Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 599 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 61/?: "Rainbow Kaiser EX2: Code Wolf" Enters The Battle!

Chapter 599 - [Fated Encounters: Nyzzet"s Labyrinth Conquest] 61/?: "Rainbow Kaiser EX2: Code Wolf" Enters The Battle!


As Zudig fought against Truhan"s entire might and Kheseerad tried to recover from the symptoms of absorbing Divine Energy charged with Attributes that he was not compatible with, Begudhur Uroboros struggled to maintain his calm.

He had just escaped from the ground where he was standing, as it had become part of Kireina and her Domain, and had tried to devour him before he could ever try to escape.

His plan on parasitizing the dungeon had failed… now what would he do?

Begudhur Uroboros flew towards the air through the No-Attribute Magic Spell Levitate, which Mana cost was nothing for G.o.ds who possessed Divine Energy such as himself.

Thinking about his next course of actions could only make him more worried, he had to somehow break through such a situation if he really wanted to escape. But Kireina"s enormous, grotesque, and aberrant body and powers were simply out of Begudhur Uroboros" mind.

His soul was shrouded in fear.

"Did I really believed before that I would be capable of parasitizing her or something…? Since I had my metamorphosis, most of my decisions before seemed so… stupid. Just how imbecile was I before? This evolution has given me a bigger insight into the world and my strength… And I want to survive at all cost!" Begudhur Uroboros thought. x

He did not have a reliable ability to escape like Kheseerad, nor he had someone that could rescue him like Zudig (in Kheseerad). …He was alone on this.

However, instead of what he expected, which was Kireina flying towards him and eating him entirely… he was greeted only by her family, a bunch of mortals.

"What?! Is she underestimating me?! …Wait, why has she become so pa.s.sive out of the sudden…?" wondered Begudhur Uroboros, inspecting Kireina"s enormous ma.s.s of flesh.

"She"s… concentrating in expanding the Domain? Ah! That must be because of Kheseerad, does she want to eat him that badly?! I see! O by trying to contain him in her Domain through disrupting the s.p.a.ce where he is… She is trapping that G.o.d in place, but due to the necessity of concentration to do so, she sent her family instead… so she is dead set in not letting all of us go! But that will be your mistake, Kireina! It seems that you are overly attached to them… so I will devour them and see your despair! And through that, I will escape!"

Begudhur Uroboros used the greater and faster-thought processing that he acquired after his metamorphosis, evolving into a new being whose potential was far greater. He thought about many possibilities and accurately guessed Kireina"s intention.

He glanced at the groups of mortals that she began to release from the grotesque and monstrous pores across her fleshy body, a group flew near Zudig and began to attack him indiscriminately, he could not help but desire for Zudig to die in here and was a bit surprised over the might of these "mere" mortals.

"To think that the Zombie Dragon there is struggling so much… it must be a very weak user of Divinity Devouring if that"s the case! Luckily for me, I have an enormous and resistant body, unlike his feeble body, even after transforming… But such a body, only that Kireina can put a dent on me…" muttered Begudhur Uroboros, glancing at the sudden group of mortals moving his way.

"Hmph, mere mortals cannot fathom the power of an awakened G.o.d like me! No matter how much help you receive from Kireina, you are far too weak to even think that you can put a fight against someone like me, someone fated to make the world tremble! Know the might of a Primordial Beast! Divine Aura!" roared Begudhur Uroboros, instead of activating a simple barrier to meet the mortals, he decided to go into the offensive with his Divine Aura alone.

Pink and purple energies of phantasmal and ethereal essence surged like a wave of malicious intent around Begudhur Uroboros enormous worm-like body. His Divine Aura shaped itself as thousands of giant and voracious worms, taking into his shape as a reference, and then flying towards the group of mortals with voracious roars, desiring the blood of the weak and frail.

"Hm… It is the first time that we end up finding full armor suits that are so flexible and comfortable around our bodies… This was an amazing work by Master!" said one of the mortals, a giant wolf covered in black and gray armor, covering most of its body except its feet and jaws. The armor was sleek and flexible, all around the body. It exuded a dark and shadowy Aura that seemed to engulf any light that could approach it…

The wolf also had three heads instead of one, each one having a large and well-fitted helmet around their skulls and covering their eyes, forming crimson eyes where the original eyes of the creature could be seen from behind.

"It was made by Kireina-sama, of course, it would be well-made, Wagyu!" said another wolf, of almost the same size as the three-headed wolf, whose armor was of yellow, white, and golden colors, he only had one head, but enormous feathered wings came out from his back, slightly covered in the s.h.i.+ny golden armor.

The armor was just as flexible and covered in jewels and gemstones that enhanced his magical capabilities just as the three-headed wolf. Atop the sleek and tight helmet, there was a one-meter-tall golden horn, which the wolf used to impale its enemies.

"Now, now, let us concentrate on the task given! Time to take down the giant worm!" said the third wolf, this one had a feminine voice, like that of a mature and charming woman. Its body was slightly smaller than the first two wolves and its armor was of white and clear blue colors, covered in spikes made out of ice.

"I"m gonna skewer it alive with my blazing horns! Gahahaha!" roared a fourth wolf, whose body size was slightly larger than the female, white-armored wolf. His entire armor was crimson red, and covered in enormous, red-colored spikes that seemed to be made of a semi-transparent ruby-like jewel… in front of its head, it had an over three-meter long crimson horn as well, which had begun to be covered in blazing red flames.

"We must remain calm and composed, everyone. Kireina-sama said that we"ll get more backup in a bit, so let us work together to keep this worm in check!" said a fifth wolf, larger than the two previously mentioned. His armor was bulkier than the other four and was both clear brown colors, similar to sand, and clear blue, similar to spring water. The entire armor was also covered in countless colorful jewels and arcs of pure water rotating around the body of the wolf, who exuded an aura of calmness and composure like none other.

These five wolves were Kireina"s strongest canine warriors! Wagyu, Kekensha, Yuki, Kurimuzonhōn (Kurimu for short), and Tsuchimizu!

The first five wolves to be named by her, and the holders of the greater strength within all the wolves in the Empire of Dark Moon!

Bravely glancing at an enormous G.o.d, the awakened Primordial Beast, Uroboros without any hint of fear, but mighty pride and confidence in their strength and the support of their beloved master!

Is there anyone more trustworthy than such wolves?

Some say that dogs are man"s best friend, and wolves are fairies" best friends in this regard.

The five wolves, led by Wagyu and Kekensha, glanced at the ever-expanding, and an almost endless wave of phantasmal, ethereal, and divine Aura of Begudhur Uroboros, shaping itself as giant and voracious worms with spiraling razor-sharp teeth around their mouths.

Composed even before such adversity… how could they possibly be that confident?

"Now! Let us use the power given to us by master"s Armors!" said Wagyu, roaring while descending through the air, the other four wolves roared as well, as their armors began to exude a colorful s.h.i.+ne!

"Could it be, are they apprentice of Rainbow Kaiser EX?" thought Nephiana from within Kireina"s body, as she glanced the fights outside unfold.

"Let"s do it, just as Kireina-sama said and just as the little masters do!" said Kekensha.




"Docking! Gyahahaha!"


The five wolves were just a few seconds from clas.h.i.+ng against Begudhur Uroboros attack, as their armors began to converge colorful energies one after another!

Each Wolf"s armors unified as if each part were a piece of an enormous being!

Kekensha became the torso, of golden l.u.s.ter and enormous resistance, s.h.i.+ning brightly and proud in the colors of light and holiness, enormous shoulder pads appeared, alongside strange metallic tentacles that called upon the other wolves to combine!

Wagyu became the left arm, forming itself as if it were a long and monstrous metallic claw, which suddenly took a sword out of the same material as the armor, the blade exuded a shadow aura, and grew sharp and slender, like an Odachi!

Yuki became the right arm, forming a longer and more delicate humanoid arm, with claws made out of sharp ice and another blade just as big as Wagyu"s, but this time, instead of being shrouded in shadows, it was made out of ice while exuding a freezing aura!

Kurimuzonhōn became the left leg, sharp and crimson-colored, yet flexible and fast, it was covered in crimson horns all across its body, while Kurimu"s helmet appeared atop the clawed talons, exuding a blazing and crimson aura!

And lastly but not least, Tsuchimizu became the right leg, forming the last support for such a creature to be born! Tsuchimizu water and jewels began to float around the entire being, which now was over forty meters…

Kekensha"s wings emerged bigger than before, flapping at the back of the merged armor creature, it truly resembled a heroic mech from Kireina"s Earth Fictional series about Super Sentai!

A large V-shaped mark with the colors of the rainbow appeared in the chest of the enormous mech, while a wolf-like head appeared atop Kekensha"s torso-shaped armor, combining the colors of the five wolves, and roaring furiously.


It was complete, the dream that Kireina had for so long… the dream of replicating such fantastical things from Earth in this new, game-like fantasy world!

"My children did something similar to Ultraman with their fusion, but now… the wolves had finally done it through the new prototypes of the armors! Thanks to acquiring Magic Technology knowledge… We finally reached this point! From now onwards… the sky is the limit! …No! Nothing will be the limit anymore!" said Kireina with inspiration, the combination between the five wolves was something awe-inspiring even to her.

Wagyu, Kekensha, Yuki, Kurimu, and Tsuchimizu felt their consciousness connected into the core of the mechs as if they were now one but still kept their ident.i.ties, this was the power of Kireina"s abilities to connect each other"s minds through her Mirage Attribute Magic!

"This feels… overwhelming!" said Wagyu.

"I feel shrouded in power," said Kekensha.

"This is a bit embarra.s.sing… after all, you"re all men except me…" muttered Yuki.

"Let"s f.u.c.king go!" roared Kurimu.

"Let"s do it, everyone!" said Tsuchimizu.

Everyone nodded to Tsuchimizu"s words, together as one, they became…


Although such a transformation was not a true fusion, it was something incredibly close to it, and perhaps even stronger than one due to Kireina"s abilities and powers being infused into each armor through many trials and errors. The technology that she desired was finally beginning to blossom!

"Hmph! Such measly tactics will not work against me… no matter what type of armor that is, it still merely crafted by mortals… do you think that something below Phantasmal Rank can even damage a G.o.d? Pathetic dogs!" roared Begudhur Uroboros over the show and displays of colors released by the five combined wolves into RAINBOW KAISER EX2: CODE WOLF.

Begudhur Uroboros, though, felt a bit offended by such thing in the middle of a fight, as if they were mocking him through such ridiculous displays of flashy performances only enjoyed by lowly mortals, deciding to infuse more of his power into his attack, which finally reached the five wolves, shrouding them in his Divine Aura, represented as thousands of enormous and voracious worms!

Rainbow Kaiser Ex2: Code Wolf was engulfed in such overwhelming power, as its entire body disappeared below Begudhur Uroboros Divine Aura.

"GAHAHA! They died too quickly, couldn"t they even fight back a bit? See, Kireina? This is the difference between G.o.ds and mortals! You can"t simply send these pathetic dogs covered in your armor and think that they could even stand a chance against me, a Primordial Beast- Huh?"


Suddenly, two enormous dark and icy blades began to penetrate through the wave of Divine Aura covering Rainbow Kaiser Ex2: Code Wolf! Crimson horns began to drill through the Divine Aura, beginning to break it through sheer power! And jewels, water, and ice began to pierce through the cloudy world where our heroes were trapped!

"What the… What is… Huh?! Impossible!" roared Begudhur Uroboros.

"There isn"t anything impossible for justice! We"ll always pierce through all evil!" said the five wolves… except Yuki, who didn"t say anything due to the embarra.s.sment.

Rainbow Kaiser Ex2: Code Wolf destroyed Begudhur Uroboros Divine Aura attack with its claws and blades while breaking it apart like pieces of gla.s.s!

"Uunngh… Ungggaaahh! W-What was that?! You mere dogs possess… Divinity Devouring?! …I should have guessed!" roared Begudhur Uroboros in frustration, the pain of having his Divine Soul devoured through such means slightly affected his mind, making him even more p.i.s.sed off.

Rainbow Kaiser Ex2: Code Wolf glanced at his foe with bravery, roaring like a wolf and rus.h.i.+ng towards Begudhur at an incredible speed, leaving a trail of golden light behind!

"Let"s go, everyone!"


"Insolent mortals, I will show you what despair truly is!" Begudhur roared, enhancing his entire body.


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