Ero Manga Sensei

Chapter 1 ==

== Chapter 1 ==

Izumi Masamune. Sixteen years old, second year in high school.

I"m working as a novelist while going to school.

My penname is Izumi Masamune, basically my real name.

For many reasons, since two years I have been living together with my hikikomori little sister.

She is a problem child. She doesn"t go out of her room.

We have been living under the same roof, but I couldn"t see her. I could only cook her food and bring it to her room.

That life continued for a long time.

The change came in an incident about a year ago.

I became aware of my little sister"s "hidden identify".

She was my ill.u.s.trator, Eromanga-sensei.

My co-worker that I have never met before. She is my little sister, Izumi Sagiri.

Eromanga-sensei is someone who enjoys streaming live video and chatting with her fans.

She also enjoys erotic ill.u.s.trations, so much that even a famous novelist wanted to get her on her side.

That"s how Eromanga-sensei is. And she is the same little sister who kept hiding in her room without meeting anyone.

To say it was a surprise is a huge understatement.

But I think it was a good chance. A chance for me to improve my relations.h.i.+p with my hikikomori little sister.

Because she is not just a strange little sister who happened to live under the same roof with me. She is also my co-worker, who helped me making my story.

And then … well, many things else happened.

Slowly, I was allowed to access to my little sister"s room. The locked room.

She also made new friends. She was aware that I fell in love with her at first sight, and she also rejected me.

Then I wrote a new novel with Eromanga-sensei"s help.

This novel - was going to be made into an anime.

That"s right — our dream was right in front of me.

It was so close that I could almost touch it.

Alright, let"s begin.

The bet of my life, which I planned to do after my dream became true.

After our dream came true, I —

Will propose to the one I like.

Time returned to the current moment.

July 2nd, 17:14. At the big meeting room of the publis.h.i.+ng company.

"Pleased to meet you, Izumi-sensei —"

"Congratulations, your novel "The cutest little sister in the world" will be made into an anime"

A girl with round and swirling smiled gently to me.

She had curly, soft brown hair. At first glance, she was about my age, but she seemed nice and didn"t hesitate making her intention clear.

By the way, behind her, she seemed sleepy to me.

It"s like she just woke up…hey, don"t tell me it"s true. Both her appearance and her voice seemed to say "I just got out of my bed~~"

I"d say that she and the current tense atmosphere of this room didn"t suit each other.



I was so confused that this was all I could say.

Just now…what…did she said?

"Sorry… can I ask why…was I called here?"

I still couldn"t process this thought, so that was what I asked instead.

Aside from Kagurazaka-san, every other adults were looking at me. It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop.

Kagurazaka-san answered:

"Of course, this is the first meeting regarding original draft of The cutest little sister in the world anime."

Original draft….huh…

So we will talk about how the anime will be like…right?

"…Made into an anime…really? My novel….?"

I finally managed so say it out.

"That ~ is ~ what ~~ I have been saying ~~ huh.."

The same girl with yawned and answered.

But I didn"t hear her. Or rather, I heard her, but I didn"t listen.

I stood there, a lot of things running through my mind.

Anime? My - our novel?

I didn"t hear anything about this! Even Kagurazaka-san didn"t show any hints of this.

But I couldn"t image that she was teasing me by making this information up.

So…that"s real? This is….really real?

That…that …that mean…

"Our dream" is about to come true!

"Izumi-sensei? Are you listening? Hey, young man, are you listening –?"

And then…I…I …..want!



Oh c.r.a.p! It was such big news that I blurted out without thinking.

The shouting pulled me back to reality, allowed me to see what is going on around me.

I was raising my fist into the air like Raoh The King of Fist (TL Note: From the manga Fist of the North Star). The girl in front of me was clearly stunned, she couldn"t even pick up her dropped

"….Just now….did you mean to tell me that?"

"No no, of course not!"

c.r.a.p! I lead to a huge misunderstanding!

The girl also blushed in embarra.s.sment.

"Eh eh…eheheheh….A proposal in the first meeting with a boy, Onee-san is moved, you know ~~ is that…love at first sight?"

"No, it"s not like that!"

I rejected it with all my might.

How could someone took my first proposal away from me in here!!

However, that didn"t mean the misunderstanding was solved.

"Oh? So you like me before?"

"I mean it"s not a proposal!"

"But you just said marriage ~~"

"I was planning to propose to the one I like after my novel is made into anime! I just blurted out without thinking! …I"m very sorry about that."

I bowed deeply to apologize. It"s not easy to tell them about "our dream", so I had to cut corner — but to think I messed up this badly….

What if they canceled my anime because of this!??

"Oh? Marriage after having an anime? Amazing, just like a manga!"

Seeing how pale I was, the girl with exclaimed.

"Say, how old are you, young man?"


"So young!? And you"re thinking of marriage at this age?"


By the way, what kind of conversation is this? Who is she anyway?

She was sitting in the middle…could it be that she is the director?

She was very young, but I was the same too. But I think she might be even younger than me.

"Hey ~ did you hear, director? Looks like this boy"s fate depend on us ~~"

"…Yeah…er…try your best…"

Oh, so she isn"t the director.

The one who was called "director" is a tall, thin girl sitting on my left.

She gave me a gentle smile. Looked like she is easy to get along with.

"Wow ~ wow ~~ teenager"s love really made people jealous ~~ I suddenly want to cause trouble for their love ~~ don"t you agree, director?"

"…Uhm…this is…hard to say?"

"Ah ~~ I couldn"t sleep at night now ~~ d.a.m.n ~~ now I want to make this anime a failure ~~"

"…What kind of anime will it be….I can"t wait…"

Are they…really talking with each other?

Is this anime-making team okay? I felt worried even before we start…

"You two, I"d hate to interrupt your talk, but Izumi-sensei is standing right here."

"Ah, sorry."


The one who just spoke was the girl sitting on my right. She had short, black hair, with sharp eyes and low voice. Looks like she is maybe the one in charge here.

"Please sit down, sensei."


Just that conversation told me that she IS the one in charge. I sat down like she said.

"Then let"s begin our first meeting regarding original draft of The cutest little sister in the world anime."

She raised a hand toward her chest and introduced herself:

"I"m Akasaka, anime producer. Pleased to meet you."

She walked over and gave me her business card. It showed her full name is Akasaka Touko.

Next, the girl called "Director" also stood up and, for the first time, spoke something serious.

"…I"m the director. Amamiya ..s.h.i.+zue…"

Director. Amamiya s.h.i.+zue.

….Seemed like she is not a fan of talking. It"s probably going to be difficult to hold a conversation with her.

"Next is my turn ~"

The girl with yawned again, raised a hand.

"I"m Aoi Makina ~ Scenario writer ~ in other words ….phew….young man, I will be the one you work with the most when making this anime ~~"

….Are you kidding me?

This unmotivated-looking girl …is the scenario writer?

I could only stare at her in shock.

"The one…I work directly with…."

"Yes yes yes. Your job ~~ is talking with me over and over again ~~" She slowly smiled "Don"t be nervous, just call me Makina-chan."

And so —

"Our dream" reached its climax and it filled me with nervousness and hope at the same time.

The first meeting is to allow all key members to meet each other - and have our own introduction.

The details will be available from the second meeting - it seemed so.

Well, since I had absolutely no preparation, I had no idea what should I do at a meeting like that, so it wasn"t too bad.

Besides, my head was still in chaos. I could barely see things straight.

Anyway —

I"m very excited.

— I have to hurry! I have to tell Eromanga-sensei this news!


I couldn"t even stand opening the door to my own house! Just seeing the key slowly turned in the keyhole made me impatient.

As soon as I"m inside, I hastily threw my shoes away and rushed to the stairs.

Bang bang bang bang bang!!!

"Eromanga-sensei! Big news, Eromanga-sensei!!"

"I don"t know anyone with that name!!"

Just when I reach the second floor, the locked room "s door swung open. Sagiri walked out, flushed.

She probably just finished streaming a live video, I could see the Eromanga-sensei mask on her head.

"Nii, Nii-san, how many times I have to tell you that!!"

"No no no no, there is no time for that! You have to calm down. Calm down and listen to what I have to say!"

I yelled and put both of my hands on my little sister"s shoulders.

But Sagiri narrowed her eyes in disgust and pushed my hands away.

"…You are the one who have to calm down first. Really….don"t push your face so close to mine, it"s gross."

If she would said anymore, I think I would have a mental scar!

I tiredly kept my head low, breathing heavily.


"…Calm down yet?"

"Yeah. Somewhat."

"So…what"s up?"

"Actually, you - you have to calm down and listen to me, Sagiri. You need to calm down —"

"Too long. Hurry up and say it."

"…I"m afraid that your weak mind ….never mind, I will say it."

"Please do."

With her permission, I took a deep breath —

"Our novel - The cutest little sister in the world is going to be made into anime!"

"Ah, yeah, I know."

"Eh ~~?"

What the heck?

"Wh, what is going on?"

I"m almost as surprised as I was when they told me about my anime!

"Because today is when they announced the new anime, and that included an ill.u.s.tration drawn by me…of course I"d know."

Wait a sec, I couldn"t keep up with this conversation.

Now that she mentioned it, during the meeting they did told me that the news will be announced on the official website

"…Could it be…Nii-san…you don"t know?"


"I see….."

I averted my eyes.

"…Why. I"m the original novel"s author, but I don"t know about it till the last minute."

"I…I"m not sure…Kagurazaka-san only told me to keep it a secret, she said she will tell you when the time is right…"

Please spare me that drama. That woman only wanted to tease me by saying "making an anime".

Such an important decision, why didn"t she tell me? What if I said "I won"t agree to make it into an anime"? What would she do in this case?

No. I wouldn’t say that. She knew it too.

A strange feeling appeared in my heart.

This was something worth celebrating, but my heart was filled with anger. But it immediately disappeared.

Sagiri blushed, looked down.

"…I thought Nii-san already knew…so…you…said that…."

— After our dream comes true, I have something to tell you.

"Well…that…is not…"

"Not it?"

"Yeah, I was totally in the dark when I said it. Frankly speaking, I thought it would take much longer."

"Is that so?"

Sagiri nervously looked at me, her body slowly shrunk - probably due to embarra.s.sment.

"Sagiri, while I didn"t expect…our dream would come so soon…But I - will tell you this."


Sagiri nodded, then slowly looked up.

"I …also…..will….properly…introduce…the one I like….the …the…the most."

With her expression, her action, her words…she showed me her thought.

My chest hurt, but I still said:

"Sure, I will properly face him."

Not as her elder brother, but as a man who likes Sagiri.

Go ahead and laugh at me. Go ahead and yell at me. I don"t care.

People will die.

We have no way to know if our happiness is going to stay the same tomorrow.

No one can predict the future. There is no way to make sure that a person’s happiness will remain unchanged.

If I don"t tell her how I feel, then I will regret it in the future.

If I have a chance to grab my happiness, then I have to take that chance.

This is a choice I made with my life. Consider that I"m still a kid when even adult couldn"t fully prepare, unless I risked everything, I will never gain my happiness.

I have prepared myself to act tough, to become a poor loser.

I will — face this challenge head on.

"Yes. It"s starting, Izumi-sensei."

"Yes. It"s starting, Eromanga-sensei."

Sagiri raised her tablet and showed me the official website for The cutest little sister in the world.

There were several big letters which said "Anime incoming" on it.

I looked at the website, emotion running rampart in my heart.

The new fight of us siblings has just began.

That night, I was having a chat with Sagiri in her room.

We talked about the first meeting, about the female-only team for the anime - included the scenario writer Aoi Makina, the director Amamiya ,the producer Akasaka and the others.

"Aoi Makina-san……I think I have heard of her name before.."

"Is she famous?"

"Uhm….yes…I like her."

"Oh ~~ a scenario writer that Sagiri like. It"s going to be good."

"Um…I"m so happy."

She agreed. Looked like this is good news for Sagiri.

"Still…to think that she is such a young girl."

"Yeah…but while she looked younger than me, she is actually older."

She did call herself Onee-san, after all.

"…How old is she?"

"I"m not really sure…I didn"t ask for their age."

"…Is she cute?"

"Eh? Er…eto…maybe?"

"Huh ~~"

What is going on?

"How cute?"


I couldn"t exactly answer that question. If I tell her that she wore and got big breast, she would get mad at me.

"Well….let me see if I can put it into word…how should I put it….she is like….a cat sleeping under the sun?"

"Huh? I don"t get it, what about her character?"

"Eh….she is hard to understand? I don"t really get it myself."

"What is your first impression?"

"I felt fluffy."

"…What the heck?"

Well, that was my impression. What"s with Sagiri today?

"Anyway, I have to prepare something. I planned to watch all of the anime made by Makina-san, director Amamiya and producer Akasaka."

At least that will give me a topic to talk with them to deepen our relations.h.i.+p, and it could give me an idea about what our anime would be.

— Your job ~~ is talking with me over and over again ~~

I don"t have a clear idea what should I do during those meetings. But I have to know what kind of anime they made before.

"…In that case, I have some blu-ray discs, do you want to watch them together? Right here?"

"Re, really?"

"Um…producer Akasaka, director Amamiya and scenario Aoi Makina…I have all the famous anime made by them."

As expected of Eromanga-sensei. The truth is, I"m not someone who buys anime blu-ray discs, nor do I know much about the anime industry. I"m so thankful to have someone so knowledgeable nearby.

Besides, watching anime together with my little sister —

It"s like a test run for "our dream". This made me so happy. The only downside is that we are going to watch it here, in the locked room

"By the way, what is that famous anime that you spoke of?"

"Don"t you know? This is it!"

Sagiri took the Eromanga-sensei"s mask on her head and gave it to me.

"Stardust Witch ☆ Meruru."

After the weekend break is over, I went to the school in the morning as usual.

Last night, I was so excited that I could barely sleep, but that didn"t tired me down at all.

I"m still very, very excited. I feel both afraid and hopeful. It was the same when I decided to debut as a novelist.

I don"t have any experience, but I think everyone would feel the same during their first date.


Yes. I am very, very excited.

I"m so excited that I wanted to bring a cardboard box to the Arakawa river bank and play sliding a hundred times. By the way, play sliding means using the cardboard box to slide from the top of the dam to the bottom near the river. This is a game that everyone in the Arakawa ward knows about!

When I was about to start jumping in joy, a familiar voice called for me

"Hey ~ ~ Mune-kun!"

"Oh, Tomoe! Morning! Ah~ you look so cute today! What an amazing pair of b.r.e.a.s.t.s!"

"What are you saying!!?"

Tomoe yelled in surprise, she immediately hugged her body to cover her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"…Sorry. I was so excited that I said something Izumi Masamune shouldn"t."

"Ah - you scared me. Suddenly saying something so strange…I thought that your soul was replaced by a creature from the outer world."

"Am I that weird?"

To think she used such a light novel-like metaphor

"Yes you were ~ I thought that I was about to be brought into an abandoned alley, then Mune-kun will turn into a tentacle monster before spew his sticky dirty mucus all over me!"

"There should be a limit to your imagination!!"

To think she used a 2D Dream Novel (TL Note: 2D Dream novel is an eroge series) - as an example.

That girl is Takasago Tomoe, a daughter of a bookstore owner and one of my rare friends.

"Sure, we can stop joking now."

Right now, Tomoe was wearing her uniform and carried the school bag with her. She put a hand over her mouth and pretend to cough.

And then —

"Mune-kun, congrats!"

She hugged me tightly.


"You made it! You finally got an anime! I always believed in you!"

"You…you…stop flattering me!!"

Since I was in contact with a girl"s soft body, my heart was racing —

Thus, I couldn"t do anything to Tomoe.

"You greedy bookstore mistress! I haven"t forgot how cold you treat my novel!"

"I treat all of those books equally! Besides, it"s thanks to me that your book managed to sell in this area! You should thank me instead!"

"Yeah yeah, thank you very much ~"

Normally, both I and Tomoe wouldn"t do this, but today is a special day. I was so happy that I did something stupid.

"Ahaha, looks like Mune-kun"s promise is about to come true."

"Eh? What promise?"

"Hey, did you forget? I told you before ~~? If Mune-kun could have an anime, and if you become rich —"

Tomoe brought her face closer to mine:

"I"m willing to be your bride - that one"

"So you are after my money — I remembered that was my reply back then!!"

Well…yeah…something like that did happened. But it was just a joke between friends.

However, no matter how "special" my life became, I still went to school as usual.

There was a time when a stupid girl called Yamada Elf came to my cla.s.sroom. Because of that, now everyone knew that I"m the light novel author, Izumi Masamune.

Thanks to Tomoe and my kind cla.s.smates, nothing happened. No one actually treated me any different - at least until now.

However, when The cutest little sister in the world is made into anime - things changed.

Just as soon as I sat down on my seat, someone came to my cla.s.sroom.

"Sorry…this cla.s.s….Is Izumi-kun…inside?"

That was something a girl said before she confessed. But regrettably, this word came from a male.

I think he is Uchida-kun from next cla.s.s, a member of an anime-lover group.

I followed Uchida-kun to the hallway, then he said:

"Sorry….Izumi-kun, are you …Izumi Masamune-sensei?"

"Ah, yeah. That"s right."

What should I do when a cla.s.smate using formal language with me?

Then, he bowed deeply…

"I"m a fan of Sekaimo! Congratulations of your anime!"


"Please do your best! I will keep supporting you!" He then said, with sparkling eyes

That made me both happy and embarra.s.sed.

The same thing happened a few more times that day.

And when school was finally over…

"Izumi-sensei is going home!"

"Make way for him!"

In one day, I became the king of this school.

"Sensei, please!"

Some treated me like a boss.

"Sensei, please go with us to the High-Vision study 4th period tomorrow!"

Some treated me like an idol.

From a far, some girls saw us and said "Disgusting, what the heck is that?"

Please let go of my hand, I"m about to die of embarra.s.sment.

"…Mune-kun, did you become a light novel author because you want to archive this?"

Of course not! And why….does no girl like my story?

Hey! The guy over there! Don"t show my novel at school! Don"t read something named "The cutest little sister in the world” openly here!

Whenever I heard someone was bashed because they read my novel or a teacher confiscated it, I was deeply hurt! Please read them in secret! You don"t have to show it in the open!!


The anime news affected Izumi Masamune"s life style way more than it should.

I finally managed to get away from some club and on my way home. Many things happened, so my head hurt a little.

I"m going to have my own anime, but I don"t have the smallest idea about what should I do.

Even though I"m the original author…that didn"t change the fact that Izumi Masamune is just a kid. A light novel author, sure, but still a kid.

It"s uneasy to wait for something without knowing what to do.


I broke into cold sweat.

The image of Tomoe, of my cla.s.smate appeared again in my head.

When they congratulated me, they also placed a heavy pressure on my shoulder

I had the same problem when my novel got its manga…but now…"our dream" wasn"t something belong to us alone.

This feeling made me happy, and…. a hint of fear.

I looked down, bit my lower lip —

"Too — slow!!"

A bright voice yelled at me. Looking up, I saw a beautiful blonde girl standing in front, hands on her hip.


That was Yamada Elf. A famous light novel author lived next to me.

— Masamune, I like you the most.

She also confessed to me before. She told me how much she like me.

Normally, that would make our meeting very awkward. But she is anything but normal.

"Hey Masamune! I have been waiting for you, what took you so long?"

"Since my anime was announced, a lot of fans at school came to me."

"Ah, I see. Congrats!"


I have heard it many times already, so I don"t mind.

"So you finally have your anime! To think that you even hide it from me, how arrogant, Masamune!"

No, I really don"t know…but I can"t tell you that.

Elf fearlessly put a hand on her chest, said:

"So, we are equal now. Masamune…you did well. Your adventure will end here. Good job enduring the hards.h.i.+p on the way."

"….What are you talking about?"

Her cryptic words only made me annoyed.

"Ahaha… you don"t have to be modest. Because I, Yamada Elf, am a n.o.ble flower. The fact that your status as someone not equal to me caused you trouble, thus you rejected me confession, didn"t you? Come, Masamune! You have your own anime, you are my equal now! Go ahead and propose to me!"

"Nah, I never think of it that way."

I think it"s someone else entirely.

"Aside from that, can you give me some advices about making an anime, senpai?"

"Aside from that? How could you say that about the love between you and me?"

Um, you see, my relations.h.i.+p with Elf isn"t normal either - it"s like that.

"Uuuu…Forget it, just say what do you want."

I then explained my problem to the displeased famous novelist who has a scowl on her face

"…After that announcement, people congratulated me a lot…but that made me keep thinking about stuff…and then I felt fear."

That"s why I need to ask a senior for advice.

"What the? So that"s all?"

Elf said in a nonchalant tone.

"How stupid ~~~ anime is not something too extraordinary, there is no need to be so nervous."

"You could say that only because your anime is a huge success!"

"I can"t let that remark slide. On what basis did you see you are successful or a failure in that? I"m saying anime is not too extraordinary — because even if your anime is a failure, it"s not the end of the world."


"Betray your fan? Getting bashed by people? Getting your hope dashed? Afraid that it will affect your future work? Feeling super super super super ~~ frustrated? That"s all! No one will kill you because of that. Society wouldn"t be destroyed! Your career isn"t going to end!"

"That — maybe you are right…."

"If you lose in an super important moment in your life, then cry your heart out for three days and three nights, threw a fuss, get depressed, feel regret —"

With a *thud*, Elf knocked on my chest

"Then, smile and challenge your problem again."

"…You made it sound so simple."

The truth is, Elf would do exactly that, without a doubt.

She once said that any defeat made her very very frustrated, but that also made it interesting.

Even I noticed the pressure on my shoulder lightened.

"Thank you very much. This is clearly your way of encouragement, Elf-senpai."

"Ahaha, you are welcome. Anyway, you can say that making an anime is a deadly game that you can challenge again and again. The deciding factors included 50% of luck, 30% of hard work, 30% of intelligent, 8% of keeping a clear head. 100% in total."

Your words sounded cool, but the numbers are all wrong.

So amusing. And so cute

"Even if you don"t do anything, you will emerge victory if the moment is right. If the moment is wrong, no matter how hard you worked, everything will be for naught. Frankly speaking, this is a rare festival in life, you should enjoy it to the best of your ability."

She drew her face closer.

"This is super interesting."

Next, I learnt from Elf-senpai many interesting things about making an anime. How they gathered a hundred voice actors to pick one suitable. How exciting it was to listen to them all. And if one of them totally suited a character it caused her to make a drama CD on a whim.

She told me about how during scenario meetings, when she put a lot of thought into how to make an interesting anime - how heated their debate could become. They argued while forging their bond, making a long-lasting relations.h.i.+p.

How when the anime is aired and the fans went berserk.

How she forced herself to work and not to play, and was praised after that.

How every bookstore, anime shop, and even bus station will show her amine’s poster. How she receive fans mail nearly every day.

How she held a grand celebration at a big meeting room —

Yamada Elf-sensei"s experience was like an amazing tale to me.

— Our anime might not be as successful as hers.

I couldn"t say "Just watch me do it too!". Izumi Masamune got this bad habit, instead of raising his will power, he keeps thinking about possible screw up. This is not how a light novel protagonist would think; this is a sub-character way of thinking.

Still —

"….I don"t think….that I didn"t learn anything."

From that senpai, I found a source of fire in my heart. I believe it will become a source of power to reach my dream.

"Alright, there is no use covering in fear now. Let"s do it."

I temporary forget about my anime and think about my next novel.

After all, I"m a novelist. It"s my job to deliver a good novel to the hands of the reader.

Thanks to Elf, I finally managed to lighten my pressure. But someone else appeared and dropped a bucket of cold water on my motivation.

"I see ~~ you are going to have your anime ~~ I think it"s very hard for it to be success, so Izumi, don"t feel down too much, okay."

"I don"t need your pity when my anime hasn"t even aired yet!"

The one who just came to my home is Kusanagi-senpai. He is my senior, who always wear Kirito-like black clothing.

He is also someone who fell to the dark side after he got his anime.

"But don"t you know, both light novel and anime based on light novel is facing a hard time. Do you think that only your anime will be successful? Are you that naïve?"

"Of course I knew things wouldn"t be that simple! That"s why I tried to motivate myself, tried to make my anime better!"

"Well, this is your important dream after all."


He put a hand on my shoulder.

"…..It"d be great if everything goes well."

"You don"t have to be so negative! Senpai, are you trying to reduce my morale instead?"

"Well, you are not exactly wrong."

If that"s the case, why don"t you go die already?

"Izumi, stop making that face. Don"t you have something to ask a novelist with his own experience in anime like me?"

"I already asked Elf-sensei for her advice, so no thanks."

"Do you think a famous novelist"s boast would be useful for you as a reference?"

You are the same kind of author as me, don"t be mistaken. That"s what senpai was trying to tell me.


Still… just seeing him made me understand that I couldn"t be prideful just because I got an anime. In the end, my novel is unlike Elf"s "Dark Elf", which is a famous novel even before it became an anime.

We were standing in front of my house and talking, but suddenly I squatted down.


I know, I know, you don"t have to say it…Just let me enjoy this feeling for about a week more, please.

Kusanagi-senpai"s expression said "c.r.a.p, I told him too much."

"Well Izumi — what do you think about my anime then?"

"Eh?" I looked up at him "Well…"

What a hard topic…

I was still trying to think of something to say, but Kusanagi-senpai smiled brightly.

"No need to mind words, you must be thinking that it"s a failure."

"Ah, um…"

"I know, I know, but I myself think it"s a success."

That was something completely unexpected, enough to give me a pause.

He continued:

"While everyone bashed me, saying that my anime is a failure, I don"t agree. True, sales is barely acceptable, and some bad review caused the entire Internet to turn against me. I felt it"s my fault that I couldn"t satisfy my fans. In fact, even now sometimes I feel bad about it. However, I still can accept this outcome, I still feel thankful to the production team. I"m proud to say that I have done everything I could. Well, in other words…what am I trying to say …."

Kusanagi-senpai kept scratching his head, hesitating.

"In any case, make sure that the end result is something you can accept. You shouldn"t think along the lines of It"s good as long as the anime went without any trouble. As the original author, you must be the happiest person when it succeeds, the most depressing person when it fails. Otherwise, you won"t get any result."

“I don’t need you to tell me that.”

Hearing that, Kusanagi-senpai said in a mocking tone:

“Then, answer me Izumi – what is the success that you wanted?”

Let me see your winning condition – that was what he said.

Well, let’s begin from the beginning then.

“We will watch our anime together, and my little sister can laugh happily.”

While I told him my answer easily, that didn’t change the fact that he dropped a bucket of cold water on my motivation

d.a.m.n — he sounded like he was giving me a lecture, but i won’t be fooled! He just wanted to vent his anger.


What’s the success that I was aiming for? Maybe I really should start from the beginning to check again.

However, right after when Kusanagi-senpai went home, I had new guests.

“Hey yo ~ Masamune! I’m here to play.”

“Masamune-kun, congratulations.”

That was Army and Muramasa-senpai.

Twin tails and a boyish clothing – Army-sensei, also known as Amelia Armeria. She is a manga artist and ill.u.s.trator, also Sagiri’s sister. She is also one of the reasons that the “Dark Elf” anime got such amazing sales.

Next is a beautiful black haired girl in kimono, Senjyu Muramasa. She is my senior at the same publis.h.i.+ng company.

Both of them came to congratulate on my anime, but —

“Thank you for coming. Nice timing.”

“Hm? What do you meant?”

“I have something to ask Army-sensei.”

“Eh? About your anime?”

What a sharp instinct. Army grinned.

“Yes yes yes. I want to ask – or rather, I want to know how I should mentally prepare myself.”

In any case, experienced person is hard to come by…Kusanagi-senpai is a rare exception.

“Fine ~ I also have something to talk with you.”

We sounded like a pair of same-s.e.x friend. Seeing that, Muramasa-senpai knitted her brow.

“Masamune-kun, why don"t you ask me about that?”


“Anime or something, I have done that too.” She said and lightly tapped her chest.

“Eh, I don"t plan to ask you, Muramasa-senpai.”


Doesn"t seem like she understand.

“Er…may I blurt out?”


“I don"t think there is any meaning in asking what did you think when you made your anime.”

“You don"t have to say it out! I’m hurt!” She said in anger.

Since her only memory about her own anime is “I think I did it…maybe?” while she did have experience in making anime, she probably didn"t take part in any meetings with the producer or director. She didn"t watch her own anime. She didn"t even know that she is the original author. What can I ask her then?

“Yes, I can’t give you any advice! But —!”

She yelled and tried to make herself clear:

“As a fan of Izumi Masamune-sensei, there are many things I want to say…ouch, it hurt!”

Army used her hand and chopped senpai on her head.

“What are you doing, manga artist?”

Seemed like Muramasa-senpai bit her tongue, she was crying. On the other hand, Army calmly said:

“Stop raising your voice, novelist. Be quiet.”

“What did you say?”


Two beautiful girl glared at each other.

“…Eto…can you please don"t fight in my living room?”

“Fine. Outside then.”

“You want to take it outside? Fine!”

“Wait wait! Please don"t fight! I said don"t fight in my living room, but that didn"t mean goes outside and fight!”

“I know I know, I meant to say that we need to go outside to talk.”

“..Eh? Why?”

When I asked, Army glanced at the locked room and muttered:

“I don"t want Sagiri to hear.”

We followed Army’s idea and went outside. Well, just twenty meters, but still outside nevertheless. We went to an old bridge nearby

“…Here should be enough.”

Army squatted down, like a thug.

“Please don"t sit like that, too vulgar!”

It’s so horrible!

“Fine fine. Masamune, you sounded like Chris-aniki.”

“So? What do you want to avoid Sagiri from listening?”

I myself think that there is no need to go outside. She isn’t likely to hear anything from her room.


Army stood up, looked like she didn"t know where to start. She finally said in a serious tone:

“I have something to ask, Izumi Masamune.”

“Please protect Sagiri.”


Both me and Muramasa-senpai’s eyes widened in shock. I think about it as hard as i could, then said:

“….What do you mean by that?”

“I know about your dream too. Sagiri is a very weak girl, who easily gets hurt — but she was trying her best for that dream. Because that is your dream — she is doing everything she could.”


I understood what Army just said. I knew about it too.

She continued:

“She is just a girl who holds her dream close, just like Emily before she made her anime.”

Emily is Yamada Elf’s real name.

“Making an anime is much harder than both you and Sagiri had imagined. It’s outright horrible. Even if you try to keep dream true, sooner or later something will happen and try to ruin it. A leak on the Internet that lead to a series of trash talk can be considered small. Those things will make you want to give up, and it’s now right in front of you.”

You have to prepare yourself – she said.

Since this came from Army-sensei, who is very active in making her anime, so it sound true in my heart.

“Listen carefully, Izumi Masamune. In order to make your dream come true, you can’t just focus on making a good anime.”

“You have to protect the girl who holds her dream in her heart.”

“It’s good as long as only your dream is ruined. If your dream is corrupted, make absolutely sure that Sagiri don"t see, don"t know about it. Protect her with everything you got. Thankfully she is a hikikomori, so you could do it with some careful planning.”


“- — Do you understand?”

“Yes, I do.”


Don"t worry, Army-sensei.

My dream is neither “making a great anime” nor “My anime will make a lasting memory”, “My anime will have great sales.”

“My dream is to watch the anime together with my little sister; we will laugh together so that I could see how happy she is. Making a great anime or novel is just the preparation, not the final result.”

Just like I told Kusanagi-senpai before, I only have one winning condition.

“It’s okay. Just leave it to me.”

“I will leave it to you then.”

Army sighed, just like a weight was lifted off her shoulder.

“What I just said was my feelings when I made my anime. Sorry if that wasn’t what you expected.”

“No, it’s the best I could ask for.”

At least it was the best for me.

“….By the way, Army. Could it be that when you made Dark Elf …”

Before I could finished, Army put a finger to my lips.

“She said she was very happy, didn"t she?”


— It was super interesting!

“Her expression was what I wanted to see.”

She grinned….just like a kid who successes playing a prank.

She looked so happy.

The same day, evening.

I turned my laptop on and began to search for my previous work. Since I was afraid of the result, it was something I normally wouldn"t do.

But after the announcement …what would people think about my novel?

Would they discuss them again? Would my fans feel happy? Would they be worried? Just thinking about them made me nervous.

So I shouldn’t search too long….I calmed myself down and began to search for my previous novel…

The result was something that I have never seen before.

It was an unexpectedly happy ill.u.s.tration. It had a sign of Eromanga-sensei, which said she drew it to celebrate the anime announcement.

It looked like she had celebrated that news in her own way too.

Under the words “Congratulations on the anime”, I could see the smile of my little sister (the female protagonist)

“….So Sagiri was smiling happily when she drew it?”

There were so many comments followed her ill.u.s.tration.

— So cool!!!

— I’m so happy! I’m looking forward to it!

— Congratulations on the anime!

— Please don"t make anime or manga that invades my privacy.

— What you are doing to me is totally illegal!

— I love little sister the most.

— Eromanga-sensei, do your best!

— Congratulations, Eromanga-sensei, Onii-chan ♥ I will send a message later ♪

— Oh yeah!!!!!! So cute

— I have been waiting for this! I have been waiting for this! I have been waiting for this!

— The cutest little sister in the world will be a world-changing anime!

— It will definitely not become a normal, forgettable anime.

— If you betray my expectations, then prepare to take my deadly curse.

— By a fan of Izumi Masamune.

— Izumi-sensei, Eromanga-sensei, I will support you two!

— I have been waiting! I like this story the most

It was like that —

There was still more coming, even when I’m reading.

There were pure congratulations message, private message, even some chuunibyou-style message, many style….they kept coming…I couldn"t read them all.

“…Ha ha.”

This is a rare festival in life, you should enjoy it to the best of your ability — That was what Elf-senpai said.

Let me see your winning condition – That was Kusanagi-senpai said.

Protect the girl who holds her dream in her heart. —That was what Army-sensei said.

I also received blessing from Tomoe and Muramasa-senpai.

I could almost see their face appear and disappearing in the air.

I could see the smile of my little sister (the female protagonist)

Okay, let me protect their dream. Let’s begin our journey together, to reach our dream.

My victory is right in front of me.

The festival is about to begin!

© 2024