"Your report does not please me!" the Sith Lord hissed. "It has come to my attention that the Jedi Council has learned about the construction of droid starfighters on Esseles. Someone on Esseles must have informed the Council. Are you certain the star5ghters will not be traced to the Trade Federation?"

"Yes, Lord Sidious," Nute Gunray answered. He was trying very hard not to sound nervous.

"Those starfighters are essential for our galactic expansion plan," Darth Sidious snarled. "Send someone to Esseles at once and confirm the droid starfighters have left the factory. Also, find the person who informed the Jedi Council and silence them... permanently!"

"Y-Yes, Lord Sidious," Gunray stammered nervously, but the hologram had already switched off. Turning to Rune Haako, Gunray commanded, "Prepare to leave for Esseles immediately!"

On Esseles, Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan stood by their landspeeder with Trinkatta the Kloodavian. They watched the Republic cruiser lift off, carrying Noro Zak, Vel Ardox, and the wounded Adi Gallia up into the green sky. Seconds later, the cruiser vanished from view as it raced into s.p.a.ce; bound for the planet Rhinnal. Obi-Wan realized that Qui-Gon had yet to reveal the story of how Adi Gallia had saved his life. Looking at his Master"s grim expression, Obi-Wan decided to wait for Qui-Gon to tell the tale.

"Thank you for rescuing me from my droids," Trinkatta muttered. Although his right arm was already starting to grow back, Trinkatta was still unnerved by the devastating events that had brought mayhem to his starship factory. His tunic was covered in dirt, a memento from the escape through his secret tunnel. Looking directly at Qui-Gon, Trinkatta said, "I only wish I could have prevented this"

"I think Adi Gallia will be fine, Master," Obi-Wan commented.

"I know she"ll be fine, Padawan," Qui-Gon replied with great confidence, "just as I know in my heart that the villains who wounded her will be brought to justice."

"Which villains?" Obi-Wan asked. "The factory droids, the Bartokks, or the Trade Federation?"

"I believe they"re all connected," Qui-Gon mused, stroking his beard. "Each bit of information is like a puzzle piece. The Trade Federation ordered fifty droid starfighters from Trinkatta"s factory; When Trinkatts refused to install hyperdrive engines, his test pilot vanished, scaring Trinkatta into building the star fighters. Someone found out about the star1ighters and was worried enough to send a data card to Coruscant, alerting the. Jedi Council. Now it seems the starfighters have vanished as well."

"Don"t forget the Bartokks," Obi-Wan added. "They broke into the central droid control room so they could reprogram Trinkatta"s droids to take over the starship factory."

"But why?" Qui-Gon pondered. "What did the Bartokks want? The droid starfighters are no longer in the factory. Why would they?"

"If you"ll excuse me," Trinkstts interrupted, "I"ve got travel plans. I"m getting off this planet before the Trade Federation comes looking for their starfighters!"

Suddenly, Qui-Gon Jinn"s eyes went wide. "There"s a good chance we might still be able to find the starfighters," he mused.

"How"s that?" Trinkatta inquired, blinking his reptilian eyelids.

"The Bartokks travel in hives of fifteen," Qui-Gon noted, "but only two remained at the observation tower. The other thirteen Bartokks must still be on Esseles!"

"Why would they still be here if the starfighters are gone?" Obi-Wan asked, bewildered by his Master"s logic.

"The starfighters are gone from Trinkatta"s factory," Qui-Gon stressed, "but they haven"t left Esseles!" Seizing Trinkatta by the shoulders, Qui-Gon lifted the Kloodavian and deposited him in the back of the landspeeder.

"We"re not parting company yet, Trinkatta," the Jedi Master said solemnly. "You"re going to help us find the droid starfighters."

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