Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 624 Phone Call

Chapter 624 Phone Call


The phone kept ringing, but no one picked it up. In the end, it was automatically disconnected after a dozen of rings.

"She must be busy…" he muttered. "I don"t have her name added to my contacts, but I am sure she has mine. If she saw me calling, she would obviously pick it up in the first second. Perhaps, she is away from her phone?"

Rudy waited for a few seconds and began writing another number in the dialer. He pressed the call b.u.t.ton, and the next second, the phone number changed into a name as Rudy had added that number.

After a few rings, the call was picked up.


"Hey… Eric." Rudy felt weird after hearing Eric"s voice.

[Is everything okay? Your voice didn"t sound so cheerful to me.]

"Yeah, yeah. I was… yawning. Anyway, what are you doing?"

[Nothing in particular. Why do you ask? Do you want to hit up somewhere?]

"I called you to ask… where your mom is."

[Mom? She should be at her… wait a second. Let me check her latest schedule.]

Rudy heard the sound of flipping pages. Seemingly, Eric was checking a journal to find Elenor"s schedule.

[Ah, yes. Do you remember mom had to go overseas due to some issues with Erika"s school?]

"Yes. Everything was settled, right?"

[It was. But as her schedule got messed up, she now has multiple meetings and site visits in the country. Why are you asking about mom, though?] Eric asked with a hint of curiosity in his voice.

"I just wanted to thank her for giving me the purse, as you threatened me about," he scoffed.

[That"s right. You better thank her, or I will come and drag you out of her house to make you thank her.]

"So… do you know when she will return to the town?"

[She should be back by tomorrow. But hey, as I said, she is pretty busy, so something might come up, and she would directly go to her next meeting.]

"I see."

[She always says that she has to try her best if she decides to do something.]


"I had said that to her on our first night together."

[Why don"t you just call her? You don"t have to meet her in person to thank her.]

"Yeah, I just called, but she didn"t pick up. I didn"t want to disturb her, so now I will wait for her to call me back later."

[Good. By the way, why didn"t you come to school today?]

"It"s sports week, and you know how much I suck at sports. So there is no point in me being there as I am not going to partic.i.p.ate. And it"s the only week where I can skip school without having any consequences," he chuckled.

[So it"s like a holiday week for you, eh?]


[Will you come tomorrow, though?]

"Maybe. And… err… I just remembered Anthony had told me that partic.i.p.ating in the sports week is compulsory. I don"t know if he was joking or was serious as he knows I always skip sports week."

[I haven"t heard anyone say that, so he was most likely trying to get you to partic.i.p.ate in the sports activities. But you should drop by tomorrow and join in one or two activities.]

"If I partic.i.p.ate in any sports activities, I will end up breaking world records," Rudy uttered inwardly.

"Yes, you are right."

[Okay, bye. Someone has been calling me for a while now. It could be important as mom leaves me in charge of her business in her absence.]

"Yeah, good luck."


Even though Eric hung up the phone, Rudy didn"t move his phone from his ears. He was left in shock.


He opened the calendar app on his phone and scrolled through the dates.

"Eric and Erika"s birthday lines up to nine months after I impregnated Elena. She obviously wouldn"t have had a relationship with anyone after my disappearance— so… that means…"

"Eric and Erika are my son and daughter…"

"What the actual f.u.c.k. My best childhood friend is my son… how f.u.c.ked up is that?"

"Time travel is scary…"

"I had realized that Elena was Elenor after the obvious connections and hints. Still… I chose to impregnate her despite knowing how it would turn out. If I hadn"t… Eric and Erika would never have been born, and I didn"t want that.

But that"s not the only reason. Of course, I didn"t want Eric and Erika to not exist, but what made me sure about my decision is… Elena.

My relationship with Elena lasted about a year. And that was one of the best times of my life. Had I not met her, I don"t think I would have lasted a year. Not to mention, my super libido was also taken care of daily.

During that one year, Elena never demanded anything from me or asked me to do something— except one. She wanted to have my child, even though I turned her down at that time… I couldn"t stop myself from impregnating her.

Do I regret my relationship with Elena or my choice to impregnate her? Definitely not. Still… It"s awkward to have a son and a daughter who are the same age as me. Not to mention… It could also be considered as… I slept with my best friend"s mother.

I have been told that Eric and Erika"s father had run away after impregnating Elenor, and they both hated their father more than anything in the world, even though their mother still loved him."

"Now I know that b.a.s.t.a.r.d was me."

Rudy lay on his bed staring at the ceiling, seemingly lost in deep thought.


Rudy"s phone buzzed as it rang.

Rudy"s heartbeat got faster, thinking the call was from Elena. He looked at his phone screen and was left surprised and disappointed at the same time.

He was disappointed as the call wasn"t from Elena, and he was surprised because the caller"s name on his screen was "Erika."

"...dafuq…" That"s all Rudy could utter.

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