Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 864 - The Dev Team!

Chapter 864 - The Dev Team!


h.e.l.lo there, I am… well, one of the main body clones!

Since I was born that I kind of had the same memories as the main body, yet I am not her, what a pain, honestly.

Well, that meant that I had my own life now so I could do whatever I pleased.

For a time I was just doing whatever the main body wanted me to, helping her kill monsters, collect loot, attend the crops, and other stuff for a while.

But then as things expanded more and more, I was given more free time to do whatever I wanted.

Well, I was also trying to grow stronger on my own, as I am but a clone of the main body, I am separated from her and I had my own Status, however, compared to her I was incredibly nerfed!

Nonetheless, I grow pretty strong every day and I might one day become a Living Deity like many clones like me.

Hmm… You may wonder how exactly I do not feel… like, bad?

Well, I really do not know, it probably has to do with the main body making sure to adapt my mind and change it, so I did not felt bad for not having her family with me or something.

It sounds pretty f.u.c.ked up when I say it like that, but she had not bad intentions, we were originally created as cannon fodder or as a work hand for her, nothing more, so she needed to do this, so we did not fight back against her or something.

But she is honestly insanely strong, who would even fight back against her?

Some of us changed our names and others received names from her, our appearances varied greatly, although all of us also had some of her within us (such as her memories).

But a few days ago she made up a meeting with us and talked with us about a bunch of stuff, she said she wanted us to be happy and have our own lives even more.

Isn"t" she nice?

Well, I was already doing that, so you did not even need to tell me, but okay, thanks, I guess?

Seriously, the main body sometimes lacks common sense, it is as if she lacked any type of common sense, actually, she is completely stupid, r.e.t.a.r.ded, even.

Well okay, I am going way too far, I am insulting myself by saying this.

Anyways, my name is not Kireina, by the way, I named myself Rose and my husband often calls me Rosy…

Yes, I have a husband, so what?!

What are you going to do about that, huh?

I am not the main body, so I am not restricted by whatever is making her not touch men, and I love my husband!

Seriously, he is a human guy by the way, and he is just the cutest.

I think that without him I would lack a pretty big emotional support…

Like, going insane with an ident.i.ty crisis and other stuff…

Anyways, I was also quite surprised at first that I liked men too! But it all happened pretty fast and crazy in a way…

Oh, his name is Elram, and he looks like a muscular stud with short black hair and bright aquamarine eyes.

Man, I love his eyes.

Eh? Maybe am I way too much in love with this stupid human?


And well, we even got a little baby with us, which I named Lily.

Yeah, I gave birth to her and all.

Actually, I just laid an egg through my special abilities, so I skipped the birthing thing.

She is the cutest, and seems to be… half chaos human and half whatever I am (My race as of now is named Aberrant Flesh Slime Sp.a.w.n Empress, yeah, pretty freaky-sounding, but I swear that I look cute!).

I meet this stud several months ago when I was wandering around the streets, just so you do not imagine Kireina"s appearance, I am way shorter than her, around 1 meter and 70 centimeters, although the rest of my appearance is a lot like her, I made my hair into a single horse trail behind me, and I often not wear her same clothes but more casual stuff like a dress with some armor over it, like a chest plate and shoulder pads, as I often go hunt outside.

He was actually someone I already knew, he was part of the humans that came from the same village as Lilith, and managed an alchemy shop, he is a good alchemist and trains his Skills every day.

I got to know him as I sold him materials every day, he flirted a lot with me even though he knew I was a clone of Kireina… Which surprised me because often normal folk would be terrified after knowing that fact, and would think that flirting with me would be like offending her.

At that time I really wasn"t into guys, so I found it pretty disgusting, one time I also beat him a bit to show him to not be so flirtatious, but he kept flirting with me for a while until I got used to his annoying personality.

Although I began to realize that he always gave me discounts, treated me pretty well, served me aromatic tea, offered me snacks, and many things.

And when I began to realize that I was also growing used to him and that… I was beginning to miss him when I was not talking with him, maybe something switched inside of my mind.

And then I realized, "Hey, why shouldn"t I like guys? I am a literal ma.s.s of gibbering flesh in the shape of a fairy…".

It really did not make any sense.

So I just hopped into the opportunity given to me, and when he finally asked me for a date I accepted almost immediately, which startled him a bit.

Seriously he is a bit clumsy too, so he said something about expecting me to reject him a thousand times.

Come on… I am not like that!

And surprisingly, on our first day, we banged through the entire night… Yeah, being at the bottom was an interesting experience which I cannot change anymore, I mean, I love it now.

Being held by his strong arms as he kisses me pa.s.sionately while putting it in deeply… Grasping my b.r.e.a.s.t.s as he keeps pus.h.i.+ng it deep and making me moan loudly…

Oof, boy, the main body is really missing this amazing sensation.

In the end, I did not realize it, and I became his woman… Haha.

Two months after that I blessed him with our child, Lily.

He was surprised by how fast she grew, but I am not really a human-like him!

Anyways, after many months since then, we are now inside the main body Divine Realm and things… keep changing for the better.

We acc.u.mulated a lot of money and we got ourselves a large Golem residence that does a lot of things for us, so we can live pretty lazily.

Well, we still train in our fields and stuff, but we like to laze around with Lily.

And now that we got a lot of free time… it could be said that we have a lot of s.e.x too.

More than before… to the point that Lily might have a little sibling soon.

Anyways, Lily loves to spend time with us as she develops and goes to school.

Yep, my girl is going to school and making a few friends.

I was surprised when I got to know that there were also many children like her, children of Kireina"s clones…

And yeah, after realizing that, a few months later we got into her divine realm and then the Clone Meeting was finally held.

It was crazy, the number of clones the main body made was like… 30% of the population.


And our children made around 10% of the population too!

d.a.m.n, do these children count as her own too?

No, I would never give her my precious Lily, she got a bunch of children already!

After the big meeting, a few things had gone by and suddenly, we were called for a big thing going on, game development.

And as one of the Clones that was recognized for being rather famous due to my natural leaders.h.i.+p with the other girls, I was called right away for these things.

Alongside this, Kireina began to make anime, merchandise, phones, tv, internet, computers, and more and more ridiculous stuff!

I was baffled that everything on earth was now being replicated so amazingly perfectly, it was making me go insane over the hype!

Okay, sorry about saying that you are kind of r.e.t.a.r.ded, you are a genius, main body!

And I was invited for the development of games due to having the same memories as the main body, duh.

In fact, all clones have it, but not all of them seem to be as awesome as me, I guess! Fufu.

The way we make games are pretty simple, we combine magic technology with divine technology and digital magic, a new type of magic made by Charlotte, which we can use through artifacts she made.

And yeah, much like in Earth, we make games through programs on computers, of course.

Phones are literally mini computers, so it is the same thing, we make the games and then we transfer them there.

Of course, it took me a few days to learn to program, but due to my super brain and skills in this new world where I am literally a superhuman n every way possible, it was easy to learn quickly and get to it.

And like this, we created our government-funded Game Dev Team!

When we heard about the upcoming anime we were pretty hyped about it, and the animation was top-notch from what we saw in the episodes they sent to us, seriously, Kireina thought about everything!

She even made specific robots and mechs to draw amazing art and let them make anime…

She"s insane, I tell you!

And as I am part of the council of merchandise of the anime, we all gathered to share ideas about what the audience could want.

Of course, games were a given… but what kind of games?

As I glanced at the clones and other unrelated people to clones in the council, everyone began to throw ideas around.

"How about a Gacha?" asked a clone resembling a red-haired girl wearing gla.s.ses and a tight office suit. She was named Rena.

"We already have three gachas in development with different game styles…" I said.

"More gacha never hurts the market!" she said.

"No more gacha please…" sighed another of Kireina"s clones, she had blonde hair and sharp red eyes, she looked a lot like the main body, but she had enormous b.r.e.a.s.t.s and looked very motherly.. a milf clone! Well, she was named Amanda.

"How about a Fighting Game?" asked a non-clone developer, a talented young man from the magic technology development team who has a lot of imagination named Rudolf, he"s a Chaos Human that just resembles a young human with fluffy brown hair, he wears gla.s.ses and has emerald eyes, he resembles a young boy, he might be around his early twenties.

"We already are making two for home consoles, we need something different… and for phones," said Amanda.

"Hmmm… I don"t know," sighed Rena.

"Hey, how about a dating sim?" I asked.

Everyone around me fell silent, glancing at me.

"What?" I asked.

"That"s it!" said Rena.

"You are a genius, Rose-chan!" said Amanda.

"Oh yeah, a Dating Simulator! That is what we needed, how could I not think about it, seeing how you always spoke about them…" sighed Rudolf.

The rest of the council also agreed and gave me their thumbs up, so it was decided.

We were about to make a Dating Sim!

And who else than the waifu of everyone in this entire Divine Realm? Kireina, of course!

I bet she is going to get pretty surprised when it finally shows up in the App Store, fufu…

We spent a couple of days making it, but due to magic technology being way faster in production and development, we got it done in no time and launched the beta in the App Store.

After a single hour of launching it, we already had a million downloads!

It was a success!


Author"s Note: If you"re enjoying this Novel make sure to check some of my other works, such as Epic of Summoner: Supreme Summoner System in the Apocalypse!

It"s a Novel about an Interdimensional Apocalypse where the main character is thrown into it! Using his amazing Summoning System, he crawls his way to the top and survives the turbulent and chaotic era!

I am sure that you won"t be disappointed at all if you like Action and LitRPG elements! Check it out if you can!

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