Ero Manga Sensei

Chapter two

Chapter two

And so ---

Together with Elf, we took a train to Tokyo.

Since today was Sunday, there wasn"t a whole of people on the train. However, the sight of a blond haired girl in lolita clothing still attracted a lot of attention, mostly from girls who whispered to each other "So cute~" or "Just like a French doll".

Elf looked like she was used to receiving praise. She excitedly stood next to me, and had been talking since the moment we entered the train

"Neh, neh, Masamune-kun! Is it fun to go out with me on a Sunday? Does it feel refres.h.i.+ng to forget all of your troubles?"

We just got on the train, what the h.e.l.l are you talking about…

"I don’t have any troubles. I trust Eromanga-sensei."

"Really? I thought that you were the because my little sister is troubled, I don’t know what to do type and became troubled too."

She’s sharp.

"Maybe. Although I couldn’t do anything for her…aside from give her my trust…actually I did feel troubled."

"Right right! So let"s go out to relax."

"…You…are right."

Goingoutside, bathing under the sun light -- it was much different from sitting in my house.

I truly thought that was the case.

"…Thank you, Elf. It"s a good way to reduce stress."

"!" Elf was stunned for a moment, and said then "It"s nothing. We’re friends, aren"t we?"

…What a bright smile.

Truly, I felt better just from talking with her.

"But I told both of you to come with me. Where’s Eromanga-sensei?"

I carefully showed her the tablet on my chest.

Since Eromanga-sensei couldn’t go out of her room, we used this method instead.

Using skype on a moving train wasn"t exactly possible, not to mention that the energy drain would be very high, so we used Line chat for now. 

After the mess yesterday, luckily I got her Line ID

「Elf-chan, who are you going to introduce us to? 」

Eromanga-sensei"s message came.

Elf and I looked at the smartphone in my hand.

"Fufufu, you will know when you arrive."

「Why are you trying to act mysterious now? Do you want me to reveal that today you are wearing panties with pink stripes? 」

" ---- Ha? How, how, how could you know?"

Elf yelled loudly and quickly typed her reply. With a *ding*, a message from Eromanga-sensei arrived with an attached image.

It was an image of a panties’ crease.

"c.r.a.p! You, how could…how…"

Elf curled up, blushed and trembled ~:

"Could, could couldcould ……you…my…."

「I just stole it. 」

“ ~~~~~~~~~~~ Nya, nyan! What the h.e.l.l are you trying to do!?”

With a *squa.s.s*, Elf immediately grabbed the helm of her dress and pushed it down, her voice deeply shaken:

"Eeeee…..there will be stairs when we getoff the train! Any elementary school kid will see everything!"

「 ---------That was a joke 」

"Without a doubt, they will think that I"m a super beautiful perverted girl --- eh? A joke?"

「Yup. These panties are my drawing. 」

"………………..Re, really?"

Both Elf and I blankly looked at the image.

No matter how I looked at it, it looked like real panties.

"A drawing…huh…" "A drawing…right?"

「Aren’t I great? 」

Eromanga-sensei proudly added.

Hehe -- I could almost see the image of her raising her chest in pride.

Looks like going out with Elf brought benefits not only for me, but also for Sagiri too.

“I would say it’s amazing…but is this truly an image? Or….did you peek at me….”

….Elf’s panties …

“Otherwise…how could this….look exactly the same as mine…”

「I knew without seeing. 」

Eromanga-sensei replied, her voice (words) full of confidence.

「To be able to correctly draw a cute girl’s panties without seeing them is one of the special skills that master taught me. 」

“I told you to stop s.e.xual hara.s.sing me on the train!”

“Don’t say that while sitting right next to me! I didn’t do anything to you!”

Really – the first Eromanga-sensei didn’t teach her student any shame.

I feared that those special skills would turn out to be like a Sherlock Holmes’s style trick.

「By the way, the closer I am to my target, the better my drawings become. 」

“This was beyond human capacity! It’s on a same level with any A-cla.s.s skill of a professional light novel writer!”

Please, don’t tell me I have to put the one with such ridiculous naming sense (Elf) on the same level with the first Eromanga-sensei.

Not to mention that all of those “ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meanings” were becoming more and more perverted.

Part of me want to know if are there any other hidden meanings, but another part doesn’t want to know.

「Among professional ill.u.s.trators, I hear that some became a blue creature that could control tentacles to pull a girl’s skirt up. 」

“They couldn’t even maintain their human’s form anymore?”

Suddenly, the conversation between Elf and Eromanga-sensei became more heated.

After a while, we arrived at a hotel in the s.h.i.+njuku area, and then we took an elevator to the highest floor.

Eromanga-sensei’s mechanical voice came through the tablet:

「The one Elf-chan wanted us to meet…lives in this luxury hotel? 」

“Luxury? I think it’s pretty normal though.”

No no, it’s normal in your opinion, but from a normal human’s viewpoint it was definitely super luxurious.

….The one Elf wanted me to meet was probably a woman in magnificent clothing. I should mentally prepared myself.

“Say Elf, why did you bring that basket with you?”

“Hm? This? Consider it a bribe.”


I left the elevator and timidly followed Elf, who was gently walking forward. She stopped in front of a room, and said:

“Over here.”

She rang the doorbell, the *ding dong* sound chimed -------

“Emilyyyyyyyyyy ~~~~~~~~ ❤You’re here!”

The door burst open and someone rushed out.

It was a pink-haired girl, who had a firm body like an athlete. She was wearing a T-s.h.i.+rt, short jeans. She was slightly taller than Elf. Her age…was probably around the same as me. She grinned and showed a canine tooth.

Elf smiled:

“h.e.l.lo h.e.l.lo ~ Amelia. Sorry for bothering you when you’re so busy.”

“Nonsense, you’re always welcomed here! Today you look so cute!”

“Of course. Ah, today I want to introduce you to someone.”

“Huh? Introduce?”

The girl who was called Amelia’s eyes widened – then she finally noticed that I was standing next to Elf. She gave me a half glare and said in a very displeased tone:

“Ha? Who the h.e.l.l are you? What is your relations.h.i.+p with Emily? And why do you look familiar…?”

Wah, it doesn’t look like I was welcome here.

Hey Elf, quickly say something – I gave her a silent signal. She nodded, her expression said “leave it to me.”

“He is my boyfriend, Izumi Masamune!”

“You did that on purpose, didn’t you?!”

I don’t know what kind of relations.h.i.+p you two have, but I do know that this kind of introduction was definitely no-no.

“No no, actually ---“

I tried to explain, but the pink hair girl’s eyes widened before she slapped me.

“Ah ah ~ Izumi Masamune! You are Izumi Masamune?”


“I see! No wonder you look so familiar!”

“….Have we meet before?”

Although I was totally taken back by her presence, I managed to ask. But she ignored that question and gave me a look over from head to toe.

“Hm ~ you’re the guy who was trying to approach Emily as her boyfriend, aren"t you --- Izumi Masamune….”

She thrust her finger in my face:



“You look too poor! You totally ~ don’t have what is take to be Emily’s boyfriend.”

“I told you I’m not! And…who are you, anyway?”

If she knew Elf’s real name, their relations.h.i.+p must be quite close.

“Ah sure, I forgot to introduce myself.”

She pointed her thumb at herself:

“I’m the great Amelia Armeria! My penname when drawing is Army!”

“Eh? Army-sensei?”

“The one and only beautiful ill.u.s.trator, Army-chan!”

She stood upright and proudly introduced herself.

At least her ego was on par with Elf’s.

Let me explain a bit.

Army-sensei is the one who drew Yamada Elf-sensei’s masterpiece The Expurgatory Flame of Dark Elf.

She could draw in many styles, actively partic.i.p.ate in both ill.u.s.trators and manga events, andshe was good at both. So people called her themulti-talent ill.u.s.trator

Army-sensei’s drawing had sensual, and sultry girls, which fit Elf’s writing, thus they became a good combo. The Expurgatory Flame of Dark Elf became famous, it wasn’t just the author’s work, it succeeded because of the ill.u.s.trator as well.

But I have to admit, the story itself was already good, adding ill.u.s.trations only ensured its success.

In short, she is an amazing, famous ill.u.s.trator.

“…But I never thought you were such a young girl…”

First Sagiri, then Elf, Muramasa-senpai (well, I’m young too, so it’s not like I could say anything) – it was unbelievable.

「So cute. What type of s.h.i.+rt are you wearing? 」

Be quiet, Eromanga-sensei.

Elf patted Army-sensei’s shoulder and introduced us:

“Armeria – Army-chan is my childhood friend. Do you remember what I said about how much I was forced to study? Armeria’s parents brought her to me. Since we were about the same age, we began to study together.”

“Then after a while, we found out that we loved each other! Emily is my wife.”

Army-chan gently raised her head and folded her arms in front of her chest.

“Army-chan’s j.a.panese is not very good, so please forgive her.”

No, not only the j.a.panese word…all of her sentences sounded strange…like I’m watching a television program that had a foreigner as the MC.

“Elf, the one you wanted to show us…?”

“Yep, it’s Army-chan.”

「I want to see your panties! 」

Be quiet, Eromanga-sensei.



Both I and Army-sensei stared at each other, none of us knew what to say.

Still…she was almost as cute as Elf. The way her eyes was shaped and her canine tooth gave her a special charm.

--- But…why didn’t I feel anything? True, I had lived with my little sister for a long time, so I had a decent resistance against cute girls --- but it shouldn’t be enough to make me feel nothing like I was now. Strange.

Of course that didn’t mean I hated her. In fact, seeing her appearance made me quite like her.

…A girl huh?

My eyes unconsciously turned to her b.r.e.a.s.t.s ---



She suddenly shouted which startled me.

“Y, yes?”

“You really aren’t in a relations.h.i.+p with Emily?”

“No, I’m not! I just told you!”

“Hm, is that so?”

I couldn’t tell anything from her reaction.

Did she understand or not? Did she notice I looked at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s? I couldn’t tell.

“Then I will make it clear, call me Ore-sama.”

Army-sensei thrust her finger at my face and said:

“I have no interest in love with a man. Don’t even think about it just because I’m super cute. I will definitely not have any interest in you.”

“I know I know! You don’t have to repeat that…!”

“No no, I have to make it clear to pervert like you.”

c.r.a.p, so she knew that I looked at her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Now I see…she hates men even more than a usual girl…what is that called anyway?

“…I get it.”

I raised both of my hand above. Then Army turned to Elf:

“So what Emily? Why did you lead this pervert to me?”

“Ah, that is the main topic. Um, Army-chan, do you know about Eromanga-sensei?”


Army-sensei was stunned for a second, her eyes widened.

“I do.”

“Then you know about Eromanga-sensei’s recent trouble?”

“The death match with the loser having to unmask? Yes.”

It seemed like everyone in the industry already have heard about it.

“Oh? Then it’s easy. Eromanga-sensei want to win, so he is training really hard. But it seems like there’s trouble.”

“…………….Oh! Is that so?”

Suddenly Army-sensei changed into an emotionless expression. What was she thinking about?

“Actually, Eromanga-sensei is here too.”

“Eh? Where?”

Army-sensei looked around. Elf pointed at my tablet.

“In here. The one with the mask is Eromanga-sensei.”

「h.e.l.lo ~ by the way I don’t know anyone with that embarra.s.sing name. 」

Eromanga-sensei raised a hand as a greeting.

“Eh…please to meet you.”

Army-sensei’s eyes widened.

Eromanga-sensei continued in a very friendly tone:

「Please to meet you, Army-chan. You’re so cute ~ what kind of panties are you wearing at the moment? 」

“This is the first time I’ve heard such an introduction!”

I face palmed and bowed to Army-sensei as an apology:

“I’m sorry! This guy’s got a few loose screws in his head.”

「Izumi-sensei, why are you treating your partner that way! 」

“Shut up, pervert! Hurry up and apologize!”

“Ah ~ it’s fine. No need to apologize.”

I’m so moved -- Army-sensei was smiling and forgave us! She slightly shook her hand signaled me to stop bowing, she turned to the tablet and smiled, her canine tooth revealed.

“h.e.l.lo, Eromanga-sensei. I’m wearing sportswear from head to toe.”

She calmly answered the question about her undergarment before turned it back:

“What about you Eromanga-sensei, what kind of panties are you wearing?”

「Eh…. 」

“Eh? Although you use a voice changer, you are a girl, aren’t you. Heheheh ~ so what kind of panties are you wearing?”

「Ah…that….that is… 」

Wow…Eromanga-sensei was taken aback by the counter attack. The previous scene had become reversed.

But to think that Army-sensei knew Eromanga-sensei’s gender after a few words of conversation…

Noticing Eromanga-sensei’s panic, Army-sensei kept pus.h.i.+ng:

“What’s wrong? I answered your question, now it’s your turn.”

「….Eh…eh… 」

Her mask became useless, Sagiri spoke in a weak tone:

「…..Nii….I, Izumi-sensei….help…. 」


「I, Izumi-sensei!? Are you trying to listen to the answer? 」

“No, no I’m not.”

「You liar! That’s definitely a lie! You are secretly trying to listen! You want to hear what kind of panties I’m wearing! 」

“I didn’t! I’m innocent!”

Actually, I was kind of listening. Yes, Sagiri asked for help, but I couldn’t stop myself! How could I! I wanted to know too!

「Ecchi! Pervert! I don’t care about Izumi-sensei anymore…! Hmmm! 」

*Click* She hang up.

“How…could this happen?.”

I went pale, and muttered in despair. Army-sensei muttered to herself:

“….So she run away.”

Yup. She run away.

“Masamune, we can’t continue without Eromanga-sensei, think of something.”

“Let me try to skype….but I don’t know whether she will listen or not.”

I listened to Elf and tried Skype, but….

“…She didn’t pick up.”

“Send her a message and say that we won’t ask about panties again.”

“It would be more s.e.xual hara.s.sment at this rate! Why don’t you use Line and send her a message?”

“It’s troublesome ---“

After a while, we managed to reconnect to Eromanga-sensei via Skype.

「Reconnected ~ 」

She said in an unpleasant tone. Elf nodded in satisfaction.

“Then let’s get to the main topic.”

Army-sensei asked Elf:

“Main topic…what exactly do you want me to do?”

Nice question. I wanted to ask that too. What was Elf trying to do by making Eromanga-sensei and I meet Army-sensei?

“Kufufu – nice question. Masamune, Eromanga-sensei. Listen well!”

Elf showed a mysterious smile and made a cool pose:

“Army-chan, let Eromanga-sensei know about your ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning!”

“Myill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning?”

“Yes – the special skill of the multi-talent ill.u.s.trator Army-sensei - ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning!

Hey Elf…you also told that to Eromanga-sensei on the train, didn’t you?

Although based on what Eromanga-sensei said, all professional ill.u.s.trators had their own special skill and ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning, but I feared that whatever the first Eromanga-sensei taught Sagiri (or maybe Great too) was just a bunch of nonsense. Suddenly talking about ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning might have caught Army-sensei off guard.

But I never thought expected that Army-sensei’s eyes would widen, then she said:

“ -------- What a surprise. Nice talking.”

Eh? She understood just from the word ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning?

“Ahaha, who do you think I am? So you understand what I meant? How about it? Can you help?”

“Hmm ~~~~~~~ What should I do ~~~~~~~ ”

Army-sensei folded her arms across her chest.

“I helped you before. You still owe me once!” Elf said and raised the basket on her hand “Also, this is my hand-made cake for you.”

Hearing the explanation and Elf’s embarra.s.sment, Army-sensei turned soft, she pointed her thumb inside:

“Don’t just stand here. Come in.”

We entered a ridiculous big room. Sofa. Tea tray. LCD television…almost the same as my home, the only different was that all of them were much more expensive

There was another LCD screen PC on the table, its headphones lied nearby.


--- I couldn’t help but compare this room to Sagiri’s.

“Sit over here – huh? What? You like them?”

“Ah, somewhat. This is tool to make live video streams…right?”

“Yes yes. Recently I’ve been learning to make live videos.”

「Ah, just like me 」Sagiri quietly whispered.

“Whatever! These are just trivial matters!”

Elf stopped the conversation from continuing.

Army-sensei sat down in front of the television and I chose a seat next to the sofa.

“I will go prepare tea and desert, we’ll talk while eating!”

Elf took the basket and ran off, looked like she knew this place pretty well.

Army-sensei’s gaze followed her back – or rather, her a.s.s until she was out of sight.


A brightly smile.

How come all ill.u.s.trators I knew turned out to be perverts? Are they all like that?

When Eromanga-sensei said “As an ill.u.s.trator, when I see a cute girl, I can only think about her panties”, I thought that was nonsense, but….


Just when I began to afraid of her, Army-sensei turned to me:

“It’s wonderful! You jealous?”

“Y, yes?”

“My cute childhood friend came to check up on me, she even personally mademe a cake! It’s clear that I’m the winner, isn’t it?”

Hearing Army-sensei praise her “lover”, Eromanga-sensei approved:

「You win. Maybe. 」

“Right, right?”

I added:

“By the way, recently Elf also visited my home too.”


“She also brings cake every time she comes.”

“Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat? What is the meaning of this? Ouch ouch ouch….”

Looked like she bit her tongue. Her face twisted in pain.

c.r.a.p, if I made a wrong move I might trigger Army-sensei’s desire to win. It would be troublesome later onI made a pervert think I was an enemy. Thus, I calmly explained:

“We are not dating, it’s just a normal relations.h.i.+p between neighbors.”


Seeing her like that made me felt a bit of guilt.

「Ah, Izumi-sensei made her cry. 」

“No, no I didn’t.”

Why does Sagiri enjoy teasing me that much as soon as she put on her Eromanga-sensei’s mask?


Recently, Elf’s decision to make cakes was probably because she wanted to win against s.h.i.+do-kun. During our party, everyone said his cake was delicious…she might have decided to return the favor since then…

She really wanted to win at anything, after all.

I wondered for a while before answering:

“Oh right. I think those cakes were only a practice to make this delicious result.”


“So that today she could give the best cake to Army-sensei!”


Army-sensei immediately went from depressed to a bright smile.

“Yes! It must be that! Really, to get jealous of my friend, I’m so embarra.s.sed.”

She pulled both of her legs up on her seat and smiled.

“Ehehehe….so cute!...Super cute.”

Actually, the way she was acting now was cute too.

But why didn’t I felt anything?

Saying that to a girl might count as impolite, but …when I talked with her, I felt like I was talking with my younger brother or a male friend.

Army-sensei patted my shoulder in embarra.s.sment:

“Hey! Masamune! Turns out you’re pretty kind too! But why are you so small?”

“Wh- what? I’m not small! I only a bit shorter than my cla.s.smates! I can still get taller!”

“Ahaha, you sounded like a flat-chested heroine in light novel!”

“Don’t add insult to injury!”

「…..Your novels are full of that kind of girl….this is divine retribution. 」

Eromanga-sensei also muttered.

--- c.r.a.p, there’s nothing I could say in my defense.

I closed my eyes, and clenched my fist, and said:

“Kuh…I’m very sorry…to all of girls that I created! Even if this was unavoidable, I shouldn’t have call you ‘flat-chested’ or ‘cutting board’…Of course it pains me! I don’t like it either! It’s not like I like small breasted girls or anything! All of it is because since Eromanga-sensei has never seen a big breasted girl before and she couldn’t draw any!”

「Don’t pa.s.s the ball to me…. 」

“It’s because all of your drawings only have flat-chested girls!”

「You, I’ll remember this! 」

Grrr! Eromanga-sensei growled.

Seeing that, Army-sensei broke into laughter:

“Ahahahaha! Nice, nice Masamune! Eromanga-sensei! From now on call me Army-chan!”

「I have been calling you that from the beginning. 」

“I’m not going to call anyone who called me small ‘chan’.”

“Pay it no mind! I’m sorry, okay!”

Army-sensei kept patting my shoulder – okay, from now on, let’s call her Army.

At this time, Elf returned with tea and cake.

“Arara, your relations.h.i.+p has become that good?”

“Nope, not exactly” I replied.

“Don’t be so modest!”

Army put her hand around my shoulder.

Yup, I didn’t feel anything at all, despite the fact that my shoulder was touching her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

I glanced:

“Get off, it’s hot”

“Good! You pa.s.s!”


“Haha, I’m checking if you like me or not. I won’t become friends with you if the answer is yes.”

“What the heck?”

“Masamune – you already like someone, didn’t you?”


“Haha, so I was right?”

Army excitedly kicked her feet, her long and firm legs bared for all to see. If Sagiri did the same to me, I’d probably die of a heart attack.

“…You’re just teasing me.”

Although she said that, I didn’t get mad at her. No one could get mad at Army with her innocent laughter.

“Sorry, I’m so cute – if you don’t have someone you like, then you would fall for me very quickly.”

….Your ego is a bit too big thought.

Elf looked at our conversation with a satisfied expression.

“Since everyone has become so close – please teach usaboutill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning”

We started by drinking tea and discussing the situation.

From the left, on the sofa was Elf, Army and me. Eromanga-sensei was on the tablet on my chest.

「So you planned to let us see Army-chan’s ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning, right ---“

Eromanga-sensei immediately began with the main topic.

“Slow down. Try a bite first” Army took a big bite “So good! So good! So gooooooooooooood!”

Her reaction was a bit too extreme. Are you a judge in food-based manga?

“Thank you. Really, Army-chan, you haven’t changed at all.”

Elf gracefully took a slip of tea, smiled:

“Alright, Masamune, Eromanga-sensei, don’t be so modest. Try my cake.”


I glanced at Eromanga-sensei.

「Kuh…I couldn’t eat through the screen. And I don’t know anyone with that name. 」

“…I will bring something back, let’s eat together.”

「….I want to eat alone. 」

“….I see.”

For a while, we enjoyed the tea and cake that Elf had made. Eromanga-sensei could only watch with an unpleasant expression.

“How is that? Better than Kunimitsu’s, right?”

“I knew it, you were trying to compete with s.h.i.+do-kun.”

“Hm? What if I did? So, what do you think Masamune? Who will you pick, me or Kunimitsu?”

“What is with that gal-game-like choice?”

By the way, s.h.i.+douKunimitsu – s.h.i.+do-kun is my junior, a novelist who is good at making cakes.

To tell the truth, both of their cakes were good, it’s hard to decide a winner. But if I carefully considered it…..

“Alright, this time Elf wins.”

“Nice ♪”

Elf happily made a victory pose, and smiled brightly:

“Kukukuku! It should be this way! I made this cake with all of my heart! Of course it would be good.”

「Mwu ~ 」

Somehow, Eromanga-sensei made an unpleasant sound.

“You said – with all of your heart?”

“Um? What’s up Army-chan?”

“No, I just think that it’s the best method in making anything.”

Army slightly smiled:

“I don’t exactly like ‘that’, you know. They used to call me the ‘emotionless ill.u.s.trator’ or ‘drawing machine Armeria’….they said my drawings were empty ---.”

“Ah, it’s so nostalgic! I was the one who told you that.”

“Tch, I’m not going to forget that. You have been after me about that since our first meeting!”

“Right right. Army-chan, you really are too much. With the artist teacher nearby, I was a friend whose age was close to yours and the daughter of the house owner, yet you kicked me. Thinking back, it was probably the worst first meeting possible.”

I don’t know when that story happened, but it looked like Elf and Army’s first meeting wasn’t exactly happy.

--- It was the same for me too.

Elf closed an eyes and raised a finger:

“You could draw any drawing no matter what kind of request people made. You could use any style after one look – truly, a talented girl. But your drawings were empty, it had no soul, unable to move anyone. It couldn’t surpa.s.s the original.”

“That was the ill.u.s.trator Amelia Armeria during our first meeting.”

“You made it sound like an antagonist.”

“Hmhm, that’s right Masamune. The ability to copy other’s skill is one of the big three cheating skills in writing/drawing. There were SharinganCite error: Closing  missing for  tag, Perfect Copy, Skill Hunter -- lots and lots more. But from my a creator’s point of view, that was all Armeria could do. That’s why a cute girl she just met laughed at her face.”


Hearing Elf’s provocation, Army held her stomach in laughter.

“That’s why I like you – only you could tease others without holding back like that.”

“….I know this feeling too.”

Good. Good you d.a.m.n elf. I will definitely crush you under my foot.

Even I once said that.

“I know, right? Well, this was a long time ago. I have fixed it already.”

Army smiled mischievously. She must mean that she no longer drew soulless ill.u.s.trations.

“You fixed your weakness? Really? Sometime Army-chan unconsciously drew an ecchi drawing of a naked girl?”

“Ha? You mean the drawing in Dark Elf? Your story is perverted by itself, why are you blaming me? The ill.u.s.tration turned out that way because of your idea.”

“What are you saying? Although, back then I did write it, but I required a fully-naked ill.u.s.tration to boost my motivation to the max. Yet you drew a half-naked drawing! I don’t want something like that!”

“Oh yeah? So where did your libido go?”

“In my heart!”


It wasn’t easy to watch two beautiful girls head b.u.t.t like this, but anyone could see that their relations.h.i.+p was very good.

“Look like I have to prove that I have fixed my weakness. We’re done eating anyway, let’s begin.”

Army took a tissue to wipe her hand and picked up a pen.

“I will show you – my ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning

「Alright --- 」

Eromanga-sensei’s voice turned serious. She accepted Elf’s condition because she alone couldn’t archive any breakthroughs.

“…I should watch carefully too.”

Although I didn’t know anything about drawing, maybe I could learn something from seeing Army-sensei work.

--- Of course, I had another motive. All ill.u.s.trators look amazing when they concentrated on their work.

“Fine. Emily, make a pose over there.”

“Ah, you need me to be your model? Alright – is this okay?”

Elf sat down on the sofa and crossed her legs.

“Um, super cute! As expected of my wife!”

“Ehehehe, of course! Who do you think I am?”

Seeing her bright smile, I couldn’t help but ask:

“You were very calm when people praised you on the train, so why you are so happy right now?”

“The difference is if the one praising me is a stranger or not.”

“Is that so?”

“Yes it is. You praise me too.”

“Right right. Cute, cute.”

“Hmhm ~ of course!”

Elf smiled in satisfaction.

While we were chatting, Army still remained motionless and focused on Elf. She looked like a blade before leaving its scabbard.

“Al – right!”

She took a deep breath ----


Her hand began to dance. On the digital screen, the picture of Elf slowly appeared. No special drawing style, just a true, realistic drawing of the person in front….slowly…


When I noticed what Army was drawing, I began to tremble in fear.

Without looking at me, she roared:

“Be quiet! Now is not a good time! Alright…finis.h.!.+”

“How is it? I’m not doubting Army-chan’s skill or anything – but does it fully show my charm?” Elf asked in an excited tone.

“I drew it to the best of my ability! Isn’t that right, Masamune, Eromanga-sensei?”

“Don’t, don’t ask me!”

There was a reason that made the last sentence all I could say. Eromanga-sensei also didn’t say anything, and remained silent.

Seeing how the situation turned out, Elf tilted her head, narrowed her eyes:

“Hm…something isn’t right….”

Suddenly, like she remembered something, Elf’s eyes widened and immediately stood up:

“Let….let me see it.”

She run to us and took a look at the screen. And it was showing ----

“Armiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~~~ ! Why am I naked!?”

“Let me explain! To be able to draw a naked drawing of a cute girl is the special skill Master taught me, ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning!”

Tada! Army made a guts pose

“Its name is Nude a.n.a.lyze skill – ouch it hurts!”

Elf pulled her cheek, caused Army’s face to turn into a>.<>

“Wait! Emi…it hurt! Stop…I’m sorry….I’m sorry!”

“It has been a long time since the last time we took a bath together! How could you draw such an accurate drawing of me nude?”

“That’s the result of my ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning! Because I like you the most!”

“Your answer didn’t answer me one bit! Really, while I understood the basic principles…but….”

I choose this time to mutter to myself:

“Ah, so this drawing…is accurate then?”

“!? That’s enough! Don’t look! Delete it immediately!”

This is the first time I saw Elf embarra.s.sed like a normal girl like this. Normally, whatever followed next would be dangerous to the viewer. Maybe that is why --- my heart skipped a beat.

Elf released Army, and moaned:

“What the h.e.l.l are you doing?! I should have known! To ask an ecchi-drawing-specialist ill.u.s.trator for ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning…I reap what I sow.”

“Oh oh oh…it hurt – in my opinion that was a good explanation.”

“I have prepared myself! I really did! But this was outside of my expectations! Really, your master is such a s.l.u.t to think of this skill!”

Look like Army’s drawing master – was the one who gave birth to the previous ill.u.s.tration’s hidden meaning.

Well…how should I say it…I began to understand no matter how dense I’m.

The reason Elf introduced us to Army. The real ident.i.ty of Army and her master.

Eromanga-sensei must have realized too. Her voice turned serious.

「Eh…Army-chan…your master…what kind of woman was she?」

Army looked like she noticed the unspoken question, she grinned:

“Hm…let me see…if I have to make it short…”

「And? 」

“She was much worse than me.”

Its hopeless then.

“Normally, no one could understand what she was talking about. You could say she was a natural genius. She was very good at drawing, but she didn’t need anyone to teach her. Thinking back, I don’t know how could she managed to train such a good student like me. Well, I think that she just taught whatever came to mind.”

Army seemed happy when she spoke about her master. She kept smiling, her canine tooth sometime revealed.

I continued:

“….What do you mean by natural genius?”

“For example, when she wanted to draw scenery, she asked me to do some erotic cosplay.”

“So she only need you to cosplay?”

In short, it didn’t matter if she need to draw scenery or not.

“I thought so too. Not only did I not have the slightest idea what was my master thinking, she said I made her angry and she wanted to punish me, etc….Still, still – somehow, when I followed her advice I always made amazingly beautiful drawing.”


“What do you think? Confused, right? Do you think that her head was messed up?”

Totally agree. I didn’t understand her at all.

Still ---

In short, find me a girl that can fire me up

Even Sagiri made that request before.

“Back then, I couldn’t even hold a normal conversation, so I can’t say I fully understood what master meant. Hm, she said ---“

Put your heart into drawing..”

Army said that and became embarra.s.sed.

“Ah ~ I’m so embarra.s.sed. I’m a realistic person. Heart, compa.s.sion, empathy ---- they are all vague stuff, I don’t like it. I don’t want to use them at all.”

“….I could understand that.”

It’s the same for writing.

People said “writing with your heart” is the secret to writing a good novel. Every time I heard that, I only felt trouble. I just can’t imagine a vague concept like that

But at the same time, I felt that this advice was totally right. However, if someone asked me to explain it, I couldn’t.

“How to draw a good drawingis based on countless experiences, its base principle is very simple. But most people who tried todraw a good drawingended up with a good way to draw instead of a good drawing”

How to be good at drawing? We already knew the answer.

But how to make a good drawing is another matter – that was what Army-sensei meant.

「So, in the end what is a good drawing? 」

Eromanga-sensei asked. A question directly to the point.

Army-sensei answered:

“It is a drawing that could move the viewer, could make the drawing s.h.i.+ne. Music could make people feel happy or sad, it’s the same with drawing. From a scientific point of view, you could say that the brain create stuff like dopemine and serotonin caused a change in quality. Actually, in all drawings, pictures, music...etc, the question How could it move people. How could I create something that can move peoplehas still remained unanswered by science. So I could only explain in my master’s stupid teaching method”

「Put your heart into drawing 」

“Just like in a game, after you grind to the last level, the rest is a matter of luck. Creating art is the same, everyone will end up with emotions.”

Army sat down on the sofa, kicked her leg around and continued:

“Maybe it’s only good for me, but maybe putting your heart into drawing means that using your own emotions as a reference. Think back to the time when your heart raced -- then think about the reason that made your heart that way – well, do you get it?”

“No.” 「…………… A bit. 」

“I totally got it! As expected of Army-chan, what an excellent explanation.”

Each of us gave our answer. Of course, the one with a confident reply was none other than Elf.

Still, I think it’s a hundred times easier to understand the traditional teaching method. Thus I raised a finger:

“If you could give us an example, it’d be much easier to understand.”

“….Example? Like what?”

“Like – what would Army-sensei do if you want to draw a super cute girl at the best of your ability, what would you do?”

“ -------- That.”


“………….That…and this….”

Army slowly blushed.

“…..This…and that…..”

A gentle hint, together with a bit of sadness appeared in her eyes.

It wasn’t angry. It wasn’t embarra.s.sment.

--- Ah, I knew this too.

I saw this expression many times in the mirror before. This was ---

“I would draw a girl in love.”

Army-sensei bit her lips, put a hand on her chest and answered.

Her hand, still trembling, slowly danced on the finished drawing.

“While drawing --- think back to what my love is like.”

Slowly – she gave life to it.

“Think back the to the face of the one you love….the burning feeling in your heart….use it as reference for drawing…”

It hurt. My chest hurt. I couldn’t breathe.

“Actually, I only occasionally use this skill. This is one of the rare chances I truly put my heart into drawing.

My eyes were glued to Army-sensei.

There is no need to see how this drawing turned out.

Nii-san, There is someone I like.

Those feeling were still burning in my chest. She must have had a similar experience too.

“….When there is an unforgettable memory in your mind….it will merge with your heart…and appear in the drawing.”

The most painful experience when your love wasn’t accepted.

You don’t want to give up, but you have no choice but to give up. Your love isn"t accepted. To love someone that will never be yours, your heart will hurt like there is a line of thorns around it.

“A drawing like that will be able to move people’s hearts. In the end, there is no one alive that has never fallen in love before.”

She was drawing while enduring the heart-breaking pain ---

“Pheww ~~~~~~ ”

She took a deep breath, stood up, and shouted:

“I like youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

She shouted at the top of her lung – then Army fell down, and said in a dying tone:

“…That’s how I draw…do you get it?”

There is no reasoning or theory or anything to it. But the way she gave an example allowed me to understand it the core of it. What fearsome compa.s.sion.

If I remembered correctly, after I finished writing a novel, I was the same too.

“…Army-sensei…every time you draw…it’s like that?”

“If I did that every time…I’d die.”

It’s true. Even someone with nerves of steel wouldn’t be able to handle it.

She wiped the sweat off and said from a sitting position.

“Just now I only did that so it’s easier to understand – per your request…~ Ah I’m so tired.”

After moaning for a while, Army stood up.

“Okay, done.”

She gave me the digital board. Both Eromanga-sensei and I took another look at it.


It was the same unacceptable drawing of Elf. But now, it was full of life.

Now I understood what Elf said earlier to Army.

“…I see. It’s much easier to understand.”

The beautiful drawing looked like it was s.h.i.+ning – it had the ability to touch the viewer’s heart.

The drawing that she poured her heart into moved people, made the viewer fall in love with the girl in it.

「…..How nostalgic. I knew it…this is… 」

With a tone I have never heard before, Eromanga-sensei/Sagiri whispered:

「This is Mom’s drawing. 」

She sounded like she was about to cry. Because of both happiness and regret.

“So …”

Army looked at Sagiri, and nodded:

“This is the hidden meaning that my master who’s no longer living taught me. The skill created by pouring your heart into the drawing.”

She raised her hand and received something black from Elf.

“Eromanga-sensei – what an embarra.s.sing nickname – I doubt many people would like to use it as their penname.”

She took that -- a black mask and slowly put it on.

“But that’s the penname of the one who taught me to draw – the special penname of my stupid erotic teacher”

She clenched her hands – and shouted:

“But I will not give it to anyone! Even if that person is the Master’s daughter!”

「!I knew it…. Army-chan is --- 」

” --- At first, drawing… Mom taught me…”

“---Eromanga-sensei …..I…I…I…”

“ --- The one who taught me.”

「Eromanga-sensei the Great! 」

Everything became clear. The ident.i.ty of the first Eromanga-sensei, of Eromanga-sensei the Great, of the person who told the Dark Ill.u.s.trator about us. Everything was crystal clear now.

“Fufu, so everything is clear now – what do you guy think about this penname, Eromanga-sensei the Great?”

Elf blinked at me, teasing.

“That means she is Eromanga-sensei’s senior. I made the nickname!”

“Elf! That meant ---“

“When you published your newest novel, The Cutest Little Sister in the World, Army-chan had suggested joining forces with me. She said now is the time to crush the fake Eromanga-sensei!”

Based on what Elf explained, she had a lot more discussions with Army-chan.

In other words, during the first meeting between Eromanga-sensei and Eromanga-sensei the Great ---

“You betrayed us!”

“Betray? Kufufufu, what are you talking about, Masamune --- since when did a great novelist like me become friends with bottom of the barrel novelist like you? We are only neighbors, don’t be mistaken.”

“What the….”

Elf cut me off in an antagonistic tone:

“This time, I sided with Eromanga-sensei! I led you two here only to make you feel despair! Alright, Army-chan – no – Eromanga-sensei the Great! Finish them!”

“I will say it one more time – Sagiri!”

“I will not give this penname to anyone! Take it from me if you can!”

「……………….Even without…. 」

「……………..Even without you saying that, I don’t plan to lose to Onee-chan! 」


Great was taken back for a moment. Sagiri’s voice continued in an agitated tone:

「I…I…! I want to fulfill my dream with my brother! I can’t lose here! So – no matter how embarra.s.sing it is … I will do it! Just you wait! I will also draw with all of my heart! I will not lose to Onee-chan – I will not lose to Mom’s drawing! 」

「This is my Eromanga soul! 」

Then – Eromanga-sensei hang up.

Army – Great took her black mask off, and whispered:

“You called me Onee-chan huh?”

“In that case. How could I lose to my little sister?!”

Her smile showed a burning desire to win, followed with an unequal amount of happiness.

A few days later – the day before The unmask death match.

The sun was now setting.

“Tomorrow…everything will be over.”

After coming back from school, I sat in the living room and muttered to myself.

That day, we knew the ident.i.ty of Eromanga-sensei the Great, and we reforged our resolve to fight.

After that, Sagiri kept training inside the locked room.

Sagiri – can she learn any special skills to beat Great or not, what is she thinking – I don’t know any of that.

The only change was when meal time arrived, she slammed on the floor to signal me. Well, it’s better than nothing, I guess.

“…………I’m so worried…”

It’s not like I’m the one who has to fight or anything, why am I so worried?

Right at this moment ---

*Thud thud* The ceiling shook. It was more controlled, and gentler than usual.

That’s how a little sister called her brother.

“…..What the heck is a gentle ceiling banger…even I couldn’t understand anymore.”

But I truly felt that way.

I took the stairs to the locked room.

“What’s up, Sagiri?”

I knocked and the door opened, Sagiri appeared. After half a year, I have seen this sight many times.

But this time, when I saw my little sister – I couldn’t say anything.

“ -----“

Back then, when she put on nice clothes or kimono – I was very surprised.

But this time was different from the rest. I felt so emotional.

“Sagiri…this is…”


She nodded, looked down and played with her fingers. Maybe because she just took a bath, her face was deep red. Stream was still coming from her body, and a slight fragrance still clung to her.

She also wasn’t wearing a headset.

Her lips moved slightly and a dream-like voice came out ---

“….The clothes…during our first meeting.”

A simple skirt and dress. Anyone could see that she tried to pick clothes to meet her new family.

Not to mention ---

This was what Sagiri wore when I fell in love with her at first sight.

“How nostalgic…”

“….This is…today….is….”


I don’t get it. She was still so bad at talking.

Sagiri glanced at me.

“ ~~~~~~~~~~ ”

She immediately looked down, blus.h.i.+ng. Her whole body froze, and her shoulders trembled.

“Are you okay?”


Although she said that, but her condition didn’t improve at all. Recently we could talk normally, but now I had a feeling that our distance had grown.

It felt like I went back in time, to our first meeting.

Somehow it scared me, made me remember some bad memories.

“Our first meeting was about a year and a half ago, wasn’t it?”

“…Um…about that.”

“You’ve grown.”


I nodded. The truth is I only noticed when I saw Sagiri in these clothes.

Or maybe because she just took a bath so I could see her charm better. But it didn’t seem to be so simple…

“Today, Sagiri…is more beautiful than usual.”


It took a lot of energy to prevent myself from hugging her.

I averted my eyes and changed the topic:

“Are you…calling me here to show me these clothes?”


She shook her head furiously.

“It’s not…that…”

“That….” She put her hand on her chest, blushed “….I have a request….for you”

“I see. What is it?” I replied.

She looked up, her eyes widened.


“Based on your tone, it’s something important, right?” I patted my chest “Anything is fine! I’m your brother, after all!”

“I see…..”

She turned around, and muttered something.

“Come in…secret training…the last step…”

After a moment of hesitation, I followed her into the locked room

Sagiri sat on her bed and pointed at the s.p.a.ce in front of her.

“Ni, Nii-san…sit down here.”


Why on the bed? Can’t we sit like normal?

I already had a lot of question, but I didn’t ask, and I just quietly sat down.

Sagiri made her next request:

“…Don’t, don’t move.”

“….Okay…like this?”

“…Yes…and…now….close your eyes.”

“Close…my eyes?”


……..What is she trying to do?

What is Sagiri trying to accomplish by asking me to close my eyes?

“Hurry up….just do as I say”


I gave her my word after all. I had to see it through.

“Like – this?”

I closed my eyes. The sudden loss of sight made my hearing better.

I could hear my heartbeat, and – Sagiri’s breathing, too.



I could tell that my face and Sagiri’s were very close.

“ --- c.r.a.p --- Sa, Sa ---“

“Don’t, don’t move…”

“Ah ah…….”

My ears could feel her breathing.

I kept my eyes closed, and my hand on knees were trembling.

I was so nervous that after a few moments, my senses became numb. And then ---


A sweet fragrance entered my nose. Then my chest felt something soft.

“Sa, SaSaSaSa... Sagiri?”

I didn’t need to open my eyes to know that she was hugging me.

“Alright…don’t move….be quiet…”

Like I could. I must have died already.

This must be an illusion I saw before dying. How could this be real?

“Are you still not done?”


“Uh…troublesome….explain it better…is this ….the final secret training….!”

I barely managed to say that in the hope that she would explain the reason for this sudden action.

“…Recharge” Sagiri muttered.


“Recharge….to win against Onee-chan…need to.”

“You mean…the way to learn about the hidden meaning?”



What does hugging me solve?

The way to draw a good drawing that Army – Eromanga-sensei the Great told us. The last mystery of the first Eromanga-sensei, Eromanga Flash – all of them were slowly fused into that special skill.

“…….You don’t understand?”

“I will draw a girl I love.”

“While drawing --- I think back to the time when I was in love.”

“No, I don’t.”

If she needed to recharge by hugging the one she liked – then I could understand. But I’m not the one she likes, she likes someone else!

So I don’t understand anything!

Seeing my confused expression, Sagiri said:

“…Have I ever said that I wanted to be your little sister?”


During summer break, when I said I wanted to be her family….

I…never considered you my family…I didn"t want to be your little sister

I will be your little sister for the time being

She once told me that.

“…You…right now…you are my brother…right?”

“ ---- Yes.”

Although I couldn’t immediately give her an answer, but I did answer.

“So…a little sister…can ask…her brother…to pamper her …right?”


Yes. We are family. We’re brother and sister. There is nothing strange about it.

Even if my heart was in chaos, even if I wanted to stop myself from liking Sagiri.

Even if I didn’t know what this action meant.

I still have to play the role of an elder brother.

I closed my eyes and answered.

“I got it – Do whatever you need! As long as you win against Eromanga-sensei the Great!”

Then Sagiri put her head on my chest:

“Then…pat my head.”


I raised my stiff hand – and rubbed my little sister’s head.

I had done something similar before….back then, the atmosphere was very strange. After that, every time I tried to pat her head, she became angry.



My heart was racing.

She’s my little sister!

But love is love. I fell in love with her at first sight.

My heart was beating so hard that I feared she could hear it.


I don’t know how long it had been. Maybe a few seconds, maybe hours. My closed eyes made it impossible to perceive the time correctly.

Finally, Sagiri left my chest.

After a moment of silence…I asked:

“Is that enough?”

“Yeah…probably --- you can open your eyes now.”

I opened my eyes,.

In front of me, Sagiri was half-kneeling, half-sitting on the bed. She was blus.h.i.+ng, and her eyes were full of confidence.

“So…secret training…completed….I’m definitely not going to lose.”

“Really? I don’t really get it – but you could use thehidden meaning just from that?”


“Probably…Did you learn about it by yourself?”

The way to train that hidden meaning.

I thought she would nod, but she didn’t.

“…It’s still not perfect. But I think I can win now.”

“Hey hey, it’s not good enough. You need to be ---“

I tried to voice my concern, but she interrupted.


“W, why?”

I off-handedly asked, but Sagiri blushed furiously. It’s almost like I could boil an egg on her body.

“ ~~~~~~~~~ No means no!”

“Now is not the time to be embarra.s.sed! If you lose –“

“You’re right, but no means no!” She waved her fist at me, and yelled.

…………If that much embarra.s.sment came from “training to use the hidden meaning” and still counted as “not perfect” then….

“Don’t think of anything strange!”

“I didn’t!”

“It’s not something perverted like you thought! This…this is an act of holiness! Right now, as a little sister, it’s impossible!”


Not something perverted – but an act of G.o.d. As a little sister, it’s impossible.

What was that supposed to mean? I totally didn’t get it at all.

“Anyway – while it’s still not perfect, I can say that this time, I will win for sure.”

Sagiri stood up, grabbed her mask, and announced:

“Leave it to me.”

The next day.

The unmasked death Mach – Eromanga-sensei VS Eromanga-sensei G.

I came to a building prepared in Tokyo, the same company that streams Sagiri’s live videos. The drawing contest would be held there.

Of course, hikikomori like Sagiri couldn’t come here. Both of the partic.i.p.ants would stay at home. Company employees would take the live video from their home and broadcast it. During the battle, Eromanga-sensei and Great could freely hoeld a conversation.

“………c.r.a.p….I felt that this was getting big

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