Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 874 - s.n.a.t.c.hing Some Dungeons

Chapter 874 - s.n.a.t.c.hing Some Dungeons




[Day 322]

[Kireina] gained Divine Skill Points due to the prayers of your believers!] (Added!)

[Kireina] gained Divine Dungeon Points due to the combined energy gathered by your Dungeons!] (Added!)

[Divine Skill Points and Divine Dungeon Points have been converted into their corresponding Ranks!]

As most things were being arranged, I received some news from my True Body Clones roaming the Lower Realm, they were already coming here and had already conquered four more random dungeons.

Now that all G.o.ds were about to kill me anyway, I might as well grab them without caring anymore.

This only made me gain more and more power, these Dungeons seemed to belong to G.o.d-Realm guys, so it was a very nice powerup.

Along the way, I fused these Dungeons with my main dungeon, and the power keeps flowing even more.

Through these days I have acc.u.mulated a lot of Divine Skill Points and Divine Dungeon Points, so I am planning on using them to upgrade my Path Jewels.

However, before that, I was having breakfast with everyone while spoiling my children.

Scarlet-chan was sitting on my lap as she ate a large, chocolate-covered donut.

Yeah, we can get chocolate now, which I simply created through my creation Skill and nature-life magic.

It is cheap easy to recreate things from earth now, but I had to first generate the chocolate tree and everything, it took a few days, but now everyone is enjoying chocolate… well, since the festival that they debuted with the chocolate-covered bananas.

"Do you like your donut, Scarlet?" I asked her.

"Yes.h.!.+ It is very yummy! I love chocolate! Am, nam, nam…"

Scarlet kept eating the large doubt all by herself, although she had the power to eat anything by just using her intent, she liked to use her mouth to taste things better.

"Scarlet-chan, do you like my donuts? I made them with lots of love, guu!" said Rimuru, she was the master of pastries in the entire Divine Realm, she was the G.o.ddess of pastries, the divine mother of pastries, the G.o.ddess of the best donuts ever made in existence- I better stop.

"Yeah! Auntie Rimuru is very talented! Mama, can you make too?" asked Scarlet.

"Err… Well, that I can… I can. But Rimuru-chan is way more talented than I am…" I said.

"We could always try if it is for my baby~," said Nesiphae, as she petted Scarlet"s soft and silky crimson hair.

"I have never made donuts before… Rimuru, will you help us out? I don"t want to disappoint my little princess," said Nixephine rather nervous.

"Oh? Sure thing guu! Gladly!" said Rimuru with a gentle smile.

"Though… can"t we eat more choco-banana?" asked Scarlet, who had eaten the donut already and wanted more chocolate.

"Well, chocolate is still being produced so we have not stockpiled larger quant.i.ties. But I am building more factories for their creation… Nonetheless, I have saved up a lot of chocolate treats in here because I knew my baby girl would want more… Here," I said, as I opened my Interdimensional Storage World that has limitless storage options and gave her one of each chocolate treat.

Scarlet was a lot like me, she had an almost endless stomach, she could eat constantly and endlessly. I would say she is a lot like me, in fact… She had inherited my powers wonderfully.

I would say that Scarlet"s potential made her second to mine in sheer strength and overpowered abilities, but now that everyone had become living deities and then demiG.o.ds, things are becoming way even.

"Aaah! Thanks, mama!" said Scarlet, as she began to devour the chocolate, her favorite treat.

"I want choco too!" said Vudia.

"Me too, can we get some?" asked Ailine as she extended her hands towards me.

"There is enough for everyone~," I said. I had acc.u.mulated a lot of these treats because I wanted to eat them as snacks whenever we played games, but I guess giving them to my babies was not bad.

"Me too, chuu!"

"Mama, chocolate!"

"I like chocolate too,"

"Me too, give me a bit… Please,"

"I want some!"

"Can we have some too?"

"We didn"t eat enough choco-bananas before…"

The fluffy, adorable, and colorful harpy siblings emerge at my side, as all of them beg me for the chocolate delicacies. I happily oblige and give them all away… my precious… chocolates…

Nirah, Belle, Marduk, Nammu, and Nanshe quickly come to my side as well, asking for it.

"Mama, can I have a chocolate with peanuts?" asked Nirah.

Eh? Just the one I wanted to eat!

"S-Sure! Here… E-Enjoy it…" I said, as my face can"t help but be happy as I see my little girl enjoy her treat.

"I have eaten chocolate just a few times… It is indeed quite rare as of now…" said Belle.

"Fine, here…" I said as I kissed Belle"s forehead.

"Thanks!" said Belle, flying around as she began to eat her chocolate.

"Can we have some too, mama?" asked Marduk, his dragonheads seemed all hungry for chocolate…

"But Marduk, your heat always melts the chocolate!" said Nammu.

"I want some!" said Nanshe.

"There is enough for everyone… here…" I said, distributing the last chocolates.

There were only three left… I guess I can enjoy these…

"Mother, can we have some?"

"We missed the opportunity to eat the other day…"

"We were eating other stuff…"

Habitis, Ophois, and Maahes rush at my side while on their human forms.

They are adorable beast-kin little babies, how can I resist them?

I give away the last chocolates… at least, I can feed on their happy smiles and adorableness.

"Thank you!" said Habitis with a cute smile, as she sits on my lap rather shamelessly… I get paid by petting her fluffy ears and long, crimson tail… not bad.

Ophois and Maahes sit at each side of me too, Habitis was at my left leg, while Scarlet at my right leg.

I purposedly made me a bit of a giant so more children can fit on my body, as they seem to love to wrap themselves around me, especially the ones with long tails like Scarlet and Nirah.

I was around five meters tall, enough for all of them to sit over my large legs or wrap around my arms, or sit on my shoulders.

I would look quite funny to anyone that was looking at this, and even my wives saw that I was quite hilarious… I was all covered by young children as if I were a playground… but I love this.

I was getting a bit stressed thinking about the fight to come, but my babies always heal me and make me feel a bit serene.

While also reinforcing my desire to beat the c.r.a.p out of Zeus and the rest.

And steal all their c.r.a.p too!

"Fufu, honey really looks like a living playground there! Do you really like to be used like that?" asked Zehe while chuckling a bit.

"Hey, don"t laugh at me! I love it…" I said.

"I see… We should also do the same! Maybe we could all sit over you and then we take a picture!" laughed Oga.

"Oooh, good idea. For once, Oga, you have finally had a good idea!" said Acelina.

Pictures are easy to take with them may gadgets of magic technology invented, which are being widely spread, though we have magic smartphones now so we can bring all of the wonders of modern earth"s civilization here.

And taking pictures was as easy as breathing now.

"Eeeh? What do you mean I finally got a good idea? I am always praised for my amazing ideas!" said Oga while crossing her arms.

"Hah! That"s a good joke, I give you that," said Acelina.

"Come on you two… don"t start a fight…" said Nephiana, who was sitting right in the middle of the two.

"Haha, these two are always fun to see fighting, Master. You really got yourself a nice pack of women, they always bring a lot of amus.e.m.e.nt," laughed Nereid.

"Who are you calling a pack?!" asked Kaguya at her side.

"Eh? K-Kaguya?" asked Nereid in surprise.

"Don"t be disrespectful, we are not a pack, we are Kireina-sama"s wives!" said Kaguya, while gently hitting Nereid"s head, she was rather dominant when the time asked for it.

"Oaky, okay! Agh! Don"t hit my head! Agh! Okaaaay, stoooooop!" cried Nereid.

"Hahaahaha! It is rare to see Kaguya this angry," laughed Smilkas.

"What"s wrong with being called a pack? I don"t get it…" said Ocypete.

"Ah, that"s because-" I was about to explain it but I was interrupted, when you have a giant family and you had the memories of a former neet, you tend to be timid sometimes, and let the others speak first…

"That"s because Kireina-sama doesn"t see us as items or a pack of animals, but as her precious wives, all of us are appreciated and loved equally. Her benevolence and love have no limits," said Agatheina.

That"s… well, what I was going to say to an extent.

"Yeah… That!" I said.

"Okay, I get it! I was joking around…" said Nereid, who was now being trapped inside of Kaguya"s fluffy tail.

"Master, is there any chocolate left?" asked Kjata while floating at my side, she was as beautiful and adorable as ever.

"Ah… Well, they… there are no more… Sorry, my love," I said.

"Oh…" said Kjata, she seemed clearly saddened…

Agh, my beloved Kjata! Don"t give me that face, my heart is about to shatter into pieces!

"Here, Auntie Kjata!" said Scarlet, as she offered one of the chocolates she had.

"Oh, Scarlet-chan… really?" asked Kjata as her crimson and organ eyes began to gleam with excitement.

"Of course! Mama always says that we have to share, I got a lot, and it seems that everyone wants… so please have some!" said Scarlet.

"Thanks a lot…" said Kjata, petting Scarlet who was actually a bit bigger than her… Indeed, Kjata was small. Even after becoming a G.o.ddess, she was pet.i.te like Smilkas.

She sat down at my shoulders as she enjoyed the chocolate, she is the silent type of girl so she doesn"t often partic.i.p.ate too much in conversations.

"Kireina-sama… We will conquer Azuma Empire soon, right?" asked Nanako.

"Indeed, Nanako-chan. Is there something troubling your mind?" I asked.

"Yes… well, yeah. There are G.o.ds of the Azuma Empire who once protected our tribe when we were yet to walk through the border continent and reach Athetosea, these two G.o.ds are the ones that protected Azuma Empire as well. If possible… Could we not kill them or something?" she asked. She was already a DemiG.o.ddess, and her strength was vast alongside her amazing abilities.

"Oh! Those G.o.ds… are guarding Azuma Empire right now… I think," I said.

"Could it be possible?" she asked.

"Sure thing, we can brainwash them and throw them into my Divine Realm, I can even seal them and pack them up for you. We could make them into your servants," I said.

"S-Servants? Well, that"s better than dying, thanks!" said Nanako.

"Anything for you," I said, kissing her.

"A-Anything? D-Don"t say such things… I am a humble woman, I would never take advantage of you… B-But I like that you spoil me to this extend…" said Nanako with a sweet smile.

"And I love to see you smile. I know how you are, so don"t worry about small details. I would never make anything that would make my wives sad," I said, caressing her hair.

"Fufu…" laughed Nanako as she cuddled with me.

"Eeeh? I want to cuddle too!" said Lilith, jumping over me.

And then, I saw all of my wife"s eyes gleaming eerily…

"W-Wait a second….! Don"t jump over me…!" I cried, as all of them indeed jumped over me.


Well, it is a bit painful, but it"s just their overwhelming love.

After having breakfast, I decided to check my Status and see how many Divine Skill Points and more I had…

[Name: [Kireina Dark Moon]

[Divine t.i.tle: [G.o.ddess of Disrupting Chaos and Emptying Void], [G.o.ddess of Nightmarish Destruction and Heavenly Creation], [Undeath Deity of Chaotic Sins and Heavenly Commandments]

[Divine Authorities: [Origin Core Laws], [System], [Deadly Sins], [Heavenly Commandments], [Destruction & Creation], [Primordial Chaos]

[Divine Rank: 2/9 Of the G.o.ddess Realm]

[Divine Soul: [Divine Soul Realm (G.o.ddess: Rank 2): Soul of Nightmarish Destruction and Heavenly Creation]

[Divine Core: [G.o.ddess (Rank 2): Divine Core of Abyssal and Sinful Destruction and Divine and Heavenly Commandments]

[Divine Realm: [Divine Realm of Abyssal and Nightmarish h.e.l.l and Bright and Divine Heavens]

[Races: the [Primordial Chaos Vampire Fairy G.o.ddess of Disrupting Chaos and Emptying Void (Unique Species)], [World Dungeon], [Child of the Primordial Deity of Chaos]

[Evolution History: [Common Forest Caterpillar], [Undine b.u.t.terfly], [Dark Moon Illusion b.u.t.terfly], [Vampire b.u.t.terfly], [Crimson Moon Vampire Fairy Empress], [Soul Devouring Vampire Fairy Empress], [Supreme Vampire Fairy of the Sin of l.u.s.t (Unique Species)], [Dungeon], [Vampire Fairy Undeath Deity Monarch of Deadly Sins and Heavenly Commandments (Unique Species)], [Divine Dungeon], [Primordial Chaos Vampire Fairy G.o.ddess of Nightmarish Destruction and Heavenly Creation (Unique Species)],

[Special System Functions: [Mortal Realm Cla.s.sification Deciphering], [Divine Dungeon Capabilities], [Divine Dungeon Shop (Rank 3)]

[Divine Energy Crystal: 5.264]

[Divine Skill Points (Rank 3: G.o.ddess Realm): 1.354.850]

[Divine Dungeon Points (Rank 3: G.o.ddess Realm): 1.665.400]

[Current Primordial Essence: 199.968.245.340]

[Status: Undeath G.o.ddess]

[Interdimensional Storage World (Storage: Endless)]

[Divine Energy: 2.870.000]{+1.000.000}

[Aether: 2.560.000]{+700.000}

[Fate: 870.000]{+400.000}

[Ki: 1.410.000]{+700.000}

[Attribute Particles]

[Basic Attributes: [Earth: 5.600], [Fire: 6.100], [Water: 5.700], [Wind: 5.500], [s.p.a.ce: 7.700], [Time: 3.600], [Life: 5.600], [Death: 3.200], [Dark: 6.700], [Light: 6.200]

[Diverged Attributes: [Illusion: 9.000], [Dream/Nightmare: 9.000], [Phantom: 8.100], [Blood: 7.200], [Poison: 5.600], [Soul: 6.400], [Nature: 5.600], [Thunder: 4.700], [Ice: 4.100]

[Greater Attributes: [Chaos: 11.500], [Fate: 10.600], [Void: 8.100], [System: 15.600], [Law: 15.000]

I have over a million in both, I guess I am more than ready…




Please make sure to check out my other novels, I am sure that you will like them!

Demon Queen Rebirth: I Reincarnated as a Living Armor?!

My World Traveling System: The Harbinger of Death

Vampire Overlord System in the Apocalypse

Epic of Ice Dragon: Reborn as an Ice Dragon with a System

Epic of Summoner: Supreme Summoner System in the Apocalypse

If you like the story please give any power stone you could spare, if we reach a nice number there will be bonus chapters at the end of the week, it all depends on you! Thank you very much for reading!

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