Epic Of Caterpillar

Chapter 975 - The Great G.o.d Meeting

Chapter 975 - The Great G.o.d Meeting


The G.o.ds of the central continent gathered within their Pantheon, the large Divine Realm of the Great G.o.d Jupiter, who directly served the Supreme G.o.d of Star Oceans, and who was the one that represented him alongside all of his children, including G.o.ds such as Europa.

But this meeting was special, more special than many others, as the strongest beings within all of the Realm of Vida gathered here, the powerful Great G.o.ds! All of the ones that lived in the Realm of Vida, in fact!

Jupiter, Father of the Sky and Great G.o.d of Light and Stars was in the middle of the large roman stadium-like residence where all Great G.o.ds and their subordinate G.o.ds gathered, which also included some prestigious Families… such as Zeus.

Jupiter resembled a large nebula of orange, yellow-gold, and brown colors spiraling, in the dim shape of a human, he was accompanied by his closest daughter Europa, who had recently reached Rank 9 in the G.o.d Realm ad might be close to becoming another Great G.o.ddess.

Europa resembled a beautiful woman with long brown and blonde hair, with eyes that resembled flas.h.i.+ng nebulas and stars. She was accompanied by Baltis as well, who was actually her subordinate G.o.ddess. Europa knew of Baltis" affair with Zeus but paid no mind to it.

Aside from Jupiter"s group, there was also Ova, the Great G.o.ddess of Beasts, the mother of all Beastmen, her children are the founders of each race and also of their respective kingdoms. She is a cold-hearted woman who does not care about her children, leaving most of such work to her direct descendants, the Demi-G.o.ds of Beasts that represent each race. She does have close children though, who are also separated from their other siblings living around the Border Continent maintaining the beast-kin..

Unlike her t.i.tle, Ova didn"t resemble any beast but was a beautiful woman with long yellow-gold hair, a slender and near-perfect figure, and sharp emerald eyes. She had no animal features at all, but was the one that represented nature and beasts the most, as she could tame any beast and use their powers… it was speculated that she indeed had a beast form, which resembled a grotesque chimera. Ova found this form unsightly, so she never used it.

She was accompanied by a G.o.d resembling an angel, with long blonde hair, sharp emerald eyes, and a slender and beautiful figure, with two enormous pure, white-colored feathered wings. He was Bazael, the Beast G.o.d of Cranes. His figure was slender and tall, and his songs were the favorite of his mother, becoming a close subordinate of her. He seemed to ignore his other siblings.

And to her other side, there was another G.o.ddess similar to Bazael, but of smaller stature, almost like a young girl in her late teens, with large and sparkling emerald eyes, short blonde hair, and a slender and small figure, with a flat chest and small white wings behind her back. She was Venettia, the Beast G.o.ddess of Doves. She worked as her mother"s messenger.

Unlike other beast-kin races, bird-related beast-kin were more accepted, as they resembled holy figures such as angels, of course, only those of pure white colors were accepted, so Crane and White Dove Beast-kin were in the central continent as citizens, mostly of royal families as they were treated as descendants of the Great G.o.ddess of Beasts… Even though right in front of their noses, other descendants such as Dog-kin or Cat-kin were treated as slaves… It was purely a toxic and biased viewpoint, which not even their ancestor cared about.

While Jupiter was a direct servant and loyal subordinate of the Supreme G.o.d of Star Oceans, Ova was the direct subordinate of the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin, both being very important figures in the entire Realm.

Of course, there were more than two Great G.o.ds in the Realm Vida, as two other figures were sitting in this place accompanied by their subordinates.

One of them was a radiant woman, perhaps only a bit less radiant than Ova, but at the same time even more beautiful and "holy"! Her long silky white hair came accompanied by s.h.i.+ny yellow-gold eyes that resembled two blazing suns, her face was flawless and youthful, with a refres.h.i.+ng and pleasant smile. Her expression was that of endless compa.s.sion to all her children… she wore a priestess attire and held a long golden staff infused with many divine materials.

She was the one known as the Holy Mother by the Paladins, Heroes, and other G.o.ds, she was the governor of the Empire of Heavenly Tears and also a strong candidate to the next Supreme G.o.ddess… She was named Agatha, the Great G.o.ddess of Birth and Wisdom, who directly served the Supreme G.o.ddess of Life and Origin, much like Ova.

Her beautiful appearance and holy presence were surprising even to other G.o.ds, and even the Great G.o.ds found her very presence rather annoying by how s.h.i.+ny she was… And well, she and Ova didn"t have a good relations.h.i.+p… despite serving the same Supreme G.o.ddess.

Agatha was the one that commanded the entire Holy Empire of Heavenly Tears, and she used her power to bring immense amounts of miracles… And even more, as the Great G.o.ddess of Birth and Wisdom, she possessed outstanding powers that no other G.o.ds had to such an extent!

One of such powers was her ability to give birth to powerful heroes who would be blessed by fate, most of the time, they were always born as Divine Species, often named Holy Humans, or High Humans, or Light Humans, and were incredibly powerful compared to normal humans, being G.o.ds amongst mortals to an extent… All the legendary Heroes of this Continent had originated from her womb and now serve her as hundreds of subordinate G.o.ds with terrifying fanatism and devotion.

She also possessed other great powers and abilities… but these were only used in war, and any war, no matter the odds, always ended in the overwhelming victory of Agatha. Despite her delicate appearance, her power was truly terrifying, even more as she was already at Rank 8 of the Great G.o.d Realm, only a few steps before becoming Supreme!

And the fourth Great G.o.d in here was a rather unlikely one, one that was both mysterious and abhorred, he resembled a giant lion with four heads, his fur was azure-blue, and his eyes flashed with bright azure light, resembling nebulas. He had an arc of stars and s.p.a.ce around his neck, and several spheres containing small stars floated over him like a crown… His presence unlike the other three G.o.ds was immense due to his gigantic size, although he had reduced it to be around 30 meters, he was usually bigger than 200…

He was Leoganz, the Great G.o.d of Spatial Doors, who directly served the Supreme G.o.d of s.p.a.ce and Creation, Lucifer!

Of course, all of the people her knew that he served an invader from another world, but this invader was still a Supreme G.o.d at the end… so they usually didn"t speak over it.

This Great G.o.d was mysterious, although he was a G.o.d-designed into this Realm, he barely interacted with other G.o.ds and was mostly on his own. He didn"t have any subordinate G.o.d either or was completely alone. It was a mystery why was he put in this Realm, to begin with, but it was a Great G.o.d at Rank 6 nonetheless, so he was respected by everyone.

His Divinity gave him the amazing power to create doors everywhere he wanted, he could easily escape from any place and go to another, his doors were spread all across the entire world, and he was able to also bring others with him. His power was also useful in battle, as he could open doors in the bodies of his enemies, and also use his own power and beast-like strength to suppress them. A G.o.d with the power to use s.p.a.ce was very rare, and a Great G.o.d even more… he was amongst the strongest of them all!

As the meeting started, the Great G.o.ds began to discuss what was going to happen now, and their next course of actions, starting with Jupiter.

"I am glad to see all of you gathered here today. It has been some time since we had a big meeting with everyone here…" said Jupiter politely.

"I would rather see you go to the point, Jupiter," said Ova.

"Oh my, already in a hurry? Don"t worry, I don"t think anyone is waiting for you at home, Ova," chuckled Agatha.

Ova"s eyes squinted as she glanced at the detestable great G.o.ddess.

"Jupiter, what is the meaning of this meeting?" asked Leoganz.

"I am glad you asked, Leoganz. This meeting has been arranged by me with the permission of my lord, the Supreme G.o.d of Star Ocean… What we must discuss today is… well, I bet all of you already know about her, right? Our fifth member in the Realm…" said Jupiter.

The G.o.ds immediately realized who Jupiter was talking about, as they all had mixed expressions.

Ova seemed neutral, although there was some anger in her eyes not caused by Agatha against Kireina, as she suddenly recalled that she had "stolen" her children and their mortal beast-kin some months ago…

"Oh, that detestable monster… I can"t believe it became a Great G.o.ddess…" sighed Ova.

Meanwhile, Agatha smiled. She was smiling and not angered… Her smile was not pleasant but… s.a.d.i.s.tic to an extent, as if by hearing the name "Kireina" she felt an instinctual desire to crush that being and laugh at it… indeed, she has been planning her demise for a long time, but everything had gone downhill since then, and things had escalated to this point, where she was almost in the same position as her…

"Someone told me about the commotion she did in the Interdimensional Merchant Shop… That demon is truly fascinating. So? Shall we slaughter it together? I am willing to bring my children," said Agatha, she only desired to kill Kireina above everything else!

Meanwhile, Leoganz seemed expressionless… he knew about Kireina yet didn"t care about her particularly… or did he? It was a mystery.

"Kireina… An interesting being… My lord has taken a liking to her. I do wonder if I should partic.i.p.ate in this or not?" wondered the four-headed lion. Unlike his lord, he was not a demon from the gates of h.e.l.l, but a being born in this world, who had been raised to G.o.dhood by himself and joined Lucifer"s s.p.a.ce G.o.d pantheon. He was later on a.s.signed to this realm.

Jupiter seemed to smile.

"Indeed, it is Kireina… the otherworldly demon that became a Great G.o.ddess in less than a year from being reborn in Genesis… The self-proclaimed Mother Great G.o.ddess of Love… Now that it has come to this. Her plans are most likely the takeover of the entire Realm, and that means that she will come after us. After all, we are on the way to her goals," said Jupiter.

"Will the other Supremes take action? My lord seems to have no interest in the matter," said Leoganz.

Ova and Agatha looked at each other and sighed.

"Our lady doesn"t seem to want to interfere either… I don"t really know why she wouldn"t want to defeat a being that is constantly destroying the life she loves so much…" said Ova.

"Indeed, it is truly a mystery… Or is it? Perhaps this is a trial!" said Agatha.

"A trial…" muttered Leoganz.

"My lord hasn"t interfered either, but he seems eager to use the Heroes we have nurtured… And as we are no one to defy our lords, we shall do as they say and do whatever is within our power, without asking them for a.s.sistance," said Jupiter.

"Well, she just became a Great G.o.ddess. I doubt she stands a chance against all of us," said Ova.

"Hm… Do you think so~? We better do our best if you don"t want to get eaten, Ova, fufu…" chuckled Agatha.


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