Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 959 Omniscience

Chapter 959 Omniscience

With the battleground in ruins and their epic battle momentarily halted, Rudy landed gracefully in front of George, his gaze piercing as he locked eyes with his adversary. The air was thick with tension as Rudy began to speak, his voice carrying a somber weight.

"I know everything that will happen. I know what you will do next. I know what you will say next," Rudy intoned solemnly.

George, though taken aback by Rudy"s claim, was quick to retort, skepticism in his voice. "That"s impossible. Even if you have all the powers, there"s no way you have the power to see the future!"

Rudy"s expression remained stoic as he replied, "I am not going to convince you to believe that."

The very notion of someone possessing the ability to foresee the future was beyond George"s comprehension. He clung to the belief that knowledge of the future could be altered, that countless possibilities existed, ready to be shaped by his actions.

"And even if you are telling the truth," George a.s.serted, his voice firm, "there are always thousands of possibilities. I can change the future if I know what"s going to happen!"

Rudy"s response was unwavering. "I am not doing a parlor trick where you will be given possible outcomes of the future. I only saw one future, and that is certain. It will happen. You can"t change it, no matter how hard you try... because the change you try to bring might very well be the future I saw."

George"s laughter rang out, a mix of defiance and desperation. "Then so be it! You said you saw the future where I created my world, right?! Doesn"t that mean I killed you?!"

But Rudy, ever the enigma, antic.i.p.ated George"s response. With a smirk that sent shivers down George"s spine, Rudy concluded George"s thought before he could even speak it. "And now you will say—"Looks like you weren"t as strong as the book of prophecy mentioned.""

George"s jaw practically dropped in astonishment. Rudy"s insight into his thoughts and words cut through his defiance, leaving him disoriented and vulnerable. Rudy"s claim about knowing the future was no longer a mere a.s.sertion; it was a chilling reality that George could no longer deny.

In that moment, George realized the immense power and knowledge that Rudy possessed. He was pitted not only against a formidable opponent in terms of physical strength but against someone who seemed to hold the very strings of fate in their hands. It was a revelation that left him with a sinking feeling, as he grappled with the unnerving idea that his every move, every word, had already been seen and accounted for in the tapestry of destiny that Rudy controlled.

The revelation that Rudy possessed the ability to foresee the future had left George in a state of perplexity. He couldn"t help but wonder why, if Rudy truly had such knowledge of future events, he had not been aware of George"s true ident.i.ty as an enemy and a member of the clandestine facility. It was a nagging question that gnawed at George"s mind, sowing seeds of doubt about the authenticity of Rudy"s claims.

As George weighed the implications of Rudy"s powers, he found himself at a crossroads, torn between belief and skepticism. Rudy"s accurate prediction of his thoughts and actions was undeniably disconcerting. The creation of an empty, precise replica of the galaxy stood as a testament to the veracity of Rudy"s claims.

Yet, George could not ignore the possibility of deception. The thought that Rudy might be using this claim of clairvoyance as a psychological tactic to undermine him lingered in his mind. Trusting Rudy"s words meant relinquishing a degree of control, and George was not one to surrender easily.

However, something had shifted within George. The revelation that his vision of a perfect world could indeed come to fruition, even if it meant Rudy"s demise, filled him with an unprecedented sense of purpose and determination. The prospect of achieving his dream world, where he could mold humanity according to his ideals, was intoxicating.

With newfound conviction, George abandoned the pretense of hand-to-hand combat, violating their agreement, and summoned his energy beams once more. The rules of fair combat were disregarded as his attacks surged toward Rudy with unrestrained force. George"s intention was clear: to obliterate Rudy, the one standing in the way of his perfect world.

The battleground became a chaotic arena of clashing powers and t.i.tanic forces. Buildings crumbled, landscapes shifted, and the very fabric of reality seemed to tremble under the weight of their clash. The destruction was colossal, a reflection of the intense battle raging between two beings of immeasurable power.

After launching his devastating attack, George couldn"t contain his victorious laughter. He gloated at Rudy, his voice tinged with arrogance. "Did you foresee this too, huh?!"

However, Rudy"s response was far from what George expected. Instead of being affected by George"s a.s.sault, Rudy remained eerily calm. His gaze bore into George"s with an unsettling intensity, and he slowly raised a finger into the air.

George watched, curiosity mixed with apprehension, as Rudy"s finger moved. It didn"t take long for George to realize the horrifying truth. The moon, Earth"s faithful companion, was now descending perilously close to the planet"s surface. It was an act of power beyond comprehension, a testament to Rudy"s cosmic abilities.

Terror gripped George as he comprehended the gravity of the situation. He turned to Rudy with panic in his voice, urgently pleading, "Rudy, you can"t be serious! If that moon crashes into Earth, it will obliterate the entire planet, possibly even the nearby planets in the process. We"ll both be killed!"

In response, Rudy merely offered a sardonic smile, his demeanor unshaken. "Don"t worry, George. I already know what you"ll do next. You"ll run away, trying to escape Earth"s atmosphere to save your own skin."

As George looked back at Rudy, he realized with a sinking feeling that Rudy had indeed seen through his intentions. Panic flooded him as he hastily retreated. He propelled himself away from Earth, leaving the atmosphere and entering the chilling expanse of s.p.a.ce.

From this vantage point, George bore witness to the catastrophic collision. The moon, now mere moments from impact, collided with Earth with cataclysmic force. The once-beautiful blue planet shattered into countless fragments, like a fragile eggsh.e.l.l, and a deafening explosion reverberated through the cosmos.

The shockwave from the collision raced after George, obliterating even neighboring celestial bodies in its path. George fled further into the depths of s.p.a.ce, unable to shake the image of Earth"s annihilation from his mind. All that remained in his vision were the distant stars, devoid of any hint of the once-vibrant cosmos that had surrounded Earth.

George"s voice trembled with disbelief as he muttered, "Did he commit suicide?"

Rudy, who had reappeared seemingly unharmed, raised an eyebrow. "Why would you think that?"

Baffled and incredulous at the sight of Rudy standing before him, George couldn"t contain his questions. "How did you survive that?! The shockwaves of the explosion obliterated nearby planets, and you were right in the midst of it. How can you possibly be alive?"

Rudy couldn"t help but taunt, a smirk playing on his lips. "I thought you knew a way to kill the Lord, huh?"

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