Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 979  Battered Heroes

Chapter 979  Battered Heroes

In a distant cityscape, chaos had erupted as monstrous beings descended from the sky and erupted from ma.s.sive portals in the ground. These colossal creatures were unlike anything humanity had ever faced. They were towering behemoths, easily dwarfing buildings, their very presence sending tremors through the earth. Buildings crumbled in their wake, reduced to rubble and dust.

The city"s skyline was now a chaotic battleground. Civilians were in a state of panic, running for their lives as the ground shook beneath them. Heroes, the city"s last line of defense, rushed to confront these nightmarish monstrosities.

The first creature emerged from the largest portal, a grotesque fusion of metal and flesh, its jagged limbs and searing eyes emitting an eerie, malevolent glow. Its thunderous footsteps were accompanied by the crackling of energy, and its ma.s.sive arms swung like wrecking b.a.l.l.s, demolishing anything in their path.

A group of S-rank heroes, renowned for their power, converged to confront this threat. Heroic names such as "Inferno Blaze," "Frostbite," "Thunderclap," "Stone Guardian," and "Aqua Vortex" were among them, renowned for their unique abilities and courage.

Inferno Blaze, the hero with control over fire, unleashed torrents of searing flames that enveloped the creature. Frostbite countered with icy blasts, attempting to freeze the monster"s limbs. Thunderclap"s thunderbolts rained down, causing electrical explosions. Stone Guardian summoned earthen barriers to protect civilians. Aqua Vortex called forth raging water torrents.

Their expressions were a mixture of determination and fear as they unleashed their most devastating attacks. Inferno Blaze"s Firestorm engulfed the creature"s upper body, but the monster endured, its metallic flesh glowing white-hot. Frostbite"s Arctic Gale encased its legs in ice, but they shattered like gla.s.s as the creature moved. Thunderclap"s Thunderstrike electrified the air, but the creature seemed immune to the shocking a.s.sault. Stone Guardian"s Stone Wall protected civilians, but the monster"s devastating punches threatened to breach it. Aqua Vortex"s Tidal Surge attempted to drown the creature, but it merely roared, unaffected.

"Fall back!" Inferno Blaze shouted as the ground quaked from a powerful stomp, sending shockwaves rippling through the streets.

"We need more firepower!" Thunderclap called out, desperation tinging his voice.

Despite their best efforts, they couldn"t halt the rampage. The city was turning into a war zone, with skysc.r.a.pers reduced to rubble and streets cracked and torn asunder. The monstrous invaders showed no sign of relenting.

Aqua Vortex summoned a maelstrom to drown one of the creatures, but it was a mere drop in the ocean of enemies. Their powers, though formidable, were insufficient to stem the tide of these otherworldly invaders.

Amidst the chaos, the heroes continued to hold their ground, knowing that their fight was not only for their own lives but for the survival of their city. Their determination burned brighter than any fire, froze harder than any ice, struck fiercer than any thunderbolt, stood st.u.r.dier than any stone, and flowed more relentlessly than any water.

Their bodies bore the brunt of monstrous attacks as they shielded the fleeing civilians. Their every breath was a testament to their unwavering resolve. They knew that they couldn"t win this battle, but they would not yield until reinforcements arrived, no matter the cost. The city"s fate hung in the balance, and they were its last bastion of defense.


Amidst the chaos, the piercing sound of an alarm echoed through the heroes" devices. It was a shrill, urgent beep that cut through the cacophony of battle, commanding their attention.

As one, the S-rank heroes looked down at their screens, their faces a mix of disbelief and awe. The message on their devices was short and to the point: [SSS Rank Hero has arrived.]

"SSS rank hero?!" gasped one of the S-rank heroes, disbelief etched across their face.

The murmurs began to ripple through the group as realization slowly dawned. "Could it be…?" one hero whispered, almost afraid to voice the possibility.

Another nodded solemnly. "Yeah…"

The heroes exchanged knowing glances, their expressions a blend of reverence and trepidation. "The twin heroes; Battle Queen— Erika, and her twin brother Eric— Handsome Hero," someone finally said, the words carrying immense weight.

The very mention of these legendary siblings sent shivers down their spines. The world"s strongest heroes, bearing the coveted SSS rank, were a force to be reckoned with. Their names were known far and wide, and their incredible feats of heroism had become the stuff of legends.

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