Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 557 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 19/?: Serious Punch

Chapter 557 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 19/?: Serious Punch


Begudhur had planned his moves carefully. As he took over hosts and absorbed their power and ate their souls, he also controlled them to gather more p.a.w.ns that he could parasitize.

His powers seemed more complex than one would seem. Begudhur, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Parasites could parasitize hosts that were weakened enough beforehand. Due to this, he could not simply jump into new hosts one after another and needed to beat a new host so he could take over it.

Each time he took over a host, he would slowly devour the Soul and its Soul Energy and the body"s Life Energy and Magic Energy.

Meaning that each time he finished his "meal", he would acquire a bit of extra stats and sometimes, even inherited skills that he was capable of carrying over a new host… However, if he were to be too greedy and consumed his host too fast, he would be left defenseless once again, without a proper body to showcase his powers, he was not as strong.

Begudhur was a parasite, and parasites would never fight by themselves, they take over hosts and nourish themselves by sucking on their life slowly but steadily.

Although he inherited skills and stats that he could carry over most of the time, he could only showcase them by taking over another host.

His soul alone, even as a demiG.o.d, was subpart to even some mortal Heroes by itself… this is why the Hero of many years ago managed to destroy his feeble physical body and seal his soul.

Although weak by himself, as long as he was parasitizing something through his divinity effect, his power would become outstanding. His powers had limitless potential, even if it had such a condition… the G.o.ds in the past feared that whenever he managed to parasitize a G.o.d, things would go into a downward spiral where the G.o.ds wouldn"t be capable of stopping in time.

This is why he was stopped before things went too out of control and they began to affect the G.o.ds directly.

Begudhur knew well enough why he was sealed, it was as if the G.o.ds were recognizing his greatness, greatly increasing his ego.

Now, thanks to Kireina"s overwhelming divine aura, his seal weakened, and he was freed from his seal, slowly planning his next course of action.

Begudhur got himself familiar with his powers once again, parasitizing a very weak host and slowly rising through the food chain over again. After a few days, he had already raised into a Thunder Dragon.

As he did, he rediscovered some of his very few Divine Techniques, one of such was named "Parasite Legion", which cost a large amount of Divine Energy but let him divide himself into many little Soul Clones to parasitize many hosts at the same time, it was a power similar to Geggoron"s, but at the same time very different.

Begudhur has not yet discovered the truest potential of his power but was slowly unveiling the nature and

inner abilities within his bizarre divinity… if he was given a little more time to grow, he would certainly become a frightful being in the Realm of Vida and then the whole world of Genesis.

For now, he divided himself into many smaller parasite souls, taking over many hosts that he overpowered and weakened, generating a large army that could even fight against the Elder Dragons, mostly because the hosts of his split parasite souls came with all the power he acc.u.mulated through his parasitizing journey.

"With this power… even that being that weakened my seal wouldn"t be able to fight against me!"

Begudhur began to plan his next course of actions according to the best ways to gain a larger army while strengthening himself by jumping into Thunder Dragon targets or those of similar strength over and over to slowly gather more power.

"Those tribes of Lizardmen… and the Elder Dragons in there! They must be mine! Such powerful beings as those Elder Dragons will greatly enhance my power… I will divide my troops and quickly take over them before that being comes down here!" said Begudhur, without much time to plan things in detail, he decided quite rashly his next plans.

"No matter how strong it is an Elder Dragon, my parasitized army is even stronger as it is charged with the powers I"ve acc.u.mulated and also my Divine Energy if things go out of control! There is no way that I can possibly lose!" thought Begudhur, revealing a devil smile in the Thunder Dragon"s jaws that he was parasitizing.

Begudhur then divided his large army of giant monsters, the ones he had parasitized in the lowest floors of the dungeon, and then sent them in large armies towards each tribe of Lizardmen, which was being guarded by an Elder Dragon each.

There were exactly four of such tribes, all led by a specific Elder Dragon.

The tribe that Goghesdum led, the city of the High Thunder Lizardmen was perhaps one of the biggest and oldest of the four, as it was led by the first Elder Dragon to have ever been born in this dungeon.

The other three tribes were scattered around the last floors, but Begudhur had already stationed many of its Parasite Soul Clones in the 81-90 floors, so the first group reached this legendary city quicker than the other three.

Each of Begudhur"s Parasite Soul Clones shared mind and part of his consciousness but could develop alter egos of their own, similarly to Geggoron.

The group of over fifty monsters found in the last floors, such as Lesser Thunder Dragons, Giant Thunder Wyverns, Giant Thunder Leviathan Tyrants, Giant Thunder Wyrm Overlords, Thunderstorm Tyrannosaur Emperors, and Lightning Pterodactyl Tyrants moved at a fast pace towards the tribe, seeking to devour the lesser and weaker Lizardmen there and to weaken and parasitize the Elder Dragon protecting them.

Clas.h.i.+ng their giant feet and claws over the vast, yellow-colored electric gra.s.s plains and destroying the vast forests that they came across, the gigantic creatures approached at a great pace, each one filled with Begudhur"s soul, consciousness, and alter egos.

"I can"t wait to devour these feeble creatures!"

"The best part of living is to see those weaker than us perish in our hands!"

"Crushed like flies!"

"I will devour them alive! I want to hear their screams! Their delicious screams!"

"I can"t wait to parasitize that Elder Dragon; the main body will be greatly pleased by our feats!"

Begudhur was never born as a human and never developed the emotions that a person has. He was a merciless monster born from the lowest of all, raising from that point into G.o.dhood, it was obvious that he had a lecherous, selfish, and s.a.d.i.s.tic personality.

He enjoyed triumphing, trampling, and devouring the weak, it was part of his own divinity to take over other beings" powers and eat them from the inside by parasitizing them. He found great joy in doing so, each time he did so, he felt an exhilarating sense of pleasure and superiority, better than any drug in existence. He was intoxicated with his own actions of aberrant consequences.

He was born in aberration, thrived in aberration, and was an aberration himself, there was nothing else on his mind... all the emotions he developed after gaining sentience were those of love to do what he always did best.

He was never entailed in love, affection, or anything of the sorts, his entire existence and purpose in life was that of parasitizing and growing infinitely stronger, expanding limitlessly, and thriving for eternity.

There was someone very similar to him but had ended up being entailed in emotions, love, and affection.

For the better or the worst, this made her grow stronger than anything else, and by being motivated by protecting her beloved ones, she became something even more frightful than Begudhur… and he was about to meet her.

The Lesser Thunder Dragon, the strongest of Begudhur"s Parasite Soul Clones leading this group glanced in front of its sight as it saw the tribe of the Lizardmen, who had become a beautiful yet small city, with paved streets, large buildings, and an overflowing population doing their daily lives without any worries, living below the protection of their beloved father, Goghesdum, the first Elder Dragon born in the Dungeon.

"It is close! Hurry!" he roared, baring his fangs, and charging the powers within his body and that of his split soul.

Suddenly, a giant Dragon of over one hundred meters appeared from within the tallest building at the center of the city, flying towards the front of the city, this was Goghesdum, who was seeing the army of Begudhur approach with a nervous expression. He had already detected that their strength fairly surpa.s.sed his and that they even had Divine Energy to top it all… did he even had a chance?

"What… should I do?! Calling the other Elder Dragons will take too much time! The whole village will be destroyed by then…" he wondered, as he contemplated some kind of strategy.

"Leave it to me, little dragon," said the voice of a bewitching woman that came from above Goghesdum.

"…Eh? A fairy?!" said Goghesdum, detecting a presence that had appeared out of thin air, a beautiful fairy!

The beautiful fairy appeared in front of his sight, as she extended her strange and intimidating, red-colored aura.

A portal appeared beside her chest, where many demi-humans appeared, of all shapes and sizes, Lamias, Cyclops, Fairies, Mershark, Dragonoid, and many others.

"…Just what?! From where you appeared?!" roared Goghesdum, thinking that yet another menace appeared in front of his sight.

"Don"t worry, I just said that you should leave it to me, little dragon…" laughed the beautiful fairy, as her body was shrouded in her chaotic aura.

Red, dark, purple, and pink colors converged into a maddening combination that enhanced her capabilities, using such enhanced body to fly at an incredible speed that made even Goghesdum eyes wide open, she left a trail of multiple colors as if she were some kind of dark rainbow skyrocketing through the air.


Begudhur"s Parasite Soul Clones kept advancing as, out of nowhere, the fairy and her group appeared in front of their sight… it was as if they were covering themselves in a magic coating that made them completely undetectable!

"What?! What are… THAT"S!" roared the Lesser Thunder Dragon, recognizing Kireina"s presence as the monstrous creature that weakened his seal!

Bracing himself as fast as he could, he put all of the Divine Energy into his split soul into his body, while activating many powers and skills he acc.u.mulated, enhancing its capabilities and growing two times in size in the sp.a.w.n of a few seconds! His body became more armored and large wings extended over man dozens of meters.

"Oh?! You are quite prepared! Good! Let"s see if you can take a punch then!" laughed the fairy, flying towards the Begudhur"s Parasite Soul Clone while extending her left arm into a monstrous and grotesque ma.s.s of flesh, grease, scales, exoskeleton, horns, eyes, fangs, tongues, mouths, claws and many other aberrant body parts, seemingly creating a ma.s.sive arm that sprouted off her little and delicate body like a tall branch on a small seed.

"Tsk! Great Enhancement! Thunder Aura Armor! Scaled Fortress! Great Thunder Dragon Roar! Electricity Barrier! Thunderstorm Domain!" roared Begudhur, preparing many spells and skills into his body! He had no time to retaliate but had to defend if it wanted to have a chance! The clones at his sides were slowly moving away, but Kireina was just way too fast!


"Serious Punch," said Kireina, with a mischievous smile.

Her gigantic and aberrantly grotesque arm moved like an endless serpent made out of disgusting body parts, pulsating as if it were a living being of its own, it took the form of a ma.s.sive fist and clashed against Begudhur"s Lesser Thunder Dragon Clone.


The gigantic fist flashed against each barrier, cracking them as if they were fragile gla.s.s one after another.

Crack, crack, crack!

"What?! Impossible! Take this! Pressurized Thunder Cannon!" roared the Lesser Thunder Dragon Clone, roaring while opening its jaws to unleash a breath attack and surprise Kireina!


A cannon of pressurized thunder that could blast an entire mountain or several of them at the same time flashed against Kireina"s grotesque arm… but the results were different than expected.

"Feeble!" laughed Kireina, as her arm absorbed all of the attacks! She had Thunder Absorption after all.

Her fist approached in a split of a second towards the Lesser Thunder Dragon opened jaw, with an immense might that could crush G.o.ds themselves, the fist bypa.s.sed all defenses as it began to instantly crush the scales, flesh, bones, and internal organs of the gigantic behemoth!



The whole torso of the almost two hundred meters tall behemoth was detached from the creature"s body, flying like a piece of giant flesh through the vast landscape of the dungeon"s lower floors.

The large piece of torso clashed over the ground, creating a cataclysmic tremor!


Everyone present, including the Clones of Begudhur and Goghesdum himself, became frozen in time after seeing the event transpire in front of their eyes.

"Well, it seems that a Serious Punch is still all I need to kill you lot" laughed Kireina, glancing back at the rest of Begudhur Clones.

"But that wouldn"t be an enriching experience for my family, so I"ll leave all of you to them!" she said, as her family moved towards Begudhur"s gigantic clones while raising their weapons, activating their skills, and chanting powerful spells.


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