Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 854 - Zeus" Might!

Chapter 854 - Zeus" Might!


The Three Dark Flames, Zogthal, the G.o.d of Purple Flames, Trarzanar, the G.o.d of Blue Flames, and Mekoroz, the G.o.d of Black Flames were suddenly contacted by a mysterious figure.

This G.o.d was not like any of the ones they thought would request their help, a DemiG.o.ddess from the surface area of the Realm of Vida, in fact, from the prestigious and infamous Central Continent, where many G.o.ds lived within enormous Divine Areas made by the fragments of hundreds of G.o.ds and fused into the spatial layers of such areas.

In such places, G.o.ds of many attributes who all belonged to allied factions lived peacefully and in harmony, differently than the Lone G.o.ds or G.o.ds from small Pantheons, these G.o.ds truly had developed a large society purely of G.o.ds, which watched over the large cities and Empires of the Humans inhabiting these continents.

The DemiG.o.ddess who contacted these three Flame G.o.ds was someone they never thought would even speak to them, a DemiG.o.ddess of prestigious name and t.i.tle that was often seen as a very precious ally to the Central Continent G.o.ds, who had recently allied with the Zeus family to avenge her usurped Heroine, Altani, from Kireina"s vicious claws.

"I can"t believe it… Baltis from all G.o.ddesses?!"

"She… can see the future, can"t she? What… does she want with us?"

"Hmph, whatever it is, don"t be fooled by her schemes!"

The three G.o.ds discussed for a bit until they finally let the DemiG.o.ddess speak to them directly through the Interdimensional Merchant Shop, using a separate will she created from her Divine Soul, often named Divine Wills, Divine Intents, or Divine Senses.

"Thank you for listening to me. I know this is abrupt, but we require your help and a.s.sistance, Demon G.o.ds of the Lower Realm… I am sure that what we can offer in exchange will be of your greatest interests…" said the demiG.o.ddess.

Baltis, the DemiG.o.ddess of Stargazing Eyes is the mysterious demiG.o.ddess that serves Europa. It is said that her eyes always s.h.i.+ne brightly, and can see the stars to generate oracles of the future, she blessed Altani and had hoped for her to become a Heroine in the future, but Kireina appeared and ruined this.

She took back most of the effects of her blessing from Altani, but she could not take the blessing completely due to Kireina"s own blessing in Altani which blocked her authority over Altani.

Altani lost most of her oracle and future predicting powers but remained with the power of the blessing that strengthened her magic skills.

She was currently cooperating with Zeus, Athena, and Hephaestus and using her oracles to predict Kireina"s next course of action. However, even with that, Hephaestus ended peris.h.i.+ng to Kireina"s might.

Nonetheless, even with that in mind, she was still useful and her powers often helped the G.o.ds predict Kireina"s course of Actions.

Yesterday, she suddenly received an oracle of what would Kireina do next, which showed her trying to infiltrate the Divine Area of these three G.o.ds.

Zeus and Athena saw this as the perfect opportunity to ally themselves with these Demon G.o.ds and prepare an immense ambus.h.i.+ng attack against Kireina. To kill her and anyone with her once and for all!

They knew that she had stolen their dungeons, and knew that the G.o.ds would not be able to reject such a generous helping hand from the infamous Zeus Family, which would bring all of his children and grandchildren with him to fight the menace that was Kireina to them!

With this, they would be able to fight back against her with all the combined strength, and defeat her once and for all!

It was a wonderful plan, overwhelming her with an enormously big sheer amount of G.o.ds, more than she could possibly take.

They had already planned to come to the Lower Realm through some other means, but if they could simply use the Divine Realms of these three G.o.ds as Gates to teleport down below in seconds, it would be incredibly beneficial and make things fast.

"Of interest? What do you mean?" asked the G.o.ds.

"Fufu. You see… Kireina… I have seen through my Stargazing that she will soon come here, to steal your Divine Area while you least expect it!" said the DemiG.o.ddess.

The foolish and savage G.o.ds were surprised over such a thing, they never thought that Kireina would be so bold and shameless to simply run right in the middle of the territory of the enemy that had sworn to come and kill her, but they realized that she did not know about their plans…

But then how did she even got to know about their Divine Area, their precious place where they stored and nurtured Divine Materials?

Was there a traitor amongst the G.o.ds of the Lower Realm, one of them that allied with Kireina?!

The G.o.ds could only think about those that were rather close to them through trades and more…

However, the only pair that came to mind which was not part of their Pantheon nor other allied Pantheons was… Gravern and Smirkes!

Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds, they must have been the ones that revealed such information to her and allied her like cowering dogs looking for shelter and food!

Kireina extended a helping hand, and they spit everything they knew!

The three flame G.o.ds began to fuel themselves in rage and frustration, they should have simply killed those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds when they had the opportunity!

"Smirkes and Gravern! I bet those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds did it!"

"I believe the same, they always were cowering and fearful, cowards! They most likely allied her out of fear!"

"Foolish idiots!"

"Ahem… Well, I and Zeus-sama alongside Athena-sama want to extend a helping hand to you three. We also desire to exterminate Kireina and all those around her, while taking back the Heroes she has stolen from us… We want to offer our alliance as a bond of mutual benefit. Of course, we will make sure to also pay you for your help," said the DemiG.o.ddess, inciting the savage G.o.ds to trust her!

"A bond of mutual benefit… With you and Zeus?!"

"And Athena… too?!"

"Those G.o.ds… but aren"t you too high and mighty to lower yourselves for some measly beasts like us?! Now you want OUR help?"

The G.o.ds refuted against the DemiG.o.ddess, knowing that Zeus and the rest were part of the Central Continent G.o.ds, who always saw themselves as high and mighty above all other G.o.ds, asking for their help made these G.o.ds laugh out of the ridiculousness of the situation.

Baltis felt a bit nervous over the shamelessness and barbaric way of talking that these Flame G.o.ds had, and felt a bit overwhelmed.

"W-Well… Please reconsider it. It would be for the better benefit of all of us…" she said.

"Hmmm… We want to speak with Zeus though! Personally!"

"Yeah, bring him to us!"

"We want to hear him asking for our help with his words!"

Zeus, who was currently with Baltis, one of his various lovers, quickly decided to act, answering the G.o.ds.

"You want to hear me and see me? Then I will go, open a link to your Divine Realm! Let"s talk like men," said Zeus rather boldly, surprising the three flames, who had begun to plot to kill him right there like the vicious beasts they were!


Mutual benefit?

They did not care about any of that!

Zeus was now lured right inside the Divine Realm of one of them, they had to use this amazing opportunity to gang on him, kill him, and then eat his divine soul and divine body, gaining immense strength!

Why would they ever ally Zeus or whatever, they can just eat him and grow strong enough to confront Kireina by themselves!

Mekoroz, the G.o.d of Black Flames opened a portal to his Divine Realm by creating a Divine Link with Baltis Divine Realm, as the figure of a tall ad muscular old man wearing a toga and having a long beard emerged, floating while crossing his arms, frowning furiously at the three flames who had dared to call him here.

"I have requested your help. Don"t you realize the benefits that there are by joining me, you foolish beasts? I am even planning on splitting the profits with you three! Don"t be fooled anymore and join me, it will be convenient for you," said Zeus, trying to be gentle, but still ending up insulting the Demon G.o.ds due to his prideful and arrogant nature.

The G.o.ds who already planned to attack him feel angered by his insults, as they quickly closed the gate to Baltis Divine Realm!

"Hah, now you"re trapped!"

"Allying with you?! NEVER!"

"We shall take you down here and now, foolish human!"

"Hmph. I had guessed that you would try to do such a thing. But my power is way above yours, and my mastery over my abilities is even more. Even if we are of the same Realm, our Ranks differ too much. I will not hold responsible for what might happen to you if I swipe my hand gently over your flame bodies," said Zeus, insulting the three flames, even more, treating them as if they were mere insects before him!

"What did you said?!"

"He"s really bold for someone who is about to die and be eaten!"

"You f.u.c.ker, get him!"

The Three Dark Flames, Zogthal, the G.o.d of Purple Flames, Trarzanar, the G.o.d of Blue Flames, and Mekoroz, the G.o.d of Black Flames quickly charged their powerful divinities and Divine Techniques, unleas.h.i.+ng an ocean of perpetual flames that consumed the flesh, the soul, and the spirit of anyone that it touched!




Zeus stood still while hovering in midair, as he received all the attacks head-on!



The flames exploded into an enormous blazing inferno, consuming everything around them, and continuing to expand more and more without stopping!

The three G.o.ds smiled as they saw that Zeus never resisted, they defeated him before he could even fight back!

"We did it!"

"We defeated Zeus!"


However, as the flames and smoke dissipated, they realized that Zeus was nowhere to be seen.

They had made sure to use Divinity Devouring with their Divine Techniques, so he should have received some damage into his soul and be weakened enough to be ready to be eaten!

…But he was nowhere to be seen!

Suddenly, they felt a blast of lightning emerge before them, as they moved their crimson eyes towards their back.

Zeus was floating right there, looking at the G.o.ds with scorn while furrowing his eyebrows in anger!

He glanced at them as if they were disgusting.

His powerful might, his enormous divine aura…

And how he looked at them from above, as if he were truly the one above them…


A single word was uttered from his mouth, as the three Dark Flames were engulfed in wrath!




The three Flames suddenly merged together, generating a giant of Black, Purple, and Blue Flames, with enormous arms, demonic horns, and many crimson eyes!

They raised their arms and summoned their weapons, directing them towards Zeus with everything they had!

"Transcendental Divine Technique: Infernal Judgement of the Three Dark Flames!"


Enormous flame weapons crashed against Zeus from all sides, generating countless explosions over and over again! The entire Divine Realm began to tremble, as the volcanic areas around it started to fall apart into pieces!

One last explosion was unfolded, as the G.o.ds thought that this was it!

"Where is he?"

"He can"t possibly survive this, he must be greatly wounded…"

"But… where is he?!"


Suddenly, a flash of electricity emerged at their side, materializing as Zeus!

"You cannot even damage me…" he said, as a chill ran through the bodies made of flames of the Flame G.o.ds, the first chill they had ever felt through their entire and long lives…

Zeus waved his hand, as an enormous Divine Thunder fell over the giant made of flames!





The thunder pierced through their divine souls and greatly damaged them, forcing them to separate, as the monstrous pain took hold of their minds!

The three flames became smaller, falling pathetically into the ground.

Zeus hovered near them again, glancing at their pathetic forms with scorn.

"So? Are you still going to resist? Or do you want me to devour you?"


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