Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 642 In The Cla.s.sroom

Chapter 642 In The Cla.s.sroom

"Sometimes, I think you anger me on purpose, so I punish you, and you get to spend time with me," Rize remarked.

"That"s indeed my goal, but I don"t do anything on purpose. Also, thanks for waiting for me in the cla.s.sroom."

"I wasn"t waiting for you. I just came to check if you have returned or not."

"You could have just come and checked in the washroom," Rudy shrugged.


Rize let out a sigh and entered the cla.s.sroom. She walked to the open gla.s.s window and leaned on it. Rudy did the same and leaned on the same window but on the opposite side.

They looked outside at the playground where the students were gathering for the sports tournament.

Rudy raised his brow and curiously asked, "You don"t actually seem angry that I didn"t return in two minutes. That would mean two things; either you are so disappointed in me that you don"t care anymore, or you were also looking for a chance so we could spend alone time together."

Rize moved her gaze from the playground to Rudy without moving her head.

"Why would I need to spend time with you?"

"Because we are partners in crime… or rather, in cheating."

"You were lying about that too."


"When you were absent, I asked Alice the other day, and I found out that you are not dating her." Rize squinted her eyes and said, "You used her as an excuse to fool me into thinking I was committing a major sin."

"No, I didn"t lie to you about that. I wouldn"t do something like that, honestly."

"So you are saying that Alice lied to me?"

"What exactly did you ask her?"

"I asked, "How is everything between you and Rudy?". And she looked at me like I did something horrible to her. Then, she responded, "Nothing is happening". So what means you are not going out with her."

"I don"t think that"s what Alice was trying to say. It"s a misunderstanding."

Alice was well aware that Rudy had a crush on Rize, and he wanted her to join his harem, so she would never try to oppose an idea that would repulse Rize.

"I know Alice doesn"t like Rize because she thinks she is harsh and does power abuse on me, but that"s not the case. I was hoping they would start to get along, but I guess it will take time."

"If you are lying to me, then I swear, I will be angry at you and never talk with you again."

"I don"t need to lie to the people I care about. Sure, I would hide things for the future, but that"s not lying."

"I have never seen you and Alice behave like a couple, though. Like, there are many couples in the school, but you two just seem like normal friends," Rize remarked.

"Maybe because you want to see it that way?"

"What does that mean?"

"Perhaps, you just don"t want to see Alice and me as a couple because you are jealous?" Rudy shrugged.

"Why would I be jealous? And if I was truly jealous of your relationship with Alice, then why would I help you practice kissing with me? In fact, I would try to ruin your relationship with her."

"I am cheating on her with you, which is considered ruining a relationship."

"But I am doing it to help you."

"Just curious, how far are you willing to go to help me?" he asked with a judging look on his face.


"We have kissed. But slowly, I will have to advance my relationship with Alice. We will do more things and ultimately have s.e.x. Would you also let me practice s.e.x with you?" he asked curiously but calmly.

"If… if that will help you get better at having s.e.x with Alice, which would save your relationship… sure, I would do it…"

"She is just like Jane. Jane was using Rias" well-being as an excuse to be with me, and here Rize is using my relationship as an excuse to be with me. I would want them to be honest about their feelings, so I could too," Rudy uttered inwardly.

"You know, I would have been happier to hear that if you wanted to have s.e.x with me, not to save my relationship with Alice, but because you wanted to."


Rudy held Rize"s hands in his hands and uttered, "Rize… I love you. I have confessed my love to you before, but maybe you thought that was a joke or an excuse, but it"s not."

Rize"s face flushed slightly after hearing that.

"I really do love you. What about you?"

"I can"t." Rize tried to pull her hands from Rudy"s grasp, saying, "I am a teacher, and you are my student! It"s illegal for us to have a relationship."

"It"s not illegal when you are not a full-time teacher yet. And you are ready to have s.e.x with me as my teacher but not as my lover? Come on, Rize. Think of a better excuse if you want to convince me," he sighed wryly.

"What about Alice? Are you going to cheat on her?"

"Again, you were up for it to help me but not to be with me?"

"Are you going to dump Alice after using her? You can"t do that."

"And you are okay with me dumping me after using you as a practice toy?"


"Rize, I am not going to dump anyone. I am not using anyone. And we are not going to cheat on anyone. I will tell you everything but answer me first. Do you love me?"

"But it"s…"

"No buts or excuses. You only have two options, either to say yes or no. And no, I won"t give you time to think about it. You already know the answer, but you are not being honest with your feelings.

I am sorry but I have no other choice but to push you— practically forcing you— to limit to answer my question. Don"t think about anything else. Don"t think about the circ.u.mstances or rules or whatever. Just think about yourself and be honest. Rize, do you love me or not?"

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