UE) Paid to printers and bookbinders,
UF) Paid to the soldiers of the garrison for arresting Beggars,
UG) Gratuities to the schoolmaster at Charles"s Gate,
UH) Paid various sums due from the Inst.i.tution,
UI) Paid interest of monies due,
UJ) Money advanced for purchasing grain,
UK) Sundries,
Certificate relative to the EXPENCE of FUEL in the Public Kitchen of the Military Workhouse at MUNICH
We whose Names are underwritten certify, that we have been present frequently when experiments have been made to determine the expence of Fuel in cooking for the Poor in the Public Kitchen of the Military Workhouse at Munich; and that when the ordinary dinner has been prepared for ONE THOUSAND persons, the expense for Fuel has not amounted to quite twelve creutzers (less than 4 1/2d. sterling).
Baron de Thibout, Heerdan, Colonel. Councillor of War.
Munich, 1st September 1795.
Printed Form for the DESCRIPTIONS of the POOR.
Description of the poor Person, No
Described Munich, the th of 179
Age Years. Stature Feet Inches
Bodily Structure Hair
Eye Complexion
Bodily Defects
Other particular Marks
State of Health
Place of Nativity
Lives here since
Came here from In what Manner
Profession Religion
Quality Family
Supports himself, at present, by
Lives at present Quarter, District, Street,
House, No Floor,
Can be considered as a Pauper belonging to this City, and ought therefore to be
Is capable of doing the following Work:
Could be trained to the following Occupations:
:fl.:kr.: Could gain by this Work per Week---- : : : Wants for his weekly Support-------- : : : Receives at present per Week from his own } : : : Means, get by way of Pension, Alms, } : : : and .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. } : : : Wants, therefore, a weekly Allowance of Alms of : : : : : : ---------
:fl.:kr.: { Income of his own -- -- : : : { Earned by working -- -- : : : { Salary -- -- -- -- : : : Enjoyed heretofore { Pension -- -- -- -- : : : per Week { { From the Court : : : { Alms, { From the City -- : : : { { From private Persons : : : { Got by begging -- -- : : : : : : :---:---: Total : : : : : : ---------
:fl.:kr.: : : : Pays House-rent -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : : : : : : Has Bed of his own, the Value of which : : : is about-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : : : : : : Possesses other Utensils necessary for House- : : : keeping, worth about-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- : : : : : : Is provided with the following Working Tools: -- : : : : : : ---------
Can work at Home
Could be employed in the Military Workhouse
Is provided with Raiment, and wants
Articles of Apparel
Life and Conduct, according to the Information received
Is given to and
Is known to have committed Crimes and has appeared before the Magistrates
How long he lives in his present Habitation Year Month Weeks
Name and Residence of his present Landlord