Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 593 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 55/?: Zudig & Kheserad VS Begudhur Uroboros

Chapter 593 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 55/?: Zudig & Kheserad VS Begudhur Uroboros


Begudhur, now renamed Uroboros began to slither his way out of the Dungeon"s floor 99 where he had undergone his metamorphosis into the mysterious primordial beast state.

He had been just "reborn", not as something that he had ever expected before, he felt that his future and destiny were written in history, he was bound to greatness, and to even accomplish what he most desired.

However, he had just been reborn, and needed a large amount of time to recover, although after devouring his damaged Divine Core he acquired his Divine Realm again almost fully repaired, the environment inside of it was abysmal, and he needed to nurture it greatly to achieve greater strength… although he also felt that with his new powers and skills such as "Divinity Devouring", he only needed to devour G.o.ds and raise his cultivation… Begudhur Uroboros had now many paths to take, but before he could even begin his journey towards greatness, he needed to get out of the Dungeon… or confront Kireina.

"The fairy that was named Kireina by her servants… Should I confront her or escape? Although my power has increased exponentially, my mind had become clearer as well… Fighting her and then dying miserably would make all of this in vain… For now, I must escape from this place and secure my safety first. Afterward, I might one day come back to her and devour her… but if she had enough strength to weaken a seal made by several G.o.ds, then her total power might be overwhelming to me even after my metamorphosis…" thought Begudhur Uroboros, a.s.sessing the situation and, through his clearer mind, deciding to not confront Kireina.

He glanced at the Dungeon walls, and then expanded his five senses through his newly acquired Aura, sensing the outside world through the walls of the Dungeon.

He then glared at the structure of the dungeon itself…

"Could it be possible for me to parasitize this and open it, thus escaping without having to cross paths with that fairy?" he wondered, as he was about to bite the Dungeon walls with his monstrous maw, but just before that, the presences of two G.o.ds appeared before him.

"Ngh?! That Aura…!"

Although their Auras were those of G.o.ds and not higher such a Great G.o.d, both of them held great power, nonetheless, making Begudhur Uroboros even after his metamorphosis incredibly wary. However, his body was immense, and these G.o.ds were tiny in comparison, so he at least held an upper hand in strength.

Begudhur Uroboros covered himself in his pinkish-purple Aura, which seemed voracious and wild, shaping itself as countless jaws opening and closing, and even slithering parasitizing worms made of the same pink and purple-colored phantasmagoric Divine Aura essence. After his metamorphosis, Begudhur Uroboros" Divine Aura became stronger, and not only was it good just to Parasitize beings but it also now held great offensive power.

Although Begudhur Uroboros felt the presence of the G.o.ds, he could not see anything other than the stairs…


Crack, crack!


s.p.a.ce itself began to crack as if it were thin gla.s.s, the cracks expanded around a large area of over ten meters, where s.p.a.ce fell and became dust, revealing a shadow realm beneath the cracked s.p.a.ce…

"What…? Could it be… s.p.a.ce Attribute Magic… A s.p.a.ce Attribute G.o.d?! In here?! Why?!" Begudhur Uroboros thought as he covered himself in several barriers made out with his Aura.

From within the dark s.p.a.ce, the figure of a strange and bizarre spider made out of transparent jewels appeared, glancing from above through its eight eyes, and to its side, a humanoid figure emerged as well, resembling a young and handsome man on his early twenties, wearing black armor, and possessing draconic features.

"Two G.o.ds…" muttered Begudhur Uroboros as cold sweat dripped from his enormous body… even after undergoing a metamorphosis, he was already facing danger.

"Yo, Begudhur!" said the young man, Zudig.

"Who are you?! What do you desire in here? Do you want to die by daring to come near me, just after undergoing my metamorphosis?!" Begudhur Uroboros roared.

The large spider made out of transparent jewels emerged from within the shadow realm inside the cracked s.p.a.ce.

"Metamorphosis? I see, so this is why your strength skyrocketed so fast in the last few days… Also, the information we have about him said that his body was destroyed… but this body clearly feels like his… Did he even gain a new body? Just what kind of metamorphosis can a G.o.d underwent to acquire so much power so quickly?" asked Kheseerad with curiosity.

"You… who are you? How do you know about me?!" asked Begudhur Uroboros.

"How do we know? My dear friend, everyone knows about Begudhur, the Demon DemiG.o.d of Parasitism that was sealed almost three hundred years ago in here! Your power is rather interesting… and you seem to have undergone some changes as well? Could it be the little Skills you acquired while we were moving here, perhaps?" asked Zudig maliciously.

Begudhur Uroboros felt as if his various hearts were about to skip a beat… Just how much did these G.o.ds know about him?

It even seemed as if he were known by the majority of G.o.ds… which only meant that he would not be capable of slowly rising through the ranks of G.o.dhood if he were to become the hunting prey of hundreds of G.o.ds across all Realms…

"These two clearly don"t have good intentions… I better get rid of them before leaving in here… I cannot escape if they"re disturbing me while I try to destroy the walls of the Dungeon!" thought Begudhur, charging his entire body with his Divinity, which surged wildly like a thick atmosphere around him.

Zudig only laughed as Kheseerad remained silent.

"Ho? Quite hasty, aren"t you?! But let me present us first! I am Zudig, the Dragon Zombie DemiG.o.d, and my good arachnid friend over here is Kheseerad, the Demon G.o.d of Foreign Trespa.s.sing! How about we do not fight…? How about we help you get out of here? In exchange, you become part of our happy-go-lucky party! How"s that?" asked Zudig with an excited smile.

"You idiot, what are you talking-"

"Ssshh! Don"t be such an idiot, Kheseerad, and stay silent," muttered Zudig, interrupting Kheseerad from ruining his "plans".

"What? You are saying that you can get me out of here? And how could I possibly trust you?! I will never trust anyone! I walk through a path that no one else can! I don"t need your help either, I will create my own opportunities!" roared Begudhur Uroboros, rus.h.i.+ng towards Zudig and Kheseerad furiously… it seemed that Zudig words just enraged him.

"Man, what an asocial guy this is… You know that you will never make friends with that att.i.tude, right?" said Zudig teasingly, as Kheseerad closed the s.p.a.ce where they were and Begudhur Uroboros ended up attacking the empty air, cras.h.i.+ng into the enormous stairs, and glancing behind himself.

"What? They disappeared! That d.a.m.ned s.p.a.ce Attribute G.o.d!"

Begudhur Uroboros roared as he began to shake his body around the dungeon, making it tremble with great strength, the ecosystems living upwards began to be destroyed as the creatures that lived in them cowered in fear, running away from the monstrous and G.o.dly presence.

Then, s.p.a.ce itself cracked once again like gla.s.s, making Zudig appear from within adobe Begudhur Uroboros.

"You"re way too big, this wasn"t in my plans… Well, we will have to smoother you a bit, my friend… How about this? Blessing of the Decay, Rotting Death Essence Cannon, Divinity Devouring!"

In a split of a second, Zudig activated three Skills, one that increased his damage dealt with his special attacks, another which was a powerful Spell that came from his unique magic, and Divinity Devouring.

Zudig of covered himself on his Divine Aura and then redirected to the tip of his right hand"s index finger, which had a long black nail growing from it. The Divine Aura converged into a large and sickly green sphere which then was fired as an enormous cannon of deathly essence towards Begudhur Uroboros.


"Nnngh?! Parasitic Barrier! Insatiable Gluttony! Divinity Devouring!"

Begudhur Uroboros thanked once again for his metamorphosis, as due to it, his senses were sharp enough to detect Zudig"s immensely fast reappearance and attacks.

Begudhur Uroboros" Aura emerged from his body as it shaped like a large semi-transparent, purple-colored barrier which seemed to be made entirely out of twisting and vicious phantasmal worms.

Then, the barrier was covered by a sightly golden hue, as Zudig"s attack finally reached his barrier, beginning to break it apart quickly after touching it… however, Begudhur Uroboros" Divinity Devouring also took effect, beginning to fight against Zudig"s. Both powers capable of eating divinity consumed each other and then negated each other into a loud explosion.


"Oh? It seems that Divinity Devouring against Divinity Devouring creates this peculiar effect…" a.n.a.lyzed Zudig.

"So, Begudhur even has Divinity Devouring… was this Skill the cause of his strange metamorphosis or evolution?" asked Kheseerad, as he glanced at Begudhur Uroboros quickly rus.h.i.+ng towards him with its jaws wide open, instinctively closing the s.p.a.ce once again and letting Begudhur bit the dust in the ground.

"Indeed… I believe that it was due to this, and perhaps his unique Divinity what caused his evolution… though, it can"t simply be just that, right? There must be something else moving the strings behind the scenes… This is getting more and more exciting now, don"t you think, my friend? This makes Begudhur even more worth the meal!" laughed Zudig.

"Hmm. He still seems rather clunky on his movements and attacks… he still is getting used to his new powers, let us weaken him and capture him quickly…" said Kheseerad.

"Can you capture such a behemoth?" asked Zudig.

"I can expand the s.p.a.ces I can create up to many kilometers, it should be possible as long as he enters through the s.p.a.ce Gate that I can create… If we can catch him, then it will be easier for us to steal his powers and for you to eat it," said Kheseerad.

"Ah, good idea, let me hit it a bit more, you"re not that good at offense anyways, unless you want to bet it in your Divine Techniques?" asked Zudig.

"No, you work for it, this is what you wanted, not me. The s.p.a.ce to entrap him is ready, just "smoother" him until he is weakened enough to be brought inside" said Kheseerad nonchalantly, he had no intentions at all of using his power or wasting Divine Energy in Divine Techniques to fight against Begudhur Uroboros. He was doing this simply as a part of his covenant with Zudig. The Zombie Dragon DemiG.o.d himself would have to fight and weaken Begudhur Uroboros if he desired him as much.

"Heh, very well," said Zudig with a malicious smile, as Kheseerad moved across s.p.a.ce itself and then reached another faraway place from Begudhur Uroboros" sight or range, cracking s.p.a.ce itself and revealing Zudig once again, who this time conjured more complex magic, which appeared as many magic circles showcasing strange languages around himself.

"I am rather curious if a Curse can work if I add it Divinity Devouring, let us try, shall we? Rotten Reinforcement, Decaying Curse of Lethargy, Divinity Devouring, Rotting Venomous Breath!"

Zudig"s entire body was momentarily covered in a sickly green aura that enhanced his magic capabilities. Then from within the dark claws on his hands, a dark and shadowy gaseous essence emerged, which was instantly covered by a golden hue. Afterward, a phantasmal dragon head surged from within the magic circles atop his body, absorbing the dark essence he generated and then charging a ma.s.sive sickly, green-colored breath, flying towards the raging Begudhur Uroboros.


Begudhur Uroboros had detected Zudig"s attack but was stopped from reacting in type due to Kheseerad"s intervention. Although he said that he would not waste Divine Energy nor directly fight Begudhur Uroboros, he generated small distortions in s.p.a.ce surrounding Begudhur Uroboros through simple spells, which made Begudhur Uroboros" senses twist and confused about his surroundings, letting Zudig manage to fire his attack towards Begudhur Uroboros.


Begudhur Uroboros cried in pain, as Zudig"s attack, which was charged with Divinity Devouring reached his purple scales and began to break apart his flesh, slowly damaging his soul.

"GRAAAAAA! I won"t die here!" roared Begudhur Uroboros, twisting his own tail and managing to move away from the attack, however, the damage on his flesh and soul was still there…

"Oh, it seems that it was super effective!" said Zudig evilly.

"Nghh… I will not… Agh… This is a curse?! No matter…! I will show you this new Skill I acquired, feast your eyes over my power! Uroboros!"

"Hoh?" muttered Zudig in surprise, as Begudhur Uroboros activated a special Skill that he acquired after evolving.

Begudhur Uroboros" flesh seemed to have become alive, like a vicious creature, it began to voraciously devour itself… but instead of it causing damage, his flesh began to recover at a fast speed.

The same began to happen to his soul, recovering at an outstanding pace!

"What?! Impossible!" shouted Zudig, genuinely surprised.


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