Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 254 Tampered. Forgotten. Forgiven

Chapter 254 Tampered. Forgotten. Forgiven

"Humans started the war?" Rudy asked in an emotionless voice.

"Not the humans, but the one hundred evolved humans," Nyxia responded. "Do you want to know what they did after acquiring the powers?"


"They became greedy. They wanted more powers. It was natural, after all. But the races asked them to wait for a few months to see how the humans cope with the powers. However, the humans didn"t have patience."

"They began to— by "they", I mean the evolved humans, by the way." After a brief pause, she continued, "They began to hunt the other races and used their blood, flesh, tears, hair, nectar, and the other things to feed that to the other humans."

"Hence, their army grew day by day. They even made the merge two races. But of course, that didn"t end there. The hunt continued until the leaders of the other races found out."

"The war was inevitable at that point…" Rudy muttered.


"What about the lord? If he wished, he could have stopped them, right?"

"Back then, the Lord also wished to live between us. But that also changed," she uttered with a distant smile on her face.

"Hmm? Us? Why did her story change from third person perspective to second person perspective?" Rudy wondered.

"The Lord was angry at us. You see, when we decided to grant powers to the humans, we never consulted the Lord about it. We did it on our own. Of course, the Lord knew about it, but he didn"t stop us. However, once the war started, it mattered even less."

"We begged the Lord to stop the war. We didn"t ask him to eradicate the humans. We simply asked to put a stop to the war. But the Lord said- "Thou shalt know the despair of thee choices and must taketh responsibility for thee actions. Thine not giveth, thou not taketh"."


"In short, he refused to help us. However, after seeing the war for a thousand years, he lost his patience. He realized that the war would never end if he didn"t intervene. Hence, he warned us all. Just warned, and that was enough for us to stop. None of us wanted to become extinct."

"So he created different worlds for different races, and now you all are here?" Rudy guessed.

"Yes, the story would have ended there, but it didn"t. The humans never stopped seeking more powers. They used the knowledge they had and created their own creations. Deadly and dangerous. They changed the world"s formula without caring for anything, which brought them plagues and calamity."

"Up until then, they had us to protect them from such things. But they didn"t have anything. Still, of course, they managed to survive with the powers they gained from us. Those who adapted evolved further. But the ones who had powers remained unharmed. They knew that humans were a versatile race, so they continued their experiments."

"After failing countless times, they succeeded. They altered history and removed our trace from the world. They lied to their descendants by feeding them a false story, and they fed it to their descendants."

"The normal humans lived and lied, but those with powers had gained eternal life. They helped humanity advance faster than ever, and they became what they are today. Over time, the hate they have been holding vanished, and they realized their mistakes, but obviously, it was too late."

"After numerous attempts, the gates to the human world were open, and everyone was allowed to enter and leave. Humans were permitted to take the initiative, but the other races weren"t."

"Are they still alive? The evolved humans you mentioned?" Rudy asked curiously.

"Who knows?" Nyxia shrugged her shoulders and said, "They also started a family and had kids. They grew up and started their family. The powers they held were pa.s.sed down from generation to generation."

"In the end, they became.. human again. Their blood became diluted, although the powers remained dormant. Sleeping inside their body, waiting to be awakened again."

Nyxia chuckled and uttered, "But judging by how humanity has been advancing, I doubt they would ever believe such tales even when they were given proof. It"s all a myth and fairytale for them, and that"s for the greater good."

"They will eventually forget about you all, and you all will forget about them? You will live in a world where your existence wouldn"t be known by them. Forgotten for forever?" Rudy asked in a solemn voice.

"That"s the plan."

"That will never happen," he sighed. "You see, the myths were once legends, and legends were once tales. If someone stops telling stories, they become a legend that is known and admired by others. Once the legend is forgotten, it becomes a myth, which is strongly believed by some, but not all. What do you think happens when the myth is forgotten too?" Rudy asked with a knowing look on his face.

"What? They become history?" Nyxia responded with a random guess.

"To be honest, I don"t know the answer myself," he scoffed while laughing.

"Boy, you truly are an interesting human, I will give you that. But I don"t understand why I am feeling attracted to you. Tell me, boy. What have you done to me?" Nyxia asked with a calm yet distant look on her face.

"I haven"t done anything to you. Also, I think you are just h.o.r.n.y. When was the last time you… uhh.. relieved yourself?" Rudy asked with a straight face.

"Hmm~ That pleasure is temporary. It has no feelings, no love. Playing with myself leaves me with regret and a sense of loneliness that I can"t get used to even after thousands of years," she said with a wry smile.

"If others heard this, they would be crying in the corner," Rudy chuckled. "I think I get what you are trying to say. But I can"t understand… ummm… accept? I don"t know."

He shrugged.

"When I was young— although I am still young— around Jane"s age, I was a rebel!" She looked at Rudy and uttered, "Did I mention I am royal blood? My husband was a commoner whom I married, and you…"

She sighed and shook her head before murmuring, "Nevermind. This is a useless conversation."

She curled up and hugged her knees before burying her head between them.

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