

"Mom, you made it!" Valentia cried, rus.h.i.+ng to hug Gaby.

"Valentia, of course I would!" Gaby smiled while giggling, accepting the hug of her giant daughter.

"Auntie Gaby, that was awesome!" Scarlet celebrated.

"Lil" Scarlet! I hope your sister took care of you." Gaby said.

"She did! Big sis Valentia is strong and powerful!" Scarlet raised her little arms, nodding happily.

"I would love to just talk and relax, but there"s little time for that…" Aarae said, looking at the turbulent seas below the pirate s.h.i.+p.


The seas continued to spiral around, as Ocea.n.u.s once more manifested himself, this time in the form of a gigantic kraken made of stone, corals, and the sea.

"You cannot defeat me!" He roared with great power and authority. "I am this Realm, I am Atlantis! Thanks to the fool of Poseidon, I"ve become a being in the level of a World itself!"

"I-I cannot believe he"s still alive…" Poseidon muttered as he watched the seas below. "And above all, he seems to be immortal. His body cannot die, it is impossible to defeat him, even less when he has an Ocean Tear Fragment with him now!"

"Stop being a little b.i.t.c.h for five seconds." Gaby said while crossing her arms. "Nothing is impossible, did ya hear me?! NOTHING!"

She quickly leaped into the air, Gubo fusing into her body as her appearance once more changed, one of her eyes glowing with golden light, her Pirate Queen Clothes Set, which was all an Ego Item, activated its abilities, resonating with Gubo"s powers.

"[Thunderstorm Mershark Pirate Queen"s Armor]!"


Suddenly, Gaby gained a golden armor over her body, her clothes turning gold and metallic, making her resemble a powerful knight queen of the deep seas!


[Gubo] has temporarily fused with your [Pirate Queen"s Divine Set] Ego Armor to transform into the [Thunderstorm Mershark Pirate Queen"s Armor]!]

[Your body has now been encompa.s.sed by a mighty armor capable of taking any blows and charge your body with both the power of Lightning and the Seas together into one!]

[All Stats have increased by +300%, Thunder and Sea Elemental Divine Magic Power and Effects have been increased by +1000%, and their MP Cost reduced by -50%. All Related Skills Power and Effects increase by an additional +500%.]

[Additionally, a [Barrier of Divine Thunderstorm Seas] protects your body, decreasing All Damage Taken by -70% and dealing Divine Thunderstorm Sea Damage to any foe that touches your armor, based in your Divinity Stat.]

[Transformation Duration: 20 Minutes.]

"I guess you"ve forced my way! I"m using my ultimate form for this!" Gaby smiled confidently. "What do you think, kids? Do you think your mom"s a pushover now?!"

"W-We never thought that mom…" Aarae smiled.

"Yeah! You"re the best!" Valentia celebrated.

"Alright, you two stays at my side and give me your support! Scarlet too, use your ability whenever you can!" Gaby said. "But make sure to not get too overly tired… The Sea G.o.ds stay in the s.h.i.+p, it"ll protect you guys. And about Poseidon…"

Suddenly, Gaby"s Aura formed a giant hand made of spiraling sea and thunder Divinity Aura, encompa.s.sed and boosted by her Dao, grabbing Poseidon with her.

"You b.a.s.t.a.r.d, you"re coming with me!" She laughed.

"E-EH?! Me?!" Poseidon had been too scared of Ocea.n.u.s to even step into the seas.

Despite having acted all high and mighty before, he had become utterly pathetic now. And even the Primordial Spirit that choose him as her vessel was beginning to think he was being too cowardly just because an old enemy had appeared again.

"Stop being a coward, Poseidon!" Sapphirine spoke. "I didn"t choose you because of this, you were strong, intelligent, and the mighty king of the oceans! Are you going to let this old, revived foe take away that t.i.tle from you?"

"I-I…!" Poseidon stayed in silence, realizing that he had been trembling like an old fool for way too long. "You"re right, I cannot allow myself more tomfoolery or cowardly! I-I"ll fight, even if I die, I"ll die protecting what is mine! We already went too far with Ocea.n.u.s, I might as well just finish him myself."

"Well said!" Gaby swung her long shark tail and kicked Poseidon into the skies, as he was greeted by the monstrous Ocea.n.u.s.

"POSEIDON!" Ocea.n.u.s roared, his countless tentacles reaching him. "My revenge is finally here! I"ll crush you and eat your soul, your pathetic excuse of a Sea G.o.d! You were NOTHING! And you could only become SOMETHING when you took EVERYTHING from me! All of you d.a.m.n Olympians were the same b.a.s.t.a.r.ds! I"LL CRUSH YOU!"

"Ocea.n.u.s… I acknowledge our sins…" Poseidon said, as he descended from the skies. "But that doesn"t mean I"ll stop fighting to protect what"s mine! [Primordial Spirit Fusion]!"


Poseidon"s body underwent a transformation as Sapphirine merged with him!


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