Ero Manga Sensei

Chapter one ==

== Chapter one ==

Izumi Masamune. Sixteen years old. Second year, high school.

I"m a light novel author and a student.

My penname is Izumi Masamune. Basically, my real name.

For a lot of reasons, starting two years ago I have began to live together with my hikikomori little sister.

While we liveunder the same roof, there was a time when we barely saw each other. I could only watch in frustration, unable to change the situation while cooking meals for her daily.

A year ago, I had a breakthrough. By chance, I found out about her second ident.i.ty.

My ill.u.s.trator, Eromanga-sensei. The co-worker that I haven"t meet before.

She is also my little sister, Izumi Sagiri.

A girl who enjoys making live video streams, enjoys talking with her fans.

An ill.u.s.trator who enjoys erotic drawings, with enough skill to make others seek her out.

That is Eromanga-sensei, who"s also my hikikomori little sister, who never goes outside, who never speaksto anyone.

It was a surprise for me. But it was also a chance. A chance for me to close the gap between me and my little sister.

Aside from living together, we aren"t that much different from two strangers - well, we are co-workers, at least.

And…many things happened.

She slowly let me into the locked room.

She slowly made new friend. She found out that I liked her from the first look.

We had a new novel. It got a manga adaption.

Even my aunt, Kyouka-san opened her heart to me. My little sister also said that someday, she wants to "go out", wants to "go to school".

Also, my goal - which is to "become a normal pair of siblings" with Sagiri —

"……..I, I like you"

"As a little sister".

"Nii-san, you want to be a real brother to me, don"t you?"

"Real brothers and sisters can"t love each other, right?"

"So, I like you as a little sister"

Well, it encountered some obstacles, but at least our lives returned to normal already.

Anyway, the recent test in April changed Sagiri. Probably for the better. Hopefully.

Now it was an April morning. I was sleeping soundly —-

"Phew — phew —-"

— Nii-san, over here.

I was with my angelic little sister, playing in the flower garden.

— Ehehe, Nii-san. This way, this way —

A pure smile. Pure white clothes. Two cute angelic wings.

— I like Nii-san the most ♥

We were playing happily.

If you ignored everything I was about to say, that is.

A distance away, under a big apple tree was a demonic ruffian who looked exactly like Yamada Elf-sensei. She was glaring at me.

— Tch, Masamune. Happily my a.s.s!

Every few minutes, amoeba-like tentacles came out of her and swept the ground, taking a large batch of gra.s.s and leaves to eat.

— Gra.s.s tastes so good —

The sound of her chewing sounded like it was coming from some kind of hunger demon.

Later, I realized that the weird part was probably because Elf made a salad earlier. Really, it was rude for me to dream of her that way, but I couldn"t exactly help it.


I rolled over in my sleep.



"Nii-san, wake up."

"Yah…my angel…whispering in my ears…."


? My cheek felt a bit of pressure. And in my dream, my angel kissed me.


It felt so real that I woke up. Opening my eyes, I came face to face with my angel.

"…Ah, you"re up."

"Sa, Sagiri?"

I unconsciously checked my cheek. I could still feel something … Could it be ?

My face was getting hotter, but my little sister only tilted her head in confusion.

"I poked you….did it hurt?"

"No, not really."

I thought you were giving me a morning kiss!

I sighed, then suddenly, the unusual part of the situation hit me.


"How…. what?" She cutely t.i.tled her head.

"Hmm? Am I…dreaming?"

I couldn"t think of anything. A big hikikomori like Sagiri came out of the locked room…and appeared in my room.

Noticing that I was staring, Sagiri said "um", and patted my shoulder, and said in embarra.s.sment:


She said that and quickly left the room. I could only blankly look after her, muttering to myself.

"…Yeah…she…could come out of her room now…."

It"s not like her hikikomori status has been fixed…..but due to my aunt"s test, she has improved.

Even if I was at home, she could come out of her room now.

I have to add that now, Sagiri "could run to her room anytime". The condition that said "alone is safe" is no longer true, but she couldn"t stand too many people too long, even with her friends.

Like some kind of main character who could only fight properly for three minutes or so.

"Who is 「safe person 」in your dictionary?"

I once asked her that question. After a moment of hesitation, she answered:


"Me? Anyone eles? Elf? Megumi?"


"…………….It"s a secret."

Why did she have to keep it a secret?

Anyway, since I"m counted as 「safe 」, so even if I was home there is a chance that she could come out. I wanted to know what the odds of that are.

Deep down, I hope that this situation would continue.

However…there were new problems in my daily life…

For example, while I was working…suddely I felt that someone was watching me. The moment I turned back —

The door quickly closed. I might have seen a shadow.

"…….Did I imagine it?"

The first time could be a mistake. But it repeat itself several times.

Like when I was making a meal….and the moment I turned —


A small shadow sneakly run away.

"………What is she doing?"

There was a time when I just finished bathing and still fully naked - when I looked aside by happenstance and I saw someone.

"Who"s there!?"

*Thud thud thud* That person tried to run away.

Hm, who could that be?

"Stop right here!"

Still naked, I rushed after that person. "She" turned around, "wah" in surprise then fall down. Of course it was Sagiri.

I quickly ran to her:

"Are you okay, Sagiri?"

"Clothes! Put some clothes on! Now!"

She shut her eyes close and yelled. I ignored her and put my hand on her shoulders:

"It"s not the time! Let me help you get up first!"

If this was anime, then it"s time to break out the Inukami-style treatment.

"You, you did it on purpose didn"t you! Nii-san is a pervert!"

"You have no right to say that! Peeping tom! Ero-sensei!"

"I don"t know anyone with that name!"

Of course, we finished with a family meeting.

"Really….! Unacceptable! Nii-san! You dare to show me….that weird thing! Pervert! What if I get a nightmare?"

"You have no right to say that! I AM the one who who will have nightmares!"

It"s now 19:00. Inside the locked room, my little sister (via headphone) I and were having a heated debate.

"Nii-san is an idiot! Pervert! Hentai!"

"Those word suited you more than me! Ero-imouto! Peeping tom!"

"I did not! I just saw you by chance!"

"By chance? Does opening the door to peak at my a.s.s count as "by chance"?"

"How, how could you said that! I can"t believe it!"

"So you go in circle when you are at a disadvantage? Where did you learn that from? Was it your instinct?"

Is it just me, or do all girls have that instinct?

"You shouldn"t think that by ignoring me, I will forget this problem."


She closed her eyes, and gritted her teeth.

"Good. Now tell me the truth! Why did you secretly peek at me? Did you really want to look at my a.s.s that much?"


I hope so, too.

"So why then?"



She blushed, looked down, muttered:

"…..because I could go outside now."

"Yes? What?"

"I could go outside now…so I praciced doing thing that I couldn"t before…"

Wait a second….?

"So basically, since you can go outside now, you began to s.e.xually hara.s.s me? You wanted to do that before, so you decided to do that now?"

"No…no…it"s not like that."

Sagiri hastly waved her hand, and explained:

"….I just wanted …to see you….cooking…sleeping…"


Nope, I don"t understand a bit. Why would she want to watch me do that? Let me think…

"Ah! I got it!"

Suddenly, I knew. Sagiri blushed madly, trying to stop me from talking.

"You wanted to watch me to get drawing references, didn"t you?"

"……Yes?" She blinked, clearly surprised.

"Well, my next volume does include a lot of males taking a bath."

"Eromanga-sensei will not draw something that she hasn"t seen before - so you secretly peeked at me for that scene."

Sagiri startled, then pointed a finger at me.

"Yes yes! That"s right! Reference!"

"I knew it!"

"And….so….to get references….even if it was Nii-san"s ugly behind….I still need to see…so…." She said with a displeased expression.

Do you have to say it like that?

"So, do you need me to strip now?"

I said while putting my hand on my pants. Sagiri quickly stopped me.

"No no - there is no need! No need for that anymore! I got it! I already got references! You don"t have to strip!"

"Is that so?"

"Yes yes! I got enough! It "s over now!"

Thus, our family meeting end absurdly. I was fine anyway, so I changed the topic:

"Now, you can go out if I"m the only one in the house, right?"


I rarely got a chance to talk with her, I need to take advantages of this.

"Actually…there is something I wanted to do with you, especially now when you can go out…"

"Gm? Sagiri glaced at me "What"s that? Tell me?"

"Let"s take a bath together!"


* Thud* She punched my nose!

"I hate you! Hate you! Hate you!"

Sagiri….how should I put it…steam was coming out of her ears…so cute…

I was covering my face while trying to explain myself "It was a joke! A joke!!"

"It hurt so much….why are you getting angry for…it was clearly a joke…"

"If, if if I said yes, then you wouldn"t say it was a joke!"

"Of course."

"Idiot! Pervert!"

Hey, teasing my little sister felt better than expected. I pushed on:

"A normal pair of siblingswould take a bath together."

"You, you mean siblings in a romantic light novel?"

"No no no! Even a normal pair of siblings can take a bath together, it"s very normal."

"Only if they are small!"

"How old do you think you are?"

She covered her chest, glared at me, and pouted:

"I, I"m in my second year of middle school. I"m an adult now!"

Nah, a real adult wouldn"t have added "I"m an adult" at the end. And there is no way such an adult would be this cute.

"Recently, some idol admitted that they still took a bath with her older brother until they were in middle school….Anyway, you might not know it but people don"t find it strange anymore."

"Hm, I bet it"s their trick to show off. They said they took a bath with their elder brother, but I bet the truth is they took a bath with their younger brother."

Wow, I didn"t expected her to know that.

"Hah…okay…it can"t be helped …I"ll have to drop 「Take a bath with my little sister 」 then."

"…Of course. And what"s wrong with you, you didn"t seem to mind."

"….Just a swimsuit is fine…."

"Shut up! That"s even worse."

Yeah, "taking a bath with my little sister" might have pa.s.sed as safe, but adding a" swimsuit" is firmly in the realm of the pervert.

"Next - the second part of 「What I wanted to do with you together, especially when you can go outside now 」."

Sagiri shot me an ice-cold glare.

"Can you please stop looking at me like that? This time, I"m serious."

"I knew it. You were just fooling around before."

Heh, so she found out?

"So? Will you eat meals with me from now on Sagiri ?"

Since the day she began to come out of her room, I had hoped for this. The only reason I didn"t ask sooner was because so many things happened.

Eating together. Sitting side by side at the dinning table, laughing with other - we were like that in the past, but not anymore — our family could barely function anymore.

Hearing that, Sagiri looked startled, and she blinked before blus.h.i.+ng.


"Yes. Together."


She looked down, embarra.s.sed.

Did I say something wrong? It was a logical request, wasn"t it?

Sagiri (still blus.h.i.+ng madly) asked me:

"Nii, Nii-san….what do you mean?"

"What else could I mean? Isn"t it clear enough? I want to eat meals together everyday…..our family always did that when our parents were alive."

To tell the truth, my father didn"t actually care much for that, but after Kyouka-san gave him a lecture, he relented.

"So….let"s eat together from now on? That is all I ask."

I only want to feel the atmosphere of a family again…

"….Ah….Hm….is that so?"

Hearing that, Sagiri looked both happy and discontented. She pouted for a moment, which make me unable to guess what was she thinking.

"What do you think I mean?"

"….Who cares."

She turned away…that means she is making a fuss again.

I scracthed my head and asked again:

"So…how about my suggestion?"

"Rejected." She immediately replied.

"W, why?"

"…..I"m embarra.s.sed."

Well, I can somewhat accept that.

"I see."

I didn"t want to force her or anything. Its regretable, but it"s not like I couldn"t accept this.

She looked down, and muttred:

"…..It won"t be that way for long."

A few days later, I meet Kagurazaka-san at the editor department.

"Izumi-sensei, actually today I have something important to tell you."

"Important? c.r.a.p, was the anime project canceled?"

I immedialy stood up. She broke into laughter, d.a.m.n it!

"Wrong! Too bad - it"s not related to the anime project. Our company has an event this month, I"d like you to join."


I sighed, and took a breath to calm myself down, and then asked:

"Spring event….wait…you mean the autograph event?"

You guys might still remember….last year, thanks to this event, I found out the truth about Eromanga-sensei."

In short, this event is planned every year in Ikebukuro by our publis.h.i.+ng company. I received a notice about it a few months ago, so I"m not exactly surprised.


"Yes, the autograph event is part of it, but not really." Kagurazaka-san said "I really needIzumi-sensei to go on stage."

"Wait? Stage?"

I couldn"t help but stare in surprise.

"Yes. It was a bit of a rush, but it"s my boss"s fault, not me. I wanted to increase marketing for Sekaimo, but my boss is so unreasonable, he didn"t even notice me until it was too late! Sorry for deciding it without telling you! Anyway….it"s all my boss"s fault, you hear? I"m angry too! I can"t forgive him…after I have tried so hard….!~ Izumi-sensei, you understand what I"m trying to say, right? Forget about my boss, your editor Kagurazaka is not at fault here."

Yeah, that"s how she is. Never accepting her responsibilities if someone forced their opinion on her.

"Well, I only understand a little bit. So - what do you have in mind?"

"Clang clang ! The best solution to market Sekaimo ~ I planned to have a special program for this spring event."

"Hm ~ hm ~"

Well, sounds good to me. I didn"t like the fact that she decided on it without asking me, but it"s a chance to promote my novel, go on stage and earn more fans at the sametime.

"I said goes to stage, but all you have to do is take part in a talk show - just tell the audience what"s on your mind - basically that."

"Could it be ….it"s about the anime project? You wanted me to tell them that at the event?"


….Is that so…

"Forget the anime project, I don"t think a preview is even planned."

"Un ~"

"So I wanted to ask Eromanga-sensei for some ill.u.s.tration."

"Sure sure."

"Actually, all of them were finished already."

"….I know absolutely nothing about that."

I don"t even know anything about this.

"She probably didn"t tell you - anyway, now I need to plan some cosplay clothing for that event. We will need some cute girls too."

"That"s good."

Cute girls? Eromanga-sensei will definetely like it.

Yeah, I didn"t pay enough attention. That"s actually a good idea.

"The main focus of the talk show, is answering fan"s question, telling them some behind the scenes secrets….like that."

"So you wanted me to tell them about my archivements?"

"Yes! The main topic is Share your feeling with the readers. What do you think, Izumi-sensei?"

Not bad. Just like an autograph event, it"s a chance to meet my readesr, a chance to promote my novel. I don"t know much about either, but …it feels good to make my fans happy.

"Just tell me if there is anything I can do for help. Frankly speaking, I don"t know anything about that, but for my fans, and…"

For my dream! For our dream!

I accepted. Kagurazaka-san gave me her hand with a smile:

"I knew that Izumi-sensei would say that."

I shook her hand.

"Yes! Let"s make it a success. Just tell me what you need me to do."

"I planed to have a huge advertis.e.m.e.nt board which read The secret behind the stage - Eromanga-sensei is a beautiful girl! . Can you please tell her that for me?"

"Are you crazy??"

I let go of her hand. Our time together was so short.

What were you thinking…no, reallly, what were you thinking?

"It"s impossible! It"s not like you don"t know Eromanga-sensei"s situation!"

"Yup, I know."

So what"s with your I-don"t-care expression?

"So you must know that Eromanga-sensei will definetely not take part in it! I can say for sure that she will NOT show her face."

"Rejected huh? Please reconsider it. I"m the hammer and the anvil myself."

Kagurazaka-san quietly added:

"Anyway, the plan is set in motion! There are dozens - no, hundreds of professional employee already working on it! This spring event isn"t only for you, we planed to promote many other works! Even if Izumi-sensei says no, what can you do if the others said yes?"

Is she for real? I don"t like to be left out one bit!

And what can I do now….

"Kagurazaka-san, how could you do it to me!? I can"t believe it!"

For now, I will borrow my little sister"s favorite tactic, dodging the questionto buy myself some time.

"It"s all for Izumi-sensei! I"m always your editor, your partner!"

Tch…not very effective! She immediately countered my statement.

Kagurazaka-san waved a finger, and continued:

"Recently, a lot of novel ill.u.s.trator show themselves, then everything turns out okay."

"….You mean Army-sensei. So, what about that example?

"I meant, all’s well that ends well, isn"t it? I wanted to do that again. Eromanga-sensei is a cute girl, don"t you agree? While she might not be able to talk properly, but just her apperance would be enough! Don"t you think that your little sister can"t be famous?"

"Well…..of course my little sister is cute. Army-sensei is a cute girl too, but still not as cute as Sagiri."

"So please, convince Sagiri-chan for me, okay?"

"I already said no! You can try all you want, no means no!"

"So stubborn. Normally Izumi-sensei would yield already."

"Yeah, what a pity."

Normally, I might have already surrendered. But if it involved Sagiri, then I need to keep an absolute foundation.

"Mwu….I see….Sagiri-chan is a hikikomori…I see….then it can"t be help, Izumi-sensei. But I already told you, the advertis.e.m.e.nt board for this event has already included 「Eromanga-sensei will take part 」. It"s impossible to change that now."

"I know what you are about to say - but let me finish first. I say again: the advertis.e.m.e.nt board for this event has already included 「Eromanga-sensei will take part 」. It"s impossible to change that now."

Ah —-

I finally understood what she was trying to say….d.a.m.n it all….

"….So that means?"

Kagurazaka-san happily laughed:

"So let"s prepare a wonderful setting for Eromanga-sensei"s appearance!"

….What should I do?

It"s clear how impossible this task it! Open deception. Eromanga-sensei will take part? I don"t think that this is a good idea?

Eromanga-sensei herself will never agree.

Maybe I was thinking too much, but I felt that doing so wasn"t the right idea. But Kagurazaka-san was right, personal opinion didn"t matter anymore when everything had been decided.

Also…I knew it"s all for my novel. As long as it"s for my readers, I would do it no matter what. Eromanga-sensei too - if she appeared, the readers will be happy, my novel would become more famous, we had a better chance of getting an anime adaption.

Should I reductantly agree? Or should I refuse at all cost?


No matter what I chose, better to tell Eromanga-sensei first.

I left the editorial deparment and went home, and headed straight to the locked room.

After listening to my explanation, Eromanga-sensei thinks about it for a moment before answering:


She closed her eyes and paled. I quickly said:

"I understand! Let me refuse them! But….I still need to deal with advertis.e.m.e.nts …"

Hearing I mentioned Kagurazaka-san"s suggestion, Sagiri didn"t say anything for a while


Then she asked me again:

"Nii-san, do you want to do it? This…event, I meant."

"Of course. But I will say no if that"s what you want."

While readers and my novel are important, there are things that are more important at stake here.

Sagiri muttered "Is that so" before continuing:

"While….I don"t want to…but let"s try it."

"A try? You mean give that event a try?

"Yes. You can….find someone to take my place… take Eromanga-sensei"s place….as long as that person doesn"t betray us….as long as that person wouldn"t say anything strange…as long as that person is trustworthy…."


Hey, this solution sounds good!

If I want to find someone to pretend to be Eromanga-sensei, that person must be very trustworthy. Otherwise we will sooner or later have to explain everything again.

That person shouldn"t be too prideful, should know how to keep their mouth shut - so it"s clear that money couldn"t help me find someone like that.

"Un…I think….that person need to …talk to the readers in my place….care for them….in my place."

That"s to keep our dream pure and untainted.

Sagiri"s condition was sound, I can accept that.

"But…when can we find someone like that?"


"Not to mention that in order to capture the reader"s attention, that person must be super cute. There is no one as cute as Sagiri in the world. And even if there is someone like that, I doubt that person would satisfy the other conditions."

I nocited that at this point, Sagiri has already blushed madly and looked down.

"What"s wrong?"

"Who cares! I hate you!"

"Are you okay…?"

"I said I hate you! And…."


"You…have to pick someone…with big b.r.e.a.s.t.s to take my place."


What are you talking about? Is now the time to talk about that?

"Are you really okay? Eromanga-sensei with big breast? What if I couldn"t hold it and broke into laughter on the stage, during the talk show?"

"You, how could you…..!"

She got mad and hit me with her tablet.

"It hurt! It really hurt! Sorry! But, I think now wasn"t the time to care for such pride."

"What do you mean 「vainglory」? I…I meant, it"s okay if my image and my realself are different."

Liar. You clearly want everyone to think that Eromanga-sensei = big b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

"Still….it might be possible to find someone who is similar to Sagiri…"

If I based my search on this….can it be done?

A cute girl or a young lady, trustworthy, mature….

"….How about Elf-chan?"

"She"s cute and trustworthy….but her mouth….she would probably blab…."

"…I see."

If Elf were here, she would definitely be mad though.

"…That meant Army-chan is out too…what about Muramasa-chan?"

"Muramasa-senpai is trustworthy, cute, big b.r.e.a.s.t.s…indeed, but her way of talking is too formal, everyone can see that she is a high-cla.s.s lady who had little real life experience. If she was caught off guard and paniced, everything will be ruined. Not to mention that she didn"t even care about her own anime."

Normally, it"s the author"s duty and right to be present at that kind of event.

"What about…Megumi-chan?"

"Megumi? Yeah, trustworthy, cute, good at speaking…but she has a big mouth, it"s likely that she will add unnecessary details. Not to mention that she is kind of a famous person in Akarawa, asking her to take part in this kind of event is a bit…."


Sagiri hung her head in silence.

Anyway —

Someone Eromanga-sensei could trust - that wasn"t an easy requirement. In the end, it all depended on luck.

"So - what now?"

Among those persons I just heard, the best one would be Megumi…right?

Wait…wait…there was….I think I might have another idea…

A cute girl or a beautiful woman, trustworthy, mature….

"…Something wrong?"

I ignored Sagiri, and tried to recall my memories…

"….There is no one as cute as Sagiri in the world…."

Is that really the case?

Let"s try to remember once more.

"Why do I have the feeling that I was missing something? I clearly have never meet someone as cute as Sagiri before on television….but I think that I have seen that person somewhere….Did I? They why didn"t I fall in love with that person? Where did I see her? Here? At home? When…?"

"Nii, nii-san?"

" —- Yes! I know!"


I rushed out of the locked room and run to the first floor - to my parent"s room. My hand run through the bookshelf, trying to find it.

"It should be — right here!"

I took "it" and brought it to Sagiri.


"Nii, Nii-san? I thought…something is off."

"Don"t worry, come! Take a look, you will be surprised!"


I opened what I justgrabbed- my family"s alb.u.m - and showed her


Eromanga-sensei, the pervert ill.u.s.trator saw "that picture", breathless.

"This - this is!!!"

A cute apperance, similar to Sagiri.

An elementary school uniform.

That was a picture of a cute tsundere little sister, who was slightly smiling next to her brother.

April had came. In the Akihabara Belle Salle hall, the spring event will be held, which included the talk show of Izumi Masamune.

"Izumi-sensei, Eromanga-sensei - thank you for coming today. It"s today"s newspaper, have you taken a look yet?"

At the first bas.e.m.e.nt floor"s living room. Kagurazaka-san was telling me and Eromanga-sensei about today"s schedule. I sat next to Eromanga-sensei, in front of Kagurazaka-san. There were only three of us in the room

Both me and Eromanga-sensei turned to the newspaper and saw a short preview of this event. Kagurazaka-san happily continued:

"Around 10 o"clock, both of you will take part in the autograph event for The Cutest Little Sister in the World

at the first bas.e.m.e.nt floor. Any question so far?"

With a *swoosh*, the suit-wearing Eromanga-sensei raised her hand.

"Please go ahead, Eromanga-sensei."

"……………………………Is it really necessary to call me by that name already?"

"Fufufu, I think that we better try as soon as possible, don"t you agree?"

Today, Kagurazaka-san wore light clothing, which is suitable for moving around a lot. Since the beginning, she had a beaming smile on her face. On contrast, Eromanga-sensei was emitting a dark aura.

Of course, that person wasn"t Sagiri, it wasn"t the real Eromanga-sensei.

Suit wearing. Sharp eyes. Mature body.

Her eyes which could freeze everything, the "Ice Queen"

My only remaining blood-related family.

My guardian. Izumi Kyouka.

"….Okay, Kagurazaka-san. I will not join the autograph event but the talk show, is that right?"

"Yes! I planed to let Eromanga-sensei take part in the autograph - but it will probably reveal the truth so it can"t be helped."

So we decided that this time, only I, Izumi Masamune, will do the autograph event. Eromanga-sensei had already signed a lot, we only need to give the people her signature.

Maybe some readers won"t be satisfied, but there is nothing I can do. Sorry, I"m really sorry.

"Then it"s okay. Please continue."

"Then —"

Kagurazaka-san took out two small earpieces and placed them on the table.

"Please put these on."

"For what?"

" So that my voice could reach the audience — that was what Eromanga-sensei said."

"…So that child could speak her opinions during the event, correct?"

And not only Kyouka-san, even I could hear her suggestion too.

"That"s right ♪"

"….Got it."

Eromanga-sensei sighed heavily. I turned to her and bowed.

"Thank you very much, Kyouka-san. Thank you for helping me."

"It"s okay. It"s normal to ask an adult for help, there is no need to be shy."

Trustworthy. Will not betray us no matter what. Mature. Careful. Girl. As beautiful as Sagiri.

Kyouka-san is the one who satisfied all condition to play the role of Eromanga-sensei.

Long ago, I thought that she was my "enemy".

Since I was small, I thought that she hated me.

I feared that someday, she will force the hikikomori Sagiri out of her room.

But —

"Sagiri has tried her best"

All of that was my one-side misunderstanding…but it has been for too long, so now I still couldn"t exactly get rid of my habit.

I really wanted to treat Kyouka-san like my family, I really thoughy that it would be wonderful if we would be like a real family, but I still couldn"t.

Deep down, I still feared that she will do something to Sagiri….even though I knew that it could never happen, I couldn"t get rid of the thought.

"I even feel happy to help you two."

Her voice suddenly felt a lot warmer.

I truly hope so. Then —

It"s time to get spoiled!

I knew it"s a child"s way, but hey, today I can get spoiled all I wanted. If everything went well….

I hopeedthat she and I…could become family.

Then I could tell her everything between me and my little sister. I could even ask her to take care of Eromanga-sensei for me!

Yes….exactly like that…

"Kyouka-san…I…I have something to ask."

"Masamune-kun, go ahead. Just say it. I"m your guardian."

Then I"m saying it.

"Please, be Eromanga-sensei for one day!"


Wow, Kyouka-san looks like a Demon King!

"What….do you meant? Are you…asking me….to draw ero manga?"

"No no, I"m not asking you to be a model for ero manga!"

"I, I knew that! Just a moment of distraction!"

I tried to resist the dreadful aura from her, explained:

"Anyway, I want to ask you to take Sagiri"s place as Eromanga-sensei and take part in an event."

"…I see… that so…."

After hearing me out, Kyouka-san"s eyes firmly locked on me.

But she wasn"t angry - or so I hoped.


Please don"t do that, aunt! You are laughing, but your eyes said otherwise!

"In short, you are asking a weak and tiny woman like me to face hundreds of otakus, right?"

Eh? Tiny? Weak? Who?

"You want to ask a person who is easily embarra.s.sed like me to come to the stage and announceI AM EROMANGA-SENSEI, do you?"


"And you ask me to take Sagiri"s drawing - the one with girls in revealing clothing - and tell the audience This is my drawing, don"t you?"

"Yes! I have been thinking for a while, I can"t ask anyone but you for this role!"

"You"re my only remaining family I could ask! Please, I beg you!"

I begged her with all my heart!

But —

She sighed heavily:

"I don"t think it"s going to be okay, Masamune-kun…The truth is, I"m not suitable to speak with a crowd. I"m in my twenties, but I have made people misunderstand me many times. They feared me, hated me - even including my own nephew."

The atmosphere - it felt like I was being given a lecture by my parents.

While Kyouka-san was not angry, I feared that she would refused.

But what she said surprised me.

"If I go in Sagiri"s place, I fear that I will terrifiy your fans."

She was thinking of us.

"If you can accept it, then I will go."

She sincerely accepted our request. Just like an older sister.

The scene returned to today.

After confirming our plan, the atmosphere became somewhat breathable. We were just waiting in silence.

Kagurazaka-san suddenly put her cup down and told Kyouka-san.

"Right right, I almost forgot. There is something important. Eromanga-sensei had an important request this time -"

"What is it?"

"You have to put on a special uniform on the stage."


"This one!"


Kagurazaka-san took out a skirt and dress. That was the uniform used in The Cutest Little Sister in the World. It was the same one used in some ill.u.s.trations.

By the way, when she drew that ill.u.s.tration, her erotic side erupted, thus the uniform ended up very short and revealed the belly b.u.t.ton.

"——" *2

There was a note from Eromanga-sensei came with it, which said —-

"I want to see Kyouka-chan in cute cosplay clothing!"

"Pfffffffffffffffff!!! Cough, cough!!"

All of that coffee I drank ended up on my editor"s face.

Oh my G.o.d! Sagiri you didn"t tell me anything about this!!

"Sagiri! What are you thinking! And this is ….just perverted!"

I grabbed the tablet on my hand and nearly bellowed to my little sister

She just t.i.tled her head to the side.

"Nii-san, what are you talking about?"

"Stop playing dumb! What did you prepare for Kagurazaka-san?"

"Ah, that?" She grinned "I want to see it once."

" 「I want to see it once 」 my a.s.s!!"

d.a.m.n, she is cute!

I glanced at my aunt and Kagurazaka-san.

"What? Wh, wh, wh, why do I have to wear it!?"

She was blus.h.i.+ng madly in anger. On the other hand, Kagurazaka-san looked like she was enjoying herself.

"Like ~ I ~ said ♪ Eromanga-sensei made that requst ~ and the main reason of this talk show is to announce that Eromanga-sensei is a beautiful girl. I want you to wear that on the stage too!"

"Beau…beautiful….why did no one tell me that?"

"Ah ah ~ that must be Izumi-sensei"s fault."

c.r.a.p! Now I"m the guilty one?

I turned to Sagiri!

"It"s no use to argue now! Everything was because of your cosplay bomb! What are you trying to do? Paying her back for trying to drag you out of the room before?"

"No no! I just want to see Kyouka-chan cosplay! It"s going to be good!"

"Really? Since when are you so determined?"

You even called her Kyouka-chan now instead of Kyouka-sama.

"…And…it would look good in a photo…normally Kyouka-chan is cute…but she always left her face plain…"

Kagurazaka-san added at the same time:

"See? Sagiri-chan said so too! Come on, wear it! Come on!"


"By the way, this character has twin tails, so you should make sure you hair is the same. Come on."

"I, I"m in my twenties…"

"It"s alright! No problem! As long as the hair style is good, age won"t be a problem."

Kagurazaka-san pointed at a nearby screen, which was showing the scene outside.

"See, this girl is older than you, but she is cosplaying twin tail. She is from the 「 Cute Voice Actress 」 magazine."

"She…she did that because it was her job…if age and hair style is not going to be a problem, then why didn"t Kagurazaka-san cosplay?"

"Ehehe, it was embra.s.sing."

" ~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I really hate you now."

Kagurazaka-san is good, she totally owned Kyouka-san. I was laughing my a.s.s off.

"Izumi-sensei, come and help me convince your aunt."

"No thanks."

She"ll kill me.

Sagiri added:

"…I think that twin tails suit Kyouka-chan. See, just like in this picture!"


Kyouka-san yelled, her voice the the same volume as an Indominus Rex Indominus Rex : man-made dinosaurs, appeared on the movie Jura.s.sic Park 4.

"Where did you get that?"

"That" is a picture taken from when Kyouka-san was small. Even Kagurazaka-san was surprised.

"Wow wow wow wow wow! Who, who is that? Who is that cute girl?"

"Kyouka-san in middle school. Super cute, right?"


When she was small, "ice queen" truly was an equal to Sagiri. There was some small changes later, but her charm didn"t change much.

Of course, whether the twin tail suited her or not is another question.

Kyouka-san waved her hand, annoyed:

"Stop! Stop it at once! Masamune-kun…you…what are you saying…Sagiri too! Take it back!"



"Nii-san and I…have decided that we will ask you to spoil us this time."


Kyouka-san"s eyes widened, then her gaze immediately fixed on me.

Under her ice-cold glare, I barely managed to answer:

"Well…actually…we think that…if you spoil us this time….we may close our gap…so…."

Anyway, Eromanga-sensei, you really overdid it this time. Your idea is purely born from eroticism. I have no idea what you"re thinking.


Kyouka-san breathed out, and relaxed. With some hest.i.tation, she looked at the cosplay clothes, then her picture, and then me…

"Fine, just do whatever you want. I"ll spoil you. That was what I said anyway…."

While she was still blus.h.i.+ng, but that means…

"…Okay, I will put this on."


I didn"t expected her to accept…

Belle Salle Akihabara, First bas.e.m.e.nt floor.

It"s time for our show.

"Welcome all to the stage of The Cutest Little Sister in the World."

The chair woman was my editor, Ayame Kagurazaka. She also had her hair in twin tails.

The guests were the original author, Izumi Masamune and Eromanga-sensei. I sat on the right seat, the other two on the left.

Kyouka-san played Eromanga-sensei"s role, but not exactly well. In front of the stage, there were numerous people in the audience. My chest hurt just from seeing that.

Wow ~ so many people are here…

While not all of them were here because of us - the stage was used more than once, so it"s understandable, but I still felt thankful for them.

From the stage, I looked over the audience.

Ah! This man over there looks familiar! That guy too, I"ve seen him before.

Anyway, I rarely got a chance to meet my fans, so I do remember ones that I have met. Sorry if you feel uncomforable because of that, I was trying. Just enjoy yourself, okay?

Oh right, the brat Megumi figured out my real indentify! I will teach you a lesson if you dare come this time!

"Ya, Izumi!!"

"Go, Izumi-kun!"

"Ahaha ~ Masamune, we are here!"

Suddenly, some light novel authors cheered for me.

Wow, there they are! All of them too! I was so embarra.s.sed!

Kusanagi-senpai, s.h.i.+dou-kun, Elf…and Muramasa-senpai too.

By the way, after our show was Pure Love"s talk show by Kusanagi-senpai.

And the main topic of this event is about the light novel Fantasy Demon Blade Legend of Muramasa-senpai…of course, it"s another matter whether she took part in it or not, seeing that she didn"t care about that at all. I bet that she was here for me.

Still, it would be a lie if I said I wasn"t nervous. My editor said that it was not about an anime project, but what if she lied? What if she tricked me in order to hide the news?

I still had a chance! My heart was racing! Even if I knew the odds were low!

"And today, aside from the author Izumi Masamune ~~ we have another guest ♪ ~ Ill.u.s.trator Eromanga-sensei!!"

The crowd cheered! With a stiff movement, I turned toward the stage"s entrance.

"Today, luckly we invited someone who was a mystery - Eromanga-sensei!! Everyone! Are you prepared to be surprised!??"

YEAHHHHH ~~ The crowd roared.

"Then ♪ Please come innnnnnnnnn ~ Eromanga-sensei!!"

Just when the master of ceremonies said that —

Kyouka-san appeared in a sailor uniform, with a naked belly b.u.t.ton.

At that moment, everyone froze.




No one said anything.

…Ah…I knew it would turn out this way.

The last time Eromanga-sensei showed herself in the shotdown, no one knew that she was a cute girl (sorry, but I don"t dare to use the word beautiful here)

And Kagurazaka-san intentionally kept it a secret, because 「 a semi-hidden secret made it better at drawing attention 」. Thus most of the audience here thought that Eromanga-sensei was a male, just like me before. Most of them thought that Eromanga-sensei was "a perverted hentai-loving old man". No one could have imagined that she is such a cute girl.

Just like Kagurazaka-san predicted, the crowd went absolutely silent.

Elf"s expression meant "Hah ~ So that"s your solution ~ you used it that way huh"

Muramasa-senpai"s meant "It"s none of my business"

s.h.i.+dou-kun"s eyes widened, he looked like he wanted to say "So he"s not gay?"

Lastly, Kusanagi-senpai looked terrified. He was saying stuff like "Ridiculous….at your age….", but just one glare from my aunt shut him up.

On the stage, Eromanga-sensei (Kyouka-san in cosplay clothing) went to the middle area, and turned around. The audience also began to mutter among themselves.

She blushed slightly, and bowed:

"….Pleasde to meet you, everyone."

Then she raised her head.

"I am Eromanga-sensei."


A moment of silence, then all h.e.l.l broke loose.


The crowed stood up, raised their hands and shouting as loud as they could. Like they just heard someone talking about an animation project.

This reaction was better than expected, so even Kyouka-san was a bit taken aback.






Everyone was cheering for her.

"Eromanga-sensei is so cuteeeeee!!"

"Ero! So ero!"

"Is this reality? Is this?"

"Ero, Ero!"

"Eromanga-sensei is so ero!"

"Were those erotic ill.u.s.tration drawn by such a cute girl?"

I don"t know who started it, but everyone was cheering louder and louder.





"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

Of course, this was undoubtedly a very embarra.s.sing play for Kyouka-san. This must be her worst embarra.s.sment.

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

Later, this event was hailed as "the legandary self-introduction". Now though, Kyouka-san (in a short sailor uniform with a revealed belly b.u.t.ton) looked like she was about to cry.

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

"Eromanga! Eromanga!!"

During that time, all I could do was pray "please be over fast, please be over fast" and "please don"t kill me later, auntie."

Finally, everything quieted down. Eromanga-sensei - Kyouka-san sat down, her HP nearly depleted.


It looked like she was at her limit.

Of course, aside from me, who was sitting next to her, no one realized anything. My aunt always hid her emotion, so it was kind of helpful.

Both she and I were using earbuds. The voice of Sagiri came to us.

《I"m reading in live! There are so many comments! Everyone is prasing us! 》
In this chapter, Sagiri"s voice will be marked with 《 and 》

I don"t think so. What are you watching?

《Ehehe, they said Eromanga-sensei is cute…I like it 》

They meant Kyouka-san is cute, not you.

《Good good. We can beat Army-chan"s video at this rate 》

So that"s why you picked that cosplay outfit?

《… Of course, the most important things is our dream. 》

This girl…she knew that I am about to say

《 Anyway…it"s going well 》


Thanks to Kyouka-san, everyone was fired up. At least everything is going well.

《 Cough cough 》

Sagiri coughed, then returned to her Eromanga-sensei tone.

《 Kyouka-san, make sure to answer like I said. Otherwise they will find out immediately. 》

My aunt nodded slightly. She was still trying to help us now. Thank you, thank you very much, Kyouka-san.

"Alright, everyone! Are you surprised with Eromanga-sensei ♪?" Miss MC asked

It looked like while she was also surprised, she recovered fast enough. As expected of a pro.

"Now, continue on our talk show! First is about the novel."

The big screen lightened up, the first volume cover page appeared

"Editor-san, plesae."

"Thank you. Now, about our novel —"

Kagurazaka-san happily talked about my novel. She introduced some main topics, characters, setting, current status like that there were three volumes already, and the next one would be available in June 10th.

"—So, I"m looking forward to seeing you all in June."

"Thank you, Kagurazaka-san! Thank you for letting us know ~ looks like I can"t afford to not buy it. Next then ~ it is here! Tada!"

The screen changed. Another ill.u.s.tration appeared as the background, with the t.i.tle above.

"Eromanga-sensei"s Q&A session."

"Now, we will take turn asking Eromanga-sensei questions! She will answer all of them!" Kagurazaka-san explained.

Many "ah ~ I see" came from the audience. Really, they only acted together at times like this.

By the day, even I didn"t know what the questions would be. Kagurazaka-san didn"t tell me anything, so we will have to play it by ear.

"Then let"s begin! ♪ Are you ready, Eromanga-sensei ~"

"Ready" Kyouka-san said with a hint of nervous

"Then our first question, tada ♪!"

A big question appeared on the screen.

"Why did Eromanga-sensei hide her true face until now?"

Toward this question, Eromanga-sensei Sagiri"s answer (via Kyouka-san) was:

"Because my face is scary."

She dared to tell my aunt to say that?!

Saying that, Kyouka-san made a scary face (on Sagiri"s order too) and continued:

"Since I"m not good at talking…. my expression is stiff, thus I have to put on a mask in order to not scare people….I"m not angry or anything, don"t worry about it."


That"s a good start!

Kyouka-san gritted her teeth and said her answer.

"Then the next question - tada! ♪"

The screen flashed and changed the question

"Eromanga-sensei once said that I don"t want to draw something I haven"t seen, right?"


"Then —"

With a click, the cover page of volume 3 Sekaimo appeared - with the picture of the female lead in swimsuit.

"Then did you see this erotic swimsuit yourself?"


"Ara ara? So does that mean you had a model?"

Hearing that, Sagiri firmly replied:

《I wore it myself 》

Eh… eh….Sagiri?

《I got an elementary swimsuit, wore it myself and drew it! 》

Hey wait! Eromanga-sensei !!!!

What you just said sounds cool, just imagine it would bring a smile to a boy"s face - but you"re asking Kyouka-san, who is in her twenties - to say she wore an elementary swimsuit? Don"t you know that this is an elementary swimsuit….. an elementary swimsuit!!!

"Eromanga-sensei? Who was your model again?"


Without anyway to back off, Kyouka-san finally made up her mind. She opened her eyes, straightened her back and firmly answered:

"I was the model!"


"I, I said that I wore that elementary swimsuit myself and drew it by looking at a mirror!"

"For real!?"

Oh, my hero.



"But…didn"t it sound perverted?"

Click click click "Hurry up and send it to everyone online" Click click click

Once again, Kyouka-san"s answer caused chaos to run through the audience.

Everyone must be surprised - just imagine a girl in elementary swimsuit looking at a mirror….

"…I…I…see….what a ….firm determination…."

Even Miss MC sounded full of surprise.

On the other hand, Kyouka-san gritted her teeth, blushed furiously, and continued:

"Next - next question please!"

"Yes yes!"

It looked like Miss MC noticed something in her voice.

"Then we will ask someone in here for the next question!"

"Ask whatever you want!"

While Kyouka-san nearly had her eyes slammed shut, I could hear her unspoken words "I have come this far, I don"t care what happens next anyway".

"Anyone with question for Eromanga-sensei, raise your hand please!"

"Me ~!!" "Me me!!"

Many hands shot up. Miss MC picked one at random.

"Please, the one with over here"

"Then…my question…is there something you want to have now?"

A girl asked a simple answer. Hearing that, Kyouka-san breathed a sighed of relieve.

Sagiri"s answer was:

《"It is a book that I wanted to use as a reference for drawing. It was no longer selling, so I couldn"t buy it anymore."》

"What is that book"s name?"

"Pantsu encylopedia!"

Eromanga-sensei!! Do you have to be THAT honest?

Look how embarra.s.sed Kyouka-san is….

Miss MC was embarra.s.sed too, she said:

"I, I see. As expected of Eromanga-sensei!"

"As expected" my a.s.s!? Oh well, at least she kept the show running.

"Then - next, the one over there please. Your question is?"

"Yes - I want to ask about this ill.u.s.tration! When you drew this, is there any part of it that you like the most or that felt memorable?"

This is a normal question, suitable for this show.

《 Hmm….memorable…》

Sagiri hest.i.tated for a moment then directed Kyouka-san. At the same time, Miss MC urged:

"Please, Eromanga-sensei ♪"

"Um, the part I like most is the belly b.u.t.ton! This part was a bit unusual, so I picked it on purpose! Of course, the most memorable part is the one between skirt and stocking. Also known as Zettai Ryouiki. . Seeing it half-hidden makes people long for it!"

You asked my aunt to say that in such clothing? I knew it, you are the most perverted little sister ever!

Of course, the one who was. .h.i.t hardest was Kyouka-san.

"Then the curve from the back to the a.s.s! While you can"t see it, actually that was the best part, please look carefully - er, what did you ask me to do?"

The sudden question was because a request from Sagiri.

《Kyouka-san, go to the middle of the stage and make a turn. 》


Since Kyouka-san reaction toward Sagiri"s request was too sudden, people was startled too.

"Eh, Eromanga-sensei—??"

"………….Wh………what did you say….."

However, Kyouka-san was busy talking with Sagiri and didn"t pay attention.

《Go to the middle of the stage and make a turn. Show everyone the best spot of my clothing! 》

"….Do…do I really have to?"

《 Yes! The real Eromanga-sensei will do that ….immediately》

Kyouka-san stayed silent for a while…then gritted her teeth.

"Fine! Whatever you say!"

She stood up, and went to the middle of the stage. The clothes that Eromanga-sensei designed was revealed for everyone to see.

Yahhhhhhhh!! The crowed went nuts again.

Suddenly, a voice shouted:

"Use Eromanga Flas.h.!.+"


While she was making an a.s.s-revealing pose, hearing the question made Kyouka-san paused, puzzled.

"Me too! I want to see Eromanga Flash too!!"

Someone else agreed.

Miss MC turned to Kyouka-san:

"……….What is Eromanga Flash?"

Of course Kyouka-san didn"t know. All she could do was stand there blus.h.i.+ng.

Kagurazaka-san quickly explained:

"Let me handle it! Eromanga Flash is the special skill that Eromanga-sensei used to beat Eromanga-sensei the Great! That was the brilliant light that helps ill.u.s.trator draw the best erotic ill.u.s.trations!"


"Ah….so….how it is exactly anyway?"

"Using it here would be very complicated, so it"s better to let Eromanga-sensei shout her name - and make a pose again!"

"Eh? Eh?"

Hearing that stupid request, it pained me to even look at Kyouka-san. I could never imagine that I could see her that way. Kagurazaka-san laughed happily,and coldly said:

"Come on, Eromanga-sensei! Do it!"

….Please don"t

Even Miss MC didn"t dare to ask. What was I thinking, asking my aunt for this??

Even Sagiri couldn"t stand it:

《 This…actually….Kyouka-chan…..don"t have to…. 》

"……..It"s fine…I prepared myself….don"t look down on me."

《Kyouka-chan ? 》

In her revealing clothes, Kyouka-san slowly stood up, took a deep breath…

"Eromanga Flas.h.!.+"

Finally, after everything was over.

We rested in a room on the same floor, Kyouka-san was sitting here, and nearly gave up the ghost.



"…How was it? Did I…do well?"

"You did! Sagiri was crying in happiness."

"I see…..that"s good….."

She closed her eyes again, said nothing.

Seeing how tired she was, there was only a few thing I could say to my only remaining blood-related family:

"………Really, thank you very much."

I thanked her from the bottom of my heart.

The talk show had ended.

Our dream took another step forward.

But it wasn"t just our dream.

Maybe today would become an important memory for us.

We, brother and sister, once again, being a family.

© 2024