Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 873 First Test

Chapter 873 First Test

Rudy had brought the newborn babies with him and placed them in a garden under the shade of the clouds. The garden was ring-shaped and hovered around the castle"s top like a halo.

He had planned three tests for the human test subjects and the mythical beings he had saved. And the first test was regarding the newborn babies, which they had pa.s.sed.

"Why does it concern you?" Rudy asked them in an emotionless tone. "I can do whatever I want with them."

"Of course you can. But My Lord, as a fellow victim, we couldn"t help but sympathize with them. They deserve better."

"They are getting better. What"s the issue here?" He played dumb.

The mythical being gulped down in fear and hesitantly stuttered on his words.

"If possible, we would like to adopt them."

Rudy lowered his gaze and a.s.serted, "The wombs of the female test subjects… let it be the humans or mythical beings; their wombs were removed from their bodies and they can no longer conceive a child."

"What? They are unable to conceive naturally? Are there other options available to us?" a human shouted in bewilderment.

"Fear not. There is a solution to this, but it"s only for the mythical beings."

With a calm and resolute voice, Rudy addressed the a.s.sembly. "These newborns are the embodiment of hope and a testament to the resilience of life. They deserve a loving and nurturing environment to thrive in. I propose that those among you who are couples, whether naturally born or artificially created, have the opportunity to adopt one or more of these children and raise them as your own."

A murmur of approval and antic.i.p.ation filled the air, as the humans and mythical beings began to contemplate the possibility of expanding their families and offering these innocent souls a future filled with love and care.

Rudy continued, his words carrying the weight of conviction. "Those who choose to embrace this path, to open their hearts and homes to these children, shall be rewarded with extra privileges within the dynasty. It is a gesture of appreciation for the commitment you make to these young lives and the responsibility you undertake as their parents."

The room erupted in a mixture of emotions—joy, excitement, and a sense of purpose. The prospect of building families and providing a nurturing environment for the newborns filled the hearts of the attendees, each realizing the importance of giving these children a chance at a bright and fulfilling future.

Rudy emphasized the significance of their actions. "By adopting these children, you not only shape their lives but also contribute to the growth and unity of our dynasty. You forge bonds that transcend bloodlines and build a community that cherishes and supports one another."

Amidst the cheers and conversations that filled the room, Rudy"s words resonated deeply, fostering a spirit of compa.s.sion and unity among the liberated humans and mythical beings. The prospect of building families and offering love to these innocent lives became a shared mission, strengthening the bonds between them.

"Only the mythical beings who have a significant other can adopt a child. There is no maximum limit to adoption, but they must also consider the possibilities of the struggles of raising them.

If they don"t have a significant other and still wish to adopt a baby, they must first find a lover and marry them. Of course, they shouldn"t marry for the sake of adopting a baby, but for their own sake.

The rules of marriage will be listed soon and know that they will be strict. Do not test your luck. And never try to outsmart me. I know everything that happens in my dynasty." He a.s.serted solemnly.

"What about us humans? Why aren"t we allowed to adopt them?" Someone from the group of humans asked.

"They will be allowed to do the same when I say they are allowed. Wait for the time and be patient," Rudy responded.

"Didn"t you promise we humans will be treated equally? Then what"s with this partiality?"I think you should take a look at

"Humans will be treated equally among the humans and the same for the mythical beings. The beings of myths are from different races and backgrounds, but there will be no injustice to them.

Similarly, you humans possess different types of powers and abilities. The strong ones among you will have no superiority over the weak ones. White ones over black ones, or vice versa. That"s what I meant when I preached equality."


"Do you have any problems with that? If you still think I am being unjust, feel free to let me know. I don"t want one virus to corrupt the entire community."

"I have a question." A girl stepped out of the group with his gaze fixed on the floor.

"Go ahead."

"It"s only a question and I don"t mean anything by it. It"s… more like a curiosity."

"Ask away."

"Aren"t you afraid of us? There are so many of us and you are only one. I know you defeated an equal number of robots and super soldiers. Even so, you brought us to your home. Aren"t you worried that one day some of us, or perhaps… all of us, would turn against you?"

The voice of the person who asked the question was calm and soothing. It was the type of voice that one could listen to all day. And such was due to her possessing the power of sirens.

"That"s a normal question. And it has a simple answer." Rudy shrugged and asked, "What comes to your mind when you look at the babies?"????????.???

"They are cute?"

"What else? Do you think they can do something to you?"

"Obviously not. They are harmless."

"Exactly. I look at all of you as nothing but harmless souls."

The girl smiled after hearing Rudy"s response and inquired, "How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"How do you have answers and solutions to everything?"

"Hmm~ I guess… that"s what it means to be…" Rudy paused on his words and glanced at Angelica with a smile on his face.

"Nevermind. You all just ask predictable questions."

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