Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 688 A Sudden Discovery

Chapter 688 A Sudden Discovery

Angelica couldn"t help but miss Rudy badly after thinking about him, and she was severely regretting not going to the auction event with him.

She thought it would be best to do something else to divert her attention. She continued to watch the next episode of the anime but couldn"t get into it because her mind was still lost thinking about Rudy.

She eventually decides to think about something related to Rudy, but not Rudy.

"He finally made a move on Rebecca. But somehow… it doesn"t feel as exciting as before. I never expected to find out that she wasn"t Rudy"s biological mother. Well… what were the odds of that, though.

But Rudy was ready to make moves on her before he found out that she wasn"t his biological mother. I wonder how he found out about it. I miss many things when I am sleeping. Usually, I would see, hear, and learn everything Rudy does, but only when I am awake.

Still, Rudy thought of her as a mother, so it should be a little exciting for him, right? Does it still count as incest? Well, he was ready to commit real incest, so it doesn"t really matter.

Wait… now that I think about it… I read something similar. Something about… grooming. Rebecca raised him, and now she is his lover… does that mean she groomed him?

But Rudy wasn"t attracted to her for his entire life until a few weeks ago. Moreover, their relationship stayed like a mother and son in his past life. So can it be called grooming? If I remember correctly, grooming means when someone gets close to an underage opposite s.e.x with the intention of having an intimate relationship with them.

I don"t think that ever happened with Rudy. He didn"t lay hands on an underage girl... except... Alice. They both are turning eighteen soon. And he is mentally an adult who can make his own decisions, no matter what others say. And I know he doesn"t care what other people think of his actions.

He is the lord, and no one can judge him. Of course, if he does something that is wrong, I will stop him myself. I would let him kill anyone he wants, but only if he has a reason to do so.

If he kills an innocent, I am sure even the other harem members would strongly oppose that. Although Rudy would never hurt an innocent soul. His soul is pure like light.

I wonder how Rebecca feels about everything. She seems to be going along, and Rudy wants to advance at her pace so she would feel at ease.

But… What"s the point? That"s the one thing I don"t and will never understand. They love each other, and they know they will have s.e.x one day, so what"s the point of taking it slow?

The same goes for Rias. I understand Alice"s reason… She wanted to have her first time in a proper way, but Rebecca and Rias already had many chances. I know Rudy wants to f.u.c.k them, but he doesn"t want to impose on them.

Well, who am I to judge others" relationships? Just because I had my first time as soon as I confessed to him doesn"t mean I should expect the same from others. It"s their choice."

Angelica was once again lost in her thoughts while staring at the paused screen of the anime.

"One thing this anime did well is to explore and reveal about the ghost girl"s past. Who would have guessed that the main character and the ghost girl were related to each other. That was mind-blowing, really.

As for the other things… I hate the harem in this. It"s obvious that the other girls have feelings for the main character, and it"s evident to the people around him, so why is he so dense to notice them?

I know there are a few episodes left, but I don"t think this anime is going to have a harem ending."


She let out a frustrating sigh and muttered, "Why does a series have a harem if there won"t be a harem ending? That"s the one thing I will never be able to understand, no matter how many anime I watch or how cultured I become."

"Should I call Rudy and… his phone is with me. And…" She glanced over at Rias" bed and muttered, "Rias and Jane left theirs here. I can call Alice or Maria and ask them to connect me with Rudy.

If I asked him to pick me up, he would come but… maybe I shouldn"t. Otherwise, there would be no point in me staying here for so many hours. The auction must have ended, and they will be at the after-party, which is the best chance he would get to spend a moment with other girls."


"Love is… hard and painful. I respect those who can maintain and stay happy in long-distance relationships. They are sacrificing so much…. and it"s an equal sacrifice. I haven"t done anything for Rudy in return for what he has done for me so far.

Rias and the other vampires are powerful, and they can defend themselves in dire situations. Maria has given him her last name, and she is the reason he became rich. Reina has given him this waterpark.

Alice is his childhood friend, and she has been with him ever since they were kids. Rebecca is his mother. Everyone has had something for him or at least played a part in his development.

What have I done for him? I only annoy him all the time. I can"t even live without him, as I feed on his power. I am useless. Nothing but a worthless burden to him. I am…"

Tears rolled down uncontrollably from Angelica"s eyes.

"Do I deserve him? What if he threw me away one day? I would have no right to complain. Yet, I expect more things from him. I am so demanding. I am no different than the selfish gold diggers who only stay with a man to gain something without giving anything in return.

I should tell him to stop trying to find out about my past and my killers. It"s useless. What will I even do after discovering all that? Take revenge? What after that? I am unnecessarily troubling him."

Angelica suddenly felt like seeing Rudy, but she couldn"t call him, so she opened the gallery as she knew Rudy had his pictures there.

However, she discovered the photos Rudy had taken when he was in 1989.

"What"s… this…?"

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