Esper Harem in the Apocalypse

Chapter 983  The Place Out of the Boundaries of Time and s.p.a.ce.

Chapter 983  The Place Out of the Boundaries of Time and s.p.a.ce.

Rudy found himself trapped in a petrified state, unable to move his lips or even his body. His existence had been transformed into that of a living statue. He yearned to speak, to ask countless questions of the mysterious figure who stood before him, but his voice was locked in silence.

The figure, appearing to understand the unspoken queries that consumed Rudy, finally broke the silence. "You will be unable to speak in this condition," she explained, her voice ringing with a calm and ethereal quality. "But I have done this countless times, so I know the questions you seek to ask."

As Rudy tried to make sense of his bewildering situation, the girl began to reveal herself. Her voice, soothing and timeless, gently filled the void.

"I am known as the Guardian of Realms, the Watcher of Timelines. My existence transcends the boundaries of time and s.p.a.ce, and I have observed the intricate tapestry of existence since time immemorial."

Her words flowed like a melody, soothing and ethereal, washing over Rudy"s consciousness. "I have seen empires rise and fall, galaxies collide and be born anew. Your presence here is not a unique occurrence, Rudy, or should I call you… Prince of the Universe."

As she continued, her voice held an almost melancholic undercurrent, a sense of eternity weighing upon her words. "I must admit, I didn"t expect you to awaken. You were meant to remain in stasis, but anomalies have a way of challenging expectations."

With a gentle touch on Rudy"s rigid shoulder, the girl initiated a shift in their surroundings. Although Rudy couldn"t feel her contact, their environment transformed, and they found themselves in an expansive, open hall. The transition was so swift and seamless that it left Rudy further disoriented.

"Since the concept of time doesn"t exist here, you may perceive it as a teleportation, but it is not," the girl explained, her voice like a soothing whisper in the emptiness. "I merely skipped the distance. Though akin to warping, it is a distinct process."

Questions swirled in Rudy"s mind. "Can she manipulate time?" he wondered. "What is happening? Am I dead? I should be, right? How much time has pa.s.sed since then?"

The girl continued, "With its imminent demise, the harbinger of a new reality will be upon us. When this Yggdrasill withers away, a phoenix of existence shall rise from its ashes—a new world, unburdened by the scars of the past."

"And when that time comes," she explained, "Your consciousness will fade into oblivion, and you will experience true death. Forgive me if my words sound cold; I am without emotions. I was created for a singular purpose, to act as a guardian overseeing existence. I have crossed paths with countless lords, but it marks only the third instance where I"ve met an Overlord such as you."

The girl"s movements were as fluid as her tone was unyielding. With a simple snap of her fingers, the world around them metamorphosed yet again. Rudy"s senses had lost their grip on the predictable, and now they stood in an expanse that could only be described as an open graveyard. Tombstones sprawled across the terrain, extending as far as the eye could see, forming an eerie horizon of remembrance.

It was then that Rudy discerned an anomaly, something he had not yet contemplated. The entirety of his journey since awakening had been bereft of color. Here, in this s.p.a.ce that resided beyond the confines of time and s.p.a.ce, the fundamental concepts of light, reflection, and color held no dominion.

Surveying the graveyard, the absence of color contributed to the surreal aura of the place. "What is this place?" Rudy couldn"t help but question, finding himself perpetually thrust into perplexing and somber locations.

The girl"s response was as dispa.s.sionate as ever. "This is the final resting place of the lords of the beings who once bore the t.i.tle of Lord. These are the tombs that house their remains."

The beings who once bore the t.i.tle of Lord, were now reduced to mere monuments in this lifeless, colorless graveyard. Their might and glory had long since faded, leaving behind only the silent echoes of their past existence. It was a solemn reminder of the transience of power and the inevitability of all things returning to dust.

"Hey now, why are you scaring him like this?" The voice rang out, its tone light and seemingly belonging to a child.

Turning his gaze towards the source of the voice, Rudy"s eyes widened in astonishment. There, before him, was a colored figure, and the most surprising aspect was that the figure bore a striking resemblance to him as a child.

The child-like figure gazed at Rudy with a mischievous glint in its eye, an enigmatic presence in this colorless realm.

"Yo my other self," the kid greeeted.ṣ

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