Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 928 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 49/?: Wyverns & Monkeys VS G.o.ds 3

Chapter 928 - [Ascendance Of The G.o.ddess Of Sins And Virtues] 49/?: Wyverns & Monkeys VS G.o.ds 3


As the Wyvern G.o.ds took the lives of half of the G.o.ds guarding Vretrion"s Kingdom, the monkeys moved to intend to do the same with their share of the cake.

However, unlike the Wyverns who fought mostly separated against the G.o.ds, the G.o.ds in here were disrupted quite quickly, and most of them ended jumping out of their Divine Realms, working together to survive against them.

But this is where they had committed a grave mistake! The monkeys had all evolved to have the power to boost each other"s capabilities through their Divinities!

They all quickly got into amazing formations in the middle of the battle, surprising the G.o.ds who were desperately trying to s.h.i.+eld each other with their sharp and piercing attacks!

However, both groups were being held away from each other due to the large army of Tamed Divine Beasts brought by Xygnos, the G.o.d of Hunting, and Kriarae, the G.o.ddess of Wind Beasts!

Enormous wolves with s.h.i.+ny gray fur, large lions with golden manes, gargantuan dragons with fiery breaths, swirling living tornadoes with the faces of monstrous demons, flying birds with sharp beaks, and claws ready to tear apart their prey, and more!


The giant gray wolves, golden lions, and giant deer with s.h.i.+ny and rainbow crystal horns rushed towards the monkeys, while the Wind Beasts unleashed the powerful storming winds of their divine auras, thunder, and slicing emerald winds falling like endless catastrophes!

The Monkeys, however, saw these beasts as a mere warmup!

"GAHAHA! Such nice little pets you got there!" laughed a burly man with tanned skin and a loud voice, he had a long tail, and his ears were longer than a usual human, that"s because he was in fact a monkey! He was Kizuato, who became the Monkey Deity of War Weapons, with the Authorities of [War] and [Strength].

Kizuato quickly unleashed his Divine Aura, which shaped itself as countless weapons made of bright red War Attribute Divine Energy, axes, spears, blades, javelins, maces, morning stars, arrows, catapults, everything!

He raised his swords as he unleashed a barrage of attacks over an enormous range, impacting against the gargantuan Divine Beasts, which were all of a minimum size of 30 meters!

The powerful weapons reached the beasts, piercing their bodies, and easily getting through their attacks and defenses, it was as if Kizuato was a whole army by himself!

BOOM! CLAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ TRUUMM!!!

The owls and roars of dozens of DemiG.o.d Realm and G.o.d Realm Divine Beasts falling into their demise resonated through the entire Dimensional Formation, as Kizuato"s attacks seemed to have no end!

However, his power did not come only from him, but this power was enhanced by the special divinity of Yukan"na, who became the Monkey Deity of War Tactics, with the Authorities of [War] and [Strength]! He was standing right next to him and the other Monkeys, raising several flags made of divine aura around the group which constantly enhanced the power of their Divinities!

Each Flag was named War Flags, and was painted completely red, with blazing signs imprinted on them.

However, Xygnos, the G.o.d of Hunting, and Kriarae, the G.o.ddess of Wind Beasts didn"t give up either! They were merely unleas.h.i.+ng their weakest beasts, and as Tamer G.o.ds, they held great Divine Techniques that we"re able to enhance these beasts" power and swiftness even more!

Portals from their Divine Realms opened quickly after, as even bigger beasts came forward, large lizards covered in rocky scales, monstrous griffins with emerald feathers and golden beaks, and feathered and winged golden-scaled snakes!

"Don"t fear my lords, we"ll protect you!" said Xygnos.

"Indeed, leave this to our army!" said Kriarae.

The two of them were protecting the younger G.o.ds, children of their Master"s (Artemis) siblings, who were not as experienced in fighting.

The beast rushed towards the monkeys as their defenses were suddenly enhanced when Xygnos released a powerful Divine Technique, covering the beasts with some kind of blood-red essence, making their eyes become insane alongside enhancing their thirst for blood!

Meanwhile, Kriarae released a wave of winds and thunder, enhancing their reaction time and speed, making them even faster as the beasts were coated in red, green, and yellow auras!

Kizuato"s attacks were no longer as effective, and although he had taken many down beforehand, these Beasts were way stronger, being G.o.d Realm at Ranks from 3 and above!

And Ylphion, the G.o.ddess of Duty suddenly raised her trumpet of war, as she unleashed a melody that enhanced the army of beasts, giving them a strong sense of [Duty] on defeating the enemies ahead of them!

The melody continued resounding, as the beast"s roars became louder! However, Kizuato was never alone in this, and just a few seconds had pa.s.sed since all of this started, so it was obvious that the others were preparing their Divine Auras to attack!

"Hah, if one doesn"t work, let"s add another one!" laughed Goruden, a tall and handsome young adult man with golden hair, a golden-haired monkey tail, and larger than usual ears, as his brilliant and iridescent golden aura expanded, shaping as weapons similar to Kizuato, and unleas.h.i.+ng a tempest of attacks from a long distance, impacting the beasts!

BOOM! CLAs.h.!.+ CRAs.h.!.+ SLAs.h.!.+ TRUUMM!!!

The attacks quickly made some effect, as the beasts began to fall down one by one, even the winged golden-scaled serpent was blasted into pieces!

However, the Tamer G.o.ds simply laughed this off, pointing their weapons at the monkeys, which were all bows and crossbows, and attacking their group with a barrage of divine arrows, while bringing forth even more beasts!

The three children of Dionysos, Sabazius, the G.o.d of Wine and Vegetation, son of Dionysos, Telete, the G.o.ddess of Tentative Mysteries, daughter of Dionysos, and Thysa, the Nymph G.o.ddess of Wild Frenzied Orgy, the daughter of Dionysos began to feel doubt about their chances of victory, as they quickly decided to unleash long-ranged attacks from a distance as well! Sabazius unleashed the might of vegetation as countless spiky vines, Telete released mysterious pink mist that disrupted the foe"s senses, and Thysa released pheromones to make them go wilder and less intelligent!

"I hate to fight this upfront since I literally raised myself to become someone stealthy, but fine," sighed Jinsoku, who became the Monkey Deity of Shadow Weapons, with the Authorities of [Shadow] and [Strength]!

Due to the constant bombardment of attacks, Jinsoku quickly joined as well, as he employed his power of Shadows and Weapons, generating countless secret weapons that ninjas and a.s.sa.s.sins use stealthily, but in ma.s.s and made of shadows!

As he also held the Authority of Strength like everyone else, he was able to easily join with the rest, as a complete storm of crimson-red energy weapons, golden weapons, and shadow weapons began to befall over the army of beasts, which with the help of Yukan"na Divinity was enough to completely splatter the beast"s corpses into the ground!


The G.o.ds were shocked and in awe, as they began to instinctively step back!

However, a sudden flash of many colors emerged from above, as they saw many figures exuding spiritual divine auras emerge, they had all shapes and sizes and were being led by a young-looking man who had a long black tail and unusually large ears, it was Meiji and his summons, who all had raised to Divinity!

Meiji was hiding within the spatial layers waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike, and now that the G.o.ds were suddenly overwhelmed by a literal rain of weapons, he and his summons were like an army of their own entered the battle, the moment they saw the G.o.ds doubt and step back, it was the perfect time to strike!

"Go! Unleash all of your Spiritual Divine Power! I allow it!" said Meiji, as he conjured several Spiritualist Divine Techniques, which enhanced the power of all of his summoned spirits, while also unlocking part of their power and raising them to greater levels! Meiji became the Monkey Deity of Elemental Spirits, with the Authorities of [Multi-Element] and [Elemental Spirits]! Naturally, he had an amazing ability to enhance the total power of his summoned spirits, even more now that he and his summons were all Divine Beings!


From Meiji"s fur-covered hands, a wave of divine and spiritual rainbow energies rushed over the large army of elemental spirits he possessed, which he all saw as his children at this point!

The Spirits flew at immense speeds towards the G.o.ds, who tried to evade or defend, but were quickly reminded that the other group was holding them back as well… This was an amazing pincer attack, the G.o.ds were not able to back down! If they were to doubt for a single second, they would be decimated from both sides! Meiji and Kizuato"s armies were forcing the G.o.ds to put on a defensive and pa.s.sive role if they didn"t want to die straight away, so they were giving themselves to their power!

Meiji"s spirits rushed towards them, as each one unleashed a combined barrage of elemental attacks!

"This is the power that Nereid-chan taught to me! Now we are G.o.ddess buddies!" said the Water Spirit: Nymph, who became the Spiritual Fairy Deity of Spiritual Spring Waters, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Water] and [Springs], as she created enormous rivers of water which she forced to move at incredibly fast speeds, producing enough pressure to cut through wood with ease! She used this power to attack the G.o.ds, penetrating their defenses!

"It"s time to play! Hehehe! Tornadoes! Winds! Gusts! Storms! Tempests! All out!" said the Wind Spirit: Sylph, who became the Spiritual Fairy Deity of Spiritual Emerald Winds, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Wind] and [Air], who waved her small hands and unleashed all kinds of catastrophic attacks one by one, as slicing green winds devastated the attacks of the G.o.ds and neared towards them!

"Gaia taught me how to make big mountains!" said the Earth Spirit: Pygmy, who became the Spiritual Dragon Deity of Spiritual Raging Earth, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Earth] and [Tremors], she had attained a humanoid form for greater maneuver, but now she was in her dragon form, resembling a t.i.tan made of stone and rocks in the shape of a dragon, as he summoned enormous mountain-sized boulders, trying to crush the G.o.ds to death!

"I got a big family waiting for me at home, so we better hurry!" said the Fire Spirit: Vulca.n.u.s, who became the Spiritual Salamander Deity of Spiritual Volcanoes, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Fire], and [Magma], as he created enormous magic circles were the eruptions of fiery volcanoes would come out, like beams made of pure and boiling lava, they impacted the G.o.ds defenses and shattered such defenses in an instant, nearing them!

"GAOOO! BEAR PAW ATTACK!" roared the Nature Spirit: Artio, who became the Spiritual Bear Deity of Spiritual Nature and Forests, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Nature] and [Life], as her enormous bear body covered with plants and nature rushed towards the G.o.ds, her size easily surpa.s.sing 50 meters as her large and sharp claws unleashed h.e.l.l on earth over the G.o.ds!

"You won"t be getting out of this!" said the Ice Spirit: Boreas, who became the Spiritual Bird Deity of Spiritual Ice Melodies, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Ice] and [Songs], her beautiful bird body was just as big as Artio, with each flap of her wings, an immense snowstorm was unleashed, and while she did this, she sang a victory song, enhance the power of her spirit siblings and also the monkeys, while lowering the power of her foes!

"Be blinded by the light!" said the Light Spirit: Aether, who became the Spirit Deity of Spiritual Holy Light, with the Authorities of [Holy Light] and [Spiritual Light], as she resembled an enormous ma.s.s of light unleas.h.i.+ng rays of pure blinding brightness.

"Or drown in darkness!" said the Dark Spirit: Hypnos, who became the Spirit Deity of Spiritual Shadow Darkness, with the Authorities of [Spiritual Darkness] and [Shadows], as he resembled a ma.s.s of shadows with crimson eyes unleas.h.i.+ng a wave of perpetual darkness over his foes.

The G.o.ds screamed in agony as they were triturated from all sides, overwhelmed, and completely destroyed mercilessly!

Kireina sensed as the G.o.ds screamed in agony, as she smiled maliciously, a good meal was ready to be served!


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