Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 80 - Golden Knight (Alice Lomanie) Perspective

Chapter 80 - Golden Knight (Alice Lomanie) Perspective

(Day 47-49)

Three days ago, one of the n.o.bles that controls Orange Town made a big ruckus. He seems to be worried about his son, who he willingly sent to the dangerous Grand Forest, a place which has been recently reported to be infested with incredibly strong monsters.

What a fool.

Holding on the hope for his son to be alive, the fat old man began to pay several Adventurer Groups to accompany him and secure the rescue of his child.

Since I left my family, I"ve been needing money more so often, sometimes I don"t even have the money to pay rent or have more than one plate of food. I"ve been seriously considering selling my armor and expensive equipment.

Although the probability of the n.o.ble"s son being alive is close to cero, making this whole thing completely pointless, he will pay me beforehand and no less than one hundred thousand gold coins, enough money to pay rent and three plates of food for the rest of the year.

That"s good enough, I suppose.

Because I was one of the strongest Adventurers, the n.o.ble put me on a small group made up of two Veterans and two talented newbies.

They were fine people, although I"m not so good at talking with several people at the same time. And their personalities are rather overwhelming to me, so I decided to lead the caravan on my loyal Golden Bird, avoiding pointless talking.

I"m shy?

I"m not shy! I"m just… Never mind, I talk too much with myself, perhaps this is why it"s so hard to deal with such overwhelming and imposing people.

Each one is like a brilliant sun; their light overwhelms mine and makes me feel frustrated and desperate.

Asocial? I"m not asocial. Am I? I come from a n.o.ble"s House, I was always served like a princess by everyone, this is why I never developed my social interaction skills to a…"Normal" extent.

I guess the only thing I"m valuable for is my strength.

My father and brothers always saw that. My strength is the only thing valuable from me, nothing else.

The Blessing of a G.o.d certainly doesn"t feel like one.

It feels like a curse.

Everyone always expects you to be incredibly talented, have amazing charisma and the personality of a "True Hero".

When they realize my true self, they feel disappointed, and instead of trying to help me get better, they distance themselves from me.

I hate them.

I hate my father and my brothers, what a bunch of idiotic fools.

I prefer to be devoured by a monster or die from hunger on the streets than going back to my house.

As we went through the highway, the n.o.ble"s had us stop several times, saying that he was getting dizzy or tired…

Because of this, a journey that would take less than one day ended up taking three days.


On the first night, the Veterans invited me to eat with them. As I declined, they looked at me with faces full of pity.

Instead, of coming to my aid or even asking me why I am like this, they remain silent until I went away.

Eating alone is not bad, I"ve been doing this for years now.

However, a small Cleric Girl approached me. She was very cute and talked a lot with me, for some reason.

She didn"t fear my lack of communication and even understood when I just nodded.

Her personality wasn"t overwhelming either, she was gentle and calm while being talkative enough to entertain me.

Her name was… Anastacia.

On the second day, she asked me my name. And after knowing who I was, she didn"t run away.

She comprehended my story and saw that I was being very brave for doing what I did.

She said that I was strong because I did something that many others wouldn"t dare to do.

Anastacia is a precious girl; I think I"ve finally made a friend.

My first friend, I"ve never had friends before, just other n.o.ble girls pretending to be, just to create connections with my family.

This is my first time experiencing what is "friends.h.i.+p".

Anastacia told me that she came from an orphanage, becoming an adventurer thanks to her inborn Skill named [Healing Touch], which let her heal others without the need to use MP, only by touching their wounds with her fingers.

On the third day, Anastacia told me about her dreams and what she wanted to do.

She asked me if she could join my Adventurer Party, but I told her that I didn"t had any party.

She was rather surprised, because of my strength, she wrongly a.s.sumed that I had a party somewhere.

However, instead of looking at me with the same weird looks that most people give me, she looked me with sparkling eyes full of expectation.

She asked me to make an Adventurer Party with her. She was very excited about it, saying that we would be able to recruit more people in the future, and possibly become the strongest Party on Orange Town.

Her cute and innocent face filled with expectations made me look forward to it.

I accepted, and so, we made our bows to become an Adventurer Party after this is over.

As the sun of the third day fell down the horizon, we finally reached the Grand Forest.

The Adventurers decided to make a feast and celebrate.

Several bards began to chant and dance, while others prepared delicious food for everyone to eat. There was also a very high-quality beer. It was a nice night, and Anastacia accompanied me for the most part.

She was looking especially cute today, I couldn"t resist the urges to caress her head, and so I did.

She looked at me with a small blush on her face and began to get closer to me.

I think she was rather drunk because without even asking me, she grabbed my helmet and revealed my face to her.

She was rather surprised by my face and praised my beauty greatly.

It was… Embarra.s.sing…

She said that she had never seen such a beautiful lady, and on her drunkenness, she gave me a small kiss on my lips.

This was my first kiss, and with a woman, no less.

I told her that I needed to think about a relations.h.i.+p for now, and she understood with the cute smile that she always gave to me.

Although her kiss felt very good, her lips were soft and fluffy, and Anastacia smell resembles the fragrance of roses.

In the end, she told me that she couldn"t handle being drunk any more and went to sleep on her caravan.

I"m looking forward to the future, I wouldn"t really mind spending the rest of my life with her.

She is really… Something else.

While I drank beer while looking at the moon, I fantasized about being with Anastacia.

However, some commotion appeared in the middle of the party.

At first, I thought it was just some random discussion between drunkards, but as the commotions continued, the yells of pain and despair began to fill the entire atmosphere.

What is going on?


Why there are so many monsters? Ogres and Monkeys!

As I saw countless people being ripped to shreds, I had to do everything on my disposition to save them, I called the rest of the Veterans and we began fighting back against the monsters.

A big and muscular red ogre picked a fight with me and I accepted.

He was incredibly strong, how is this even possible?

As I kept fighting, I was almost killed several times, I even felt as if the ogre was holding back for some reason.

Why are you doing this? Aren"t you a monster? If you want to kill me, do it then!

However, the tables for the rest of the adventurers quickly began to change in our favor, due to the a.s.sistance of the Veteran Mage and the Talented Mage Boy.

However, it didn"t last long.

Suddenly, a devastating meteor rain showered our caravan, completely setting everything on fire.

So many people died… The piles of burned flesh, the horrible and disgusting smell…

While I desperately fought for my life, I saw as my other comrades were shredded, even the brave veterans and the muscular woman, those people with such incredible smiles and overwhelming auras were being ripped to pieces.

I began to get desperate, seeing everyone die so horribly.

Where is Anastacia?



The red ogre punched me on the face, I felt as I lost several of my teeth and even my skull was damaged.

The b.a.s.t.a.r.d shattered such an expensive helmet in one single punch.

Seeing my face, the red ogre paused for a moment.

What is he looking at? Will he stop if I am a woman?

He didn"t.

The red ogre resumed his attack and kept pus.h.i.+ng me aside, with a strong kick, the threw me several meters away.

Most of my ribs were shattered, and my arms were broken.

I was going to die for sure now.

Eh? Why is Anastacia here?

What are you doing here? Run!

She is healing me?

I felt as my ribs quickly were put back together, and my arms revitalized completely.

Anastacia told me that she trusted me, that I needed to fight…


Before she could even finish her sentence, I saw as Anastacia was completely sliced in half.

It was so fast; I couldn"t stop it.


Her entire body was sliced in half, and perfectly cauterized by the flames of the axe…

She died horribly, with her eyes open.


Don"t leave me…

It was way too soon…

Why do I feel so sad? I just met her three days ago.


I couldn"t stop my tears and my cries. I yelled her name while closing her eyes. And caressed her soft hair.


As if things couldn"t get any worse, a different monster showed up.

It was nothing I"ve ever seen.

It was a fairy, but with the size of a human, her wings were deep red, and her appearance was youthful and beautiful, resembling an imposing G.o.ddess of the abyss.

She had an incredible pair of horns, something that no fairy would ever have on their head.

She was different. Something completely different.

When I was fighting her, something inside of my soul awakened, giving me new strength.

My lance was engulfed in powerful lightings, which let me do things I"ve never been able to do before.

However, to this monster, it was nothing.

Any of my attacks only left small wounds on her flesh, that would instantly regenerate.

Just what is she?

In the end, my MP and Stamina completely ran out as I was too exhausted to continue.

Just kill me.

There isn"t anything left on this world for me.

She quickly finished me off with a strong hit on my neck.



Is this the afterlife?

Everything is so dark, I can"t see or hear anything, I can"t feel anything either.

Just my mind…



I"m back on my body?


Why is this monster looking at me so intensively, didn"t she kill me?

She explained to me that she converted me into her Vampire Slave.


Just kill me already!

What is this cruel fate?!

She would have left me to die!

I want to die!

She ignored my yelling and made me do as she said.

Something deep on my heart made me feel aroused every time I saw her.

It feels so weird, and disgusting.

I"ve only felt this with Anastacia…

In the end, I did everything she told me without hesitation.

I even carried the bodies of my deceased comrades and even Anastacia"s corpse.

Strangely enough, I didn"t feel anything…

It as if I never knew this person, but I hold the memories with them…

Was I really in love with Anastacia?

I can"t even imagine such a thing now.

I only love my Master…

Yes, she is the only one on my heart.





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