Ero Manga Sensei

Chapter Epilogue

Chapter Epilogue

= Epilogue ==

I, Izumi Masamune is not someone who worry too much.

You might said that I’m an idiot or an optimistic, but no – both are wrong.

It’s not like I did a lot of amazing thing and don’t care about those little details anymore. It’s just that after meeting something bad, I had a habit of stop thinking about it after some time has pa.s.sed.

Don’t care about the pa.s.s and focused on what is right in front of me … I have that habit,

When my father pa.s.sed away, I was still a kid. There were many things that I had no choice but to practice. Maybe because I had to interact with adults too soon that I turned out this way.

Anyway, I don’t care if you called it good or bad, but I’m a realistic.

I could easily give up on things that I deemed impossible, like a kid who was trying to be an adult.

Those girls around me actually criticized me, calling me “a light novel protagonist”. But I myself don’t think I have any quality to be a protagonist.

I’m not a hot-blood, nor am I an optimistic. I’m not even a normal high school student.

Really, I’m at the middle of everything.



Today, I had a rare problem. I was hiding inside my room, troubled.

It’s now July. Outside of the windows, the rain had stopped, the sky was clear. It was a good chance to clear my mind.

— I like you.

— Masamune, I like you the most.

— I refuse.

— Because I already have someone I like

Those word kept repeating itself inside my head.


I have someone I like.

I was rejected, but my feeling didn’t chance. It was still here.

That’s why I didn’t go out with anyone. Even if I will never got a chance for such a cute girl to like me again.

But my answer will not change.

“Still —“

— I have someone I like.

People said that “love confession” is the climax of a story, is the turning point where victory and defeat was decided.

I thought it was true too. But no, reality wasn’t like that.

That was a lesson Elf and Muramasa-senpai taught me.

Confess your love then goes out with them or get rejected —

“….But this is not the end.”

Even if the dream come true and love blooms or the dream shattered and get rejected, life continued.

As long as you are alive, then life will continue no matter what. Happy and sadness. Laughing and crying. Meeting and separate. All will continue.

Even if life was full of irreversible thing.

“But even if they want to try again….it’s fine.”

In the past, I’d have never though of it this way.

— Before the Izumi’s sibling’s dream came true, I will become victorious

— This is not a reason for not challenging.

They confessed and lost. Just like me, they were rejected.

But they will do it again.

They will kept saying that they like me.

One still think that she can win. Still trying her best to find a way to victory.

One announced fiercely, saying that a weak opponent is too boring.

Both of them showed their courage —

“And me?”

When I was rejected by the one I like —

I think this is enough.

Because we are siblings.

I decided to be just her family – I think it’s enough.

“What a big lie.”

My chest hurt is the evidence.

I want family. I want Sagiri to be my family. I don’t want to be alone again – what I said earlier wasn’t a lie.

But that didn’t mean I’m

happy with just that.

I didn’t satisfied with my choice.

I don’t have the courage of Elf or Muramasa-senpai, I just use a convenience lie.

That was what I finally realized:


I have to act.

I went to the locked room in the second floor, knocked on its door.

*Knock. Knock*

How many times I have done this after meeting with Sagiri again?

In the past, nothing happened no matter how hard I tried. But now…

“Nii-san, what is it?”

She will answer me. This simple fact made me happy.

I told Sagiri:

“Well, Sagiri. A year ago….you said…you have someone you like, haven’t you?”


The sudden topic made Sagiri puzzled.

“…What kind of person is he? Do I know him?”



“….Why….are you…..asking me this now…..?”

“Because an elder brother is the little sister’s — no, that isn’t right.”

Asking her this way won’t work. I coughed, tried to hide my embarra.s.sment.

“Of course I would like to know about him. Since I like you.”


Sagiri looked down, blushed in embarra.s.sment.

“Wh, what are you talking about!?”

“I got a change of heart, so I will not lying anymore.”

I put my hand on my chest. My heart was beating like it was about to burst.


“….Yes?”  She answered, a bit nervous.

“It will take a lot of time…but after our dream become true, I have something to tell you – that’s all for now. Sorry for worry you.”


She looked up at me, eyes filled with excitement.

Just seeing her face made me want to spoil her even more. I don’t want to give her to anyone

I wasn’t lying when I said I wanted to become a normal pair of sibling with Saigir.

Deep down, it’s true that I wanted family.

It wasn’t a lie, but there was more. There was a relations.h.i.+p I wanted even more.

Elf already told me more than once that I only want small thing. To me, fixing all of my trouble mean happiness.

After my dream come true, I wanted to tell this to the person I like. I need to try harder, so she can accept me.

“….Wait, Nii-san.”

Before I could left, she called me. I turned back and saw that she was looking at me through the gap in the door.



“I…the one I like….”


I stared at her, waiting for the next word.

“When our dream come true…………I will introduce him to you.”

“!…I see.”

That’s why I have to try even harder.

I have decided. Even if I’m the underdog, that didn’t mean I could gave up on challenging.

Someone couldn’t say his true feeling out have no right to be a winner in love.


“Y, yes?”

“I will win against that guy.”


Still —

I though that our dream would only be true in the far future.

But just a few days later and the publis.h.i.+ng company already called me. The meeting room is the highest floor, where normal meeting would never be held.

“They asked me to come here….why?”

I didn’t have any idea. Today is, so I didn’t meet anyone on the way here. I walked to the end of the corridor and stopped at the hall’s entrance. This was the right place.

…There were people inside already. That must be Kagurazaka-san…right?

“It’s Izumi.”

I knocked on the door. Someone answered:

“Please enter, Izumi-sensei.”


I turned the door k.n.o.b.

“ —Eh?”

There was a long, white table inside. There were someone else nearby, not just Kagurazaka-san. They all looked at me carefully.

“Ka, Kagurazaka-san…this is?”

I was frozen on the spot. I did asked my editor, but she just sat immobile and looked at me in silence.

A woman with round gla.s.sess in front me smiled and answered in Kagurazaka-san’s place. She looked even younger than me. Among those adults here, she alone had an unique light.

“Please to meet you, Izumi Masamune-sensei.”

“Congraturation, your novel The cutest little sister in the world will be made into anime.”

“After our story is made into anime.”

“I will bring my little sister to the living room and watched it together with her.”

I will fulfilled this dream.

And after that —

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