Eternal Life

Chapter 18

Eternal Life (永生) Ch. 18

The World

“Tiger Dragon Flying Step!”

The fight earlier had caused a large portion of the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ to be melted into his bloodstream, and now, Fang Han took the opportunity to digest it fully. Standing, he stomped on the ground, and glided across the floor. He had just learned the ‘Tiger Dragon Flying Step’.

Out of the Yu’hua School’s three basic martial styles, Fang Han already knew the ‘Calm Crane Longevity Fist’. As for the ‘Flying Spirit Soft Body Enhancement’, it was a method of training ones body. It would cause one’s body to become as soft as if they were boneless, as soft as silk.

As for the ‘Tiger Dragon Flying Step’, it was a very mysterious kind of footwork not below the ‘Seven Star Step’ of the ‘Seven Star Fist’. Currently Fang Han was fusing with the medicinal power released from the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’. Thus, he resealed the books on the school’s basic Immortal martial styles, and began to condense the experiences he had gained today from his battle with the ‘G.o.dly Strength Puppet’ and from watching other people’s fights.

Today, he had benefitted greatly.

“Pouncing Tiger Roaming Dragon!”

With a long howl, he quickened his feet, a green dragon appearing on his head, looking from afar like a white tiger, tiger and dragon entering the abyss. His body was like a dragon, his aura was like a fierce tiger. The Qi in his body circulated, his inner organs beginning to emit a kind of rhythm.

Dragon’s absorption!

Tiger’s swallowing!

Dragon’s essence!

Tiger’s ferocity!

Amid his gliding around, Fang Han fell into a trance, his consciousness transcending his surroundings and himself, his inner organs seemingly contracting, contracting, and contracting again, condensing into one clump after another.

His inner organs, they had become as hard as iron!

Pu! Suddenly, his Qi surged, and he felt a wad of viscous phlegm become lodged in his throat. It was greatly uncomfortable. Thus, he immediately coughed and a large wad of b.l.o.o.d.y phlegm came out.

Upon coughing the b.l.o.o.d.y phlegm out, he immediately felt much more comfortable.

Fang Han’s tongue touched his palate, and immediately, his mouth was filled with saliva with similar flavor to ‘Qiong Jiang Yu Se’. With every movement of his tongue, this ‘Qiong Jiang Yu Se’ flavor would surge out, like clear Qi, intertwining with his body, and causing his inner organs to feel refreshed.

[TL: Qiong Jiang Yu Se is a saying which describes a concoction made using jade that was believed to bestow immortality upon drinking it. It tastes kind of sweet.]

Upon reaching this realm, one prolonged their life, and became resistant to various diseases.

Is this the Inner Strength level? It’s recorded in the book that if one’s inner organs become strong, ‘Qiang Jiang Yu Se’ will constantly flow into their mouth. The impurities between one’s organs will all be washed out! It seems that I have raised the level of my physique, and have reached the next level! The seventh level of the Mortal Realm, Inner Strength!

Faintly feeling out his body, Fang Han immediately knew, he had advanced another step.

The ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’ in my heart seems to have shrunk a lot. It seems like I have pretty much refined most of its medicine now. Perhaps after advancing another level, its medicine will be fully absorbed into my body. When that time comes, I will have to rely on only my own training.

Feeling the differences in the ‘Nine Aperture Golden Pellet’, Fang Han licked his lips.

Afterwards, he opened another book, ‘Yu’hua School, School Rules’.

“These school rules only affect the lower disciples. Towards true disciples like first lady Fang Qing Xue there is no effect. Rules and laws are always made to restrict the weak and to be trampled upon by the strong. Let’s not read this book right now, and read the other book that describes the world.”

Amid his talking, Fang Han dropped the school rulebook, and opened the other jade book, ‘The World.’

In the necessities that the school had bestowed to him, there were a total of five books. Three of them were on basic martial styles, one was on school rules, and one was ‘The World’. From these three words, the vastness and boundlessness of the world appeared.

[TL: In Chinese, the book t.i.tle is Zhu Shi Jie, three words]

This book, upon being opened, projected images like the others. Row upon row of categories appeared in front of Fang Han’s eyes.

“Ten Immortal Schools!”

“Seven Devil Clans!”

“Five Demon Sects!”

“Heretic Schools!”

“The Underground Abyss!”


“The Infinite Seas and Oceans!”

“Ancient Legends!”

“Legendary Treasures!”

“Dynasties of the World!”

“Entrances to the Void!”

Etc. There were thousands of categories flowing downwards, causing Fang Han’s eyes to become unfocused. He never would have thought that the world would be so full of wonders. Settling down his heart, he opened the book to its main page.

“The world is vast. Even after entering the Longevity Realm, one will not have seen more than a glimpse of it. For the purpose of educating Yu’hua outer court disciples about the world, to increase their knowledge, someone wealthy and powerful must have transferred their experiences to this book about the world.”

From reading the beginning, Fang Han could tell that the Yu’hua School’s headmaster had written the book, engraving it in jade so that disciples of the Yu’hua School could read about the world.

In this book, it mentioned the Immortal Path, Devil Path, and Demon Path schools, various powerful figures, various magic treasures, as well as a great number of heretic schools, empires, seas and oceans, deserts, and the underground abyss. It also mentioned the rumored entrances to the void, the mysterious secrets of s.p.a.ce, and possible mysterious worlds on other stars. Finally, it identified various kinds of herbs and treasures.

Everything one could think of could be found in this book.

To completely read the book, perhaps three years, even five years, wouldn’t be enough.

At least now, Fang Han understood what was meant when others had stated that the ‘G.o.dly Strength Puppet’ was an underground Devil. To think that in the ground under his feet, there would be all kinds of abysses and deep seams in the earth, never seeing sunlight. Yet here, all kinds of Demons and Devils flourished, even humanoid varieties.

The underground Devil originated from amid one of the groups residing in these great abysses, deep seams. Sometimes, they would come to the surface and pillage and burn villages, making them the scourges of empires.

“Should I read about the Ten Immortal Schools?” Fang Han knew he didn’t have much time to read, and thus chose the category on the Ten Immortal Schools. Immediately, the names of the various schools appeared.

“Tai’yi School!”

“Yu’hua School!”

“Qun’xing School!”

“Tong’tian Sword Faction!”

“Dan’ding Sword Faction!”

“Ri’yue Sword Sect!”

“Yi’yuan Faction!”

“Wan’gui Immortal Island!”

“Ling’long Blessed Grounds!”

“Crystal Caves!”

These ten great schools that trained in the Immortal Path const.i.tuted the Ten Immortal Schools.

Disciples didn’t know very much about the entire world. For example, the Crystal Caves was pretty much just an independent void entrance. The headmaster was the proclaimed Crystal Child, one of the most mysterious Longevity Realm experts.

As for the Ling’Long Blessed Grounds, it was filled with only women, and didn’t accept males.

However, Fang Han didn’t pay much attention to the other nine immortal schools, and focused on his own Yu’hua School, as he was currently residing here. By evaluating his advantages and disadvantages, he would be able to better place his own status.

“Dong, Dong Dong, Dong Dong Dong.”

At this time, there was a sound of someone knocking on the door.

“Come in,” Fang Han stood up from his bed.

“Ge’zhi,” the courtyard gate opened, and a 15 to 16 year old girl wearing a sword with a pearl imbued hairpin stood at the entrance, as beautiful and delicate as a flower, and with a graceful figure. She was wearing the Yu’hua School’s clothing, which only made her more look purer, and as uncontaminated as a lotus.

It was the princess that Fang Han had met during the exams, Hong Yi Jun.

“Eh? Fang Han, your level has advanced?” With her keen eyes, Princess Hong Yi Jun immediately realized that Fang Han’s body’s disposition had changed.

“I had been stuck at the Qi level for quite a while. During today’s fight with the puppet, I managed to break through the bottleneck,” said Fang Han hurriedly, “Ah, that’s right, Princess Jun, where are you living?”

“We are all Yu’hua outer court disciples, our standings are the same. In the future, just call me Hong Yi. I am currently residing in female disciple residence ‘Qing Xian Yuan’. Oh yeah, it’s already nighttime, are you not going to go eat at the ‘Jade Mess Hall’? These next couple days, it’s very possible that our school will be handing out tasks for us to gain experience.”

Princess Hong Yi Jun hailed Fang Han, as if she wanted to get Fang Han to come eat with her.

“Alright, I still haven’t seen what the school’s meals look like.” Fang Han nodded his head; he was also feeling a little bit hungry.

“The Yu’hua School’s meals consist of Immortal dishes, ones that can’t even be eaten in the Imperial Palace. In the Yu’hua Sky Palace, a dao’qi, the ‘Five Qi Immortal Pot’, directly makes the meals. These meals are comparable to the most delectable dishes, and also greatly nurture your body,” said Princess Hong Yi Jun as she walked.

“The ‘Five Qi Immortal Pot’? One pot can create enough meals for thousands upon ten thousands of disciples?” asked Fang Han, surprised.

“So what, it is a dao’qi. As a treasure of the dao level, the pot is extremely large. Rumors say that its radius is ten mu, and that it directly condenses the sun’s true fire to endlessly cook great tasting meals. Even an ordinary chicken, after undergoing the pot’s cooking process, it will become as nourishing as ginseng fed blue chicken.”

[TL: One mu is 666.66 m2 (after 1930)]

As the princess spoke, a look of admiration appeared on Fang Han’s face.

“Hong Yi, how do you know so much?” asked Fang Han.

“It’s because my mother was a Yu’hua School disciple. However, someone harmed her. I have come to the Yu’hua School to train to the Divine Realm so that I can take revenge,” she said faintly.

“A life for a life, to return a debt fully. By entering the Yu’hua School, we will enter the Immortal Path, and will enter the Divine Realm just by training.” Fang Han nodded.

“The earlier I become an inner court disciple, the better. The inner court disciples are taught the three great martial styles, ‘Mixed Breathing’, ‘Primary Spiritual Technique’, and ‘Great Sky and Earth Qi’. These techniques are taught to only inner court disciples, and are necessary for one to unlock one’s potential. They help one open one’s magic gates and enter the Divine Realm. Our current techniques, ‘Tiger Dragon Flying Step’, ‘Flying Spirit Soft Body Enhancement’, and ‘Calm Crane Longevity Fist’ are only basic techniques. We rely on these techniques to build our martial foundation, but are unable to break through to the Divine Realm by only training them.”

Hong Yi shook her head.

“‘Mixed Breathing’, ‘Primary Spiritual Technique’, and ‘Great Sky and Earth Qi’?” Fang Han slowly let these three names sink in.

“Fang Han, the compet.i.tion between outer court disciples is very fierce. In the future, when we have all sorts of tasks given to us to complete, we must rely on each other. Only then can we be promoted to inner court disciples, and receive even better treatment. Eh, we have reached the hall.”

Talking as they walked, after a while, the two had pa.s.sed through the entire city, reaching the other side, a grand and towering palace in front of them.

Atop the palace, there were three large words, ‘Jade Mess Hall’.

This was the hall where the Yu’hua School’s hundred thousand outer disciples, as well has the inner disciples, ate. It was a huge building, its area equivalent to two to three palaces.

Inside, there were numerous s.p.a.cious seats. There were at least a good three to four hundred thousand seats, among which, a vast number of outer disciples moved between, talking, eating, and discussing tasks and martial arts, some in groups of three, and some in groups of five.

“What magnificence, it’s truly shocking. So this is the Immortal Path.”

Watching the scene in front of him, Fang Han was shocked once more.

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