Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 883 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 4/?: Fall Into Endless Nightmares!

Chapter 883 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 4/?: Fall Into Endless Nightmares!


As the G.o.ds guarding the barrier over the Yggdrasil Sprout and the Everwood Kingdom discussed the most meaningless of things, being completely secure about the victory that Zeus would have over Kireina, Umlena, the G.o.ddess of War, one of the G.o.ds that had its champion eaten and her blessing stolen by Kireina who was with the rest of the group of G.o.ds suddenly felt something.

Her sharp senses as a G.o.ddess could not fail her this time, she was sure that she felt something weird… as if s.p.a.ce itself was distorting around a certain area of their territory… No, it was right in front of them!

"Hold on, stop speaking, everyone… I feel a sudden disturbance on s.p.a.ce…" said Umlena, as she began to glance everywhere with concern, cold sweat dripping from her neck.

"Hm? I don"t sense anything-" muttered Hymenaeus, as s.p.a.ce over the barrier that covered Everwood, and the Yggdrasil Sprout suddenly began to distort!

"W-What is that!?" asked Hymenaeus, pointing at the strange figure appearing!

This figure was of immense beauty, a beautiful fairy with pale-white skin, crimson eyes, large, spiraling black horns that resembled giant ornaments rather than horns, and a deceiving beauty, which was nothing but a sh.e.l.l of her true and innermost appearance, a grotesque fiend that feasted in the life of anyone, even G.o.ds!

All the G.o.ds, after seeing her, were shocked.

Such beauty! Such splendor! Such terror!

It felt as if their very souls were trembling in fear the moment they saw the most terrifying being that they could have never expected to emerge right in front of their noses!

She smiled mischievously, showing her sharp and clean-white teeth, her eyes gleaming with eerie and bright crimson light, which felt as if a sharps pear was puncturing directly into G.o.d"s souls.


"No way…!"

"But how?! Didn"t she reached the Lower Realm?!"

"Father was sure that she never visited this place! How did she… teleported here?!"

"Can we even stand a chance?"

"This demon…!"

The G.o.ds trembled in fear, in horror, even!

The sole thought of meeting the one they were talking so carefreely about, the one they thought would be easily get slaughtered by Zeus and his amazingly genius plan of gathering a bunch of n.o.bodies to weaken her… this was her!

She was the one and only, the most monstrous being in all of the Realm of Vida, the one who had brought constant headaches to the G.o.ds all around the Realm of Vida, the one who had devoured dozens of G.o.ds even before becoming a G.o.ddess, the one that defied boundaries, common sense, and sanity!

The one that brought chaos!

Umlena glared at her with immense wrath! She couldn"t believe that the fate that the G.o.ddess of Stargazing eyes had been false! But the proof was right in front of her very eyes, she could not deny this anymore!

It was her…

It was her!

Umlena pointed her blade against her as her Divine Aura of War began to leak out of her soul, covering her entire body, her muscles bulged as her tanned skin s.h.i.+ned brightly, filled with war scars and muscles, her s.h.i.+ny crimson hair was waving by the strong force of the wind provoked by Kireina"s immensely monstrous and overwhelming Aura, which immediately provoked chills to run through all the G.o.ds souls!

"So it is you, Kireina! How were you able to fool Fate itself to not be detected?!" roared Umlena, raising her large blade as her crimson hair waved by the winds up above provoked by Kireina"s immense aura of chaos, which warped everything around her!

She was indeed not the same as before, she had become exponentially stronger!

So strong that anything around seemed warped, not even s.p.a.ce itself was able to properly maintain her existence without warping and dilating, the spatial layers were screaming in pain as she emerged within them, the G.o.ds souls were telling the to escape to run as fast as possible and do not look back at all!

It was useless to fight her, it was completely useless! The only thing that would happen to them if they dared to fight her was death! Imminent DEATH!

But the death that awaited them wouldn"t simply be that of their physical bodies and then having their souls weakened to enter into a coma-like state, Kireina was well known for being able to bring a true end to the immortal souls of G.o.ds by devouring them and acquiring all of their powers!

She was so monstrous that in this little time since she was born, her reputation all around the Realm- no, all around the world was that of a fiend that feasted in anyone!

And she wasn"t even a mortal anymore, her monstrous aura and her immense power told the G.o.ds that she was not a mere mortal anymore!

No, in fact, she was not a mortal at all!

She was…

"She"s… a G.o.ddess?! And Rank 2 at that…!" cried Tereus, the muscular and savage man was containing the impulse of p.i.s.sing himself in fear, all of his previous bravado and personality was gone, and he was trembling like a small dog that had been standing below the rain for way too long!

Kireina made the DemiG.o.d of Brutal War tremble like a chicken!

"How did you… became a G.o.ddess?! A few days ago you were still a mere mortal! How did you… went from Living Deity, DemiG.o.d, all the way to G.o.d Realm in these few days?! This is… ridiculous!" screamed Umlena, Kireina"s aura was making her muscular legs tremble, barely maintaining her balance.

However, before their trembling figures, and the brave Umlena who was trembling as well while glaring at her with both hate and fear, Kireina smiled and showed her sharp vampiric fangs, her eyes gleaming eerily with crimson red light as her aura began to concentrate around her body, it seemed like a gigantic and constant flow of purple, black, red, and pink energies fusing, twisting, and spiraling together all the time, warping reality itself! She was illusory, dreamy, and malefic!

"Fufu… Why should I tell you? All of you are mere aperitives… And my mother always said to never play with my food…" said Kireina as her playful words made chills run through the spines of the G.o.ds!

The G.o.ds glaring at her instinctively swallowed saliva as they began to see through some kind of induced foresight from her very abilities how they were all going to die devoured!

None of them was going to be spared!

Kireina was using her amazing capabilities and Divinity to provoke Nightmares over all the G.o.ds in an instant!

The moment they glanced at her, she activated the [Horrifying Nightmare Induction] Path Jewel Ability!

By activating this Ability, she immediately put all these G.o.ds into a constant nightmare, the last moments they screamed to her were their last moments of lucidness, their souls were suddenly submerged into their worst nightmares, which coincidently were about her devouring them all in the most horrifying way possible!

Kireina kept smiling at them as every single one of them was being devoured by her very nightmares, she didn"t even move an inch and had defeated them!

Ma.s.ses of flesh with eyes and mouth entangled themselves around their bodies as the G.o.ds screamed in agony, their bodies and souls being torn apart and devoured endlessly through these horrifying nightmares!

Only 20 seconds had gone by since Kireina appeared, and the G.o.ds were screaming in agony without her doing anything!

"Zeus, you"re such a fool, you shouldn"t have put these weak-willed G.o.ds to protect this precious material… Now, it will be mine!" said Kireina, as she laughed like the most malicious of villainesses.

A distortion in s.p.a.ce emerged as a few of her family members appeared.

"Mama, we"ll eat them up, okay?" asked Scarlet, happily smiling as she glanced at the trembling and paralyzed G.o.ds with hunger, she licked her red lips within her long and snake-like tongue, while her thousands of tiny exoskeleton-covered legs within her lower half generated cracking noises as they touched each other due to her excitement.

"Sure thing my dear, but make sure to leave some for your siblings and aunts as well, okay?" said Kireina.

"Okay!" said Scarlet, flying towards the G.o.ds who were diving into endless nightmares!

Alongside Scarlet, there was Nirah, Vudia, Ailine, Marduk, Nanshe, Nammu, Belle, Adelle, Acelina, Mady, Ismena, Sofarpia, and Sofelaia, who had been chosen by Kireina to take care of this trash, as she wanted them to eat more G.o.ds to grow a bit stronger.

She had designed each target for each of her family members, as she knew which divinities could benefit which one the best.

"Time to eat! Mama prepared these meals for us!" said Nirah happily.

"Oh, they look fres.h.!.+ Nicely done, mommy!" said Vudia.

"Hmm, wish one should we take?" wondered Ailine.

"That muscular one really looks appetizing, mother really chose the best ones for us!" said Marduk.

"Do we need to share? What a pain… I want to eat them all up! Gulp them up, fufu~" laughed Nanshe.

"Fresh meat! Fresh Meat!" said Nammu cheerfully, as her wolf-heads atop her tentacles barked.

"Hmm, eating G.o.ds like this certainly feels a bit weird, but I guess that"s what we do in the family!" said Belle.

"Everyone, make sure to share your meals as well!" said Adelle.

"They"re still in development so don"t force them to eat too little either, Adelle!" said Acelina as she smiled mischievously.

"Indeed. This is exactly what my children needed to nourish themselves a bit better. Kireina"s soul fragments lose their effects after eating many, but G.o.ds never get boring to eat!" laughed Mady.

"Oh? Are those the children of Aphrodite? I wonder if we will become as beautiful as them if we eat them…" said Ismena while flapping her b.u.t.terfly wings.

"Those ones wearing armor would be fitting for me! Kireina-sama really does think about everyone, let"s do this swiftly," said Sofelaia while galloping through the skies and flapping her angelic feathered wings like a Pegasus.

"Yeah! Hm? That one is trying to get out of the nightmare…" said Sofarpia, pointing at Umlena, the G.o.ddess of War, as she was clenching her teeth while fighting against the nightmares.

Kireina"s powers were not all-powerful, those with strong enough wills could be capable of breaking out of their effects!

"Oh! That"s Umlena, the G.o.ddess of War, she"s strong? Maybe. She"s suitable for us and Marduk, let"s go eat her quickly," said Sofelaia.

"Marduk-kun, come here~!" said Sofarpia, as the little Marduk flew towards them while his many dragon heads spit fire everywhere from within the tip of his tentacles.

"Coming!" he said, flying near his aunties as the two Centaur Twin Sisters who had become DemiG.o.ddess already alongside Marduk, a Living Deity flew near Umlena, whose muscles were constantly bulging and sweating to fight against the nightmare!

Within Umlena"s nightmare, the G.o.ddess was fighting against the abyss itself, which had countless crimson eyes, maws, and Tentacles.

They were entangling all around her, as she sliced them with her giant blade and her large spartan s.h.i.+eld, defending herself and fighting back, struggling to live while her legs were being triturated by the monstrous tentacles and maws! She clenched her fists with resolve, anger, fear, and desperation!

"RAAAAGGH! Noooo! NO! WAR BLADE!" she roared, as within her nightmares she unleashed a powerful blade attack over the tentacles, slicing them into pieces and then unleas.h.i.+ng a loud explosion of red energy all inside the dark abyss, illuminating it once more!

She kept infusing her power into the attack, as the light finally took hold of her senses, and realized that she was going through a nightmare!


She quickly glanced at the other G.o.ds around the barrier and tried to run towards them and alert them about the nightmare they all had been put. The most surprising thing was that Kireina simply needed them to glance at her for her to inflict the nightmare, they didn"t even go out of their Divine Realms!

However, before she could even reach them, a pair of centaurs and a grotesque-looking Scylla boy reached her!


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