Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 571 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 33/?: Feel Honored!

Chapter 571 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 33/?: Feel Honored!


Instead of feeling the burning pain of the powerful Pressurized Thunder Cannon fires by the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon, Odanth only heard the explosion and then a soothing voice.

Odanth opened her eyes wide as she glanced at the spectacle before her eyes, dazzling yellow, purple, dark, red, and pink converged together continuously in a gigantic barrier that had somehow blocked such a tremendous attack without even releasing a crack.

"What is… Ungh…!"

Odanth suddenly felt once again the pain of the Thunder Leviathan biting in her neck.

"Go away!" roared Odanth, expanding her neck through the manipulation of her own body and biting the Thunder Leviathan"s whole face, breaking apart its head and eyes, crunching on its bones and then brain.

And through her attack, the Thunder Leviathan kept biting her until its entire brain was destroyed… however, just at that time, an overwhelming and G.o.dly presence surged from within the corpse, it had the form of a gigantic wormy creature, without eyes and only a mouth with razor-sharp teeth spiraling inside.

"GRRYAA!" roared the phantasmal critter, attacking Odanth!

"W-What is that?!"

"Odanth, be careful!" roared a voice that was familiar to Odanth… it was Goghesdum, but her feminine voice that only showed when she transformed into her humanoid form.

"That voice! Goghesdum-sama?!" said Odanth, as a spear made out of thunder flashed towards Odanth"s face.


Odanth roared as she quickly evaded the attack, but the phantasmagoric critter that tried to attack her was not capable of evading as fast as her.


The thunder spear hit the creature directly, making it agonize in pain while being filled with electricity.


It seems that whenever Begudhur"s Parasite Clones could not escape the pain of having their souls being split apart into pieces.


The wormy creature exploded into pieces resembling gla.s.s, breaking apart like a small and delicate statue on the floor.

"It seems that Kireina-sama"s power worked in defeating these critters!" said Goghesdum in her humanoid form, appearing before Odanth.

"Is that you, Goghesdum-sama?!" asked Odanth, glancing at Goghesdum"s humanoid appearance, which was wearing a beautiful and revealing maid outfit.

"…Yes, it is me. I can explain things properly later on-"

"Goghesdum-samaaaaaaa! I almost died!" cried Odanth, hugging Goghesdum with her gigantic tail.

"Gueeh! I know, I know that you almost died! Calm down, Odanth, we are in the middle of a battle!" roared Goghesdum, suddenly transforming in her Elder Dragon form… which still held the Maid outfit.

"And what with that outfit?!" asked Odanth.

"I told you that I will answer you later!" roared Goghesdum with an intimidating glare.

"Okay, okay, I get it!" laughed Odanth.

"So you"re Odanth…? Hmm… I see I see… Another Dragon Maid member already" said a beautiful fairy that appeared amidst the smoke of many explosions, Kireina.

The moment she appeared before Odanth"s eyes she immediately felt Kireina"s overwhelming presence, which was almost otherworldly. If the two-headed monster"s presence was already overwhelming… then Kireina"s presence was something completely impossible to eve fathom for her feeble little mind.

The delicate and small size was nothing but a façade, Kireina released the presence of something akin to G.o.ds if not more… it was not just simply a G.o.d, but something that ate them for breakfast, and even more frightful creature.

"Y-Yes… I-I am Odanth… And could you be the Kireina-sama that Goghesdum-sama talked about just now?" asked Odanth.

"Oh? You are rather sharp, are you not? Indeed, that is me… I can explain to you more of my relations.h.i.+p with your Master later… for now, tell me your measures in your humanoid form" said Kireina.

"My… measures?! Wait what?!" asked Odanth in disbelief.


However, their carefree chatting session was interrupted by the two-headed dragon, who roared in anger after having its strongest attack intercepted and commanded the monsters behind itself to relentlessly attack Kireina and those around her… meanwhile, the two-headed dragon had the bright idea of taking care of Odanth"s city instead of for the meantime, flying directly towards it while charging another of its attacks.

"Oh, what a p.r.i.c.k… Here, take this little friend, this might help you out… and well, all of my family as well" said Kireina, like a giant ma.s.s of red-colored liquid formed in her arm, which then jumped over Odanth and settled down atop her head, it was a Slime Clone with the ability to conjure G.o.d Devour.

"What is this…?" asked Odanth in confusion, as yet another incredible thing happened, as Kireina divided herself as if she were doing mitosis as a unicellular organism.

One of them flew like a ray of scarlet light towards the two-headed dragon, while another stayed at Odanth"s side while opening a black hole into her chest, which released a dozen of different demi-humans of all shapes and sizes.

"Fight, fight, fight! I"m going to eat delicious dragon meat again!"

"We just fought yesterday, and we are fighting another of these groups again? Isn"t this a bit too repet.i.tive? Where is the originality?"

"Ryo don"t be rude! That poor Parasite G.o.d doesn"t know what"s better!"

"At least he"s feeding us with sizable challenges and delicious meals, so I am happy with that!"

"Go, Living Gold Golem Giants!"

"Fluorescent Rainbow Cannon!"

A giant Mershark girl, a four-armed demon man, a flying mermaid with the wings of a b.u.t.terfly, a giant, white-colored lamia, an adorable golden fairy, and a little blonde girl appeared amongst many others, conjuring their attacks, creating chaos across the entire battlefields.

"What… what? Who are these, what is going on? T-This is all confusing! I never knew I would be getting such a big backup!" said Odanth.

"Get moving or you"ll get eaten," said the giant, red-colored slime sitting atop Odanth"s head, as it commanded her to move across the battlefield, just in time to evade the bite of a large Giant Thunderstorm Wyvern.

"That was close…!" said Odanth.

"I"ll give you the ability to fight against them, so don"t get cold feet and attack!" commanded Kireina"s Slime Clone, as Odanth roared like a true dragoness, flying towards the Thunder Wyvern, and opening her jaws.

"Blazing Thunder Bite!" roared Odanth, using a strong Biting Technique against the Thunder Wyvern.


The Thunder Wyvern conjured several magic barriers with Thunder Attribute Magic while also being enhanced with the Divine Energy from within the Parasite Soul Clone parasitizing the host creature.

"There you go!" said Kireina"s Slime Clone, as Odanth felt that a strange coating of white energy coated her fangs in a split of a second, her fangs broke through the Thunder Wyvern"s magic barriers and seeped deep through its scales and flesh, tearing apart a big piece of meat.

And unlike before, where the Wyvern could not feel pain no matter what attack it received, Odanth felt as if her bite ignored its defenses completely, seeping through all of its flesh with an easiness that she had never felt before when biting such strong monsters, which were of a minimum of Rank 11 in the Mortal Realm.

"GRRRRYAAAAAA!" roared the Wyvern, using its wings to attack Odanth desperately.

"Another one!" said Odanth with a voracious smile, biting apart the Wyvern"s left wing with her incredibly sharp and giant jaws, and then the other wing… until the wyvern fell into the ground while struggling to stand up.


Odanth descended from the skies like a bullet, opening her jaws and releasing a powerful cannon of pressurized flames and thunder towards the Wyvern, blasting it away into a large explosion!



Crack, crack!

As the entire Wyvern"s body was grilled alive and blown into pieces, its soul suddenly solidified and cracked into tiny pieces of gla.s.s around the scorched ground.

"These gla.s.s pieces… what are they?" asked Odanth.

"Those are the cracked souls of these split souls, they"re part of a G.o.d, so when they receive my power through your attacks, they solidify into a material object as they cannot truly be destroyed otherwise, G.o.ds are immortal after all unless I eat them," said Kireina"s Slime Clone.

"Wait… G.o.ds?! We are fighting G.o.ds?!" asked Odanth… she knew that she was fighting pretty strong monsters, but not G.o.ds. She did not hold such a great knowledge of how a G.o.d was supposed to feel or be sensed, unlike Goghesdum, so she couldn"t figure it out.

"And you"re just figuring it out…? Sigh… anyways, get moving, something is coming from down below you" said Kireina"s Slime Clone, as Odanth felt a large presence appearing from underground. She raised her wings and flew to the skies, glancing down below as a serpentine creature emerged from the underground, a Thunder Wyrm.


"I guess there is still a lot of these to clean out!" said Odanth, smiling with pa.s.sion in her eyes, she started to enjoy the slaughter.

Meanwhile, as Odanth was being instructed by one of Kireina"s Slime Clones, the split body of Kireina that decided to intercept the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon flew like a ray of crimson blood towards the gigantic behemoth within seconds, appearing right in front of its sight.

The two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon glared at Kireina for a mere second before raising its claws, trying to send her away like a fly.

"A little wave of your hand will not work!" laughed Kireina, as arms extended like fleshy tumors, blossoming in an aberrant and grotesque ma.s.s of meat, eyes, fangs, tongues, tentacles, and many other pulsating organs.

Her two arms opened their jaws as they roared, flying towards the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon, who opened its eyes wide open in surprise by Kireina"s sudden transformation.

Using its giant arms and claws that could penetrate almost anything, the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon intercepted Kireina"s attack, her two ma.s.ses of flesh and aberrant organs which were her arms.


However, its arms suddenly felt incredibly weak the moment they touched Kireina"s arms, it was as if a seeping and deadly curse weakened the creature"s entire arms.


The bones began to crack and flatten, and so did the flesh, Kireina"s arms crushed the arms of the Dragon and flattened them into its own torso like pancakes, giving the fiend a comical appearance.


However, Kireina"s attack did not stop there, as her arms kept flying towards its torso, trying to crush it in such a way that it was ridiculous to think of!

The two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon could not simply be crushed to die in such a pathetic position, as it opened its two jaws and fired two Pressurized Thunder Cannons towards Kireina"s right ahead of her face.

Kireina smiled, as in a split of a second, her Divine Aura emerged from within her tiny body, resembling the jaws of a voracious aberration from the depths.

Her Divine Aura"s jaws devoured the two cannons without any trouble, and enhanced itself through it, growing larger and covering Kireina"s arms, entangling them with its own power as she released a killing intent that even made the clone of a G.o.d felt an imminent demise.

Her ability to eat G.o.ds and digest them was clear through her sole aura, she was a fearful being that could eat even those lifeforms that had become "immortals".

However, the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon could not simply stay there and die, it struggled to survive while being fueled with the strong split soul that parasitized its body, a strong power surged from within itself, Divine Energy.


The two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon raised its wings as it took into the airs, flying away from Kireina and getting into a good position to use its long-ranged attacks, as it was clear that going close quarters against the fairy would be a death sentence.

However, instead of the frustration that the Parasite Soul Clone inside the two-headed Thunderstorm Dragon hoped to appear in Kireina"s face after escaping her attack, he received a flash of blinding light, a ray of all-piercing light that left a giant gaping hole into the dragon"s left shoulder, ignoring all the magic barriers or enhancements that the being had conjured into itself as countermeasures.


"Impressive, you actually survived two of my punches! As a reward, I will use my strongest Divinity against you, feel honored, Begudhur!" laughed Kireina, saying the name of the G.o.d whose split soul belonged to.

"Nggh… You know the main body"s name?!"


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