Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2152 Changing Cla.s.s And Subcla.s.s

Chapter 2152 Changing Cla.s.s And Subcla.s.s




As we were only a few seconds from reaching the gigantic blood forest, with trees tower over one kilometer tall and which was so dark inside we could only see the mist coming out of them and hear a few roars and screams, I checked the system a last time.

It did say I had a lot of treasures and also the ability to choose my Cla.s.s and Subcla.s.s, right? So we might as well check the later right away! Andromeda seemed a bit desperate for me to check, so I am guessing she worked hard on the System.

"Andromeda, dear. Are you the one handling the Origin System now?"

[Yes, well, all three of us.] She answered.

[I am also here, my dearest.] That was Astraea, the System Master"s daughter.

[Me too. Ah, please find Frank quickly, he"s in a bit of a pinch right now.] This is obviously Frank"s System.

"So you"ve become the three Administrators?" I wondered. "How is the System going, and how"s little Origin?"

[He"s sleeping as usual.] Andromeda answered. [He likes eating divine metal bits and liquified divine energy and cosmic energy. He"s growing big little by little, dear. Don"t worry about him and leave this to me. I know you"re busy outside.]

"I"m sorry, I"ll make up for it by spending lots of time together once all of this is done." I sighed. "Astraea, how"s the belly?"

[It is growing quite large! I don"t know when, but I might give birth soon… Will you be there with me, dear?] She asked timidly.

"Of course I will be there! Don"t worry. I"ll finish this whole issue in a jiffy." I giggled.

[That brings me so much happiness… But I am quite sleepy now. I will go rest.] She quickly "logged off" from her administrator authority.

[She"s been like that for a while now, pregnancy is hard.] Andromeda said. [Anyways, master, please check the Job Cla.s.s and Subcla.s.s System! Before you only got automatic upgrades because of the Soul Book, but now that the Origin System appeared, it should be definitely much more different. I incorporated the previous and now forgotten Cla.s.s System into it, and also fused it with Frank"s own Cla.s.s System]

[Yes, I a.s.sure you it will be of great help for your growth.] Frank"s System rea.s.sured me. She was the literal embodiment of his Trait, so she had a very motherly personality when it came to Frank, and robotic with everyone else. Not like I minded.

"Alright~ Let"s see…"

[First of all, the World Core has grown stronger after leveling up! Look, there"s new abilities.]

[The [Primordial World Core: Lv1] Skill has Leveled up to Level 3!]

[The new Abilities [Cosmic Treasure Prize Drop] [Dao Fragment Automatic a.s.similation] [Job Cla.s.s Fusion Temple] [Sub Cla.s.s Fusion Temple] have been unlocked!]

Two temples surged inside of my World Realm, showcasing several paintings of many jobs that people could take. Whoever went inside of that place, could now combine cla.s.ses and subcla.s.ses in exchange for Essence, Mana, and so on. Of course, I can use the effects directly through the Origin System without any issues.

"Wow this is amazing! Alright." I nodded. "How many cla.s.ses can I mix and match though?"

[Only two for now, but as you Rank Up more, you can continue fusing the Cla.s.ses together on top of each other! The best part isn"t just that, you can also gain more Skill Points and Stat Points with each fused cla.s.s.]

[The amount of available cla.s.ses will increase over time as well. There won"t be everything available and not in such sheer volume like in the previous Genesis System. This is mostly because these Cla.s.ses are much stronger.]

"Okay, gotcha, show it to me then!"

[Very well!]

[Available Job Cla.s.s Options]:

[Walker Of Worlds: ★★★★★]

[Outer G.o.d Devourer: ★★★★★]

[Outer G.o.ddess: ★★★★★]

[Cosmic Void Wielder: ★★★★★]

"Only four options, well, you did say it was going to be few, alright…" I nodded, looking at the options I had. "Well, I better choose something quickly then."

Walker of Worlds sounds like something that could help me move through worlds, I have already pa.s.sed through many, so the appearance of this cla.s.s doesn"t surprise me. Then there"s Outer G.o.d Devourer, maybe added damage against Outer G.o.ds? Later just Outer G.o.ddess, so it could enhance my Outer G.o.ddess abilities even further. And lastly Cosmic Void Wielder. Most likely to wield the Cosmic Void Magic Outer G.o.ds can use.

I need to pick what could help me right now, as strong as I"ve grown, I have yet to surpa.s.s World Devourer Realm, and without the Maxima Universe nearby anymore, I can"t gain as much power out of it as I could against Shub-Niggurath and the other Outer G.o.ds.

So… Yeah, I"ve already made my decision.

[You have paid 3.000.000 Essence.]

[You have combined the [Outer G.o.d Devourer: ★★★★★] and [Outer G.o.ddess: ★★★★★] Job Cla.s.ses to create the [Cannibalistic Outer G.o.ddess: ★★★★★] Job Cla.s.s!]

[You have changed Ranked Up to [Cannibalistic Outer G.o.ddess: ★★★★★] Job Cla.s.s!]

[All Your Stats have increased slightly. You gained Bonus Stat Points and Skill Points aligning with what you should have earned through previous levels.]

[You learned the [Cannibalistic Beast Of The Void: Lv1] t.i.tle Skill!]

[New Skills have become available in the Skill Tree to be purchasable using Skill Points.]

"Good, let"s move to subcla.s.ses right away and let"s get this out of the way."

[Available Subcla.s.s Options]

[Void Devouring Witch: ★★★★★]

[Abyssal Chaos Warlock: ★★★★★]

[Chaotic Alchemist: ★★★★★]

[Star Forger: ★★★★★]

Ooh, these sound just as interesting! I guess the first two would potentially boost my power over magic even more. But do I need them? Chaotic Alchemist and Star Forger sound very appealing. I"ll follow my instincts and take them this time.

[You have paid 3.000.000 Essence.]

[You have combined the [Chaotic Alchemist: ★★★★★] and [Star Forger: ★★★★★] Subcla.s.ses to create the [Chaotic Star Forging Alchemist: ★★★★★] Job Cla.s.s!]

[You have changed Ranked Up to [Chaotic Star Forging Alchemist: ★★★★★] Subcla.s.s!]

[All Your Stats have increased slightly. You gained Bonus Stat Points and Skill Points aligning with what you should have earned through previous levels.]

[You learned the [Cosmic Forger And Synthesizer: Lv1] t.i.tle Skill!]

[New Skills have become available in the Skill Tree to be purchasable using Skill Points.]


Two waves of power washed over my body, the strength of these fused Cla.s.s and Subcla.s.ses were no joke.




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