Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 2186 Luminous" Harem

Chapter 2186 Luminous" Harem




As the meeting continued and Mammon gave us many insights, we laid out a good enough plan. After that, we decided to relax for a bit and drink some tea while chatting. Without a doubt I immediately went for the elephant in the room, at least for myself.

"So, Luminous. Now that the girls went to serve us some more tea. Why are they all so lovey-dovey with you?" I wondered with a smile.

"Do you really need to ask…" He groaned. "Can"t you guess?"

"Aw, come on! Tell me!" I laughed.

"Ugh…" He facepalmed on his "humanoid" form, which resembled a very tall, muscular, white-scaled dragon-like lizardman. "Look, I am an adult male dragon. And sometimes, there are things I cannot… Well, resist. Instincts, you know? And those females were too eager, so I simply couldn"t continue… resisting my instincts. I… let go of them and… well, that happened."

"My husband, we"re back with sweets!" Odanth stepped in.

"We brought some meat too, dearie." Nannet said.

"Luminous, can you give me another kissie?" Yvnei asked for a kiss.

"Thank you." Luminous smiled gently at the girls, as they sat around him. Yvnei even sat over his legs. And surprisingly enough, he agreed and gave her a kiss in her cheek. "A-As you can see, yeah, this is our relations.h.i.+p now. I did hear they were your maids so… I"m sorry if that makes you upset."

"It doesn"t! Don"t worry, hahaha!" I laughed out loud. "I remember these girls were a bit thirsty for me at the beginning, but I just couldn"t give them the love and attention they deserved. I"m glad they found themselves a male dragon that they can love."

"Kireina-sama is like our auntie, so we"re glad she accepts our relations.h.i.+p~" Odanth smiled, rubbing her face on Luminous" shoulders.

"Yeah, thank you for your blessings, Kireina-sama!" Yvnei nodded.

"We"ve done it quite a couple of times now, I think I am already pregnant…" Nannet said. "Kireina-sama, I hope our children can get a blessing too."

"Of course!" I smiled happily.

"Nannet! Did you had to said that out loud like that?!" Luminous felt embarra.s.sed.

"Come on, it"s not like we can hide it. When we have s.e.x the whole forest around us shakes." Laughed Odanth. "Isn"t it? You"re so rough too, baby. You really like us hard."

"He"s really intense, but I love it!" Yvnei said. "Ahh~ I wanna do it again! Shall we go to our usual forest?"

"W-Wait a second, stop it already. We"re not doing any of such… things." Luminous continued blus.h.i.+ng as his wives looked at him with l.u.s.tful eyes and teasing smiles. I could tell he could barely contain a b.o.n.e.r.

"Just go, have fun Luminous. You deserve some rest and happiness in your life." I smiled. "I"m glad these lonely girls also got themselves an amazing husband. Make sure to breed a lot of Divine Dragons, girls!"

"You got it, Kireina-sama!" Yvnei nodded.

"We"ll drain him dry!" Odanth laughed.

"Then let"s go. You better breed me three times today as well, Luminous, or I won"t be satisfied." Nannet said.

All three girls dragged him into the skies and flew away.

"W-Wait a second- Argh!"

As he flew away, I couldn"t help but smile a bit more. I was glad he got himself a little harem. He was a big and old dragon, a single girl can"t satisfy him, I can tell.

"Hahh… I can"t believe my daughters would all choose a single husband." Goghesdum, their "parent" sighed at my side.

"What? Are you not going to join them?" I teased her.

"E-Eh? Kireina-sama, I used to be a male before becoming a dragon…" She sighed. "I couldn"t possibly ever fall in love with another man, even less a dragon."

"Sure, but what about your body? It sure has instincts, right? You"re in your mating age at this point. Luminous is a big, muscular stud. He got good genes; your body wants them." I teased her even more.

"T-That"s…!" She was blus.h.i.+ng a lot. "I just… I couldn"t possibly…"

"What you used to be in your pervious life shouldn"t stop you from enjoying your current life, Goghesdum. Follow what you truly want, not what your past self would have done." I told her.

"What I really want…." She gasped. "Hah, okay, I"m going. I really want him to f.u.c.k me and breed me. Ugh, this is so embarra.s.sing, but I can"t help it…!" She flew away immediately after I convinced her. "Luminous! Wait! I want your baby too!"

Geez, these dragons are so easy to convince, honestly~

"Umm…" Mammon sat by my side. "Are you still mad?"

"Hm, I wonder~" I sipped some tea.

"I"m even giving away my only contractor in Abyss for you! See how much I care for you?" He asked.

"I can see that, yes. Thanks for everything, Mammon." I smiled. "Though I still got a bit mad… This anger is not going away easily. Anyways, about Satan"s invasion, should I go as quickly as possible?"

"If you can, yeah." He nodded." There are currently four battalions fighting against the incoming armies. I believe Satan is using his last reserves of energy on this war just out of spite against me. He"s gambling it all." Mammon said.

"What a foolish b.a.s.t.a.r.d, he really wants to die. Hey, what happens if I kill him?" I asked him.

"You can"t kill him, he"s in his own realm, but we can stop his invasion completely with your help." He said. "I know how strong you"ve become now…"

"Hm~ I wonder if someone that isn"t even at the Star Realm can help." I sighed.

"Are you seriously saying that? With all your strength you"re probably at Galaxy Realm in terms of pure raw power. Your Essence and Cosmic Power are at almost that same level!" He said.

"Oh, is that so?" I laughed. "Okay, so I should go as quickly as possible. I guess I"ll bring the family as well. Everyone ate now, I"ll just introduce them to the Vampiric Path Dao Inscriptions and then get going. Is that acceptable?"

"Yes, thank you so much." He bowed his head again. "And I"m sorry, I do feel terrible for what I did too…"

"It"s okay~ As long as you give me a little kiss~" I said.

"Well, if that"s what you want…" He blushed, as I sat his pet.i.te and cute body over my thighs, and we kissed lovingly. His lips and tongue were so soft and sweet, I couldn"t resist them.

"Hmm~ Ahh~ Kireina, we"re kissing a lot…" He moaned, blus.h.i.+ng as I started kissing his tender neck.

"Just a bit more of your taste, I love this red skin you got, so s.e.xy." I licked his neck. "Though I also want some of this cake over here."

I tightly grasped his round and big b.u.t.t; it was really soft to the touch.

"E-Eh?! Hey!" He blushed cutely. "T-That"s…"

"What"s wrong? Can"t I touch my cute future femboy husband"s b.u.t.t once in a while?" I giggled. "I"ll be eating it pretty soon, once we"re done with the demon stuff… I am not going easy on you, you heard me?"

"Gulp… Y-Yes ma"am." He nodded timidly, while blus.h.i.+ng. He looked to have high expectations as well.

"But for now, enough horniness. Time to get serious." I said. "Alright everyone. Take these branches, absorb them while we move to another place. Follow me, quickly."




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